At 11/10/06 03:24 PM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: It will be a fucking travesty if Chavo wins.
A-goddamn-men to that. Chavo needs to go back into retirement, damnit.
At 11/10/06 03:24 PM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: It will be a fucking travesty if Chavo wins.
A-goddamn-men to that. Chavo needs to go back into retirement, damnit.
Now, For your veiwing pleasure (translation: I don't know why the fuck I'm posting this):
Mr. Macmahon (and his ass)
Mr.Kennedy got nuts doing that to the undertaker.
dude that cartoon.... That will give me nightmares for weeks.
I had to tape SD tonight so I'll have to skip over the reviews until I watch it.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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At 11/10/06 08:46 PM, Redface wrote: Mr. Macmahon (and his ass)
three words - what the hell?? on a more serious note, does anyone know the UK release date for smackdown vs raw 2007 for PSP?
With K-Fed's album bombing and his star power (as little as it was to begin with) falling rapidly wwe should just ax his match with Cena. No one wants to see it anyway.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 11/11/06 11:36 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: With K-Fed's album bombing and his star power (as little as it was to begin with) falling rapidly wwe should just ax his match with Cena. No one wants to see it anyway.
That's true.. By the time January comes around no one will remember who the hell Kevin Federline is, and no one will care either.
On a differetn subject, Smackdown was damn good yesterday, probably the best WWE show on tv this week, other than the Boogeyman squash it was a good show and even taht didn't last long. Why can't the WWE pull the same things off with Raw as they do with Smackdown? I mean would it kill the Raw viewers to put on matches that are actually you know... good?
At 11/11/06 12:06 PM, pepeatumi wrote: I mean would it kill the Raw viewers to put on matches that are actually you know... good?
That's mean, man. But still, It would be nice to see good matches on RAW...
Yet another WWE diva will pose for Playboy...
In the last week, WWE has been teasing the idea of Ashley Massaro doing Playboy on their website. Massaro is indeed posing for the Magazine. It will be released close to Wrestlemania to take part in the synergy for WWE's flagship event of the year.
For those who don't know this will be the second time Ashley's posed for Playboy, she did so once before under the name Ryan Mckenzie.
At 11/11/06 12:45 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Ashley Massaro... is indeed posing for Playboy Magazine.
SWEET! Candice Michelle's Layout didn't impress me at all. And Ashley has tons of hot tattoos.
I haven't been watching SD! very much lately.... I just feel that it has fallen by the wayside. I remember when Smackdown! was my favorite Wrestling show of all time. I remember Seeing the Rock vs. Triple H for the WWE Championship. I remember Steve Blackman as Hardcore Champion. I remember Brock Lesnar as WWE Champion (I think after he left is when SD! started to decline) and I Remember John Cena's Legendary Regin as United States Champion, when the Chain Gang Soliders were out in full force and I remember one of the greatest tag teams of all time: Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero.
What the hell happened to all that? How did Smackdown!, Once The Best Place to go for High-octane wrestling, go down the crapper so quickly? It makes me feel sad seeing SD! like it is now, it's almost like watching the Glorious City of Pompei being smothered in lava. It's a sinking feeling.
Is this a club for people who acctually wrestle or is this club for that pussy wwe shit
At 11/11/06 01:27 PM, Skilla wrote: Is this a club for people who acctually wrestle or is this club for that pussy wwe shit
....We Also talk about TNA Wrestling.
At 11/11/06 01:27 PM, Skilla wrote: Is this a club for people who acctually wrestle or is this club for that pussy wwe shit
Hmm. let's do the math here. It say's in the title WWE.... The orignal post says it's about the WWE/WWF....
Nah, can't be.
I just love it when the WWE does this little mistakes. 4794/
The fourth picture has Kendrick in it, no big deal.... Except for the Ring of Honor DVD that a fan is holding.
At 11/11/06 02:12 PM, pepeatumi wrote: The fourth picture has Kendrick in it, no big deal.... Except for the Ring of Honor DVD that a fan is holding.
I don't get why that's a big deal. Maybe the fan wanted Brian to sign it because it had some footage of Brian on it. By the way, did you read the little rant I posted on the last page?
At 11/11/06 02:12 PM, pepeatumi wrote: I just love it when the WWE does this little mistakes. 4794/
The fourth picture has Kendrick in it, no big deal.... Except for the Ring of Honor DVD that a fan is holding.
XD That is just like a slap in the face for WWE, and it looks like WWE is advertising it.
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At 11/11/06 02:32 PM, Redface wrote:
I don't get why that's a big deal. Maybe the fan wanted Brian to sign it because it had some footage of Brian on it. By the way, did you read the little rant I posted on the last page?
Its not that its a big deal. Its that wrestlers aren't allowed to mention ROH backstage, but that pic make it seems as if the WWE is promoting ROH.
And I did read your little rant (the Smackdown one I assume) and I agree with most of what you said, but I still believe that week in and week out Smackdown is delivering better matches than RAW, despite the fact that RAW has the bigger names.
At 11/11/06 02:37 PM, pepeatumi wrote: And I did read your little rant (the Smackdown one I assume) and I agree with most of what you said, but I still believe that week in and week out Smackdown is delivering better matches than RAW, despite the fact that RAW has the bigger names.
True there, RAW is a bigger brand, SMACKDOWN has better matches. Actually I also perfer SMACKDOWN's matches more than ECW. They just have some people that give it their all like Batista, London/Kendrick, they have some you love to hate like Finley, they just seem to have better people even though they are not as popular.
Top 50 Reviewers
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Here's an awesome 6 man tag team match from CHIKARA Pro Wrestling that you guys might enjoy. Mike Quackenbush, Jigsaw & Shane Storm vs Claudio Castagnoli & Team F.I.S.T (Icarus & Gran Akuma) from CHIKARA's Apocalypso event on April 23, 2006.
Mike Quackenbush, Jigsaw & Shane Storm vs Claudio Castagnoli & Team F.I.S.T (Icarus & Gran Akuma). This video has been divided into four parts.
At 11/11/06 02:37 PM, pepeatumi wrote: that pic make it seems as if the WWE is promoting ROH.
Not really. It just like when your watching TNA iMPACT!, and you see someone wearing a Chain Gang T-Shirt or a Rey Mysterio mask. It's the fans who bring that stuff, not the Promotions who plant it.
I always knew there was a reason why Cena doesn't have a lot of moves in the ring, and here's why...
Don't get pissed Redface.
Ashley is gonna pose for Playboy next year. Read below for more.
Ashley Massaro will be posing for an issue of Playboy Magazine next year around WrestleMania time. The issue will be released and promoted around WrestleMania.
BTW, pepeatumi, I saw that Cena gif and I found it pretty funny. Did you watch the Quackenbush/Storm/Jigsaw vs Castagnoli/Icarus/Akuma match that I posted on this page?
At 11/11/06 06:34 PM, LordKooler wrote:
BTW, pepeatumi, I saw that Cena gif and I found it pretty funny. Did you watch the Quackenbush/Storm/Jigsaw vs Castagnoli/Icarus/Akuma match that I posted on this page?
Since there isn't anything on TV right now, I'm going to start watching it now.
At 11/11/06 06:34 PM, LordKooler wrote: Did you watch the Quackenbush/Storm/Jigsaw vs Castagnoli/Icarus/Akuma match that I posted on this page?
You were right, it was an awesome match. Team F.I.S.T and Castognoli looked like a real cohesive unit tagging each other in and out frequently and triple-teaming memebers of the other team. I was very impressed by Mike Quackenbush's athleticism and I just loved the triple dive to the outside by Jigsaw, Storm and Quackenbush. I liked the powerbomb/back cracker combination by Icarus and Castagnoli.
The spot near the end with all six men apllying a submisison hold was just insane, although I must admit I was surprised that Jigsaw's team won after getting pummeled for most of the match.
I also saw why the WWE signed Castagnoli, he's a tall guy who isn't a stiff and if the E doesn't give him some lame gimmick he could be a major player in the future.
At 11/11/06 06:23 PM, pepeatumi wrote: I always knew there was a reason why Cena doesn't have a lot of moves in the ring, and here's why...
Don't get pissed Redface.
You. Me. Hell in a Cell. Now.
At 11/11/06 09:20 PM, Redface wrote:At 11/11/06 06:23 PM, pepeatumi wrote: I always knew there was a reason why Cena doesn't have a lot of moves in the ring, and here's why...You. Me. Hell in a Cell. Now.
Don't get pissed Redface.
I'll sell the tickets, who's got the merchandise?
At 11/11/06 09:20 PM, Redface wrote:
You. Me. Hell in a Cell. Now.
I don't do Hell in a Cell, now Stairway To Hell.... That's whole different story.
I saw this on Wrestlezone and although I can't say if its fact, I decided to post it.
The word going around the WWE locker room is that Vince McMahon’s behavior is getting even worse. One source was quoted as to saying "He has everyone on edge because you never know when Vince is going to show up." McMahon is said to be very moody and unpredictable.
A top unnamed WWE superstar has been telling friends that he wished he wouldn’t have signed a contract extension with WWE for as long as he did. The superstar says he would prefer to head to TNA for a variety of reasons.
Another WWE wrestler was quoted as saying "The guys who used to be marks for being in WWE are starting to see TNA as a better place to be.” "TNA is seen as a viable alternative by more and more guys."
WWE is aware of these issues, therefore are requiring superstars to re-sign at least four to six months before their contracts expire so they will not be featured in main events one week in WWE and then debuting in TNA the next.
Here's another awesome match that I found on Youtube. Low Ki vs. Davey Richards from IWA Mid South's 2006 Ted Petty Invitational tournament. This is one of the best indy matches of the current decade. Watch this match NOW.
Second Round match of the 2006 IWA Mid South Ted Petty Invitational tournament: Low Ki vs. Davey Richards. This video has been divided into three parts.
Here's another great match that I found on Youtube. In my opinion, This is Paul London's best match (I haven't seen the Street Fight with Michael Shane (Matt Bentley) or the 2 out of 3 falls match with Bryan Danielson).
AJ Styles (w/Alexis Laree (Mickie James) vs Paul London. ROH Night of the Grudges 06/14/2003.