At 9/20/10 10:17 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
Wait...unified DIVAS champion? What the fuck is this shit? The WOMEN'S title is the belt they do away with? I just...there are not words...there just aren't...I guess I give way more of a shit about the lineage and history of belts then WWE...ugh.
Yeah, I don't get this at all. You'd have thought this unification would be a good chance to get rid of that shitty Barbie Doll abomination belt they introduced, but no.
I'm thinking that maybe they destroyed the actual Women's Title Belt for that gimmicky "split in two" belt Lay-Cool had.
At 9/20/10 11:29 PM, boloneyman wrote:
So are they doing an angle where Daniel Bryant only has generic music?
Generic music? That's Ride of the Valkyries, baby.
Ric Flair came out to classical music, and people liked that. The thing that has the biggest chance of damaging Daniel Bryan is Michael Cole's horrible, horrible announcing. I should want to pay extra attention when Bryan is on the screen, not want to turn my TV off.
At 9/21/10 03:05 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
So Nexus that came in with all this momentum and this crazy beat down that I know was bringing lapsed fans back in (some of my lapsed fan friends were checking it out based on that) and they destroyed it completely inside of 3 months and they'll have it broken down completely next month.
What I don't understand is, why would the Nexus want John Cena in their group? Do they have some method of making him a motivated part of their team? What is to stop him from sabotaging them from within? Though, I realise I'm getting way ahead of myself here, because obviously the chance of Cena losing a 1 on 1 match with any promising talent is close to 0.
At 9/21/10 06:40 AM, MaraquanWocky wrote:
No, it's the fact that her actions derailed Joey Mercury & Luke Gallows' push that makes her a bad person.
At 9/21/10 02:55 PM, Tetros wrote:
I'd like to see Morrison as heel again... Also, I MAY have an idea about the whole theme thing.. Next week he comes out with another shitty theme next week, and at Hell in the Cell, he comes out with his ROH theme... This piece of win. You may have heard it...
I kind of like that idea, and, even though I don't like the Final Countdown, I think it would be good for entrance music.
Also, I love Ted DiBiase's new theme... For some reason.
If we're talking about themes we shouldn't like but do, then, well I like Dolph Ziggler's and Dashing Cody Rhodes' music...