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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-19 18:42:34

At 10/19/06 05:39 PM, aviewaskewed wrote:
Agreed, CM Punk needs a really big match to help cement his rep, and going on a RAW PPV and beating their undefeated monster (like it or not, RAW PPV's so far are the best draws in the company), will allow Punk to be seen on a much larger stage then weekly ECW TV, and give him huge rub at the same time. Umaga is not the future of the company, Punk is, and this is a great oppurtunity for the company if they don't blow it.

I've been hearing this crazy rumor that the plan is to have Kane challenge Umaga. My question is... why? Umaga won and Kane lost, its that simple that feud is over... Go with Punk. And speaking of CM Punk, he lost for the first time in the WWE, he lost to Randy Orton in Jaoan last night, proving once again that if you do drugs in the WWE you'll be rewarded with a lot of victories and feud with DX.

By the way, a big ol' FUUUUUUUUUUCK YOUUUUUUUUU! To Kurt Angle over his comments on the ECW brand. Quit acting like your shit dosen't stink Kurt, and your so far above all those guys. Enjoy doing jobs for Jeff Jarrett's guitar this time next year if your still healthy pal.

Usually I would go nuts because you're talking bad about Angle... However, I said it when Rhyno and the Dudleyz did it so... Angle, just shut the hell up! The WWE didn't screw you over, you weren't put on ECW as punishment, on the contrary Vince had enough confidence in you that he believed you could help the ECW brand by adding some star power.

Fact is Angle you were given everything in the WWE, the Europea, Intercontinetal, Tag Team and the WWE and World Heavyweight title multiple times, you headlined Wrestlemania on various occasions and still you're bitching and moaning? You blame Vince because he didn't gie you any time off... Vince wasn't the one who told you not to get neck surgery but get a different kind which would make you heal faster (even if it wasn't as effective) that was you. Vince didn't shove a bottle of pain-killers down your throat, that was you,

So again, Angle just shut the hell up, stop talking about the WWE, and do your job which getting TNA to the next level.

Now, back to actual wrestling... Like I said CM Punk suffered his first loss, I'm going to post the results and try to add some comments.. Again, this was in Japan.

Jeff Hardy def Kevin Thorne... Don't really care much about this, Hardy wins with the Swanton... 1-0 RAW (yes, I'm keeping score)

The Highlanders, Dreamer and Sandman def Spirit Squad... ECW won! but they teamed up with Raw wrestlers... so the score remains 1-0 RAW.

Umaga def Balls Mahoney... Punk can lose but not Umaga... Ok. 2-0 Raw

Carlito and Maria def Mike Knox and Kelly- They should have put Punk and Maria vs Knox and Kelly IMO, it just makes sense. Carlito won with the backcracker, spit on Knox's face afterwards (presumably, because he's not cool) and made out with Kelly.. This sucks... Carlito used to take the public bus to the Gym everyday over here, I talked to him a couple of times which is another reason why I'm a big fan of his,, and now's making out with Kelly, LUCKY BASTARD! Score 3-0 RAW.

Sabu def Johnny "Don't call me Monday" Nitro in an Extreme rules match. Sabu won wiht an Arabian Facebuster through the table and afterwards they shook hands as a sign of respect... That's cool! Score 3-1 RAW.

Randy Oron def CM Punk... I'm willing to bet my house that at some point Orton applied his chinlock of death (he does it every match). Orton won with the RKO. Score 4-1 RAW.

Edge def Test and RVD in a three-way dance.. Edge won with the robot while Test was doing the worm and RVD was too stoned to dance so he was DQ'ed... really. Score 5-1 RAW.

DX def Hardcore Holly and Big Show.. DX won with the Superkick-Pedigree combination on Holly.

So there you go... The final score was 6-1 RAW. WIth kind of a victory for Deamer and Sandman, again they teamed up with RAW superstars.. In short, RAW was dominating and ECW wa shown to be a bunch of scrubs who can't hang with the big guys... Somehow, I'm not surprised at the results but I'm outraged nonetheless,

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-19 22:43:34

Some sad news from WWE.

Kirchner passes
Former WWE Superstar Thomas Spear, professionally known as Corporal Kirchner, passed away of natural causes Sunday in his home in White Marsh, Md. He is survived by his two sons, daughter and step-daughter, as well as two grandchildren.

A Vietnam veteran, Kirchner is known for defending his country in the ring as well as out. He is not only revered as one of sports-entertainment’s toughest competitors, but also one of its greatest patriots.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-19 23:24:35

At 10/19/06 06:42 PM, pepeatumi wrote: I've been hearing this crazy rumor that the plan is to have Kane challenge Umaga. My question is... why? Umaga won and Kane lost, its that simple that feud is over... Go with Punk. And speaking of CM Punk, he lost for the first time in the WWE, he lost to Randy Orton in Jaoan last night, proving once again that if you do drugs in the WWE you'll be rewarded with a lot of victories and feud with DX.

Yeah, CM stop smoking pot, wait, when has he feuded over DX? I'm guessing it's going to happen in the future.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-19 23:51:40

At 10/19/06 11:24 PM, MegaGold wrote:
Yeah, CM stop smoking pot, wait, when has he feuded over DX? I'm guessing it's going to happen in the future.

Not Punk... He's straight Edge, and its no gimmick he really lives that way. I was talking about Orton who's been suspended on more than one occasion due to substance abuse and is currently feuding with DX.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-20 01:47:02

With Orton, it's a situation where they pegged him from the beginning to be a headliner for them, and they seem absolutely determined to make it happen...even though they've undermined the kid so badly over the last couple years that if he dosen't kick DX's ass along with Edge in a convincing manner, or this is just going to be another kick in the nuts to his momentum, and another instance where I just wonder why they let talented people who have fan interest like Carlito do jobs for him.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-20 02:43:57

LordKooler's TNA iMPACT! review
1.Raven/Abyss/Runt Brawl
TNA iMPACT starts off with a brawl between Brother Runt, Raven & Abyss. During the brawl, The lights went out and out comes.......... Jake The Snake Roberts!!!!!!!! I actually marked out hard for that. Roberts enters the ring and takes the snake out of his bodybag. The snake scares Abyss. WTF? Abyss is afraid of snakes? That's pathetic. Then Runt comes to the ring and tells Roberts to put the snake away. After Roberts gave Runt the DDT, Roberts cut a promo and said that he is gonna be the special referee for the Monster's Ball match at Bound For Glory. I don't want to get flammed but man, Roberts looked horrible and sounded horrible on the mic. I feel sorry for him.
2.Orlando Street Fight: Christian Cage vs "Screamin'" Norman Smiley
WCW Norman Smiley is back! But he jobbed to Christian in this match. After the match Shark Boy comes out and attacks Christian but Christian hits him with Smiley's Football helmet. Then Rhino comes out and forces Christian out of the ring.
3.Low Ki vs Jay Lethal
These guys had better matches against each other in Ring of Honor. Low Ki completely
squashed Lethal in this match. Low Ki needs to do this every week. It's better than him being in Multi-Man X Division Tag Team Matches. After the match, Chris Sabin comes out and Low Ki destroys him too. I have a feeling that Low Ki is gonna retain the X Division title at Bound for Glory because he is advertised as the defending X Division champion at next month's Monterrey, Mexico house show were he'll defend the title against Petey Williams & AJ Styles.
4.Kevin Nash announces the X Division Battle Royal.
Kevin Nash & Alex Shelley are in a bar to announce Nash's X Division Battle Royal. Nash intimates that a person with the last name "Hall" might appear in the Battle Royal. But he isn't talking about Scott Hall, He's talking about Monty Hall! Nash & Shelley say that Erik Watts, Tom Zenk, Bob Newhart, Cecil Fielder, Carol Brunette, Foreigner, and the surviving members of ABBA might also appear in the match. Nash says that he is negotiating with "Hogan". But he isn't talking about Hulk Hogan, He's talking about Paul Hogan. The guy that starred in Crocodile Dundee. Kevin Nash + Alex Shelley = Comedy Gold.
5.AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels & The James Gang vs America's Most Wanted w/Gail Kim & LAX w/Konnan
Before the match, They showed a segment involving BG James. James said that Jeff Jarrett is a great person. Looks like they're already teasing the Jeff Jarrett face turn. I'm not kidding. TNA actually plans on turning Jeff Jarrett face after Bound for Glory. They're planning on having him take a break for a few weeks and when he returns, He'll side with the James Gang. They're planning on playing the sympathy card by using Jarrett's wife who has been fighting cancer for a few years. Onto the match. Why is LAX teaming up with AMW? Don't they hate gringos? Moody Jack left TNA and has recently became booker for IWA Puerto Rico. Former WCW Spanish commentator Willie Urbina took Moody Jack's place as spanish commentator. This was a nice match but the commercial break ruined it. After the match, LAX gave AMW a beatdown. Hernandez gave Gail Kim a fucking sick powerbomb that appeared to kill her deader than dead. AMW will face Team 3D, The Naturals & The James Gang at Bound for Glory.
6.Samoa Joe/Kurt Angle confrontation
If Samoa Joe doesn't return the NWA World Title, He gets removed from the TNA roster. Mike Tenay tells Joe if he wants to return the title to TNA or not. Joe refuses to give it up. Then Kurt Angle makes his TNA debut by doing a Gangrel-esque entrance. When Kurt entered the ring. Samoa Joe put the NWA World Title on the mat. Then the two enter a staredown. Then Angle headbutts Joe out of nowhere and gives him the Olympic Slam. Joe recovers and hits an awesome looking Enzuigiri. During the brawl, Jeff Jarrett came out and got back his title. But the fans didn't care about that. They cared about the Joe/Angle brawl.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-20 06:57:05

At 10/19/06 04:19 PM, LordKooler wrote: - 2 Cold Scorpio is expected to use the Flash Funk persona when he debuts with WWE following his current tour of Pro Wrestling NOAH in Japan.

NOOOOOOO! Not that again, that gimmikc was inducted to wrestlecrap for God's sake! Why can't they just let him be Scorpio?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-20 16:59:59

At 10/20/06 06:57 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: NOOOOOOO! Not that again, that gimmikc was inducted to wrestlecrap for God's sake! Why can't they just let him be Scorpio?

Because if he's Scorpio, WWE wants to own that name, and Scorpio does not want them owning that name as he's owned it for basically his entire career, so they decided to go with Flash Funk. Who I imagine will now be a Godfather like character, most likely going to SD!

Now, the next couple of items contain potentially, and completely, spoilerish information. One item is DEFINITELY going to happen, the other is a bit more of a longshot.

*TNA Spoiler*

Have you been wondering why BG James has been sticking up for Jeff Jarrett lately? Thinking BG is going to become Jarrett's heel buddy are you? Well...you'd be dead wrong. Unlikely as it sounds, Jarret is going to be turning babyface very soon, and the impetus will be the real life problems he has in running TNA, and his wife's recent health problems and battle with cancer. So that's the scoop, Jarrett is going babyface very soon.

*Possible WWE spoiler*

Ok, you know how Steve Austin was at TV this week? That was because he was visiting Jim Ross, but also because he was having a meeting with Vince Mcmahon about his movie "The Condemned" which was shot a couple months back in Australia. At the meeting Vince pitched an idea to Austin about coming back in a full-time, non-wrestling role on RAW, not sure what exactly the position was, and we don't know if Austin took it. So it's possible he may be back on RAW, this role would start in January by the way. So stay tuned for that one.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-20 18:00:00

I'm a wrestling fan (but I prefer WWE) could i join?


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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-20 19:32:59

At 10/20/06 06:00 PM, Kami-Kazy wrote: I'm a wrestling fan (but I prefer WWE) could i join?

I'm not sure most fans are cognizant of there being something outside of WWE : p

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-20 19:42:32

At 10/20/06 04:59 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: *TNA Spoiler*

Have you been wondering why BG James has been sticking up for Jeff Jarrett lately? Thinking BG is going to become Jarrett's heel buddy are you? Well...you'd be dead wrong. Unlikely as it sounds, Jarret is going to be turning babyface very soon, and the impetus will be the real life problems he has in running TNA, and his wife's recent health problems and battle with cancer. So that's the scoop, Jarrett is going babyface very soon.

So we're going to have to root for Jarrett? I don't that's going to be possible, even if he's using his wife's illness to get some sympathy. And if he does turn face does that mean that Christian would become the company's top heel?

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-20 21:22:29

At 10/20/06 07:42 PM, pepeatumi wrote: So we're going to have to root for Jarrett? I don't that's going to be possible, even if he's using his wife's illness to get some sympathy. And if he does turn face does that mean that Christian would become the company's top heel?

My assumption is that yes, that is exactly what will happen, unless somebody else is turning heel and we don't know about it yet (it seems the company still feels like Samoa Joe is a heel, or is at least going to play heel in his program with Angle). Honestly, Jarrett I think can be a face, long as he's not in the main event mix, and it sounds like this might be the ticket out of that picture for him. With people like Angle there, the main event picture is just fine to where you don't need Jarrett headlining all the time, and he can try and become the "face" of the company and help get new heels solidified.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-20 21:51:44

Hey... Kane's on smackdown, isn't he?

Undertaker vs Kane? Or Tag-team.

Anything with both of them... Please,,, -_-

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-21 02:48:29

At 10/20/06 09:51 PM, Slapdamonkey wrote: Hey... Kane's on smackdown, isn't he?

Indeed he is.

Undertaker vs Kane? Or Tag-team.

I've heard of no plans for either thing, but that could change.

Anything with both of them... Please,,, -_-

I've always thought the idea of that is much better then results, but that's just me.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-21 02:59:03

At 10/20/06 09:22 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: My assumption is that yes, that is exactly what will happen, unless somebody else is turning heel and we don't know about it yet (it seems the company still feels like Samoa Joe is a heel, or is at least going to play heel in his program with Angle). Honestly, Jarrett I think can be a face, long as he's not in the main event mix, and it sounds like this might be the ticket out of that picture for him. With people like Angle there, the main event picture is just fine to where you don't need Jarrett headlining all the time, and he can try and become the "face" of the company and help get new heels solidified.

Well I didn't watch this show all the way through, but I thought that Joe was more of a face at this point than a heel? And so Angle attacking him would make Angle the heel, wouldn't it?

Whatever the case, TNA certainly seems to be either ambiguous or inconsistent with face/heel alignments, and the fans seem to have no regard for it, really, and just cheer for whoever, so I guess it's pointless to try to view the wrestlers in terms of "good buy bad guy," because everyone just seems to sort of beat eachother up randomly all the time.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-21 10:20:43

I missed SD last night and I forgot to tape it. oh well.

So a Jeff Jarrett face turn? Thats going to be a tough one to buy since he as been a heel for so long and most fans hate the guy anyway.

from wrestlezone.com

The weekend opening of WWE Films' "The Marine" starring WWE Champion John Cena finished with a total gross of $7 million in over 2,500 theatres nationwide. While this wasn't a "box office disaster", it was definitely on the lower end of what WWE was hoping the film would draw in its opening week. This is why we didn't see WWE bragging about the numbers the film drew this past Monday night on Raw. In comparison, "See No Evil" starring Kane earned $4.5 million in its opening weekend and garnered a total of $15 million in United States box office revenue. It should be noted that production costs for "The Marine" were $15 million.

maybe this should be wwe's hint to stop making movies.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-21 14:50:01

Kurt Angle's TNA Entrance Music is the Coolest Entrance Music In Pro Wrestling ever

2nd coolest Is Kevin Thorne's
3rd= Cena's

Don't Forget: Today's TNA Impact re-play is being broadcast at the Super-early Time of 6: 00 pm EASTERN. don't miss it.

gonna watch it again so I can listen to Angle's Entrance music.

Twitter|Big Mean Flash Gamer| Art by John Dyer Baizley, sig by Shaun.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-21 16:19:51

At 10/21/06 02:50 PM, Redface wrote: Kurt Angle's TNA Entrance Music is the Coolest Entrance Music In Pro Wrestling ever

2nd coolest Is Kevin Thorne's
3rd= Cena's

I'm not sure about that... I've always liked Angle's WWE theme (even with the you suck chants). But even that doesn't make my top three...

1. Cm Punk- Miseria Cantare (From Ring Of Honor)
2.Stone Cold Steve Austin (When the glass shaters, you know something cool will happen.
3.Rob Van Dam's

The old Cena theme music was better than his current one.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-21 16:29:11

Well, if we're on the subject of theme music, I might as well give my top 3:
1) The Game - HHH
With the entrance, it sends shivers up my spine. Its just a perfectly fitting song for the Game.
2) Enter Sandman
I've only ever seen the Sandman enter with it once, but that time was a pretty awesome one (ONS1).
3) I Am - AJ Styles
I think it suits AJ perfectly.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-21 17:08:41

We're listing music themes now?

1. : Sting, Seek and destroy
2. : Sandman, Enter sandman ((that was awesome....))
3. : Hulk Hogan.... You know the song.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-21 17:46:03

At 10/21/06 05:20 PM, TheD-LucksEdition wrote: My themes are:

1. Metallingus- Edge
2. Mr Kennedy's theme
3. One of a Kind- RVD
4. Undertaker-Self Explanatory
5. Any of Triple H's themes
6. The DX theme

I'm into Batista's Theme, Rey's theme and Kurt Angles. I'm probably into like 20 more, just can't think of any right now.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-21 20:32:04

1.Triple H's themes(We all know he's awsome right?)
2.Undertaker(Only time dead people music makes me happy)
3.DX(Break them down!)
4.Rey's theme(Booyaka!)
5.Stone Cold(Pretty self explanatory eh?)


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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-22 00:51:13

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

In what was an expected moved, The Wrestling Observer Newsletter is reporting that WWE has released Dionicio Castellanos (Psicosis) last week. The decision was made to fire him two Fridays ago on October 13th, although the actual official firing is expected to be announced later in the week by WWE. WWE is awaiting all the details of his recent arrest so that they can have them on file before they actually let him go for legal reasons. His profile page still remains on WWE.com at the moment.

Psicosis is expected to go back to AAA and feud with another wrestler named Psicosis - the feud he was involved in prior to signing with WWE in 2005.

Those close to the situation say that he's recently had problems with his wife. Psicosis had been staying at home far too much since WWE wasn't using him and he was depressed about that, especially considering that the downside of his contract only paid him $500 a week when he wasn't working. Psicosis' last WWE appearance occurred at the 7/18 SmackDown tapings in a loss to Super Crazy.

Prior to his termination, Psicosis was told that he was going to be brought back to WWE with a new gimmick. WWE officials asked him to a grow a mustache like a stereotypical Mexican Revolution general from a century ago (think Pancho Villa) and he would come to the ring with a gun belt

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-22 01:28:31

You pointed out one of TNA's biggest problems right now corn, TNA has been doing a very poor job for awhile of telling us who are heels, and who are faces for the most part. I should be able to look down their roster after watching their shows and be able to tell what people's alignments are, yet I have no real clue. They leave so many guys ambigious (hey, is Chris Saban a heel for talking smack on Jerry Lynn? But isn't Senshi most definitely a heel? So does that make their match heel vs. heel, and if so...I should root for who again? I shouldn't have to ask these questions if the booker is doing his job!!!), it's just not the way to make people care about your characters and product.

I think theme music is good, but it's only a component of an entrance, which is why I'm not really big on buying the music CD's since most composed themes just don't work as anything but background to a cool entrance. Some songs are good on their own though:

Enter Sandman
Time to Play The Game
My Time
One Of a Kind
Pretty much any ECW theme music since it was licensed from real bands.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-22 04:26:14

It's hard for me to call TNA's lack of clear face/heel alignments a flaw in the show. I understand that it's extremely important in a typical wrestling show to influence the fans into all rooting for one person in a match, for purposes of excitement, but I can't help but find the idea of non-distinct 'bad guy good guy' personas somewhat intruiging, even more realistic. It's just different. Not that face/heel alignments would matter anyhow, because TNA fans, while not immune, do seem less susceptable to having their opinions of wrestlers influenced than WWE fans.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-22 05:54:56

At 10/22/06 04:26 AM, cornontheconn wrote: It's hard for me to call TNA's lack of clear face/heel alignments a flaw in the show. I understand that it's extremely important in a typical wrestling show to influence the fans into all rooting for one person in a match, for purposes of excitement, but I can't help but find the idea of non-distinct 'bad guy good guy' personas somewhat intruiging, even more realistic. It's just different. Not that face/heel alignments would matter anyhow, because TNA fans, while not immune, do seem less susceptable to having their opinions of wrestlers influenced than WWE fans.

Yeah, I also think the thing TNA is doing is a lot better also. It actually let's fans have their own choices, even so, Vince McMahon can never controll me, John Cena sucks.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-22 09:20:35

It looks like K-fed is going to be at Raw tomorrow with Nitro. Lets hope he gets beaten up again.

TNA has a problem of having clear face/heel roles. Even worse is the fact that they seem unable to keep whoever they built up as a top contender or former champ to stay in the top of the card. Look at Rhino and Raven for example. Both former TNA champs who have been pushed aside into the middle card. TNA doesn't seem to have a top face (Jeff may want to be but it will be a long road)

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-22 10:11:26

The problem with the TNA aligment is not just the booking (although it doesn't help). Its the fact that most of the TNA fans are also ROH fans, so they root for people they love from ROH even if they're heel or face in TNA.

Look at someone like Samoa Joe, even when he was a "heel" he was getting a face reaction and that's because most of the TNA wrestlers have a cult following, be it Joe, Sharkboy or Christopher Daniels, so the fans can't bring themselves to boo these guys despite what their aligment might be.

And this also happens in the WWE. Look at how the fans turned on Cena, some say its because of his lack of wrestling skills. It wasn't just that, he was feuding with people with Christian, Angle and Jericho, who were all heels but had a cult following and once they started to boo Cena everyone turned on him (except the women and the kids).

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-22 15:25:35

Yeah Joe acts heelish a lot but fans just seem to love the guy.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2006-10-22 15:30:50

Samoa Joe was aked about Umaga in his MySpace page, and his answer may surprise you.

Q. Dear Joe what do you think about Umaga? Is he a ripoff of you?

A. I think Umaga is a strong Hamo in the struggle and I hope he wrecks everyone over there. Ahh not the answer you where expecting? Honestly I am more than happy for the success Umaga is enjoying in the WWE. By the way what is with people saying he is a rip off of me? Honestly thats like comparing Bad News Allen to Samba Simba. GET that lazy ass comparison bullsh!% out of here. As for him being undefeated good on him. I don't know if yall noticed but in Pro Wrestling Circles Samoans are usually on average MUCH better that .500.

I can't be that surprised, the samoans tend to be a close-knit bunch so they enjoy seeing themselves succeed... Besides everyone knows that Umaga can not even compared to Samoa Joe.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!