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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-01 08:27:18

Jeff Hardy was with TNA for a while, not the entire time he was gone from WWE though. He had a pretty good fued with Abyss.

The problem is if they break away the brand extension thing, wwe will go back to the problem it had before, which was too many people on the roster and not enough time to show them.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-01 09:27:14

Source: PWinsider

We just got word from an insider at MTV that the decision has been made to cancel the Wrestling Society X series. Apparently, MTV made the call earlier today, presumably due to the drop in ratings for the show. The phrase being used at MTV today was that the series was to be finished "effective immediately". It's not known if any of the remaining episodes will ever air on MTV or not at this point but the word at the MTV office is that the series will not be renewed. There are still six unaired episodes from the original filming.

After a solid start for the show, the ratings had dropped to the point where it wasn't even meeting the night's average on the network. Given that it was a wrestling show, the feeling is that it was expected to have to outperform the other programming in order to keep its slot. When it didn't, it became immediately vulnerable.

Last week's show was pulled from MTV's lineup either due to low ratings or because MTV, which had OK'd all of the shows scripts, had a problem with a fireball slot on the show, depending on who you believe.

Big Vision Entertainment, which produced the show, will retain rights to WSX and can market it to other networks or direct to DVD if they choose to do so.

I guess we'll be seeing Teddy Hart in the WWE sooner than expected.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-01 17:43:16

I have news on Chuck Palumbo.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter.

Chuck Palumbo's long-awaited return seems to be on the horizon. Palumbo was told that he would be restarting as a heel on television any week now. Palumbo has been sitting at home for practically a year now. He was signed on March 12, 2006. He's appeared in a few SmackDown dark matches as of late. so it looks like he will be assigned to the SmackDown or WWECW roster when he does return. Also, he may have some sort of new gimmick because he's worn a "Willy Wonka" style top hat to the ring in his most recent appearances.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-01 19:17:18

Potential Wrestlemania spoiler, I am about to discuss the planned (as of right now) winner for the SD! World title match. If you do not want to know who right now is the "chosen one to go over in this match, please scroll down to the next post. I'll add a few periods and such to help ease this. Please do not discuss this information without the requisite spoiler warnings, and chance for people to not read the info:

Here we go....






Right now WWE is planning to have the Undertaker go over and capture the World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania, preserving his undefeated streak. I'm hearing that WWE sources are saying the company is not happy with Bitchista right now (and do not even start bitching at me Batista marks, if you want to be able to bury John Cena or other guys around they're fans, then I get to bury your guy that I think is completely lazy when I wanna), they've pushed the fucker to the moon, and they realize he coasts on his look, the pop he gets, and just dosen't bust it in the ring if he dosen't have to. With a guy like Cena in the same spot who tries to work with what he's got, it really makes Big Dave look bad, and WWE wants to send a message to him apparently. This could end up changing, but right now the plan is for the Dead Man to be 15-0 at Wrestlemania, which I believe is absolutely the right call here.

*end Spoiler*

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-01 19:21:23

Hey,i'm new here at NG but Im a HUGE wrestling fan,so can I join here?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-01 19:26:08

At 3/1/07 07:21 PM, WordLifeV1 wrote: Hey,i'm new here at NG but Im a HUGE wrestling fan,so can I join here?

Post again and you're in...I'll take a wild guess and say you're a Cena and/or a Matt Hardy fan?

As for the whole Batista thing... He shouldn't go over Taker, he hasn't been good since coming back from injury, hell, he's been downright sloppy and all I've heard is that he's also a bit of an ass backstage.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-01 20:15:58

Just when you though that the WWE had ruined the legacy of ECW, they do this...

WWE's third annual ECW One Night Stand PPV event has been moved from the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City, which housed the previous two ONS events, to Jacksonville, Florida's Veterans Memorial Arena.

The date of the PPV was also moved from 6/10 to 6/3

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-02 00:07:43

speaking as someone who went to legit ECW shows, including the second to last PPV that was actually AT the Hammerstein, and that crowd would have absolutely pissed on that show. After getting real ECW the first year, something like it with a little WWE garbage but people were willing to forgive because it was the first night out the second year, they are not going to accept the jobbers and rejects that populate WWECW now. If people bought tickets, they'd buy them just to shit on the show from start to finish, and there probably wouldn't be too many that would even wanna do that. The only surprise here is that WWE didn't change the location sooner.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-02 12:05:40

WSX still has some sort of chance if another network picks it up. Also just because it doesn't have tv, doesn't mena it still can't operate and book shows. It jjst won't get the same kind of money.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-02 19:15:12

WWE is planning on creating more brands. Read below for the whole story.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter.

The new Chief Financial Officer of WWE, Michael Selick, revealed in Financial Week that the company is exploring the possibility of establishing separate WWE promotions running full-time in separate international markets. If everything went ahead it would go so far as to include separate TV tapings and storylines for each region, turning WWE from an overseas novelty into a local promotion.

Things are still in the preliminary stages but Vince McMahon has discussed it in detail with Stephanie, John Laurinaitis and others in the inner circle. The territories mentioned include a 'Pacific' region covering Japan, South Korea, China and Australia, a 'Hispanic' territory for Puerto Rico, Mexico and South America, and a European territory, with perhaps a Russian one at a later date. Meanwhile, in the USA, there would be two touring brands, most likely RAW and WWECW, with SmackDown becoming the Hispanic brand as it is already well established in the market. Big pay increases would be given to senior agents and creative team members to move themselves and their families overseas, with potential performance bonuses depending on how well business goes. It would start off with a TV executive producer with experience of the region working closely with one agent and one writer who would be running the territory. There would also be a crew of wrestlers, who would also be expected to move their families overseas. Paul Heyman's name has actually been mentioned in connection to the Pacific region.

Shane McMahon, along with Selick, is working on a business plan for the venture, which remains in it's formative stages. Potential drawbacks include the cost of producing WWE calibre shows, around $500,000 per week, and how TV stations in areas like Mexico would respond to the price. There is also the danger of international markets already beginning to get overexposed. Recent Japanese tours have not performed particularly well, there were concerns over the number of Australian tours, while advances for the next batch of Mexican dates have been well below expectations. Also, though WWE can get away with charging high prices for their shows at the moment as it is a novelty, doing so repeatedly would not help when taking on promotions like CMLL or AAA.

If it did come to pass then a lot of new wrestlers would of course be hired, as there would be a minimum of five brands. They are looking at promoting each market using both established WWE stars and top babyfaces based on ethnic backgrounds. Carlito, Mistico and Rey Mysterio would be assigned to the Hispanic brand as top stars, they would look for a top Asian and Australian babyface, and guys like William Regal, Finlay, Harry Smith and Paul Burchill could be assigned to major roles in Europe. They would also likely raid the local markets in Japan and Mexico, whilst bringing back more of the 80's and 90's stars to make up the numbers. The only sure thing about the creative team members is that neither Stephanie McMahon nor Brian Gerwitz would work internationally. Gerwitz would likely become the chief writer of the USA brands, while Stephanie would hire more TV writers with Hollywood experience. Word is that the international territories would be handled by Shane, with Vince concentrating on domestic business, though many have suggested that Vince's personality means he would want to be involved everywhere anyway.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-02 20:11:35

damn. they are hell bent on making that first W true then huh? Wouldn't that be spreading themselves out too far and too thin? How much money would all this cost, I wonder? Could Vince really afford it all?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-03 01:41:32

At 3/2/07 12:05 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: WSX still has some sort of chance if another network picks it up. Also just because it doesn't have tv, doesn't mena it still can't operate and book shows. It jjst won't get the same kind of money.

WSX is not a promotion or a company, it's a TV show, the only shows it's run are the one's that were taped for MTV, the product is tailored to MTV, and if other networks really wanted wrestling, I think they'd have it by now. It's possible that as satellite and digital cable pushes more and more into the mainstream, can't do without it if you want to watch TV, of programming I think we could potentially see a situation where many smaller promotions may get courted by new networks looking for cheap programming (which is how wrestling got on television in the first place) but that's pure speculation from somebody not really familiar with how TV networks think (and sometimes I just don't fucking want to because I've seen some really good well rated shows cancelled so shit can be run in their place).

As for the international brands, I see the potential money and benefit to WWE, it would give them theoretically a hell of a lot more revenue, and the ability to make more stars more quickly, and then be able to treat a show like Wrestlemania as a true superbowl of wrestling. But the other fear is what's mentioned in the article, burnout of the international markets who may become like the domestic market if they get wrestling coming through regularly, and if WWE dosen't change their attitude about "we know what people like better then they do" and understand what each market likes. Japan in particular is a very competitive marketplace for wrestling and I tend to believe going to a WWE show is probably viewed like going to the circus as the Japanese tend to like the sort of product ECW put on, blood and guts but also good solid technical wrestling. Though they also seem to like crap too as evidenced by guys like Kenzo Suzuki and Dan Severn.

It's a very interesting story to follow to say the least, but I don't think WWE should consider the WWECW brand stabalized and a shoe in to work with this, unless they know for a fact that Sci-Fi dosen't care about the low rating, or that USA would take them otherwise. They still also need to bring more "name" talent to the brand so it dosen't look like the land of job guys and rejects (which isn't just a fan perception, it's also the perception the guys in the locker room have as well).

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-03 11:39:33

Burchill is still at OVW wating to be called back to the main roster.

SD was very good last night. I think I'm likeing it more than Raw these days. Much better wrestling quality and less filler in between. The cruiser match, and the triple threat were the best of the night, and we also know that Matt Hardy and Finley are in the MITB match.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-03 16:54:46

john cena sucks.

too show ooff 4 me ha,ha,ha i made you mad. do you smel what the doom i cooking
well,well, u kno what.......it doesn't matter what you think...

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-03 18:52:40

I think the whole international thing could breath a fresh breath of air into the whole wrestling scene if it was done right, but it won't be. If Vince MacMahon had the right attitude towards his business, then ECW would be flourishing, and Paul Heyman would have a nice shiny office in WWE HQ. But as it stands, Heyman is in the back somewhere rotting, and Vince is trotting around his shows spouting his self-aggrandizing bullshit.
The idea of International shows could make or break the WWE, but I think it will sink faster a Kane title run if Vince doesn't pull his head out of his ass.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-03 21:08:59

*breath in*
*breath out*

I was waiting for tickets to come in the mail for Monday Night Raw today. . let that sink in. . . but they didn't. The website I got them from said to call them if I don't receive my tickets two days before the date. So, I end up calling them, and jumping through all of their hoops. I am talking to some guy on a computer, and he tells me that. .

"Your ticket's were never sent. ."

. . . *twitch*.

Wha'?! Tickets's weren't sent!? Grawr!

Comfort me, please. D:

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-03 21:15:43

At 3/3/07 09:08 PM, Slapdamonkeyaz wrote:

:Comfort me, please. D:

Umm....there, there. There, there.

*Slowly walks away*

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-03 21:31:46

At 3/3/07 09:15 PM, Zornkatzu wrote:
At 3/3/07 09:08 PM, Slapdamonkeyaz wrote: Comfort me, please. D:
Umm....there, there. There, there.

*Slowly walks away*

Why do they all run away! *sob*

No, really. I am sad and angry all at the same time. I need to punch a kitten or something. . .


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-03 23:39:14

At 3/3/07 01:52 PM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: Yeah, SD was great. It's good to see that the Cruiserweight division has suddenly been revived at last.

I think that has to do with two things, who the champion is right now, and how much they've been drawing ratings wise with folks of his skin color and ethnic background. Don't get me wrong, the cruisers deserve a push, it just seems like it's sadly not based on the merit of the division, and more on demographical concerns.

It'll be interesting to see whether Matt and Jeff cooperate with each other at Wrestlemania, or whether one will attack the other at an opportune moment. The Money in the Bank Match is definately shaping up to be a potential showstealer.

Gotta agree, this should be a very good to excellent match if it gets enough time, and while some people are bitching the Mania card dosen't look strong, I think it's actually shaping up quite well, but like I've heard other folks say, if you stick all the great workers into the cluster style match, where the hell do we get the rest of the undercard from? Is it to be filled with matches like Kane/Khali? For an added 10 bucks, I'd like to have a good to great work kind of card.

Also heard the international stuff is way off in the future, like 4 to 5 years off like they're expansion of developmental, and it might not neccessarily be fully developed brands as we know it as it would be more like the old territories were, a way to send guys out to different places and have them work, and also better coordinate WWE's international business (which is where their best buyrates are coming from these days.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-04 00:45:37

Source: Dave Meltzer of The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Kelly Kelly seems to be one of the most disliked people in the locker room.

The heat seems to be due to her lack of knowledge of professional wrestling, although that is probably more of the fault of the people who hired her. They hired her because she looked good in a catalog and didn't care if she didn't know anything about the business. Also, she hasn't really been taught by anybody. Some people complain about why "people like her" are in the company, but then again, it should go back to WWE's hiring practices. This situation seems to be similar to when guys complain about another wrestler who has a favorable contract.

Furthermore, it was clear from a number of reactions at last week's television tapings that a lot of the women on roster dislike Kelly Kelly. Also, most of the guys give her no respect and Joey Mercury in particular was running her down to anyone who would listen to him.

I point blame on the people who hired her. They chose her for looks afterall.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-04 00:59:15

I've heard though too that part of Kelly's heat is that she acts very immaturely as well in the back and acts like a kid...which well, she is. But I guess there's also a bit of that "Diva" attitude creeping in as well. Wrestling can be a very insane business when it comes to how and who are giving the proper "respect" but when the new comers who haven't had to pay dues or really train are given good positions and then act like dick-o's to people who had to suffer to get where they are now, they're going to get crapped on and well they should. You wouldn't go to your job and start running down people who have been there longer and know more then you, but some people in WWE haven't really gotten that memo apparently.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-04 01:50:36

I think Kelly Kelly is amazing to watch on ECW.. I always look forward to watching her... but she should really gain some wrestling knowledge. People should understand that she is still a kid. She can't even drink legally.

As for smackdown... I missed it completely because I had work. But I saw videos on WWE.com. I really liked that video of the undertaker. Undertaker really knows how to make a match interesting. As for the Lashley and Mcmahone encounter.... I was glad that they gave lashley just one word to say because any more words... it would just lower the appeal of the match at wrestlemania. Lashley's mean look with his eyeballs popped out of his socket was especially funny... especially since he's not really a funny guy.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-04 09:01:46

I'm looking forward to Mick's new book. I think it comes out in March.

I'm tired of Vince on tv. It's bad enough he won't go away on Raw and leave it up to a GM, but now he is appearing on all three shows. Maybe once he's shaved bald we can get a vince free program for a few weeks.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-05 00:36:11

At 3/4/07 01:50 AM, YoinK wrote: I think Kelly Kelly is amazing to watch on ECW.. I always look forward to watching her... but she should really gain some wrestling knowledge. People should understand that she is still a kid. She can't even drink legally.

Unless you mean it's funny to watch how amazingly bad she is at her dancing and conveying sexy, I'm going to have to really start skimming your posts so my brain dosen't go boom : p

As for smackdown... I missed it completely because I had work. But I saw videos on WWE.com. I really liked that video of the undertaker. Undertaker really knows how to make a match interesting. As for the Lashley and Mcmahone encounter.... I was glad that they gave lashley just one word to say because any more words... it would just lower the appeal of the match at wrestlemania. Lashley's mean look with his eyeballs popped out of his socket was especially funny... especially since he's not really a funny guy.

Lashley needs to be booked as the man who dosen't really talk, and just smashes people in the ring. If I can make a comparison, Lashley should be booked in the way that Mike Awesome was booked during his ECW title run, very few, if any promos. If he cuts a promo, it's super short and angry, and when he actually works he's just decimating the piss out of a guy in short squashes. Then on the house shows work with Regal and Finlay for when he actually has to do those 15 minute or longer bouts.

I think the "hair" stipulation at Mania is probably an excuse to get Vince to leave TV for a few months to freshen the character up again. I friggin well hope it is anyway.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-05 01:15:45

Check out this cool internet wrestling show

As for bringing Teddy Hart to the WWE... I hope it happens sooner than later. That guy can WRESTLE and he can Talk.
He sounds kind of like Owen Hart.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-05 11:07:51

I would be up to seeing a new version of the Hart Foundation, it would be a nice change of pace.

I'll have to check those links out. Thanks.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-05 21:17:28

Good news (I tend to think) TNA Fans! (all two of you) The NWA want their belts back, so TNA is going to be put at a point very very soon where they're going to be creating their own champions, which I think is in their best long term interest since with all due respect to the NWA and it's remaining fans, those belts just don't mean anything nationally, so it'd be very simple for TNA to just trade out the NWA belts for their own championships.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-05 21:23:44


I could be at RAW right now. In the third row. With a sign that had a big Newgrounds logo on it. With my username on it. D;

Guess I just gotta watch it from home.

Hope it sucks, to make me feel better.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-05 23:35:53

At 3/5/07 09:23 PM, Slapdamonkeyaz wrote: Hope it sucks, to make me feel better.

haha, it kind of did suck. I hate the whole fued between cena & HBK and edge & orton...
we all knew Umaga would beat the crap out of Jeff Hardy...
who knew Kahli would walk out and yell.. "I WANT KANE!"
Kane vs. Kahli would be an interesting match although Kahli sucks at wrestling.
The diva match was pretty nice.

BUT the best part of raw was the return of Mick Foley and Stone Cold Steve Austin.. so now we'll get to see people who can actually talk on the mic for a little while.
McMahon WILL lose at wrestlemania with Stone Cold as the referee.
Stone Cold caused quite a crowd reaction.
I guess the source that I read about stone cold quitting beer was false.
The guy still drinks beer! even though he's said this many times before... when his body starts to slow down, that's when it's time to quit this job and let someone else wrestle. Beer will make someone slow down.... but the biggest surprise was when Mick Foley showed up and then walked out with a guy dressed in a monkey suit.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2007-03-05 23:38:59

oh yea .. sorry for double post but..
Stone Cold Steve Austin is going to be on ECW.
Probably to measure how much of an impact he is for the ratings. i'm sure ratings will go up just cuz of his appearance. Should be interesting though. Stone Cold was in ecw before he went to the WWF now known as WWE.

But also he's probably making an appearance to try and boost that match for wrestlemania. I said this before and i'll say this again. Stone Cold is probably more of a draw than Umaga and Lashley combined.