LordKooler's TNA Impact review
1.Samoa Joe vs Jerrelle Clark
Jerrelle Clark was at one time a contender for the X Division title but now he became a jobber. To make things worse, His tag team partner Mickey Batts signed with WWE. Will Batts be affected by the "TNA curse"? Let me explain the TNA curse to you. The TNA curse is a curse where a former TNA wrestler who signs with WWE becomes a jobber on Heat or Velocity. So far the curse affected Frankie Kazarian and Johnny Parisi. Will it affect Kid Kash, Mickey Batts, Trytan, and former TNA Knockout Trinity? Samoa Joe crushed Jerrelle Clark at the end. Then AJ Styles challenges Samoa Joe in a match for the X-Division title at Turning Point.
2.America's Most Wanted vs Apolo & Sonny Siaki
Like Jerrelle Clark, Sonny Siaki is also being used as a jobber along with his tag team partner Apolo. Things went downhill with Siaki ever since he turned face last year. He should become a heel again. AMW won at the end and then they get out a table and spray paint 3D on the table and were about to do the death sentence on Sonny Siaki until Team 3D come out. Team 3D challenges AMW to a tables match for the NWA World Tag Team Title at Turning Point. At Turning Point, Will AMW retain their tag team titles or will Team 3D be the new NWA World Tag Team Champions?
3.Rhino vs Abyss
Rhino won with the Gore when Abyss got distracted by Sabu who was holding a steel chair with barbed wire on it outside of the ring. Rhyno will wrestle Jeff Jarrett for the NWA World Heavyweight Title at Turning Point.
4.Christian Cage segment
A month after quitting WWE. Christian makes his debut on Impact as a face under the name Christian Cage. A name he used in the indipendent curcuit before he signed with WWE. Now that Shannon Moore, Christian Cage, and Jackie Gayda signed with TNA, Who will be the next former WWE wrestler to sign with TNA? Christian Cage talks about WWE and what it's like being in TNA. Then Monty Brown comes out and says that every wrestler who entered the Serengeti would get the Pounce. Then Christian Cage challenges Monty Brown to a match at Turning Point. At the end, Monty Brown gives Christian Cage the Pounce.