The last part of TNA tonight was pretty sad. I actually thought he was gonna stay on TNA. Looks like TNA kinda got our hopes up, huh?
The last part of TNA tonight was pretty sad. I actually thought he was gonna stay on TNA. Looks like TNA kinda got our hopes up, huh?
so i missed impact but I know my friends here in the club would come through and write a recap. thanks to the guy who did that. anyway, my view on sting leaving is kinda mixed. it is either one of 2 things. sting changed his mind and decided that it is not worth it, or the company decided to cancel his contract and just do a one time thing to get the name out their. or, vince could have contacted sting, bought him out and we could see sting very soon. or this could be a huge plot by TNA to trick everyone out so that at the next PPV sting will beat JJ for the NWA belt
That certinly was a brief and pointless run for Sting. If he really is leaving, it seems far to short of a run so something must have happened backstage.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 1/29/06 09:05 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: That certinly was a brief and pointless run for Sting. If he really is leaving, it seems far to short of a run so something must have happened backstage.
how about, sting wants to work for wwe. so in order to get their attention he does a thing for TNA. so that he can show vince that the fans still know him and want to see him. that way vince might give him a run in WWE and pay him big time like he got paid in WCW that way sting get's more exposure and he is back in the big time wrestling.
I don't think this is the end of Sting's run in TNA Impact was taped about two weeks ago wouldn't we have heard about this before the show aired? I think he'll just take a month off and come back.Is it stupid? Yes but Sting is a part-time wrestler now. Anyways today is the Royal Rumble (finally!) and I think Randy Orton will get eliminated quickly... then and ask for his favor and take Booker T's spot in the Rumble and eventually win it.
I don't think sting will be a part timer like the undertaker. truth is TNA needs as much exposure as possible to get the name out their. that is why they throw AJ, Petey, and other big names out everyweek so that they can get the name out. if you pay sting alot of money and ask him to be a part of building a company then why have him be a part timer?
At 1/29/06 12:05 AM, aviewaskewed wrote: Jarrett isn't going to do anything for anybody as champion, hasn't before, and won't now I don't think.
Jarrett had and as the title to often. If he wants his(dad's) busniess to do well he stop being a glory hound and give it to other people and not just for 4 weeks.
At 1/29/06 12:48 AM, LordKooler wrote: LordKooler's TNA iMPACT review
I missed TNA yesterday. Good thing for this review.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
Rumble's coming... The favorite, and the guy the spoiler sitres say most often is Randy Orton or Triple H. However, the WWE coiuld pull anotehr shocker like at NYR and give it to say... COACH. No, but maybe Kane or etc.
At 1/29/06 09:05 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: That certinly was a brief and pointless run for Sting. If he really is leaving, it seems far to short of a run so something must have happened backstage.
I think that his speech at the end was the real deal. For those who missed it, he talked about not being able to say goodbye to his fans when WCW flatlined 5 years ago. It seems to me that he didn't want to leave his fans hanging, and came back for one more match and one more speech, just to conclude the matter. I don't think there's anything more to it than that, and that Sting's done for. Good luck to him in the future.
I'm thinking lashley.Come on hes a great superstar and has potential.Plus I think wwe is going to keep HHH and RO from winning the rumble because to surprise many people who predict one of them is going to win.Hell even former superstars think one of them is going to win.So I say Lashley because he's young and dose'int have anything else going on in the wwe.
At 1/29/06 02:45 PM, -Mitsubishi- wrote: Major Spoilers For Royal Rumble/WMania; Winner Revealed?
Eww Rey winning the Rumble....
I gotta call bullshit on the Torch story, I cannot see WWE risking someone's health that way, ESPECIALLY The Undertaker.
As for Sting, god, this just proves how bad TNA fucked this's the deal: IT'S ALL A FUCKING WORK PEOPLE!!!! AN ANGLE!!! A STORYLINE!!!! STING IS NOT DONE!!!
TNA decided for some reason it'd be a good idea for him to do this, then not show up at the next two PPV's as he had been advertised...the amount of people who believed in last night's promo just shows how bad an idea this was for TNA to do, since anyone who was tuning in "just for Sting" now thinks they have no reason to ever tune into TNA again if they didn't like what they saw either last night, or on the PPV.
I think RVD has a chance to at least make the final four this year, since Vince was supposed to be really impressed with his ONS promo, and I don't think his move back to RAW while injured was an idle thought, I think they may finally be ready to really try pushing RVD, and if Cena dosen't beat Edge at the Rumble (and I pray he dosen't) I think it's possible RVD could be facing him at Mania.
At 1/29/06 03:23 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: I gotta call bullshit on the Torch story, I cannot see WWE risking someone's health that way, ESPECIALLY The Undertaker.
I tend to agree. I posted the story so that it can be discussed; I personally don't believe it. I will keep a look out for more on the story however...
At 1/29/06 03:39 PM, -Mitsubishi- wrote: I tend to agree. I posted the story so that it can be discussed; I personally don't believe it. I will keep a look out for more on the story however...
Yeah, I don't think you'll see a whole lot more though, The Torch really kills their credibility with something like that, because again, hepatitus is serious, and WWE is not some crappy indy that dosen't give a shit about it's performers (whether or not Vince gives a shit is debatable, but certainly he dosen't want to be sued or get the bad press that something stupid like this would bring him), but I just can't fathom them being that stupid.
lol...I can't believe some poor sap actually BID this much!
This is the current bid for the bra and panties worn by Ashely at New Years Revolution.
Screen Shot taken from
Ok, so, the RR winner gets his choice of a WHC or WWEC match, but what determines the #1 Contender for whichever belt is not chosen?
At 1/29/06 05:25 PM, cornontheconn wrote: Ok, so, the RR winner gets his choice of a WHC or WWEC match, but what determines the #1 Contender for whichever belt is not chosen?
Usually some sort of #1 contenders matchup held at a certain time, depending on which brand it is that isn't fielding the Rumble winner
Hmm they say Rey wins but in WM22 it would be RO vs Angle and Henry vs. Taker. Idon't know about this but i will watch RR.
Here's a spolier sort of.. Its being reported that the winner of the Royal Rumble isn't scheduled to main event at Wrestlemania.Maybe whoever wins will lose his title shot somewhere down the road. This is just a wild guess but I think based on this it really will be Misterio who wins but who knows we have to remember there's still 3 available spots for the Rumble.
Everyone, is currently a direct link to WrestleZone. It offers treaming results of the Royal Rumble!
At 1/29/06 08:12 PM, -Mitsubishi- wrote: Everyone, is currently a direct link to WrestleZone. It offers treaming results of the Royal Rumble!
Sorry. wrong link. Its
Ah, the Royal Rumble. Sorry guys, I dont feel like putting any predictions out there this time. But, TNA was good last night. Well, maybe except that Sting segment. Decent, but it could've ended better.
But, about the past few WWE events. RAW has become crap. I'm surprised they still say it's the # one rated show on Monday nights. That Shelton/Michaels match was dragged on too long and Shelton's "mama" didnt help. Hell, she was a bad omen to begin with.
However, tonight could change both shows. The Rumble ALWAYS gets people pumped up. It's one of those events that's hard to predict, "Who's gonna win?" Unless, of course, you find the spoilers that the WWE is holding from people.
Before I go, I just wanna say that I hope that Angle retains and either RVD or someone from Smackdown wins the Rumble this year.
Well, best I just be quiet and look for the results...
Well, Shawn Micheals got screwed! He owned about 4 guys and then Vince's music hit. HBK has shocked and Shane came from behind and eliminated Micheals! Then again. it wasn't too hard to see something like that coming...
Anyway, I will be posting a complete recap of the Royal Rumble 2morrow.
About time Rey gets a shot at a main belt! He's been around too long without either of those championships.
ok, I defy anyone to say that cena winning and rey winning the rumble is a good thing. come on man. this is gay. edge had the chance to be a great heel and the ruined it. this is why I say fuck wwe. back TNA baby.
Oh my god. The little man Rey Mysterio wins the Royale Rumble of 2006. He's only as tall as I am! Although, he could still probably kick my but. I can't believe it, but I think they're gonna let Mysterio win the title at Wrestlemania because of Eddie Guererro's death. Also, it's about time the little guy got an acomplish in for the Wprl Heavyweight Title. He was always held back though of course into lots of tag team matches. and now WWE finely lets him have a title shot. All because of death? Common WWE, just because someone dies, you give a friend title shot? I love Rey Mysterio myself, but I feel as if WWE only let him win because of Eddie.
Edge lost on his first PPV defense?! WTF is wrong with wwe? This makes absolutly no sense, espacially after his great ladder match with flair. This is not the way to establish edge as a # 1 guy, not by a long shot, this basicly makes him look weak. I freakin hope Cena got booed like hell.
wow having rey win the RR is a shocker. no one save those who saw spoilers saw that coming.
And sicne they had Helms win teh CW title this must mean he is going to Sd. Good for him, he wasn't being used right at all on Raw. Shame Kash had such a short run, but I think him being hurt may have had something to do with the title change.
damn... I was hoping that when I went to raw in about a week Edge would be the champ...
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks