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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-07-30 12:43:56

At 7/26/11 09:58 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:
At 7/25/11 11:10 PM, mothballs wrote: I knew it...Mysterio being WWE Champion for a while is too good to be true...
My feelings exactly. Come on WWE.. We can stand to not have Cena as champ for a little while. I was a bit suprised they didn't go ahead and let ADR use his MITB title shot. At least he still has it.

I like Cena but nobody wants to see him be the WWE Champion for the 500th damn time...except for all the little Jimmys that don't care about variety.

Anyway, how bout that CM Pu-wait I'm not allowed to mention his name HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
It feel like they bought him back too soon to me. Granted they want to hype the hell out of SS and rightfully so, but I I really think they could have done more with Punk being away, yet taunting Cena and the WWE the entire time.

Great to have JR and Morrison back!

Very good point, I think if they waited a while and then brought him back out of nowhere it would be amazing to see. It wasn't that surprising when it happened because the situation wasn't completely cooled down.

JR is a good commentator, Cole is a good (and hilarious) commentator, but for the love of god please get rid of Jerry Lawler...he is by far the worst commentator (next to Booker) this company has ever had.

I also don't like Morrison. He's too much of a hippie for me to deal with.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-07-30 14:25:50

At 7/30/11 12:43 PM, mothballs wrote:
I also don't like Morrison. He's too much of a hippie for me to deal with.

Yeah, a wrestler with long hair, what is up with that?

Sorry, I just don't like when people find stupid reasons to dislike some one who is extremely talented.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-07-30 21:57:02

At 7/30/11 02:25 PM, boloneyman wrote: Yeah, a wrestler with long hair, what is up with that?

Sorry, I just don't like when people find stupid reasons to dislike some one who is extremely talented.

I have long hair so I'm allowed to criticize him.

I never said he wasn't talented or anything, I just said I don't like him.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-07-31 00:35:46

At 7/29/11 10:47 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Going over Rey won't make ADR look stronger than he does look right now. I'd like to see a feud involving his MITB briefcase against Morrison.

I think it does because it can help cement that he is in the title picture still since he'll have a win over the "former champion" although yeah, it could go tits up considering how wonky the title situation is right now and the fact that I don't think anybody but the most ardent fans of Cena, or haters of Punk honestly believe he has anything close to a "legitimate" claim to that title.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-07-31 00:39:19

The new theme is a 100% CM Punk call as he himself has said. He's a guy that believes when a character changes and goes in a new direction that music, persona, gear, all that should be changed up to reflect it. He asked for that song and the company got it for him. I think that's further proof they are certainly behind Punk long term.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-07-31 03:14:38

morrison can die in a blazing hot fuckin fire... hail r truth.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-07-31 05:25:47

At 7/31/11 12:35 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: I think it does because it can help cement that he is in the title picture still since he'll have a win over the "former champion" although yeah, it could go tits up considering how wonky the title situation is right now and the fact that I don't think anybody but the most ardent fans of Cena, or haters of Punk honestly believe he has anything close to a "legitimate" claim to that title.

Considering that ADR went over Rey CLEAN in his debut combined with the fact that Rey is never a credible world champion, the match at Summer Slam probably will not get the fans excited. IMHO, it is just a filler feud since the fans want Punk vs Cena more.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-07-31 10:03:55


Nah, but seriously, that whole ploy of making the public think he was actually leaving has ended up permanently cementing his status as THE guy, so it was worth it.

Best of all, HE'S KEEPIN' THE MUSIC!!!!!!

So,Wade/Sheamus was just a placeholder, and we get two potentially better feuds in exchange? I'm ok with that. ^_^ I'm a tad shocked at the crowd's CHEERING for Sheamus, and LOUDLY; it's another case of the audience forcing a turn, and, well, it certainly worked for Orton. Hey, if it's what they want, let him have a go at it, fellahs!

.....Hm, that's one way to give Ryder screentime, I guess. At least he's LIKED, unlike Vickie, so this should work out pretty well.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-08-01 00:47:18

At 7/31/11 05:25 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Considering that ADR went over Rey CLEAN in his debut combined with the fact that Rey is never a credible world champion, the match at Summer Slam probably will not get the fans excited. IMHO, it is just a filler feud since the fans want Punk vs Cena more.

Well, yeah. SS is going to draw or not draw based on Cena/Punk. The rest of the card should be booked with the idea that they can move other guys into, or onwards in their established programs and get the audience to care about that in addition to the Cena/Punk stuff. They can't survive long term on one feud alone, it's well past time to establish and build that under card.

Also Swack, Punk really was legitimately going to leave. My suspicion had been that he worked everyone all along, but he said he was definitely ready to leave until the day of MITB. I tend to believe that, and perhaps what happened was he engineered a situation to where he could make one last try to get the company behind him and if they didn't, he'd leave. They did, so he stayed.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-08-01 10:41:16

Nothing against DB, but Barrett really needs to win this feud. He has not won in several months! Remember MVP's losing streak?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-08-02 01:35:40

A Raw where the promos were more interesting than the matches for once.

- Punk is good at talking :O
- Miz and R Truth tag team incoming. Miz is going to be a believer in conspiracies in a few weeks.
- More TV time for Zack Ryder (Thanks Punk)
- Beth is also getting air time again. (Thanks again Punk)
- Cena needs to just turn heel. Fear not kids, your new hero CM Punk is here!

Sig by THEJamoke Contributor to PONIES: The Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 Go watch them now!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-08-02 08:30:55

I know Morrison just came back, but i'm glad to see The Miz and R truth win.

They moved Riley on to a new feud, it's nice to see them giving him a title shot.

So the Diva's division is kind of interesting again, I guess they remembered they had actual wrestlers. If Beth doesn't destroy Kelly and win in like two minutes then there is something wrong.

Good for Zack for getting air time, though it will be a while before he is given any big opportunities.

Cena vs Punk will probably have it's inevitable end, but if MITB can surprise us maybe SS will to.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-08-02 10:47:11

From what I read, Vince still plans to do Cena vs ADR for the title this autumn, so my bet is that ADR will cash in after the Cena vs Punk bout at Summer Slam ad win the WWE title.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-08-02 15:01:17

I couldn't stand it last night; when Punk came out & started throwing the title around, I did the wave for about 20 seconds, then toasted my glass of Pepsi to the TV screen. (I had bought a 12-pack of Pepsi on Saturday to celebrate his achievement. Any other drink wouldn't do this justice.) The confrontation that ensued was awesome as always, and had me wondering just how long the PG rating will stick. I figured they'd face off at SummerSlam to find out who's the 'real' champ, but I thought they'd both be stripped of the titles until then. It's been a long time since we've had an 'undisputed' champ of any sort. Either way, we'll have ADR holding the title soon after.

Miz looks to be jumping onto the conspiracy bandwagon soon.

Huh, Beth went heel again. First Ryder, and now her...........Punk's gained quite a bit of influence, hasn't he?

Ziggler hasn't been doing much with the title as of late, and he seriously needs to drop Vickie soon; it's better to give Riley the title at this point, and see how credible of a title holder he can be.

At 8/1/11 12:47 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: Also Swack, Punk really was legitimately going to leave. My suspicion had been that he worked everyone all along, but he said he was definitely ready to leave until the day of MITB. I tend to believe that, and perhaps what happened was he engineered a situation to where he could make one last try to get the company behind him and if they didn't, he'd leave. They did, so he stayed.

If that's the case, then that proves that the mentality upstairs is finally starting to change.........either that, or they're just outright trusting Punk's judgment.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-08-05 10:50:11

I'm really looking forward to seeing what Punk and Cena do. I'll admit I'm not a Cena fan but I'll give credit where it's due, he does know how to handle himself through these types of storylines. When he has someone great to work with he can be a compelling character. The fact that Punk has such a strong following makes the situation that much better.

DB needs some solid fueds to make him look credible. If they stay true to him keeping the case until WM then they will want to build him up to be someone the fans will buy as a champion. Barrett is a good choice and can still benifit from the fued too.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-08-05 11:05:04

At 8/5/11 10:50 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: DB needs some solid fueds to make him look credible. If they stay true to him keeping the case until WM then they will want to build him up to be someone the fans will buy as a champion. Barrett is a good choice and can still benifit from the fued too.

When was the last time that Barrett won a televised match? I believe that it was three months ago. Nothing against DB, but Barrett needs the win much more than DB in order to be legitmate again.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-08-05 19:38:15

WWE has just released Chris Masters, Melina, Vladimir Kozlov, and David Hart Smith today. Masters getting released shocked me. In 2010 he was one of the best wrestlers in WWE and his match against Drew McIntyre from May 2011 was a MOTYC.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-08-06 02:06:06

At 8/5/11 07:38 PM, LordKooler wrote: WWE has just released Chris Masters, Melina, Vladimir Kozlov, and David Hart Smith today. Masters getting released shocked me.

I thought so too. This guy talked his way into a job, by all accounts had improved, and yet WWE never really put him on TV or got behind him. This is what really annoys me with WWE, here's a company that encourages you to get better, get over, and be an asset...then promptly does nothing with you and ultimately fires you when they decide to downgrade. No, that's not universal here. Melina got fired because she can't shut up, embarrasses the company (and helps get her boy in trouble), and just generally overestimated her value (my favorite joke being "just because you fucked a couple of stars, doesn't make you a star"). Kozlov was a total one trick pony and they have far more talented people in the bruiser role (see Shaemus and Mark Henry), long overdue. Smith is odd, I have to think there's some outside issue at work here, something where the company just didn't want to get behind him. Also Gail Kim quit.

In 2010 he was one of the best wrestlers in WWE

Who never got on television apparently. Look, I heard the guy improved, but if he was really one of the best in WWE, he would have been on TV to some degree I'd think.

and his match against Drew McIntyre from May 2011 was a MOTYC.

Which match is this? Some house show thing that only a few people saw? This is what I hate about the IWC, it really is. Because it seems to me that there is this urge, this need almost, to sit there and say anybody who doesn't get on TV, or works 10 minutes on superstars, or just generally isn't mainstream is somehow better then anything on TV. I'm seriously wondering how long it's going to take the rank and file to turn against CM Punk now that management likes him and he isn't a guy being misused. Or hey, maybe it'll be Daniel Bryan. Seriously, I have to go back to what Triple H said Monday about a pipe bomb going off and nobody being around to hear it. If somebody has a great match, and nobody sees it, and there's no evidence that it even happened...how the fuck is it a MOTYC? Also how can anything involving not pushed Drew McIntyre and "competent" Chris Masters even approach that in a year where you've got the general great product of ROH in ring, you've got some great PPV TNA matches, and you've got some fantastic WWE like Undertaker/Michaels 2, which easily blew away anything else that year. What's the formula? I really want to know. Is it that idiotic kind of crap that Dave Meltzer does? Where he takes a fantastic match like what Punk and Cena put together last month, but spends time bitching about blown spots and that it wasn't perfect. It's like going to see The Last Supper, or the Sistine Chapel, and all you do is point out the flaws instead of enjoying the transcendent experience put in front of you.

Wrestling is art, it's performance art and I think sometimes too many "critics" and hell that sometimes includes current and former wrestlers, forget what the hell this business is supposed to be about. It's supposed to be about letting the guys in the ring tell you a story, and take you on a ride with them and suck you in and make you care. It is story telling at it's purest. Too many people to me put on airs and create pretensions and forget that. Sorry to rant, but I'm just so very very tired of this sort of thing.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-08-06 09:26:48

I disagree with you, avie. Masters was pushed to the moon in his first stint with the company. It was his fault that he flopped because he was so bad at wrestling. If I am not mistaken, he broke Richard's nose in his debut. Keep in mind that Masters was undefeated for months and was in the WWE title picture when Edge cashed in on Cena. Sure you can say that Masters did not get a push in his second stint, but the WWE already knew that he was not meant to be the guy who they should push because how badly he flopped previously.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-08-06 17:53:27

At 8/6/11 02:06 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: Which match is this? Some house show thing that only a few people saw?

The Masters/McIntyre match i'm talking about happened on the 5/12/2011 episode of WWE Superstars.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-08-07 01:04:50

At 8/6/11 05:53 PM, LordKooler wrote: The Masters/McIntyre match i'm talking about happened on the 5/12/2011 episode of WWE Superstars.

Oh, so it was a televised house show thing that nobody saw. Gotcha. I think my point still stands.

Duke, I agree with all you said about his first stint, my issue though is why the fuck is he then signed the second time and nothing is really done with him? I don't care how bad the dude flopped the first time, if you sign a guy, you should try to use him. I make this analogy all the time to people when I talk about this particular issue with WWE, and how they don't use talent. If I'm running a company, even if I pay the guy 1 dollar, I want my dollar's worth. In fact, I'd like to see if I can get 2 dollars back, maybe 3. I want to not only make the investment back, I want to see if I can get more. That's the nature of the beast. So I don't understand why WWE will sign somebody like Masters up, and then turn around do bupkis with him. Is it just to fill out cards? Maybe I guess. But honestly it's probably cheaper and more long term beneficial to take those spots and give them to developmental guys on the cusp to help them develop a little better in front of a different crowd then what they're used to in FCW. It also sends a shit message because you tell these guys to work hard, improve, get better...they start to do that, but then nothing gets done with them of value, they don't even really get a chance to catch on. Like I say, don't have room, don't spend the fucking money from where I sit.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-08-07 04:41:05

I liked Masters for the few times I saw him on Superstars. I don't remember how he was on his first stint, but he was better in the ring than some of the people they've kept (see Mason Ryan, and JTG to start). Doesn't seem fair that he was never given a real shot to get back onto one of the regular shows, and I keep hearing people talk about how the WWE management didn't think he appealed to people as much because he toned down his size. It's a shitty decision, and they could have surely kept him in exchange for someone less talented. (Otunga and McGillicutty come to mind)

I never had any interest in Vlad, but at least with him, they gave him a believable out with Mark Henry doing his chair on ankle thing.

The rest of them, I have absolutely no interest in, though some people seem happy that Melina is gone because they think that it's going to help Jomo focus on wrestling more. Somehow I don't think that will happen since they live together, but we'll see.

Sig by THEJamoke Contributor to PONIES: The Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 Go watch them now!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-08-07 06:38:06

If I am not mistaken, Masters failed a wellness test during his second stint with the company. Why should they push someone who even could not pass a wellness test?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-08-07 07:29:38

I think Kozlov being released is the biggest surprise, wish they pulled the trigger and gave him the world title back when he was originally feuding for it on smackdown. Still managed to be fairly over as a face and a heel. Sad to see him go.
DH Smith is rather disappointing, him and Kidd should have been huge but doesn't look like that will be happening any time soon.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-08-07 08:48:13

At 8/5/11 07:38 PM, LordKooler wrote: WWE has just released Chris Masters, Melina, Vladimir Kozlov, and David Hart Smith today. Masters getting released shocked me. In 2010 he was one of the best wrestlers in WWE and his match against Drew McIntyre from May 2011 was a MOTYC.

Some of the releases are pretty surprising. As far as I know, Smith wanted to get releases fro quite some time, so I guess it is better for him. I was looking forward to see a push for Masters, since he improved since his last WWE run, I wish him the best for the future.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-08-07 09:02:19

Turns out Sin Cara will be 'returning' early, even though he's still under a 30 day suspension. Although apparently it won't be him under the mask until after the ban is up, so prepare for some terrible Sin Cara moves.


Things are never meant to be easy. Everything is a challenge to someone.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-08-07 09:09:23

At 8/7/11 09:02 AM, Jonny wrote: Turns out Sin Cara will be 'returning' early, even though he's still under a 30 day suspension. Although apparently it won't be him under the mask until after the ban is up, so prepare for some terrible Sin Cara moves.

Did they atleast find someone who has a similiar body like Sin Cara? I think that people will notice otherwise that this is not the real Sin Cara.

Tuturu~ ♫

Without truth, there is no justice.

Asandir's interviews with Newgrounds forum users

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-08-07 10:55:43

At 8/7/11 09:09 AM, Asandir wrote: Did they atleast find someone who has a similiar body like Sin Cara? I think that people will notice otherwise that this is not the real Sin Cara.

Not sure, I think they called up some wrestler from development.

Things are never meant to be easy. Everything is a challenge to someone.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-08-07 21:28:29

Melina: I'm surprised she wasn't fired sooner. You keep pissing off everyone you work with (not counting JoMo, obviously) like that, sure you're gonna get fired.

Gail: She didn't even want to work there anyway.

Vlad: One trick pony or not, he seemed to have some popularity......although Santino may have helped in that. Kinda surprised. At least, though, he was given a sendout, unlike the rest mentioned.

DH: Well, if he wanted to leave.........which would explain why he hasn't been on TV for a reeeeeeeeeally long time.

Masters: Now this I'm pissed over. He had been trying his damndest to fix his image with the company, and he STILL got tossed. He's had enough of the audience behind him this last run, unless those cheers were added into the tape. I admit, the Master Lock was getting stale, but beyond another Wellness violation, I see no reason to have tossed him.

At 8/7/11 09:02 AM, Jonny wrote: Turns out Sin Cara will be 'returning' early, even though he's still under a 30 day suspension. Although apparently it won't be him under the mask until after the ban is up, so prepare for some terrible Sin Cara moves.


...............How the fuck is this supposed to work?

And here I was hoping he just cleared things up.....

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2011-08-08 00:52:32

The guy they called up has actually subbed for Sin Cara before in Mexico, so I can't imagine you're going to notice too much of a difference (maybe he won't botch spots). If I was the original Cara though, I'd be very afraid that if this guy does a better job playing the character then I might get removed from the equation completely.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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