Report Card for ECW on SciFi 8/15
Last night's show was all about Summerslam, they had two angles to promote for it, and they also kept the other storylines of the brand (Sandman/Dreamer vs. Test/Knox, CM Punk's continual evolution as a player) going. All in all an enjoyable show, let's get to the grading.
Paul E. medically suspends Kurt Angle: This was a good segment in my view. WWE was smart to pull Angle out of the ladder match and not have him risk further injury or bodily damage. I also really enjoyed that they were honest about why Angle wouldn't compete, and turned it around to get more heat on Heyman and Show. Honesty was a hallmark of the old ECW, it's good to see they went that route here, rather then some over the top hokey angle. Grade: A
Foley Flair segment: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too WWE for me. I know people can make the arguement that this sort of cross-promotion helps bring the RAW fans over to try ECW, but this segment just ran too long, and this just wasn't all that funny or interesting to me. Foley's busted mouth helped, but would it have killed them to use the time between Flair coming out and attacking Foley with an ECW guy who could at least get in Foley's face for the crap he talked on ECW back in June? I'm all for ECW getting more and more ratings, and cross promotion will do that, but this to me was an angle that did nothing to help ECW in any way, and that's something I'm against. Grade: F
CM Punk vs. Justin Credible: Nice that Credible got a little video to say the other week was a fluke, but it's becomeing obvious Credible is the "talented jobber" that gives the bigger guys a rub. A real shame. I'd actually like to see Credible and Punk have a little feud, an easy way to do this would be to give Credible a cheat win or two over Punk the next time they clash. But the boat may have already sailed on this one. Punk looked good here, but not quite as good as the prior week, but I think that comes down to wanting more time for the ladder match, then any defiency by Punk or Credible. Grade: A-
RVD video package: Solid package, decent promo, RVD is a guy where I think the video package is always going to be stronger then the promo maybe we should just stay with the video package? Grade: B
Rene Dupree promo: A better promo this week, as we actually got to see what Dupree's character is going to be in ECW, so that right there puts it up past last week's rushed effort. With that said though, Dupree playing a narcissistic pretty boy who's going to be "beautiful and extreme" is going to get him eaten alive. I think Dupree can pull the gimmick off, but he and WWE had really better be ready for loud and rabid "get off my TV fuck head!" sort of heat until he really proves himself. The ECW crowd WILL be merciless to this character. Grade: A-
Test and Knox vs. The FBI: Hey FBI! Thanks for coming guys! I'm never a fan of a quality team jobbing out so blatantly, but I will agree with Dave Scherer in giving Test props for looking nasty and aggressive since his return to TV. Usually I'd say this was a good match to establish that Knox and Test ARE a unit, but Knox got so little to do here, that it may as well have just been a singles bout with Test working against one member of the FBI. It was good for what it was, and The Sandman/Dreamer run in made sense and was fun. I'm interested to see if they warm to the idea of Kelly leaving Knox during this angle, as they're interaction reminds me of Randy Savage and Miss Liz back in the day when Savage was a heel that treated her terribly. Grade: C+
Sabu video package: Same thing as RVD. Sabu has great intensity with his delivery, but the content is just so wooden and crappy, he may as well not talk. Grade: B
Kurt Angle attacks!: This was a really good segment as it made sure to leave no doubt that Angle was ready willing and able to fight. I think the idea of arresting Angle works here better then many other arrest angles, because it sends the message that only a group of trained police officers can stop a pissed off Kurt Angle (which may just be a damn shoot, I would not fuck with Kurt Angle under any circumstances), and I also like how Big Show got to get some smarmy heel heat out of the deal too. Grade: A
Sabu vs. RVD, winner is #1 Contender: What a good good match these guys had. RVD is still a bit rusty from the lay off, but he worked hard here, and Sabu was a stud as ever, there were some risky spots missed, but that's ok because they were so "either you hit it, or ya don't". Both guys worked hard, and got some really interesting spots off. Big Show coming out was totally in character, and helped insure that RVD will have a legit claim whether Show keeps the belt, or loses it on Sunday. I also liked how Sabu got the win at Show's expense here. Sabu absolutely deserves the push he's getting right now, he's paid his dues, and it's great to see him in a high profile main event program as he career inevitably winds down. Grade: A
Overall: A good show, not a great show, you got a good match, a solid match, and a really good main event. Some promos to help push characters along, and the general pace of the show was continously forward moving. Nothing spectacular, but certainly better then what I think the much longer RAW show was this week. Grade overall: B
All thoughts and comments are welcome as ever.