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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 07:44:36

At 12/9/05 03:27 AM, StONeD_SiLEiGHtY wrote: Cena hold the title till wresltmania. hell either lose it at NYR or he wouldn't live to see RAW the following day...

I disagree, I think he will lose it at New Year's Revolution. I think he will win it back at WM22 though.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 08:38:23

Hey guys this is alittle off subject but bare with me. Is Smackdown vs RAW worth the buy because I might by it today.

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 10:52:02

At 12/9/05 08:38 AM, Puzzled wrote: Hey guys this is alittle off subject but bare with me. Is Smackdown vs RAW worth the buy because I might by it today.

Not off subject at all iI wouldn't have thought. I'd say it definately is worth the buy, and everything is ace apart form some of the music and the season mode, which i'd say is mediocre/moderately good. GM mode is quite awesome, especially since you can play the mathces yourself and determine the outcomes. There is lots to buy and unlock and big challenge mode and lots of other stuff. It would be quiite hard to comlete it fast, so worth it.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 11:20:20

At 12/9/05 08:38 AM, Puzzled wrote: Hey guys this is alittle off subject but bare with me. Is Smackdown vs RAW worth the buy because I might by it today.

Hell yes its worth the buy its easily the deepest wrestling game ever released it takes a lot of time to get everything in the game.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 11:29:12

TNA last night was good. I enjoyed myself and I still stick by the statement that TNA is better then WWE. Raw was ok, I won't watch SD. I could care less about the elimination chamber. Odds are Cena will lose to do that whole thing where he wins at the rumble to go to wrestlemania for the championship (coughstonecoldcough) anyway, that is the standerd ryo hate post. yeah that is good times right there. you all have a good day and yay for me cause in 3 1/2 weeks I get my B.A and I am done with school. WOOOOOOOOO

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 11:51:32

Ok, now I missed TNA last night. I forgot it was on, but from what I read, good none of the less. But, Bobby Heenan was there? Damn! That guy is so fucking old it isnt funny. Anyhow, I hope Cena loses that damn title soon. Maybe the Elimination Chamber will end his Championshit reign. Reason for that being said is because after SummerSlam, his reign has become a big pile of shit.

Hey, TNA Turning Point is on in a few days. Awesome. But, will they have iMPACT! on Saturday?

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 12:03:00

At 12/9/05 06:05 AM, Emperor-Bubba wrote: oh dear god can i join ?

I am the biggest ECW fan though, i've got nearly every single event released on Tape or DVD.

good enough for me. Emperor-Bubba you are # 171. Welcome to the club :)

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 12:40:36

Some TNA news it seems Sting inked a deal with them and he's going to be at turning point or if not Tna will make an announcement regarding Sting.So from the looks of it Sting is now part of TNA.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 12:44:24

This just in. Mr.Kennedy's surgery has been completed. WWE.com has more details about that. Also, I did not know that Stacy Keibler was in WCW. Also, WWE.com says that she will be on that ABC show, Dancing With the Stars. Anyhow, JBL and Rey Mysterio will have a match on SD tonight. Also, Match 3 of the best of 7 match between Booker T and Chris Benoit will occur. For more details on the following, just go to WWE.com. Just thought I'd share that with you guys.

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 12:49:31

At 12/9/05 12:44 PM, StevensA wrote: This just in. Mr.Kennedy's surgery has been completed. WWE.com has more details about that. Also, I did not know that Stacy Keibler was in WCW.

Yeah Stacy used to be a Nitro Girl and a Valet using the name Miss Hancock she was the manager of Ric Flair's son.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 14:53:15

At 12/9/05 12:40 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Some TNA news it seems Sting inked a deal with them and he's going to be at turning point or if not Tna will make an announcement regarding Sting.So from the looks of it Sting is now part of TNA.

WOW Sting on TNA! Im gonan start watching TNA!


In SD vs RAW is it more realistic such as making them tap and what not... Or is it like the other boring wrestling games were you must beat them till their health bar goes down..

kiss my ass!

im an attention whore DUR!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 15:43:40

At 12/9/05 02:53 PM, Puzzled wrote: In SD vs RAW is it more realistic such as making them tap and what not... Or is it like the other boring wrestling games were you must beat them till their health bar goes down..

Kind of both really. There is a body that represents the amount of damage done to a wrestler (blue for none, yellow for minimal, orange-y for medium, and red for full damage), but there are also submissions, which are affected by the amount of damage done. The submissions have got a bit more depth now though, with a new addition to the system in the referee dropping a wrestlers arm in a sleeper hold. Its kind of a mix of both of what you saud, but leaning closer to the health bar idea.
Hey, did you guys know that, in a royal rumble match, if you get one of the opponents body parts deep red, you can irish whip them over the ropes and they fall straight out. Its really useful.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 15:44:52

At 12/9/05 02:53 PM, Puzzled wrote:
At 12/9/05 12:40 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Some TNA news it seems Sting inked a deal with them and he's going to be at turning point or if not Tna will make an announcement regarding Sting.So from the looks of it Sting is now part of TNA.
WOW Sting on TNA! Im gonan start watching TNA!

Well, he was on their before once, but he wasnt that big, maybe he'll have more matches and more segments.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 15:45:41

At 12/9/05 02:20 AM, Jacob_Banley wrote: Glad to see that Tajiri asked to be let go, rather then the old "creative has nothing for you" sort of release excuse we've seen way too often. Good luck to him, and I hope he can still find some time to wrestle.

As for the Elimination Chamber, TRUST me, these matches are brutal as hell, and there's always some really nasty, sick, spots, to make it an interesting, interesting bout.

EC matches are usually great, but this one will suck just because of wigger Cena. Imagine that 5 RAW finest will all bow to his wigger power and lose. Don't be surprised if Cena wins the whole EC match with a single FU--------this guy has no talent.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 16:23:43

At 12/9/05 12:40 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Some TNA news it seems Sting inked a deal with them and he's going to be at turning point or if not Tna will make an announcement regarding Sting.So from the looks of it Sting is now part of TNA.

From news I've been hearing throughout the day (thank you school internet), Sting has INDEED inked a 1-year deal with TNA reported at $500,000, though that figure seems kinda high and is subject to change. As for whethere he will be at Turning Point or not, is still unknown...

Breaking News: Lex Lugger In Jail...AGAIN!

Former WCW Wrestler Lex Luger is current being held in Hennepin Country Jail in Minneapolis.

With a court appearance scheduled on the 22nd on two felonies, a drug charge from the state of Georgia and a fugitive from justice charge stemming from that original charge, Lawrence Pfohl is being held without bail.

Luger and Marcus Bagwell were on their way to a wrestling date in Winnipeg on Tuesday. They were then taken off an airplane due to a disturbance and were allowed to get on a later flight.

Both wrestlers, along with Scott Rechsteiner, were detained for a long period (between 90 minutes and three hours) at the border before Bagwell and Rechsteiner were allowed to enter the country. Pfohl was sent back, likely because they discovered the outstanding warrant, and arrested after he arrived in Minneapolis.

Since Pfhol's departure from WCW he has faced one legal problem after another. Between DUI arrests, steroids, and Growth Hormone found at his home when Elizabeth Hulette passed away, and he spent a lengthy period of time in jail in Atlanta due to nonpayment of child support.

Sig provided by HellboundNinja

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 16:47:31

How long is it until you guys will get Smackdown in the USA? Its on here now. The boogeyman segment was possibly a bit better than last week, he used more than one move this week.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 16:48:08

what r every1's thoughts on taker vs rko in hell in a cell at armmegedon. i recon it'll be a close fight cos undertaker and orton r both kik ass wrestlers.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 17:58:14

I think Taker will win because its a Hell in a Cell that will probably end their feud and Orton will challenge Batista for the title.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 18:24:11

SD! will be on tonight. Also i should go and watch Dancing with the stars on ABC. And i hope what will RO say about his match with Taker in Hell in the Cell.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 19:18:27

-Mitsubishi- Raw Recap

Spoilers for this Monday's "Raw in Afghanistan" show. Scrool down until the end of the chevrons if you don't want to see the results!

Thanks to Dave Meltzer of WrestlingObserver.com for these:

Big Show b Carlito with a choke slam

JBL did a promo as Santa saying the soldiers were bad, Afghanistan has no beer, canceled every holiday that you can think of, until yet another Santa comes out. This was Mick Foley. It ended up with Mick Santa vs. John Santaw Layfield in a comedy match with Foley winning with a double arm DDT and Mr. Socko

John Cena b Chris Masters, breaking the masterlock and using the FU

Lillian Garcia was freezing out having to wear her little outfit

Ric Flair b Jonathan Coachman with the figure four in an IC title match

Gene Snitsky b Shelton Benjamin with a high kick

Candice & Maria b Trish & Ashley when Candice pinned Ashley

Shawn Michaels b HHH in a Boot camp match with the superkick!


And thats the end of the spoilers. Thanks to ProWrestling.com & WrestlingObserver.com for the info!

Sig provided by HellboundNinja

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 19:24:49

At 12/9/05 05:58 PM, pepeatumi wrote: I think Taker will win because its a Hell in a Cell that will probably end their feud and Orton will challenge Batista for the title.

Ok, the HIAC match can go either way:
1. Taker wins
The feud between RO and Taker ends, RO goes to the Rumble and wins it, then beats Batista at WM22. Taker will get a few WHC shots before WM22, but he will fail.
2. RO wins
RO becomes the No.1 contender and challenges Batista for the tittle for a few times and gets it at WM22. Taker either retires or feuds with someone else.
As I said, the match can go either way, depends how the company decides. RO should beat Taker because of his youngth, but it makes more sense if he goes to Royal Rumble after losing to Taker. So I guess that Taker will win the HIAC match.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 19:34:49


Aw, shit, Cena breaks the Master Lock? I was hoping it'd be somebody more exciting. If it should be broken at ALL, it shouldn't be by Cena.


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 19:59:06

Never doubt Cena's wigger power regardless of who the opponent is.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 20:02:39

At 12/9/05 07:59 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Never doubt Cena's wigger power regardless of who the opponent is.

LMFAO! Well....its come for him in the past, has it not? :P

Picture of John Cena using "You Can't See My Wigger Power" to beat JBL for the WWE Championship.

Sig provided by HellboundNinja

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 20:04:31

At 12/9/05 08:02 PM, -Mitsubishi- wrote: LMFAO! Well....its come for him in the past, has it not? :P

Picture of John Cena using "You Can't See My Wigger Power" to beat JBL for the WWE Championship.

It would help if I posted the image..... >->

Picture of John Cena using "You Can't See My Wigger Power" to beat JBL for the WWE Championship @ Wrestlemania 21.

The Wrestling (WWE) Club

Sig provided by HellboundNinja

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 21:28:43

Well, thats a nice spoiler. Damn, I was hoping for someone cooler than Cena to break the Masterlock. Anyways, it looks like RAW is gonna be even worse than I thought it was gonna be. But thanks for sharing that with us.

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 22:30:31

At 12/9/05 09:28 PM, StevensA wrote: Well, thats a nice spoiler. Damn, I was hoping for someone cooler than Cena to break the Masterlock. Anyways, it looks like RAW is gonna be even worse than I thought it was gonna be. But thanks for sharing that with us.

Not a problem! I am hoping to post a weekly Raw Recap which will include any spoilers should Raw be taped instead of live, as well as the results. I won't be covering Smackdown! however, so anyone is free to write up on that one. I will also pass on any news should I see it on my net travels.

I don't think Raw will be a TOTAL flop this week, but I do have to agree it won't be that great. I enjoyed the Court session last week, and it appears that most viewers did as well with the average rating being a 4.1 with 4.2 being scored during the court sessions and even a 4.3 at the end. Only time will tell however. The spoilers don't always give away how good a match is....only how good the ending was!

Sig provided by HellboundNinja

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 22:38:50

LordKooler's Friday Night Smackdown review
1.JBL segment
JBL talks about what happened last week and then the segment ends with JBL's Chief of staff Orlando Jordan attacking rey mysterio. I think that Batista was also in the segment. The main event will be a tag team match with Rey Mysterio & Batista against JBL & Orlando Jordan.
2.Randy Orton segment
Randy Orton talks about the undertaker but then weird things start happening like Randy Orton's music and video fast forwarding and rewinding and the music going slo mo. Then the undertaker does his mind games on orton using quotes from historical figures and talking about the Hell in a cell match at armageddon. Then things get weirder backstage when Josh Matthews' voice becomes the undertaker's voice while interviewing randy orton.
3.Joey Mercury vs Super Crazy
Super Crazy pulled an upset victory. Then Kid Kash and another cruiserweight start attacking the mexicools.
4.Boogeyman vs Jobber
Ken Kennedy was originally supposed to wrestle this jobber but Palmer cannon talks about his injury and the Boogeyman wrestled the jobber instead. The Boogeyman won at the end. Did you know that the Boogeyman had a small role in the movie Any Given Sunday? He played a member of the fictional Miami Sharks and the only thing he did in the movie was doing crazy facial expressions.
5.Booker T vs Chris Benoit
Booker T won at the end. At Armageddon, Will Booker T sweep the series and become a three time US Champion? Or will Chris Benoit pull off a comeback like what the Boston Red Sox did in the 2004 ALCS?
6.Lashley vs William Regal
Like all jobbers that Lashley faced, Lashley squashed Regal at the end.
7.Batista & Rey Mysterio vs JBL & Orlando Jordan
JBL walked out on Orlando Jordan during the match. I think that JBL walking out on Orlando Jordan has broke up the Cabinet. But Jillian Hall will still be JBL's fixer. One of the highlights of the match was seeing Rey mysterio giving the 619 to both JBL and Jillian Hall. Batista & Rey Mysterio won at the end.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 22:44:25

Attention, everyone who watches TNA! I have found the match line-ups for the TNA Turning Point PPV. Some you might know, but here they all are anyways.

Pre-Show: Jeff Hardy, Lance Hoyt, and the Naturals vs. Buck Quartermain, Lex Lovett, Jon Bolen, and Joe Doering.

Main Show:
4LiveKrew vs. Team Canada
Team 3-D vs. AMW in a Tables match
Christian Cage vs. "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown
Sabu vs. Abyss in a Barbed Wire Massacre match.
Raven vs. opponent of Zbyszko's choosing
Chris Sabin, Sonjay Dutt, and Dale Torborg vs. Diamonds in the Rough
Bobby "the Brain" Heenan will return to broadcasting in this match.
Matt Bentley and Austin Aries vs. Roderick Strong and Alex Shelley
X Division Title match: AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe
NWA Heavyweight Championship match: Jeff Jarrett vs. Rhino

Well, for more info, just go to the TNA website.

PS: Well, I am watching an old WCW tape. I'm wondering, was the Big Show ever in WCW?

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-12-09 22:55:24

At 12/9/05 10:38 PM, LordKooler wrote: LordKooler's Friday Night Smackdown review

Ic we already have a Smackdown! Review. Good too hear. I always seem to miss Smackdown! because of other things I have going on. I'll stick to my Raw Recap :)

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