They'll have a Wrestlemania rematch at Backlash. They ALWAYS have a Wrestlemania rematch at Backlash.
They'll have a Wrestlemania rematch at Backlash. They ALWAYS have a Wrestlemania rematch at Backlash.
Taker's streak lives there for a reason. In simple words, he is the Wrestle Mania saga and is not supposed to lose. In addition, we all know that Mark Henry is a total failure for the WWE. If Vince is gay enough to put Henry over, I am going to smash the TV with a hammer and take what ever consequences are. >:( (PS: the basketball season is over, I am very pissed.)
At 3/23/06 10:19 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: If Vince is gay enough to put Henry over, I am going to smash the TV with a hammer and take what ever consequences are. >:(
Or you could just watch TNA =P
Vince isn't crazy enough to put Mark Henry over Taker. Undertaker has been loyal to company and Vince wouldn't do that to him.
As for Duke losing... I was rooting against them but I expected them to at least make it to the title game.
At 3/23/06 10:26 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Vince isn't crazy enough to put Mark Henry over Taker. Undertaker has been loyal to company and Vince wouldn't do that to him.
As for Duke losing... I was rooting against them but I expected them to at least make it to the title game.
I am ok with the fact that my brackets are destroyed now. I am just not over with the fact that the best team of the nation was ousted again. (second year in a row)
I hate it when things like this happen which means that I have to wait 1 more year. Although I am a big fan of Redick, I still have to say that he sucked in today's game. (11 points, 3/18 shooting.) It is a sad way to end an otherwise great season... :(
At 3/23/06 10:35 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:
I am ok with the fact that my brackets are destroyed now. I am just not over with the fact that the best team of the nation was ousted again. (second year in a row)
I hate it when things like this happen which means that I have to wait 1 more year. Although I am a big fan of Redick, I still have to say that he sucked in today's game. (11 points, 3/18 shooting.) It is a sad way to end an otherwise great season... :(
Uh, I might be getting off topic for this, but ah well.
I was betting on them going all the way. Dammit, this fucks it all up for me. I'm pissed. Sorry for the yelling, though. Now, I guess I'll just bet on Kentucky to win it. Dammit....
So, SNME won't be back on until July? Damn, that sucks. Ah well...
SNME blows, if the July show is anything like this month's show was, it'll blow even more.
At 3/23/06 11:04 PM, Tralfaz wrote: SNME blows, if the July show is anything like this month's show was, it'll blow even more.
I have to disagree while not a lot of people watched SNME i thought it was a pretty good show there wasn't that much talking and there was plenty pf wrestling (plus the Shane-HBK match was good). Come July Cena probably won't be chamo so that alone pretty much guarantees a better show.
I agree with pep, I thought that SNME was excellent. A lot of TNA marks will jump on WWE in a second to talk about how stale it is. Pesonally, I am a fan of both feds but I honestly see TNA as the stale organization. Basically the storylines never change. Jarrett wins the title... TNA brings in an old WWE reject who defeates Jarrett for the title. Reject gets old and Jarrett wins the title back. Rinse and repeat. Same old shit over and over.
the biggest problem I had with the saturday show is something wwe has a habit of doing. They promote a match for weeks on end for a specific date, and when that day is due they move the match to ppv instead. Sure I really don't care about boogeyman but if you promote a match for a show like raw, SD or the saturday one, it should happen then. I hate it when they do that.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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The one thing I had a problem with was after all the hype about the Smackdown main event at WM vs the Raw main evemt at WM its end up being the first match on the card and having a predictable finish Wigger boy gets his ass kicked but still ends up overcoming the odds and winning the match.
SNME had 3 matches in 2 hours, that was bullshit. HEAT has more matches than that most of the time.
Just watched Smackdown, that sucked too. I don't bag WWE because I'm TNA mark, I bag WWE because I started watching during the golden age (The Attitude Era) and the product has sunk a lot since then and it bores the hell out of me.
At 3/24/06 01:24 AM, Tralfaz wrote: SNME had 3 matches in 2 hours, that was bullshit. HEAT has more matches than that most of the time.
WWE is not the land of wrestling. WWE is the land where talk and crappy skits come first, and wrestling is very much second.
Just watched Smackdown, that sucked too. I don't bag WWE because I'm TNA mark, I bag WWE because I started watching during the golden age (The Attitude Era) and the product has sunk a lot since then and it bores the hell out of me.
Lot of reasons for why it's sunk, stale creative, writers who don't know the wrestling business, and the inability to copy the revolutionary ideas of people like Paul Heyman...never mind that they have minds like his on the payroll, but choose not to use him because he won't play "follow the leader's bullshit" it would seem. But these are things I've said over and over again, and they'll never listen
I just watched SD!. It was decent, not spectacular, but a few good moments. Randy Orton has everything as he wants, he truly is the NEW Cerebral Assasin!
"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"
Ronald Reagan
Proud supporter of the Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory
Just don't give anything away, I want to find out when I see it.
So hopefully we find out who is the final person on the MITB match today. Hope it's somebody good. But if I remember correctly it is a battle royal to find out who. hmmm another battle royal type match. Is it me or are these getting to be more frequent than they have in the past?
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
What's happened to Smackdown? Not too long ago were talking about how better it was than RAW and now its just starting to suck too. I kow its not going to happen but VInce should swallow his pride and let Heyman be in charge of the writing he might not play "follow the leader" but he's good for business and he's good for the fans.
I think they both need some Bad Guy GM's!
Eric Bischoff was the only reason those faggy kiddies kept chanting Cena's name cause he played a great "Man in Charge screwing the (laughs) best wrestler" role.
And Teddy Long is TOO helpful, he's BIASED to the Heels!
OFGM, Rey Guess what! WW22!1!
Rey lost it fair and sqaure, we are not buying that!
Carlito would make a fantastic GM, but he has his career to focus on...
but a nice, corrupt GM is a lil something that'll spice up both brands...
"It isn't that democrats are ignorant. Far from it. it's just that they know so much that just isn't so"
Ronald Reagan
Proud supporter of the Dinosaur Conspiracy Theory
you know, I don't have a problem with Teddy. He does a good job as a face GM. Raw has no GM at the monent and chances are we're going to get Dusty as it, and thats a good chance of him being face too. Though he could be a heel, that certinly might be interesting.
No the GM stuff isn't the real problem here. WWE has lots of talented workers, more of these to counter the crappy ones (Boogeyman, Cena ect.) so thast not teh main problem.. Bad writing, stale storylines, and just not enough wrestling on a wrestling show? Bingo.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Hey guys i just got from school. I really want to say that SNME was really good that i saw it on NBC so i can watch it very closely. RAW was also good and Cena vs Mcmahon this is getting very interesting............
Well, I found Smackdown to be very entertaining this week. There were some great matches. The Finlay vs. Mysterio match was awesome. My boy RKO made his presence felt during some big moments in the show. His RKO on Rey was priceless. I also really enjoyed the opening match, the MITB qualifying last chance Battle Royale. It was a very good match with a pretty sweet ending.
At 3/24/06 03:51 AM, SaiNT_SiLEiGHtY wrote: I just watched SD!. It was decent, not spectacular, but a few good moments. Randy Orton has everything as he wants, he truly is the NEW Cerebral Assasin!
The original purpose of building Orton as the legend killer was to make him become the second HHH. Orton is certainly on his way raising. By the way, I also discovered that WWE is having him carry the momentums lately. I knew that the original plan was to have him winning. Hopefully, they will stick with it although the chance for Rey to win is still bigger. I will mark out if Orton wins at WM22.
Sorry for the double post, but how about Bret Hart becoming RAW's new GM. I want to see him with Vince/HBK again. :P
I don't think so Bret has said he doesn't intend to work with the WWE, hell he doesn't even want to get paid for attending the Hall of Fame ceremonies. But we can always dream.
LordKooler's Friday Night SmackDown! review
1.Randy Orton segment
Randy Orton comes out using Rey Mysterio's enterance and talks about Rey Mysterio & Kurt Angle. Then Randy Orton talks about Rey Mysterio stopping him from pinning John Cena at Saturday Night's Main Event.
2.Money in The Bank Battle Royal
Lashley won the Battle Royal after eliminating MNM. Lashley will be in the Money in the bank match at Wrestlemania 22.
3.Rey Mysterio vs Finlay
During the match, Randy Orton attacked Rey Mysterio and helped Finlay win the match.
4.Booker T vs Boogeyman contract signing
Theodore Long discovers that Booker T was faking his injury at Saturday Night's Main Event. Because of that, Theodore Long forces Booker T to sign a contract to wrestle Boogeyman at Wrestlemania and if Booker T doesn't sign it, Theodore Long will fire him. After Booker T signs the contract, Theodore Long announces that Booker T & Sharmell will face Boogeyman in a Handicap match at Wrestlemania!
5.Chris Benoit vs William Regal
Chris Benoit won at the end.
6.Kurt Angle vs Mark Henry
Rey Mysterio and Randy Orton interfered at the end.
At 3/24/06 10:47 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Sorry for the double post, but how about Bret Hart becoming RAW's new GM. I want to see him with Vince/HBK again. :P
Never say never, but like I said, it seems to me Bret is only involved with Vince insofar as to make sure Vince dosen't do anything to try and tarnish Bret or his career.
So Lashley is in the MITB ladder match? I hope the WWE doesn't decide to put him over you know how much Vince loves his big guys even if they're not ready to be main-eventers.
At 3/24/06 11:19 PM, pepeatumi wrote: So Lashley is in the MITB ladder match? I hope the WWE doesn't decide to put him over you know how much Vince loves his big guys even if they're not ready to be main-eventers.
I have heard lots of rumors saying that RVD will win. Being in the match is already an award for Lashley. If the Lasnar tragedy does not happen again on him, I see Lashley becoming a top contender by 2007. He has the stuffs.
4.Booker T vs Boogeyman contract signing
Theodore Long discovers that Booker T was faking his injury at Saturday Night's Main Event. Because of that, Theodore Long forces Booker T to sign a contract to wrestle Boogeyman at Wrestlemania and if Booker T doesn't sign it, Theodore Long will fire him. After Booker T signs the contract, Theodore Long announces that Booker T & Sharmell will face Boogeyman in a Handicap match at Wrestlemania!
Sharmell is going to puke when she see the Boogeyman. I happened to watch WWE because there was really nothing on TV. Wow, thing are really getting intense in the WWE. I haven't watched the WWE in a while.
maybe so, but giving too big a push too soon can do more harm than good. He's still got some kinks to work out, but this should be an interesting MITB match.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 3/24/06 11:26 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:At 3/24/06 11:19 PM, pepeatumi wrote: So Lashley is in the MITB ladder match? I hope the WWE doesn't decide to put him over you know how much Vince loves his big guys even if they're not ready to be main-eventers.I have heard lots of rumors saying that RVD will win. Being in the match is already an award for Lashley. If the Lasnar tragedy does not happen again on him, I see Lashley becoming a top contender by 2007. He has the stuffs.
Lashley certainly has the athleticism, but he's really lacking wrestling talent. I really enjoyed the brawls between he and Finlay, so I could absolutely see Lashley putting on a good show in a non-traditional or hardcore match rather than the regular one-on-one matches. He has excellent striking maneuvers, but rarely grapples, which could be a major weakness in the long run if not addressed.