At 8/5/11 07:38 PM, LordKooler wrote:
WWE has just released Chris Masters, Melina, Vladimir Kozlov, and David Hart Smith today. Masters getting released shocked me.
I thought so too. This guy talked his way into a job, by all accounts had improved, and yet WWE never really put him on TV or got behind him. This is what really annoys me with WWE, here's a company that encourages you to get better, get over, and be an asset...then promptly does nothing with you and ultimately fires you when they decide to downgrade. No, that's not universal here. Melina got fired because she can't shut up, embarrasses the company (and helps get her boy in trouble), and just generally overestimated her value (my favorite joke being "just because you fucked a couple of stars, doesn't make you a star"). Kozlov was a total one trick pony and they have far more talented people in the bruiser role (see Shaemus and Mark Henry), long overdue. Smith is odd, I have to think there's some outside issue at work here, something where the company just didn't want to get behind him. Also Gail Kim quit.
In 2010 he was one of the best wrestlers in WWE
Who never got on television apparently. Look, I heard the guy improved, but if he was really one of the best in WWE, he would have been on TV to some degree I'd think.
and his match against Drew McIntyre from May 2011 was a MOTYC.
Which match is this? Some house show thing that only a few people saw? This is what I hate about the IWC, it really is. Because it seems to me that there is this urge, this need almost, to sit there and say anybody who doesn't get on TV, or works 10 minutes on superstars, or just generally isn't mainstream is somehow better then anything on TV. I'm seriously wondering how long it's going to take the rank and file to turn against CM Punk now that management likes him and he isn't a guy being misused. Or hey, maybe it'll be Daniel Bryan. Seriously, I have to go back to what Triple H said Monday about a pipe bomb going off and nobody being around to hear it. If somebody has a great match, and nobody sees it, and there's no evidence that it even the fuck is it a MOTYC? Also how can anything involving not pushed Drew McIntyre and "competent" Chris Masters even approach that in a year where you've got the general great product of ROH in ring, you've got some great PPV TNA matches, and you've got some fantastic WWE like Undertaker/Michaels 2, which easily blew away anything else that year. What's the formula? I really want to know. Is it that idiotic kind of crap that Dave Meltzer does? Where he takes a fantastic match like what Punk and Cena put together last month, but spends time bitching about blown spots and that it wasn't perfect. It's like going to see The Last Supper, or the Sistine Chapel, and all you do is point out the flaws instead of enjoying the transcendent experience put in front of you.
Wrestling is art, it's performance art and I think sometimes too many "critics" and hell that sometimes includes current and former wrestlers, forget what the hell this business is supposed to be about. It's supposed to be about letting the guys in the ring tell you a story, and take you on a ride with them and suck you in and make you care. It is story telling at it's purest. Too many people to me put on airs and create pretensions and forget that. Sorry to rant, but I'm just so very very tired of this sort of thing.