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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-20 01:04:21

LordKooler's TNA Impact review
1.Samoa Joe vs Jerrelle Clark
Jerrelle Clark was at one time a contender for the X Division title but now he became a jobber. To make things worse, His tag team partner Mickey Batts signed with WWE. Will Batts be affected by the "TNA curse"? Let me explain the TNA curse to you. The TNA curse is a curse where a former TNA wrestler who signs with WWE becomes a jobber on Heat or Velocity. So far the curse affected Frankie Kazarian and Johnny Parisi. Will it affect Kid Kash, Mickey Batts, Trytan, and former TNA Knockout Trinity? Samoa Joe crushed Jerrelle Clark at the end. Then AJ Styles challenges Samoa Joe in a match for the X-Division title at Turning Point.
2.America's Most Wanted vs Apolo & Sonny Siaki
Like Jerrelle Clark, Sonny Siaki is also being used as a jobber along with his tag team partner Apolo. Things went downhill with Siaki ever since he turned face last year. He should become a heel again. AMW won at the end and then they get out a table and spray paint 3D on the table and were about to do the death sentence on Sonny Siaki until Team 3D come out. Team 3D challenges AMW to a tables match for the NWA World Tag Team Title at Turning Point. At Turning Point, Will AMW retain their tag team titles or will Team 3D be the new NWA World Tag Team Champions?
3.Rhino vs Abyss
Rhino won with the Gore when Abyss got distracted by Sabu who was holding a steel chair with barbed wire on it outside of the ring. Rhyno will wrestle Jeff Jarrett for the NWA World Heavyweight Title at Turning Point.
4.Christian Cage segment
A month after quitting WWE. Christian makes his debut on Impact as a face under the name Christian Cage. A name he used in the indipendent curcuit before he signed with WWE. Now that Shannon Moore, Christian Cage, and Jackie Gayda signed with TNA, Who will be the next former WWE wrestler to sign with TNA? Christian Cage talks about WWE and what it's like being in TNA. Then Monty Brown comes out and says that every wrestler who entered the Serengeti would get the Pounce. Then Christian Cage challenges Monty Brown to a match at Turning Point. At the end, Monty Brown gives Christian Cage the Pounce.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-20 01:16:15

Alright, now, I got a few questions. One, is AJ Styles still the X-Division champ? Two, does, anyone have the results of Genesis that happened this past Sunday? Three, I missed TNA tonight, so when is Turning Point?


NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-20 01:25:29

At 11/20/05 01:16 AM, StevensA wrote: Alright, now, I got a few questions. One, is AJ Styles still the X-Division champ? Two, does, anyone have the results of Genesis that happened this past Sunday? Three, I missed TNA tonight, so when is Turning Point?


1. Yes
2. Go check somewhere like www.pwinsider.com
3. December the 11th I believe they said.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-20 01:28:14

At 11/19/05 02:12 PM, Arnold12 wrote: With Orton being the 5th member of the elimination match then an appearance by Undertaker seems unlikely at SS.

Yeah, that match is off, and I'm hearing they may be looking to Taker to play a bigger role upcoming (possibly chasing champion Randy Orton?).

Batista will face Orton in a No Holds Barred match friday, I think the title will change hands right there. Sucks that they have to have this match early, as it would have been better if they didn't touch each other until Mania, but what can you really do at this point? There's nobody else on the brand right now that can slip in and take the belt unless it's some out of nowhere thing. If Benoit didn't have the feud with Booker, he'd be a great choice.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-20 01:55:40

They could alwasy drop that fued. I mean come on, isn't the world title more inportant than the US Title? I think given the option, Benoit would challenge for the top gold. It makes sense in that effect. But yeah this is really going to put a hurt on their WM plans.

I've been playing the GM mode a lot on the new game. You would like it Avie, in fact I think you would be a kickass booker!

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-20 04:25:45

At 11/20/05 01:55 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: I've been playing the GM mode a lot on the new game. You would like it Avie, in fact I think you would be a kickass booker!

Certainly better then the "creative team" running shit now I'd like to think.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-20 09:00:24

lol definatly. I see you had a name change, any reason?

Damn, I totally forgot that TNA was on last night, I had really wanted to see Christian in his new role. Though it doesn't look too good if he gets pounced the first night he's there. How come Raven is never on? Or is he featured on a different show?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-20 15:46:32

At 11/19/05 02:12 PM, Arnold12 wrote: With Orton being the 5th member of the elimination match then an appearance by Undertaker seems unlikely at SS.

I believe that Taker will play an important role at SS. He will make a sudden appearance during the match between RAW and SD! Considering that his feud with Randy Orton, he will attack RO during the match and therefore screw up team SD! Batista is injured, he will be very likely to drop the belt to RO next week and rest for a few months after SS. Benoit is hooked up with Booker T. So the only option to challenge RO for the belt is Taker since Batista will be out. So I believe that SD! is going to make Taker ruin RO's SD! team at SS and start a feud with him for the belt in the next PPV.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-20 18:58:01

What other matches are featured at the SS this year? Have they made any yet other than the main event?

I'm thinking a booker/benoit match but I can't think of any else.. well maybe a HHH/Flar match

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-20 19:38:50

The name change is about messing with General Outlaw.

I haven't really heard much in the way of other matches for SS, besides the main event of RAW vs. SD!. They probably expected they'd have last week to book most of that, but well...we all know that was not the case. So imagine they'll have to throw some stuff together this week.

As for Raw vs. SD! 06, just got it today, I'm still adjusting as the game plays a little slower thus far then in previous years, I'm doing a season with Eddie, and the match was not at the usual quickened pace. I did cheat in Eddies honor, as I pulled out some weapons, knocked down the ref, and hit Cena with the hammer.

I'm also a bit miffed that they did not adjust the rosters from the draft in June, although maybe I'm wrong and they just move those guys to their correct brand as the season progresses? I'm going to do the GM mode once I've gotten most, if not all, of the secrets out. I think it might be fun to share our GM mode stories, I've been looking to do something fun since the bios, which I keep trying to find time to do more, but can't seem to do. Maybe we could get the Q & A I was doing going again? But I'd really like to maybe just recount my experience as GM if peeps are interested in how I'd run the show ; )

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-20 19:45:32

Two huge championship matches have already been announced for Friday's SmackDown on UPN. In a No Holds Barred Match, Batista will defend the World Heavyweight Championship against Randy Orton. And Booker T will defend his U.S. Championship against Chris Benoit.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-20 21:45:57

Thats cool that we have two title matches on Smackdown this Friday. Not bad. But, whats gonna happen on RAW? Does anyone know that?

Another question. I recently heard of Eugene's indefinite suspension. Anyone know what happened there? That confuses me. Could someone answer these questions for me? Thanks.

Finally, thanks for answering my questions, Brotheravie. I really appreciate it.

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-20 22:09:44

heh, it's always fun to mess with general. Go get em!

I'm doing both the season (also as Eddie) and teh Gm mode at the same time. If you get the best Gm of teh year award it gets you a few secrets so you really don't need to wait after the season if you don't want to. I've had a rough GM session so far, as I didn't get as many top talent in the draft as I would have liked. So basiclly I have been trying to build up a lot of my undercard to make up for my lack of major stars. Yeah I did choose SD as my brand, why do you ask? heh seemed to mimick real life didn't it? Though I have done a good job of getting some of the wrestlers into main event status. My top two guys after the draft were Batista and Benoit, but through some sucessful fueds I have built up Chris Jericho and Christian. My mid card is also starting to do well as Carlito, Edge, Rey and surprisingly Steven Richards have been gaining popularity. Even though Raw is currently beating me in ratings, I am slowly making it better

no word on Eugene yet, and I doubt info will be available soon.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-20 22:31:33

At 11/20/05 09:45 PM, StevensA wrote: Thats cool that we have two title matches on Smackdown this Friday. Not bad. But, whats gonna happen on RAW? Does anyone know that?

Another question. I recently heard of Eugene's indefinite suspension. Anyone know what happened there? That confuses me. Could someone answer these questions for me? Thanks.

Finally, thanks for answering my questions, Brotheravie. I really appreciate it.

I have a bad feeling that WWE is trying to find an excuse for releasing Eugene. Considering that Eugene's suspension was during Eddie's tributes, they need some time and an exucuse to inform the fans that Eugene is fired. Without a doubt, Eugene is a minor character on RAW! It is hard to find a feud for him. You know that many minor characters who did not have any feud with other wrestlers were fired. I won't like it if they fire Eugene, but there is not too much that I can do as a fan apart from wishing him good luck.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-20 23:30:45

Hard to say at this point. Since we don't have any info we can't be sure just how bad the situation is. They may just sed him back to OVW and repackage him at a later time for all we know.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-21 01:57:41

So, I've seen OVW mentioned in here a few times. What is OVW, and does it have a website I can look at?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-21 02:25:41

At 11/21/05 01:57 AM, cornontheconn wrote: So, I've seen OVW mentioned in here a few times. What is OVW, and does it have a website I can look at?

Ohio Valley Wrestling LINK LINK

HAPPY EASTERHappy EASTERhappy easter

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-21 03:06:13

At 11/21/05 01:57 AM, cornontheconn wrote: So, I've seen OVW mentioned in here a few times. What is OVW, and does it have a website I can look at?

Well, since you've got the link:

OVW is WWE's premier developmental league, current World Heavyweight Champion is a former OVW stand out, Lashley also trained there. They also send guys for rehab or repackaging assignments as well. Paul Heyman is currently the booker, and has been putting together some very good TV down there from what I understand, and I can't wait for some of the call up's from the Heyman regime down there to begin appearing, they're going to learn the business correctly I feel.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-21 10:25:02

Didn't WWE also have one like that in Memphis? I remember hearing something about wrestlers being sent there are well as OVW.

Damn i hate working mondays. Guess I'll have to tape Raw and watch it later.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-21 10:41:28

At 11/21/05 10:25 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Didn't WWE also have one like that in Memphis? I remember hearing something about wrestlers being sent there are well as OVW.

Isn't there a promotion called Deep South?

Damn i hate working mondays. Guess I'll have to tape Raw and watch it later.

Raw airs at 2 in the morning here :(

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-21 10:41:48

How is the new TNA wrestling show ? Or program or whatever you want to call it ?
I am very interested in it but I am unable to watch it. =(
* everyone cry for me *

How does TNA stack up against WWE ? Tell me Tell me all

HAPPY EASTERHappy EASTERhappy easter

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-21 15:28:10

At 11/21/05 10:41 AM, Hanshinboy wrote: How is the new TNA wrestling show ? Or program or whatever you want to call it ?
I am very interested in it but I am unable to watch it. =(
* everyone cry for me *

How does TNA stack up against WWE ? Tell me Tell me all

Some superstar who were released by WWE went to TNA. Christian said that WWE did not trade him fairly and therefore left for TNA. Some people think that TNA is more realthan WWE and they consider WWE fake. As TNA get some crowds watching, it is recognized as WWE's rival. For me, I still prefer watching WWE because it is a show that has more star power.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-21 16:09:59

Well, I don't know if this was atlked about yet cause I have been nusy preparing for myupcoming graduation. The WWE is introducing a new drug testing thing. this way they can test to see if anyone is on any illgeal or relaxing drugs and many heart and chest exams over the year to make sure what happened to eddie does not happen to any other superstar. you know, I don't know where I stand on this. I mean come on seriously do you really need to be big brother on your workers cause 1 man had a shaddy past since life was going down but then he turned it around? Seriously I mean what is this going to do for them? Make them paraniod and shit, they can't go oyut and enjoy 1 night out cause the wwe will be on them and fire them? I mean what if one of you worked for them and one day you went to your best friends wedding and you drank alittle cause it was a joyus time and you were tested and it showed you had a semi large amount of alcohol inyour system. you didn't do it cause you are a drunk, you did it cause you were at a friends party and you were happyfor him and then you get suspened and lose money cause you were a human being and got lost in the moment. idk, anyone is free to debate me but that si how I feel.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-21 23:14:14

Eh, the performance in tonight's RAW was pretty sluggish.

Ric Flair beat Trevor Murdoch with a half-moon and a pinfall.

Kurt Angle beat Shelton Benjamin... with Daivari as guest ref. Looks like Angle's pulling a Randy "Can't win without a close friend" Orton, here.

Candice Michelle beat Micky James, and Melina challenged Stratus to a Women's Championship match at Survivor Series, after MNM abducted her.

JBL lost to HBK by DQ after Randy Orton RKO'd him AND Carlito. Then Big Show speared Orton while Rey Mysterio threw Masters out of the ring, then was double chokeslammed by Show and Kane. Batista arrived late with an injury to finish the job.

So, RAW was low-quality, but I liked the ending a lot. (Would've liked to see Lashley do his finisher to a 500 lbs. man. Hoo-man)

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-21 23:41:22

Actually I think a drug testing system and regular heart exams are long over due. Think about it, they are in constant training and their work is physically demanding, and a heart problem is nothing to overlook. but in some cases like teh wedding scenereo you brough up, things like drinking in moderation would be or should be ok. the key word here is moderation. if they have some medicene and take it for teh perscribed time and thats all then there is no problem, it;s when they abuse it that it is a problem. in the buisness of wrestling, you want your performers to be as healthy as possible, and having regular exams to test just how healthy they are is a fantastic idea. They should have had that a long time ago. If they did Eddie might still be with us. They could have caught that problem early had they had a health plan or something.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-22 00:24:34

I agree with Outlaw, the program is long overdue, if wrestlers are putting shit into their bodies that they shouldn't be, they need to be gone. There are FAR too many young deaths in this business due to drug abuse, and from what I understand, the wrestlers are behind the policy 100%. The policy only covers things you shouldn't be taking anyway, such as recreational drugs, abuse of prescription drugs, steroids, growth hormones, etc. Nobody will be penalized for a night out, since a night out is not the same as abuse, still, perhaps it wouldn't be a bad thing if wrestlers were encouraged to party less, or at least party more responsibly. I'd rather have more guys healthy, with their families, with lives that stretch loooooong into the future, vs. no policies, and people dropping dead all of a sudden because the company didn't feel like taking care of them.

As to the developmental questions, WWE has had two in Memphis I believe, the USWA Jerry Lawler's promotion, which I believe has since closed down, or is barely making money, I also believe the HWA was based down there, but their deal was cut. Right now WWE just has OVW, and the new Deep South wrestling as it's developmental leagues.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-22 06:18:30

yeah, I like what avie and outlaw said. makes sense too, it is needed but they can't be like nazi's about it cause then they are fucked. I guess after so many bumps and chair shots you need a drug to get by the day. i mean the people you least expect do it. like some gut on wall street. he loosk like he has the life but when he goes to that bathroom and he does a line of coke and away he goes. idk, this is one of those good news bad news kind of things you know what I am saying? This si good cause in case a superstar is on something they can get the help they need to get clean before it is too late. but something tells me this will backfire in some small way. Let's just hope that everyone else isn't stressed out or on blow. Raw was good last night. one of the few times that raw did make me enjoy myself. caught the replay of TNA and it was cool. I hear samoa Joe will take on AJ styles of the X-division title. I saw Christain come back.
Oh by the by, for anyone who owns SD vs RAW 06, they totally have vince doing the 3-d with the guy you pick in season mode. I guess sionce the dudleys left they didn't want to lose that move so your guy lifts up the dude and vince jumps in the air and does a 3d with the table in all. I gues sit is some small kind of FU to the dudleys.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-22 09:52:21

I haven't gotten that far in the season mode yet to see that.

I had to tape raw, so I'm going to go watch it now.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-22 10:26:04

Is it me, or are the seasons in the new game exremely short? I got through the whole raw season in 1 or 2 days with little effort. Unless it makes it extremely short on easy mode?
I'm liking the GM mode, especially being able to intervene in matches and play. I'm struggling to do well, although i did pick lots of cruiserweights and unpopular people. hopefully i'll balance out and kick Raw's ass.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-11-22 16:09:07

Following last night's RAW, here is the updated card for this Sunday's Survivor Series:

- Raw vs. Smackdown Elimination Match: Team Raw (Shawn Michaels, Kane, Big Show, Carlito & Chris Masters) vs. Team Smackdown (Batista, Rey Mysterio, JBL, Randy Orton & Bobby Lashley)

- WWE Champion John Cena vs. Kurt Angle, with Daivari as the referee.

- Last Man Standing Match: Intercontinental Champion Ric Flair vs. Triple H.

- WWE Women's Champion Trish Stratus vs. Melina.

- Eric Bischoff vs. Theodore R. Long.

- The return of The Undertaker.

One thing I am a little puzzled about is the way they are promoting these HHH vs Ric Flair matches. At Taboo Tuesday, I was totally unaware that it would be for the Intercontenental title until the day before the event.

Anyway, does anyone know if this Last Man Standing match will be for the gold?

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