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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-18 11:40:34

no PPV? dude that sucks. How come?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-18 14:31:55

At 8/18/03 11:40 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: no PPV? dude that sucks. How come?

can't afford it, cuz i can't find a job. nobody calls me back on any of my resumes

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-18 17:30:44

hey, i was just windering what everyone's opinion on Bradshaw's theories about Shaniqua, and what do you think of this new tag team of Mark Jindrak and Garrison Cade

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-18 17:46:12

At 8/18/03 05:30 PM, RookMan wrote: hey, i was just windering what everyone's opinion on Bradshaw's theories about Shaniqua, and what do you think of this new tag team of Mark Jindrak and Garrison Cade

I agree with Bradshaw I think Shaniqua is really Shelton Benjamin in drag. And about the tag team Jindrak is pretty good but Cade he sucks and Nash will lose its basically official

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-18 20:30:03

I would like to join this club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-18 20:31:15

At 8/18/03 08:30 PM, LordKooler wrote: I would like to join this club

welcome aboard! =D

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-18 23:24:52

yeah man welcome. I have no idea what number you are but hey...Hehe nash is funny looking without long hair. Raw was great tonight, really good. Kane was having trouble with the matches though...go figure. Keep trying on that job thing Rookman :)

As for the new tag team.... I have my doubts. I would have to see more of them to make a real call, but off hand I say it sucks..course I said the same for Billy & Chuck and they wound up champs....

I really liked the S.H.I.T. segment...hehe the puppet cat attacking and getting banged on the tree was very amusing.

Benjamin in a dress. period.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-18 23:33:17

Well, tonight's RAW was great, so i decided that i'll post my review tonight instead of waiting until tomorrow. Plus, i've decided to unveil the new name for my review. RookMan's RAW Review! (god, i love alliteration). so without further ado...
Finally, RAW opens without revolving around a GM. The highlight reel rocks, though i was disappointed that it turned into an excuse to bring out Evolution. The Goldust/Storm angle is cool, though, when Storm was sent into the women's locker room to kiss a diva, i expected (and hoped for) another hilarious Mae Young moment. also, Bischoff was just creepy. what the hell? and shane stole a car. in the real world, shane won't make it to summerslam, he'll be in prison. sometimes wwe is so full of shit. and also, Dudley's ran afoul of La Resistance. big whoop. i'm sick of all this patriotic posturing, not to mention that La Resistance sucks ass. but to the important stuff, the matches!
Molly vs Trish- the women's division has just been crappy lately, so this match didn't hold my attention.
Steiner vs Test- test, you sly dog. he played steiner and the refs like a fiddle. kudos on gettin' your bitch back. i personally thought test and stacy were the best wwe relationship, so i hope they resolve their issues. also, the lapdance was for test, stevie richards and...rico?!? guess he swings on both sides of the fence
Nash vs Jericho- c'mon, who didn't see that outcome from a mile away? though i enjoyed Jericho rubbing it in Nash's face that he lost. one thing though: nash bleaches his hair, only to lose it? kinda fruitless dontcha think?
Rosey vs Rodney Mack- the match wasn't great, though its cool that rosey finally won a match...wait, make that two matches. he whooped Mr. Snugalot's punk ass! i gained so much respect for rosey from that. stupid cats...
Christian vs RVD- great match, but was ruined by two things:1) Kane's interference. i was hoping for just a good, solid match. oh well
2) King's commentary. jerry lawler is such an asshat. i mean, i like christian, but i hate to see him wrestle because lawler comments about peeps and shit just piss me off for some reason.
Goldberg vs Orton- well, we knew goldberg'd win, so who cares about the match. though i did like seeing nash get his payback on 'berg. i know its been said before, but goldberg sucks.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-18 23:59:33

Preach it my chess peice friend! With great reviews like that why bother posting others...joke...The review was great. i'm gonna review other stuff I see, the little things, like the kane not being able to light matches or shane the klepto. Basicly i'm gonna review the "drama" as best I can, though rico and the lap dance...weird dude that's all i can say.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-19 00:16:47

if you want, you can handle reviews of Smackdown since i don't watch it faithfully. glad you like the review, and i hope everyone else who reads it'll like it too. but now, i must sleep.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-19 00:27:57

At 4/14/03 02:46 PM, HarryFeltersnach wrote:

wwe? fuck that shit. iam old school. its all about the wwf back in the 90s and 80s and shit. with wrestlers like macho man randy savage, the ultimate warrior, hulk hogan(the original), andre the giant, you kno.

i like andre but im fucking wcw all the way golderberg fucks every1 up

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-19 01:08:25

Hello my friends. I'm here to tell you about a wrestling federation that you never knew about.
It's called, nwa-tna. It has all the ex wcw, ecw, and wwe superstars along with wrestlers you don't know about. Here is the link

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-19 10:14:50

I know about it, I just can't can't see it since I work on wendsday. As for reviewing smackdown! I can't, cause I don't get off work till it's done..(a 5-10 job)and my VCR is a P.O.S. so I end up reading the spoilers to see what happens.

Now for a rant I've been thinking of: Where are all the tag teams?
On Raw you have The Dudley Boyz and the french guys...thats about it and the new one, jindrak and cade (or cage...i dunno) All the others are only sometimes a tage team, but none to go for the belts. I don't consider evolution a tag team stable since most of the time they only do singles matches.

As for smackdown! You have the Hass-Benjamin team, Jey and billy (which is not going to last long) the FBI,and Matt and moore..i'm probably forgetting one or two but the overall lack of real tag teams is hurting that division, there is practicly no competition for them.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-19 10:36:21

At 8/19/03 10:14 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:
Now for a rant I've been thinking of: Where are all the tag teams?
On Raw you have The Dudley Boyz and the french guys...thats about it and the new one, jindrak and cade (or cage...i dunno) All the others are only sometimes a tage team, but none to go for the belts. I don't consider evolution a tag team stable since most of the time they only do singles matches.

As for smackdown! You have the Hass-Benjamin team, Jey and billy (which is not going to last long) the FBI,and Matt and moore..i'm probably forgetting one or two but the overall lack of real tag teams is hurting that division, there is practicly no competition for them.

its true that raw doesn't have much in the way of tag teams, which is why i'm hoping jindrak and cade get a huge push. also, i can't wait for the day william regal comes back (IF he comes back) because it'd be cool for him a storm to start again. i also miss booker t/goldust and christian/jericho
as for smackdown, i think their doin great for tag teams. i mean we've got: FBI, APA, Basham Bros, Mysterio and Kidman, The World's Greatest Tagteam, Hardy and Moore, Los Guerreros (if chavo comes back. is he injured or fired?) and we've seen that Brian Kendrick and Funaki make a great team. also, even though they don't compete together much, Big Show and A-Train have been known to tag. imagine if they decided to take the belts?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-19 14:53:24

a-ha I knew I was forgetting stuff. I don't think jericho will do much for tag teams since he's getting more of a singles push. I didn't realize how many teams were on smackdown! so yeah thats a better division that i thought..As for Regal, i really hope he can come back and wrestle so lets hope.
As far as I know chavo is not fired, just out with a torn muscle in his arm, due to this he and tajiri were made a team. I'm not sure when he'll be back, hopefully soon, them he can have anoter run in the cruserweight division.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-19 18:08:33

hey ive got an idea... why is it that no one makes good wrestling flash movies? u just see little stick figures beating the crap out of and killing eachother with some sort of wepon. if you see some suplexes, ddt's, powerbombs, hurracaranas, moonsults, lionsults, springbords/slingshots, closelines, frog splashes, van-damanators, shotting star presses, twist of fates, submissions, swonton bombs then ill be impressed. its like theres everything else on ng good but the wrestling stuff is pathetic! im going to put some wrestling stuff on but i need to learn flash stuff first whhen i go back to school so i have a right to complain :d and oh yeah what number can i be? :p

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-19 18:19:10

hey when you right you right, the wrestling on NG is pathetic. I have to flash talent so i'm out... I'm also not in charge and have no idea what number goes to who, I just know my number..sorry, but welcome abord!

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-19 18:24:02

To everyone that wants to join if you don't know your number just use a wrestler's name.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-19 19:54:05

i don't know if this is confirmed, but, remember when i said mark henry was coming back? apparently it will be as another of Theodore Long's protoge's and he and Rodney Mack will be a tagteam

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-19 22:43:48

That may work since Mark sucks as a singles wrestler, and with Long as the mouth they don't have to do much talking....maybe...maybe...Hey leadermanguydudewhatever do we have a list of members of something? If not we cna just drop the numbers thing and go by wrestlers or something...If we do that I call mankind...Not Mick Foley so that you can choose his other characters so everybody is happy. :)

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-20 07:55:30

Heh Hey Rook, I like the new banner. Not much going on right now and I'm bored so I thought I'd post before I go to class. so here comes another rant...but a smaller one.

Fire Chris Lewinski (spelling?) Here's why:
He can't seem to go three weeks before getting hurt. I have nothing against the guy, and I think he can become a great wrestler, but he can't seem to stay healthy enough to really prove it, and with WWE doing lots of layoffs and budget cuts, they need reliably talent.

ok, I'm done for now....but there will be more from the RantingOutlaw i assure you...

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-20 12:10:19

At 8/20/03 07:55 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:

Fire Chris Lewinski (spelling?) Here's why:
He can't seem to go three weeks before getting hurt. I have nothing against the guy, and I think he can become a great wrestler, but he can't seem to stay healthy enough to really prove it, and with WWE doing lots of layoffs and budget cuts, they need reliably talent.

actually, its Nowinski. and yes, he should be fired, or at least sent back to the OVW (i think that's what its called)

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-20 12:14:55

I'm a terrible speller :)..I knew it started with an "N"..heh damn typo's...glad someone agrees!

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-20 15:18:31

Hey outlaw88, Regal is out due to heart problems.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-20 15:44:28

At 8/19/03 10:43 PM, Outlaw88 wrote:

Hey leadermanguydudewhatever do we have a list of members of something? If not we cna just drop the numbers thing and go by wrestlers or something...If we do that I call mankind...Not Mick Foley so that you can choose his other characters so everybody is happy. :)

The name is whatever my alias is. Me and Pep. are the leaders, and yes but keep track of your own name.

I call HBK.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-20 16:24:41

My name in this club will be RVD because he's the whole dam show.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-20 16:46:22

i call Jericho.
(if he's already taken, Stevie Richards. "I'll show you. You'll see!")

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-20 22:36:37

i'd better shut him up ::applies mandible claw on the stevierook:: hehhe

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-21 08:04:25

Just a joke hehe. you can be jericho, I just wanted to use the same initials. Stevie Richards /StevieRook.

Batista may be comming back to TV soon though he wont be ready for a ring return until october or so.

Regal had a nasty stomatch virus that affected his intestine not heart problems. no word on his immediate return.

Lance and Goldust may be a new tag team since WWE is happy with their performance as of late. they have been in tag team matches together in house shows so it may be on tv soon.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2003-08-21 11:04:28

At 8/21/03 08:04 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:

Batista may be comming back to TV soon though he wont be ready for a ring return until october or so.

do you think batista will join up with evolution again, or will they write a new angle?