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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-18 08:22:17

please may I have a Gears of War sig with the current size settings in red please. With characters in the forground and a hazy red background with the logo. Thanks.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-18 08:34:35

lol, wrong forum! HAahahhaHA Sorry lads

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-18 08:41:37

At 7/18/07 08:34 AM, Nicholas-Deary wrote: lol, wrong forum! HAahahhaHA Sorry lads

No problem. The funds have already been deducted from your account.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-18 09:31:07

At 7/18/07 12:35 AM, Clownshock wrote: Not Val Venis. He was never anything special. I think they could get some better wrestlers in push positions. Rey, Batista and Kane are all good contenders for the world title.

Rey Mysterio is in line for a major push when he returns. Batista and Kane are, as you said, also good contenders for the title. Obviously, Val Venis shouldn't be given a World Title shot, but I think he could be better utilized in a strong under-card role on SmackDown! Right now, he has matches on Heat and occasionally comes over to Raw for the sole purpose of getting his ass handed to him. A trip to SmackDown! could do him wonders.

Sig provided by HellboundNinja

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-18 13:03:47

Kane would have made a mopre logical choice since he was in a title match to begin with. SD is hurting bad right now. WWE needs to get in gear and get the booking back on track, and also start making moves to get some of the undercard guys to main event level to make up for the slack. Guys like Hardy, MVP, Finlay, Flair, all could step up and take the main event scene.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-18 21:26:29

Source: 411mania.com

Former ECW star John Kronus was found dead in his girlfriend's apartment today. No other details are available at this point.

Kronus is best known for his run with Perry Saturn as the Eliminators. They had multiple ECW Tag Team Title reigns. He also held the ECW Tag Team Titles with New Jack.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-18 22:36:15

Source: PWInsider.com

It appears that Randy Savage will be one of the cast members on for next season's Surreal Life on VH1. Other cast members include Dabney Coleman, Miss Cleo, Carrot Top, Phil Hellmuth, and Nikki McKibbi. VH1 has yet to confirm the cast but many celebrity gossip sites are reporting the above names.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-18 23:05:29

im sooooooooooooooooooooo in

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-18 23:08:07

im in and my favourite wrestlers are
andre the giant
hulk hogan
rey mysterio
john cena

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-18 23:09:42

dude edge shouldnt be in wwe he is 2 dirty

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-18 23:22:19

At 7/18/07 09:31 AM, Zornkatzu wrote:
At 7/18/07 12:35 AM, Clownshock wrote:
Rey Mysterio is in line for a major push when he returns. Batista and Kane are, as you said, also good contenders for the title. Obviously, Val Venis shouldn't be given a World Title shot, but I think he could be better utilized in a strong under-card role on SmackDown! Right now, he has matches on Heat and occasionally comes over to Raw for the sole purpose of getting his ass handed to him. A trip to SmackDown! could do him wonders.

Well, I do agree putting him over there could do him better. I don't believe Val will ever reach the status he was at when he held the IC title. Since Smackdown is hurting badly now Val could help out.

I won't ever cheat on my bitch but I'll still sleep with a luger

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-18 23:43:03

At 7/18/07 09:26 PM, LordKooler wrote: Former ECW star John Kronus was found dead in his girlfriend's apartment today. No other details are available at this point.

Is it me or has this been a real bad few years for wresters? Seems every few months another wrestler passes away. Something is messed up here.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-19 00:01:29

ECW seems to have a curse on it, so many former stars passing away.

Newer ECW fans who got in late in the promotion's run or know it from WWE DVD's or stories I've told might not realize that before you had The Dudleyz, The Eliminators were unquestionably the pinnacle of tag team wrestling in ECW, and held the tag titles a then record 3 times.

R.I.P. John Kronus, you are gone but not forgotten, ECW Fan Nation mourns you.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-19 14:32:08

At 7/18/07 11:22 PM, Clownshock wrote: Well, I do agree putting him over there could do him better. I don't believe Val will ever reach the status he was at when he held the IC title. Since Smackdown is hurting badly now Val could help out.

Agreed. Val Venis will likely never be able to reach that pinnacle of his career again. But anything is better than the role he's in now.

Also, I think they should consider sending Carlito over to SmackDown! as well. Then, Creative could move Matt Hardy into the World Title picture and Carlito could take his place in the United States Title picture.

Anyway, these are just some thoughts on how WWE can 'fix' the ailing SmackDown! roster. These two superstars, along with the soon-to-be-returning Rey Mysterio, could really help bring the roster back from the brink.

Sig provided by HellboundNinja

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-19 23:26:05

ECW is still my favorite show out of all three WWE shows.

What is up with Kurt Angle's new attire??? I damn sure don't want to see his junk when he wrestles... it's so gross!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-20 11:31:03

Well, another match has been added to the Bash,
Sandman vs. Carlito.

I have returned.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-20 13:05:41

Probably to make up for the time Edge would have had. Good to see Carlito finally back on PPV. Sandman too.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-20 14:48:55

At 7/20/07 11:31 AM, IND658 wrote: Well, another match has been added to the Bash,
Sandman vs. Carlito.

Singapore Cane on a Pole match? I feel like making a Vinny Russo joke, but instead I'll just say... Its good to see both Sandman and Carlito in a PPV match. They've worked with one another in these type of matches before, and at the very least it'll be a fun match.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-20 17:19:22

You gotta feel sorry for Edge. Listening to his speech at the start of Smackdown, I just can't help but feel that his heart wasn't in putting himself over as the heel. He looked dejected.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-20 20:07:30

I feel so bad for Edge. You could hear how miserable he is about the whole thing, especially since he hasn't had the title for that long.

I hope he comes back soon and gets another title run...

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-20 23:56:52

I'll watch SD tomorrw since I had to tape it due to work. Really bad time for Edge sicne he was finally set to have a title run to make him a solid champ. i'm sure he will be put back into the title hunt once he has healed.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-21 11:12:48

WWE can suck my balls for the time being. I wish someone would take TNA outta the shitter. I hate that there's like five fucking belts now, I hate that Joe is the sole World Tag Team champion, I hate that they made A.J. Styles, who used to be the Top guy and the brand and one of my favorite wrestlers currently, Christian Cage's bitch. I hate how Shark Boy, the so called "Fan Favorite" is nothing more than a jobber now. Please God, Deliver us from Russo.

Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-22 10:17:14

I think MVP will get the win since he lost to Matt on SD not long ago. I think it will be an awesome match reguardless.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-22 12:52:02

I made picks on another site, I'll just copy those.

WWE.com has announced that Chavo Guerrero will defend his Cruiserweight title in a "Cruiserweight Open" match. He will face Jimmy Wang Yang, Shannon Moore, Funaki and Jamie Noble.

Now, time for my picks.

Cruiserweight Open match: I'm going with Jamie Noble. He's been getting a lot of air time as of late, and I think he'll win the CW title.

Randy Orton vs Dusty Rhodes:
I'm taking Randy. A part of me feels that Cody will turn heel, the rest of me believes Orton will crush Dusty and Randy and Cody will keep on feuding. Either way, Orton wins.

John Morrison vs CM Punk:
Morrison is a new gimmick, unless someone in the back really hates him I don't see him losing the title yet. Punk's time will be at Summerslam.

Candice vs Melina:
Botched interference by Beth Phoenix gives Candice the win.

Carlito vs. Sandman:
Sandman's specialty match... So you know Carlito's winning. Vince likes Sandman, but he has to realize that of the two, Carlito is the one with a ton of potential.

Umaga vs. Jeff Hardy:
Jeff wins via DQ (Maybe the return of Armando?) Umaga retains the title.

MVP vs. Matt Hardy
MVP will win and one of two things will happen. Either this feud will continue, or due to Edge's injury Matt will be elevated to the ME scene by losing the match, but still looking strong.

John Cena vs Bobby Lashley:
SPOILERS!!!: Cena wins

The Great Khali vs Kane vs Batista
You will worship the Great Khali, you will bow down to The Great Khali. Too much Khalifornication for Kane and Batista in this match.

Now, some news!

WWE had minor interest in Nigel McGuiness but backed off when they found out he was under ROH contract.

The should have signed him and teamed him up with Regal and Taylor, maybe add Harry Smith and Paul Burchill and you would have a bad-ass stable of Brits.

Updated Summerslam rumors have Triple H returning to beat Booker T. Randy Orton would win the title from John Cena. This would build to Triple H vs Randy Orton as the top feud with John Cena right in the middle.

I hate this... Say what you will about Cena, but he's not a chinlock-happy prick who continues to screw up time and time again. Orton does not deserve to hold the WWE title (or WHC for that matter) and is just a waste of space.

Jamie Noble (real name James Gibson) has been promoted to a WWE producer (agent) that will be in charge of putting the matches together for the cruiserweights. WWE agents are also labeled as producers but not to produce TV. The WWE agents help "produce" the matches and go over the main spots with the wrestlers.

People might know now this, but Noble's actually great in the ring. Hopefully this means the Cruiserweights will get more of a chance to shine in the near future... And maybe Noble could be the CW champion, it just makes sense.

At then there's this.... Credit:The Wrestling Observer (So its probably BS)

As a result of the Benoit family tragedy, Vince has put a ban on using any sort of chokehold in WWE matches. Talent and producers have to get special permission from McMahon before using a chokehold in a match. Vince feared the media would use WWE footage of wrestlers in chokeholds. At this point, no media outlets have shown any footage relating to chokeholds.

In related news.... In accordance to the banning of choke holds. Randy Orton has been released from World Wrestling Entertainment today. But, they wish him the best in all of his future endeavors >_>

And in some Indy news which gave me a chuckle... Chuck Taylor won the IWA-Mid South WOMEN'S TITLE. But there is one condition. Chuck has 30 days to prove that he is a woman or else he can't keep the women's title.

For those who don't know Chuck Taylor, he's one of the fastest rising stars in the Indepedents, he's wrestled for CHIKARA as well as IWA-Mid South... He also makes kids cry. And here's the proof.

Chuck Taylor makes a kid cry!

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-22 15:46:07

At 7/21/07 11:12 AM, Redface wrote: WWE can suck my balls for the time being. I wish someone would take TNA outta the shitter. I hate that there's like five fucking belts now, I hate that Joe is the sole World Tag Team champion, I hate that they made A.J. Styles, who used to be the Top guy and the brand and one of my favorite wrestlers currently, Christian Cage's bitch. I hate how Shark Boy, the so called "Fan Favorite" is nothing more than a jobber now. Please God, Deliver us from Russo.

It isn't all Russo, it's the fact that the company is running exactly like WWE in they do not build new stars, and like WCW they are obssesed with bringing in any and all WWE castoffs with some name value and then pushing them to the top. But even at that they fail because they actually manage to make the guys worth less. You can't blame it all on one person for the problems in TNA it's a top to bottom situation where the people with the power and the authority need to make changes to their product so that it becomes better, push the home grown guys with talent, push the outside stars who deliver, drop anybody who dosen't. It's as simple as that, maybe if ROH can get successful and get on TV as well as PPV it will make TNA change it up, since nobody likes to come in second, but would hate it even more to be third.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-22 16:01:36

At 7/22/07 08:55 AM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: 1. Cruiserweight Champion Chavo Guerrero vs. Jamie Noble vs. Jimmy Wang Yang vs. Funaki vs. Shannon Moore (Cruiserweight Open)

Once again, WWE just throws a title match onto a show. Does anybody really even care? Does it even really matter? Put it on Yang as a thank you for working hard and the fuckery they've put him through and give the fans a feel good opener.

2. Sandman vs. Carlito (Singapore Cane on a Pole Match)

This I think determines if Carlito is on punishment from Mania, and I think he still is. I see Sandman winning this one, hopefully there's a lot of plunder here or Carlito controls the offense because Hak is very limited.

3. Women's Champion Candice Michelle vs. Melina

Again, who cares? There's no real women's division anymore...Candice wins to move on to a new feud.

4. Dusty Rhodes vs. Randy Orton (Texas Bullrope Match)

I think you give Randy the technical win here to keep him strong, you let him bludgeon and beat the fuck out of Dusty, then you have Cody come in and lay Orton out to set up the inevitable Summerslam match and try to get Cody some heat back after looking like a schmuck so far.

5. Intercontinental Champion Umaga vs. Jeff Hardy

Creative likes Umaga, and I think if there's any hope of rebuilding the IC division, a monster champ run by Umaga is probably the best way to go. I've seen some interesting scenarios involving Jeff winning, but I don't think he needs the belt at present, and giving Umaga a vicious heel run could wind up paying big dividends for whoever finally ends it. Sadly, that's exactly what could have happened with Santino Marella if WWE hadn't just completely killed the guy off.

6. United States Champion MVP vs. Matt Hardy

This could be the match that carries SD! for a few months now, especially with Edge out, I think MVP trades the belt to Hardy here, and they go back and forth with it for a couple months. The belt is worthless, and Hardy is the kind of dance partner that can only make MVP better. Plus, fans care about Hardy, so it could also restore some luster to the title.

7. ECW World Champion John Morrison vs. CM Punk

I think Punk has to win here because again this could be a great feud that would improve both men's stock and only help the frankly fucked ECW brand. But the head of ECW creative believes Morrison is the man right now, and nobody is sticking up for Punk, so I see Morrison beating him yet again, hopefully with a fucky finish (which SHOULD have been done at Vengeance as well!) to try and get at least a bout at Summerslam out of this.

8. World Heavyweight Champion The Great Khali vs. Batista vs. Kane (Triple Threat Match)

Khali is crap, they know it, we know it. I see WWE knocking Khali out of this early, and slipping the belt back on Big Dave because he's what worked before, though I think Kane as a monster heel champion for Batista to chase is your most interesting possibility, and I think Kane has more then earned a real chance on top as he's a decent worker people like, and he's always been a good soldier like his "brother" The Undertaker. Hope they give it to Kane, but I believe it's going to Batista.

9. WWE Champion John Cena vs. Bobby Lashley

This is actually hard to call. Vince is super behind Lashley right now, as he's always loved those musclemen, and it'd be hard to book a loss for Lashley here and keep him strong. Plus, Cena has been champ for 10 months now, and even on a guy who WWE is ultra behind and making a franchise (like Cena) that's a damn long reign. Cena dosen't need the belt at this point, and WWE could flip it to Lashley as a way of setting up Summerslam, and a way to try and push the "see? Anything can happen on ANY of our PPV's so they're all important!" idea. I say Lashley goes over here, but not necessarily clean.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-22 17:09:44

1. Cruiserweight Champion Chavo Guerrero vs. Jamie Noble vs. Jimmy Wang Yang vs. Funaki vs. Shannon Moore (Cruiserweight Open)

I cant predict anything that hasn't already been predicted, so I'm going to be the one who predicts the thing that creative do EVERY TIME a PPV comes around.

2. Sandman vs. Carlito (Singapore Cane on a Pole Match)

It's Sandman's speciality, something which he has been restricted from doing forever. I think he wins.

3. Women's Champion Candice Michelle vs. Melina

Fuck, who cares? Candice hasn't had it long, she probably won't lose it now. Maybe Beth Phoenix will win it off her eventually, then fued with Mickie James, in a rehash of the storyline that got scrapped because of Phoenix getting injured.

4. Dusty Rhodes vs. Randy Orton (Texas Bullrope Match)

Cody interuption. Yada yada.

5. Intercontinental Champion Umaga vs. Jeff Hardy

There's no real build up here, so no real reason to fuck up Umaga's image.

6. United States Champion MVP vs. Matt Hardy

I'm not sure on this, it should be a good match either way, and any outcome is fine with me, and would probably continue the feud anyway.

7. ECW World Champion John Morrison vs. CM Punk

They can't realistically take Nitro's gold this soon into his reign, and this soon after his new image. It would be inexplicable.

Note: WWECW has been known to do 'inexplicable' things in the past.

8. World Heavyweight Champion The Great Khali vs. Batista vs. Kane (Triple Threat Match)

Wishful thinking maybe, but I definately think Khali won't retain. A triple threat is the only viable match wherein Khali could lose the title, seeing as he doesn't need to be involved in the outcome of the match (as the announcers will no doubt remind you several times throughout the match).
I see a Khali brain chop to take Batista out, Kane doing a miraculous clothesline of Khali over the top rope (provided Khali has worked out how to do that), then Kane pinning Batista to win.
This way, Khali looks strong, because he hit Batista with the winning move, Kane looks strong because he got Khali over the top rope, and batista hopefully vanishes to jobber level.

9. WWE Champion John Cena vs. Bobby Lashley

I bolded the whole thing, because, in a match like this, EVERYONE's a winner, especially the fans :D
This match should be a treat to watch, and FULLY deserves its place at the top of the bill.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-22 17:54:10

Can someone give me brief cliffnotes on any relevant backstories relating to tonight's card, as it looks lame on paper and I'll probably watch more of the Braves game while flicking otherwise.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-22 18:20:37

Chuck Taylor makes a kid cry, Part 2.

"Kid's gonna hulk up on Chuck!"

Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-07-22 18:41:41

At 7/22/07 05:54 PM, jonthomson wrote: Can someone give me brief cliffnotes on any relevant backstories relating to tonight's card, as it looks lame on paper and I'll probably watch more of the Braves game while flicking otherwise.

Lashley/Cena is based on Lashley winning a Number 1 contender's match, and his never having lost the ECW title.

Punk vs. Morisson is basically the same plot as above, except Punk has already done a clean job to Morisson once.

I'm not sure anything else has really had much build to it at all, the SD! World Title match is a hastily thrown together bout due to Edge's injury.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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