My Wrestlemania predictions and who I want to win...
World Heavyweight Championship: I predict HBK will come out on top, but not before being taken to hard by Benoit. I really want Benoit to win though, I've wanted Benoit to go to WM for the title for many months now, way before the Royal Rumble even. HHH will get help from Evolution sometime during the match, but they'll get dealt with by either Benoit and Michaels working together, or by Foley and the Rock coming down...
WWE Championship: Who I want to win and who I think will win go hand and hand, Eddie will beat Angle in one hell of a match.
United States Championship: Seriously, does anyone think Big Show will keep his title? Much needed push for Cena. His heavyweight title shot a whiles back was too son, but a nice US title reign is perfect. Maybe next year Cena will get another shot at the WWE title, and he might win...
Kane vs The Undertaker What I think they should do is have Undertaker win the match, but have Kane decimate 'Taker afterwards. In all their encounters, kane has bested 'Taker only a few times, that's completely ruined Kane's credibility. 'Taker isn't going to be around much longer, it's time WWE pushed Kane above and beyond 'Taker if Kane is to pick up where 'Taker left off...
Cruiserweight Championship Battle Royal: I don't know who's all in this yet, so I'll get back to this...
Women's Championship: I'm verry happy about this macth, for once the WWE has a huge woman's title match that doesn't involve Trish or Lita or any other 'eye candy' chick. Although they seem to be trying to push that into Vicky with all them almost assless outfits they're having her wear. Anyway, this will be a match to remember, I hope they push Vicky with her psycho gimmick more, I haven't seen any of that for some time. I predict Molly will lose, have her head shaved, and take some time off. Then in a few months she'll come back with a cute short haircut, and she'll be slimmer. Damn, remeber when she first came in as the cousin of Hardcore and Crash? She looked like a completly different person...
Playboy Tag Team Evening Gown Match: Since the woman's title match has class, of course they ahd to add a shameless eyecandy match. I personally don't give a shit about this one. But I think Sable and Torri will come out on top, no pun intended, but after the match they'll strip down anyway to appeal to the perverted masses...
Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar: What's been said about this match allready is what i think will happen, Autsin will take revenge on Lesnar, but he'll allow Goldberg to pick up the win, then Austin will stun him. All in all, as much as I hate to say it, Austin will end up on top. But I wish Lesnar would molest Goldberg, make him tap out, and then rip apart Autin...
World Tag Team Championship-Fatal 4 Way: The Dudleyz are set to take on Lance Storm and Val Venis on Heat or the final spot in this match (gee, I wonder who's goinna win) But what I, and others think will happen, is that this'll become a TLC match. Come on, a fatal-four-way at WM an ordenary match? That's insulting! Me thinks Garrison and Cade will get the push they need and win this in a huge upset. Hopefully those two will get some kind of gimmick ro angle to work with in the near future, they're too bland and genaric...
Chris Jericho vs Christian: Jericho needs to end this, same with Christian. Both of them deserve to be in title pictures, Jericho for the WCW, er, I mean world heavyweight, and Christian for Intercontental.
Evolution vs Rock 'n Sock Connection: No question here, Mick will get the win over Orton. I just hope they make this match either no DQ, or an outright hardcore match. I guess a no DQ is more reasonable, since 'hardcore' matches are a no-no in the WWE now (stupid kids smashing lightbulbs over each other and their parents who sue) So if weapons are available, Mick will show Orton what 'hardcore' really means...
I'm guessing Scotty/Riskishi vs APA will be added to Heat, with APA dominating Two Fools, er, I mean Too Cool v2 (I want Faarooq to pick up the win though, why the hell does Bradchaw allways have to win? Seriously, when the hell was the last time Faarooq ever used the dominator on anyone?)