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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-13 02:38:12

Actually, I'd lay odds that Cena is actually going to LOSE in the chamber. Let me explain my logic:

The Royal Rumble guarantees it's winner an automatic title shot at Mania. Now, my hunch has been for awhile that SD! will win the Rumble this year, and the man to do it? Randy Orton, thereby completing the rebuilding of Orton into a main event player. I am further predicting he will defeat Batista at Mania (Batista will likely continue to be protected and his schedule light so that he can be hail and hearty for this bout). That would give them a viable champion, and the ability to possibly let an ailing Batista rest.

Now, that means that we need a title change for a babyface to "send the fans home happy". If SD! takes the win at the Rumble, it means RAW needs to book a title match aside from that. RAW needs a HEEL to be champion headed into Mania for Cena to defeat, thereby creating the "send the fans home happy victory". Now, the problem we have with the Chamber is that we have three heels, and three babyfaces. Two of the heels aren't really ready to carry the big belt for any amount of time, and the third (Angle) has already had an extended feud with Cena. That means one of the babyfaces is going to have to turn. So, you're probably saying "ok smart ass, who is going to turn?", isn't the answer obvious? The turning babyface will be...Shawn Michaels. Think about it, Michaels played heel against Hogan, and he also has heeled Shelton for the past couple of weeks as well. Shawn may not like playing that role these days, but he has proven that he will play it for short bursts to help the company out. I look for Shawn to turn, wrestle Cena at Mania, and then probably turn back and Cena moves on to a new feud.

Just my educated guesses based on the way things seem to be going now.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-13 02:46:22

Eh, it's a little hard to call Kane a babyface, considering he's all evil and stuff.

I, personally, can't say who's gonna come out of EC as champ. My fanship started during Cena's reign, so I'm only used to seeing him wear the gold. But something I've noticed about multi-man championship matches is that it's usually retained unless there's a personal buildup between the champs and somebody else. (Such as MNM's fatal fourway tag team championship match, for example, due to their tensions with LOD) If Cena doesn't become actively involved with the other 5 in some way before NYR, then I think he'll retain it.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-13 04:46:25

The Raw video hasn't updated yet weird.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-13 07:17:14

ok so I just want to share my feelings on a few things. 1. I didn't see raw last night but my guess is that it sucked bad and so fourth.
2. I hate the WWE and more to that and I am sure this has been talked baout but I have been off and on since I have other things going on. WWE is bringing back a saturday night show, why? to compete withTNA. I mean come on, vince has billions and multi millions of fans and he is scared of TNA? I swear it to you people that I am going to write a letter to the WWE about this and I will post it here and if they reply Iwill post that reply.
3. TNA is only getting bigger and better whihcmeans soon enough they will be going live and moving to a new night in primetime cause theywon't want to compete with WWE so they will move it to thursday where SD used to be so that they can get that going on. well I am done. you people have a good one.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-13 07:46:35

well I said I would write a letter and I was not lying

Hello, I was looking around and I am sure this is where I can make a comment. My name is (I tookout my name); I have been a long time fan of your programming since the late 80's in the days of the Ultimate warrior, Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage and others. My purpose for writing this to you today is to share with you my disappointment with your shows as of late. Your programming has gone from something that you were truly exited to see to now being a 2nd rate bore. I find myself falling asleep and finding the people you call "superstars" not fulfilling that title at all. Your biggest draw is a white man who acts black, a wigger. Do you honestly take pride in parading a white man around to prey upon all those suburban white kids out there who listen to rap and act black in the hopes of drawing them in as fans so that you can make money off them? Yeah that takes real talent to do. Now we move on to something that really just bugged me. Your bringing back the show "Saturday night main event" now I am not some dumb hick who doesn't know why you are doing this. You are bringing back that show just so you can compete with your rival "TNA" now before you start saying to yourself "oh he is a fan and he just wants to put us down" well you are wrong. I saw that show after Raw moved to USA and it was not that great but come on, you are a big company that probably has triple the fans that they could ever get and you make more money then they do. Do you really need to pick on a company that posse your no threat at all? I know you go into that mentality of "dog eat dog" and you have to do what you can to make it in this world but really if you think about it, TNA is nothing more but a present day WCW where the "old folks" go to live out their glory days before they have to give it up once and for all. I defy you to reply to this and tell me that I am wrong about the talent you parade on the TV because could never hold a candle to the superstars of yesterday, I defy you to tell me your programming is still drawing in the crowds because I know that I am not the only one who finds your shows predictable and "I have already seen this" kind of TV. I defy you to tell me that I am wrong when it comes why you are bringing back your Saturday night show. You can't do it can you? Odds are you will just brush this off as one fan that doesn't like your programming and you won't pay it any mind. But truth is I am not the only one who feels this way and soon enough people will show it to you by drops in tickets sales, merchandise sales, and drops in PPV ordering. You really need to do a 360 in your company otherwise you could end up like WCW. Don’t doubt it because anything is possible in this world. Well I thank your for you time in reading this. If you do value your fans at all and just don't see us as money signs then you will reply to my comments with some kind of answer.

tell me what you guys think

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-13 08:03:14

At 12/12/05 10:59 PM, Puzzled wrote: WOW! an Elimination chamber match without HHH who would of thought?

I hope HHH bashes Bigshows face in with a sledgehammer for what he did >:( !

I know...I was shocked! I guess now instead of setting up a World Tag Team Match, they will set up a Big Show vs HHH match at NYR. Anyway, here we go...

-Mitsubishi- Raw Recap

Last week, just moments before being fired, then-General Manager Eric Bischoff said that John Cena would be defending the WWE Championship in the Elimination Chamber at New Year’s Revolution. After Mr. McMahon took out the trash last week, though, there was no General Manager to fill out the participants for the match. But Mr. McMahon had everything under control. While there was no full-time General Manager for RAW yet, Mr. McMahon took the reigns as interim GM. And his first order of business was to set up five Elimination Chamber qualifying matches.

A possible shot at an unprecedented 17 World Championships loomed heavily for the Nature Boy Ric Flair, but he would have to get past the Olympic Gold Medalist, Kurt Angle to earn his ticket into the Elimination Chamber. Angle was able to hook the Ankle Lock early on, but the wily veteran Flair was able to fight to the ropes. Angle later went for a steel chair, but Flair was able to stop Angle before he could use the foreign object. When the referee went to clear the ring of the chair, Angle grabbed his gold medal and knocked Flair out with a shot to the head. The 1-2-3 was academic.

Shelton Benjamin told Shawn Michaels that last week HBK was too busy trying to be the “Showstopper” instead of a team player. Shelton said that he gave HBK the attitude he asked for last week and he was going to give Carlito another dose of that attitude in his Elimination Chamber qualifying match. Carlito, though, went to work early on Shelton’s back, even utilizing the Boston Crab, while ironically in Boston. Shelton was able to battle through the pain and hit the T-Bone on Carlito. Instead of going for the pin, however, Shelton went to the outside and picked up one of Carlito’s apples. Shelton’s new attitude proved to be costly. As Benjamin went to spit apple in Carlito’s face, Carlito rolled him up with a small package for the pin.

Shawn Michaels, who won the first-ever Elimination Chamber match, was looking for a shot at the gold again, but had to get past the largest athlete in the world today, Big Show. Big Show manhandled HBK in the beginning, but Michaels came back with a series of clotheslines and a flying forearm. With Big Show dazed, HBK tuned up the band and landed Sweet Chin Music. Normally, that move would be enough to take down any man, but Big Show somehow absorbed it and was only brought to one knee. Baffled, HBK went to the well once more, but Big Show knocked the kick out of the way. Big Show followed it up with a Chokeslam, but then Triple H made his way to ringside armed with a chair. Instead of going after Big Show, who he’s had problems with in weeks past, he waffled HBK with the chair, causing Big Show to be disqualified and costing him a shot at the WWE Championship.

Big Show would get his revenge, though. Triple H faced Big Show’s World Tag Team Championship partner Kane in another Elimination Chamber qualifying match. After Kane gained the advantage, the Big Red Monster went for a big boot, but Triple H ducked, and he knocked out the referee by accident. Triple H then went for his trusty sledgehammer, but Big Show came out before he could use it. With Triple H’s attention turned towards Big Show, Kane grabbed The Game by the throat for a chokeslam. Before the ref came to, Big Show got in on the fun as well and made it a double chokeslam, giving Kane the easy pin and a ticket into the Elimination Chamber.

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Chris Masters and Viscera battled it out for a shot at the WWE Championship as well. Masters went for the Master Lock a couple times early on, but Viscera was too big for The Masterpiece. After sending Big Vis head-first into the turnbuckles, though, Masters went for his patented maneuver once again, With Big Vis already grounded, The Masterpiece was able to lock his hands and make Vis submit to the devastating Master Lock. So, at New Year’s Revolution, John Cena will defend the WWE Championship against Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels, Carlito, Chris Masters and Kane in the Elimination Chamber.

The Champ also had his hands full on RAW. After Angle’s win over Flair, he said that he’s tired of the fans taking him for granted. He mentioned that several WWE Superstars were going to Afghanistan to support the U.S. troops, but he wasn’t one of them. He said that there’s no way he would go visit troops that defend a country that doesn’t respect him. Then Daivari appeared on the Titan Tron and Angle told him to disrespect Boston’s idols like the fans disrespected him. Daivari then spit on a statue of Larry Bird, but before he could get any further, he was stopped by Cena. Cena said that without those troops, there’s no America. And without America, there’s no American heroes. And if Kurt Angle couldn’t see that, then Angle couldn’t see Cena.

Concluded in next post...

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-13 08:08:33

...concluded from previous post

Angle was irate and demanded that Mr. McMahon put himself in a match against Cena on RAW. Mr. McMahon vehemently denied the request, but instead said that Cena would face Daivari in the first-ever You Can’t See Me Match. Cena was blindfolded throughout the match, while Daivari’s vision was crystal clear. Daivari was able to move around the ring early on without Cena knowing where he was. But The Champ soon turned to the crowd to direct him towards Daivari. Cena was able to grab him in a waist lock and took him down to the mat. He pounced on Daivari and locked in the STF-U for the submission victory. Angle attacked after the match, but Cena was able to shoo him from the ring and hit an FU on Daivari for good measure.

There will also be a Women’s Championship Match at New Year’s Revolution. Mickie James went one-on-one with Victoria to determine who would face Trish Stratus at the pay-per-view. Victoria was able to reverse a Mick-a-rana, but James came back with a vicious standing Tornado DDT for the win. Mickie jubilantly celebrated in the ring, realizing she would face her idol one-on-one for the Women’s Championship.

Matt Striker also addressed the Boston crowd and talked to them about family values. He said that they should start looking for new role models and that he is their teacher.

Throughout RAW, Mr. McMahon also bumped into several people who were interested in becoming the new GM of RAW including Trevor Murdoch, Candice, Chris Nowinski and the American Dream Dusty Rhodes.

Next week the RAW Superstars bring you the action from Afghanistan in a very special Tribute to the Troops. For the past couple years, the SmackDown roster has gone overseas to bring a slice of Americana to the brave men and women who risk their lives every day for this great country. This year it’s RAW’s turn.

The RAW Superstars will be paying tribute to the troops who see action every day defending our country, by showing them the action inside the ring that only WWE can bring. Tune in to RAW Monday night at 9/8 CT on the USA Network for this very special edition.

Info: www.wwe.com

The Rundown

WWE Champion John Cena def. Daivari (You Can't See Me Match)

Kurt Angle def. Ric Flair (Elimination Chamber qualifier)

Shawn Michaels def. Big Show (Elimination Chamber qualifier, DQ)

Kane def. Triple H (Elimination Chamber qualifier)

Carlito def. Shelton Benjamin (Elimination Chamber qualifier)

Chris Masters def. Viscera (Elimination Chamber qualifier)

Mickie James def. Victoria (No. 1 Contender's Match)

Sig provided by HellboundNinja

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-13 11:08:10

heh thats telling them DuMa, I hope they give you a response. Its good that you have given them your frustration.. hell I'm sure your letter isn't the only one like that the way their programing has been,

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-13 11:22:12

Don't know if anyone's familiar with the ESPN2 show Cold Pizza but Mick Foley and Carlito were on and it was pretty funny basically they talked about the trip to Afghanistan and the new drug policy.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-13 11:58:35

I donno but I hope Angle comes out the EC champion he deserves it.

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-13 16:10:25

After seeing Raw, the winner of the EC match is unclear. It could be Angle, who's persistance can cause many to say "he's earned it." It could be Micheals, since WWE wants to use up his star power as much as possbile be4 he retires. Or, the wigger may retain.......AGAIN! Anywho...

Orlando Jordan Attacks Fan, More Notes

Mick Foley is going to be on ESPN's COLD PIZZA tomorrow on ESPN. Cold Pizza airs from 8am-10am.

Orlando Jordan attacked a fan last night on his way to the ring at the Smackdown show in Bangor. Apparently, the fan made some kind of racial slur and Jordan saw red and slapped the guy. Also at the show they had a birthday celebration in the ring for Rey Mysterio who turned 31. The Mexicools brought out a cake which Rey tried to land on Tony Chimmel, missed, and hit some unlucky guy in the front row.

WWE.com has posted photos of Batista and Shane McMahon on an overseas signing tour of New Zealand. Christy Hemme was originally booked for this but was released and replaced with Shane.

David Shauver sent this: Ryan, Just thought I'd pass this along. During RAW Monday night (12/12), a commercial aired for the RAW house show coming to Hara Arena in Dayton on Jan. 13. These matches were advertised: John Cena vs. Kurt Angle vs. Triple H in a triple threat match for the WWE Title. Ric Flair vs. Carlito for the Intercontinental Title.

SD! Taping News, Tag Team Officially Split, More

TNA has a rough day of tapings today in Orlando to cover the next several weeks of "iMPACT!" including the New Year's Eve special. They will do the first set of tapings at 3:30PM and then another at 7:00PM. For the New Year's Eve special, "iMPACT!" will air at an earlier time (possibly the 8:00PM timeslot), and they will set up a big storyline for another edition of "iMPACT!" at midnight featuring the first TNA match of 2006 along with the announcement of Sting appearing after midnight. With the gimmick for Sting, TNA cannot announce the signing officially until 2006.

The WWE SmackDown! brand will be in Springfield, Massachusetts tonight for the final TV taping before Sunday's "Armageddon" pay-per view. Expect a tease involving Triple H showing up at the show to screw Big Show in order to boost PPV buys.

Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch are officially split up as a tag-team. The idea behind the split was to give Murdoch a singles push. Cade has been being given the 1995 Jeff Jarrett in WWE type gimmick.

Kane Book Update, More

The Calgary Sun has a piece today on Kane's new book, with a small interview of Kane. Kane talks about how his book differs from the other WWE book projects of the past. You can check it out online at slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Wrestling.

The Allentown Morning Call has a story on Diamond Dallas Page's new Yoga book, with comments from DDP. To check that out, visit mcall.com. The article does not touch on the lawsuit against rapper Jay-Z.

THQ issued a press release today announcing WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW video game will be shipping for Playstation Portable game systems soon.

Ringsidecollectibles.com has a new "Legend vs. Icon" two-pack action figure set of Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michaels from SummerSlam 2005.

Sources: www.prowrestling.com & www.wrestlingobserver.com & www.liveaudiowrestling.com

Sig provided by HellboundNinja

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-13 17:18:08

At 12/13/05 04:10 PM, -Mitsubishi- wrote: David Shauver sent this: Ryan, Just thought I'd pass this along. During RAW Monday night (12/12), a commercial aired for the RAW house show coming to Hara Arena in Dayton on Jan. 13. These matches were advertised: John Cena vs. Kurt Angle vs. Triple H in a triple threat match for the WWE Title. Ric Flair vs. Carlito for the Intercontinental Title.

Well with tha being said its either going to be Angle or Cena winning the match and I have a feeling that MrWigger will win it, fuck!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-13 19:43:14

im hoping that HBK will defeat cena, and retain the title for a little while, but more than likely HBK will lose to cena in the final round, im praying that angle DOESNT! get the title, because i would hate to see him lose it in a week, Cena will win again though, and HBK will still be left without the title, its just the way things go...

Reason for ban: Do not as for pirated copies of programs. <3 Enoll << Thanks for the love. <3

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-13 21:05:05

I dont care who wins the title as long as Cena DROPS IT im happy as a pig in shit.

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-13 21:07:51

At 12/13/05 09:05 PM, Puzzled wrote: I dont care who wins the title as long as Cena DROPS IT im happy as a pig in shit.

Amen there mon, I just can't stand his wiggerness, he's like the wiggerace of liberace.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-13 21:46:02

We all want Cena to lose but we also know that there's a good chance Cena will retain he'll get ass kicked in the EC and then wigger powers activate!! and you know the rest 5 knuckle shuffle FU and its over.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-13 22:36:59

OMG! Cena fucking won again! This time, was really shitty. I mean, c'mon! A "You Cant See Me" match? That is so gay! I remember when his championship reign wasnt that bad. Until the end of SummerSlam. THAT's when it sucked ass.

For the elimination chamber, I hope either Carlito, Masters, or HBK wins. Hell, I wouldnt mind seeing HBK becoming 4 time WWE champ. Add that to his reign as World Heavyweight Champion, European Champ, IC champ, and Tag Team champ.

Anyhow, I'm off to find the TNA Turning Point results. I hope the next few RAW's dont really suck as this one did. Well, the EC matches were good, but that last match. Damn, that sucked. Damn that wigger power.

PS: I wish ECW would come back...

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-14 00:01:30

The main event for the TNA Final Resolution PPV is going to be Jeff Jarett and Monty Brown vs Christian and (silent pause) Sting.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-14 03:04:56

Turning point happened a couple of nights ago already. Samoa Joe is the new X Division champ, Jeff Jarret retained, Team Canada beat 4 Liv Kru, and Christian Cage beat Monty Brown. That's all the important stuff, anyhow.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-14 08:15:33

For Smackdown! Tapic Results & Spoilers, Follow This Link!

I won't be posting spoilers anymore, because some people like to be surprised. I will now simply provide the link for tjose that wish to read up on it. Enjoy!

And lets pray for Cena's EC loss.....

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-14 11:36:42

I'm amung those who like to be surprised. I would much rather see it first before reading about it.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-14 11:55:22

Raw is on wednesdays here in the UK at 10 or 11, i havnt been able to watch it for weeks. im missing out on all the action!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-14 19:20:11

At 12/14/05 11:36 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I'm amung those who like to be surprised. I would much rather see it first before reading about it.

I read them, and without getting into detail, I think the overall show looks totally skippable, and that is an absolutely HORRIBLE thing to have someone say about the last show before your PPV.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-14 20:41:56

Anybody know when Rob Van Dam is returning?

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-14 22:38:04

At 12/14/05 08:41 PM, Puzzled wrote: Anybody know when Rob Van Dam is returning?

No I don't know Puzzled. But on other news I have heard Brock Lesnar is trying to get back in the WWE again. Maybe Vince will re hire, maybe not. I don't know about you guys, but Raw is finely good again, without Bischoff there, it's not so boring.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-15 00:16:48

we've heard the brock rumors over and over again. At this point it's a " I'll belive it when I see it" kind of situation.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-15 01:02:23

Aw, man, I shoudn't have read those spoilers. FUCK. It would have been so much better if I hadn't...

And I believe that RVD is going to return in January. Don't hold your breath, though.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-15 07:07:37

At 12/14/05 10:38 PM, Killknot wrote:
At 12/14/05 08:41 PM, Puzzled wrote: Anybody know when Rob Van Dam is returning?
No I don't know Puzzled. But on other news I have heard Brock Lesnar is trying to get back in the WWE again. Maybe Vince will re hire, maybe not. I don't know about you guys, but Raw is finely good again, without Bischoff there, it's not so boring.

Haha Brock ain't trying to go back to WWE, he signed a deal with New Japan. I don't think ignoring WWE's legal threats by wrestling in Japan is him wanting to return.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-15 07:20:56

So, I am not really caring about the wwe anymore. I knew theywould not write back to me about the letter I wrote them cause they know if they even reply to it that means that I am right and they don't want that so they will just brush it to the side and go, oh well. I am looking forward to TNA this saturday I get to find out who beat who and such. I am really losing intrest with the WWE. I mean this sunday at the PPV does anyone think it will be good? and they keep doing this cross promotion shit in the hopes that they can get SD some ratings. don't they get it, SD sucks ass. which is why no one watches it and why no one cares. Well, that is my morning 2 cents. today is my last class and then in 2 weeks I get my BA and I become a teacher. yay me. I might buy a plane ticket and head to japan for a few weeks. always wanted to go their. anyway you good people have a nice day and I will see you all later this afternoon. Oh by the by, I know this si early but, Happy Holidays. I don't say merry christmas because I don't beleive in jesus and that is what that is. you are saying merry Christ-mass since I have no faith it is happy holidays for me. WOOOOOOOOO. another by the by, if you are looking for a good album to buy,download (steal) that new INXS album is bad ass

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-15 10:56:26

This is going to sound pretty crazy but........ I want Carlito to win the EC he is a pretty good wrestler i liked him since he first came he is cool lol. And his theme music is the best i have that tune in my head every day lol. And the fans are starting to like him the cheered pretty loud when he beat that stuiped moron Benjamin... Man i bet Shelton cried after that match lol he must have been so imbarrased lol. But any way GO CARLITO!!!!!!!!!!!!!