man,how long will cena be champion the guys known all of 5 moves and im getting sick of in, i don t known about you...
man,how long will cena be champion the guys known all of 5 moves and im getting sick of in, i don t known about you...
ok, thast at least some good news as lonmg as they don't make it totally one sided. In this case I'm glad SD won, as Masters and snitsky gettlig their ass kicked is a good thing!
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 11/3/05 03:30 AM, RemRulzz wrote: man,how long will cena be champion the guys known all of 5 moves and im getting sick of in, i don t known about you...
Well, WWE has a problem there, seems the fans are getting tired of Cena, but WWE is trying to prove he's not a "flavor of the month" wrestler. This is a really tough situation for them. The reports I heard from Taboo Tuesday say while Cena still had his fans, he was getting a lot of audible booing, which continued from RAW. Going to be interesting to see how they progress with this one, as the guy they've been trying to build into the brand's top babyface is now getting heel reactions...could a feud with Triple H do something to help? I don't know...they may have no choice but to turn Cena heel.
At 11/3/05 09:14 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: ok, thast at least some good news as lonmg as they don't make it totally one sided. In this case I'm glad SD won, as Masters and snitsky gettlig their ass kicked is a good thing!
SD! had to win at Taboo Tuesday. We all know that SD! is a much worse show than RAW. In order to keep SD! going, they have to give superstars from SD! some credits when they battle against RAWsuperstars. That was why Rey and Hardy won the day before yesterday. By the way, the Undertaker is far away from being done. If he retires, there will be a huge main event because he is the Undertaker. For some reason, I believe that he will show up at the Survivor Series and make a huge impact. Wait and see. ;)
Sorry for the doubt post. But I saw some people wondering if HHH is going to take the belt from Cena at WM22. It is possible. But in case wigger faggot Cena keeps the damn belt until WM22, Edge will be the guy to finish him up. There is a reason that they make Edge Mr.Money in the bank----becomng the WWE champion when he decides to use the money inside. It looks that Edge is not in a hurry of using it right now which confirms me that he will win whenever he uses it. Edge is a guy who likes to make impact when it counts the most. So I guess that he will use the money weeks before WM22 and finshes Cena off in case the wigger can keep the belt that long.
At 11/3/05 02:58 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:At 11/3/05 09:14 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: ok, thast at least some good news as lonmg as they don't make it totally one sided. In this case I'm glad SD won, as Masters and snitsky gettlig their ass kicked is a good thing!--------------------
SD! had to win at Taboo Tuesday. We all know that SD! is a much worse show than RAW. In order to keep SD! going, they have to give superstars from SD! some credits when they battle against RAWsuperstars. That was why Rey and Hardy won the day before yesterday.
which is exactly what I said 2 days ago. SD was going to win cause SD sucks ass. it sucks so much ass that they had tomove it to a new night where there is no good tv. thanks for proving what I said.
On REAL wrestling news. TNA is on tonight at 9pm est. tonight will be the nwa champ rhino taking on Double J. and for the first time on tv it will be the Ultimate X match. 2 hours of real wrestling, not watered down shit tonight on spike TV. oh and cena is still a hack piece of shit who has no real talent at all. the WWE is still making him a champ cause all the wiggers out their are still following his retarded ass
So far, TNA is blowing away anything Vince has offered us this week, or is going to offer tommorow. This six-man tag for the X Division is INCREDIBLE.
At 11/3/05 09:41 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: So far, TNA is blowing away anything Vince has offered us this week, or is going to offer tommorow. This six-man tag for the X Division is INCREDIBLE.
Fucking awesome match. I was hoping somoa joe would win. That austin aries guy is great that move he did on joe was amazing.
The first match was good. Then the pounce match well nothing interest just alpha male pwning some jobber.
I think the 6man xdivision match set the bar to high. team cananda and dudley boyz match was still good. That big load da'more *gets angri* lmao. Eric Young sold the 3d quite well.
ultimate X match best match of the night. Yes candian destroyer on sabin. Fuck yes Petey won it.
On a gensis ad did they say Jarrett was that champion. oh so thats why god dammnit double J won I had a feeling he would.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
Double J wins again? UGH! TNA makes moves forward, then stops back in giving the belt back to Double needs to stop.
I don't like TNA's heavyweight division that much, but the X Division they have is mind-blowing. The 6-man tag team match was the most entertaining match I've ever seen on WWE or TNA. Not only was the matchup made to make the outcome unpredictable, but the teamwork by the winners was innovative and entertaining. This is the most impressive night of TNA I've seen since it got moved to Spike.
LordKooler's TNA Impact review
1.Jeff Hardy & Lance Hoyt & Sabu vs Diamonds in the rough
A good match to start off Impact. Hardy, Hoyt, and Sabu won at the end. Then Abyss comes out and attacks Sabu.
2."The Alpha Male" Monty Brown vs Brian Campell
Brown squashed Campell at the end with the pounce.
3.AJ Styles & Austin Aries & Sonjay Dutt vs Christopher Daniels & Alex Shelley & Samoa Joe
A great X Division 6 man tag team match. AJ Styles, Sonjay Dutt, and Austin Aries won at the end. Samoa Joe is undefeated in singles matches but lost this tag team match.
4.Team 3D vs Team Canada
A good tag team match. Team 3D won at the end after the 3D.
5.Ultimate X
Ultimate X used to appear on TNA's Weekly PPVs and is currently seen in TNA's Monthly ppvs. But for the first time, Ulitmate X is on Impact & Spike TV. This was Impact's best match. Petey williams won at the end to face AJ Styles for the X Division title at Genesis.
6.Rhino vs Jeff Jarrett
Rhino's reign as NWA World Heavyweight Champion didn't last long. Jeff Jarrett won the title with help from America's Most Wanted.
man I'm sorry i missed it. work sucks...
Jeff got the belt back already?! This is why you don't let the guy who runs it be a wrestler on it too. They alwasy give themselves the belt. Man Jarrett sucks.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Bret Hart was on the latest ByteThis. I have not seen him since he was screwed by HBK in November 1997. It will be awesome if he returns to the ring. :) By the way, Cowboy Orton is going to be one on one with Rowdy Piper tomorrow. Hopefully, it makes the beginning of the end for the Ortons' cooperation. Randy Orton is not going anywhere with his dad messing around.
At 11/3/05 09:41 PM, aviewaskewed wrote: So far, TNA is blowing away anything Vince has offered us this week, or is going to offer tommorow. This six-man tag for the X Division is INCREDIBLE.
I dare anyone out their to say that WWE is better then TNA. TNA did more then raw ddi in the past month. I knew Double J was going to win becuase TNA fucked up. just before the NWA title match. they ran a promo for their next PPV and they said that Double J was the NWA champ and sure enough he won the belt. TNA is the new wave and it can't be stopped. little by little TNA is showing how they are taking the wrestling world by storm. that 6 man tag was bad ass, the Ultimate X match was awsome. dude that Canidain Destroyer is bad ass. I mean god damn that is a awsome move. I fucking dare anyone one of you WWE wigger asswipes to say that after you saw TNA last night to say that WWE is still better
Bret can't really wrestle anymore due to the seriousness of the concussion he suffered during his run in WCW. It would be coll if he could become an on-air character though, but it's doubtful.. then again, who knows...
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Smackdown will be on tonight so here are some matches i know that it will be on.....
Roddy Piper vs. Cowboy Bob Orton
Christian and JBL vs. Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio (This is the last match for Christian before he leaves WWE)
Nunzio vs. Bobby Lashey.
At 11/3/05 11:11 PM, cornontheconn wrote: I don't like TNA's heavyweight division that much, but the X Division they have is mind-blowing. The 6-man tag team match was the most entertaining match I've ever seen on WWE or TNA. Not only was the matchup made to make the outcome unpredictable, but the teamwork by the winners was innovative and entertaining. This is the most impressive night of TNA I've seen since it got moved to Spike.
Well to be honest, TNA is much better than WWE they just don't know how to advertise it. The thing with WWE is if they get hit by brass knuck in a dq match then they win, but in TNA they still kick out like in real life. I hope TNA produces a little better on advertisements.
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SD! sucks ass today. I am so tired of watching Eddie with his fake "face", he makes me sick. Nothing is going on, I mean, Piper is an 50-years-old man, Randy Orton cannot prove anything by RKOing him. I am also tired of SD! for deliberately continuing the Randy Orton, Legends feud. As I said, there is no fun to wrestle an old man. What I demand is a Bastista, Randy Orton tittle match for Survivor Series. But it looks that the idiots from WWE are going to keep me waiting until WM22. SD! is so bad lately with crappy events going on.
LordKooler's Friday Night Smackdown review
1.Rey Mysterio & Matt Hardy vs JBL & Christian
Christian final match in WWE after qutting on Halloween. Now that he's gone from WWE, Will Christian sign with TNA? If he does, What name will he use since WWE owns the rights to the name "Christian"? And who will get a talk show on Smackdown now that Christian and the Peep Show are gone? Hardcore Holly was the referee. Matt Hardy & Rey Mysterio won at the end.
2.Booker T vs Chris Benoit
Chris Benoit won by count out but Booker T keeps the US Title because in WWE, Title belt can only change hand through pinfall or submission. Not DQs or count outs. But if this match took place in TNA, Benoit would'ive got back the US Title because in TNA, Titles can change hands by Pinfall, Submission, DQs, and Count outs.
3."Cowboy" Bob Orton vs Roddy Piper
Will Cowboy Bob Orton be used for comedy like what they did with Chavo "Kerwin White" Guerrero Jr.'s father Chavo Classic last year? During the match when Roddy piper had his sleeper hold on Bob Orton, Bob's son Randy comes out and attacks Piper and calls him a disgrace. If there's a Randy Orton vs Roddy Piper or a Randy Orton & "Cowboy" Bob Orton vs Roddy Piper match at Survivor Series, Expect the Undertaker to return.
4.Lashley vs Nunzio & Vito
At one time, Someone called Lashley the next Brock Lesnar. But WWE is pushing him as their version of Goldberg. So it's gonna be a long time until someone ends Lashley's winning streak. Lashley won at the end.
5.Eric Bischoff segment
The general managers of Smackdown and RAW announce a ten man RAW vs Smackdown tag match at Survivor Series and Theodore Long announces an Eric Bischoff vs Theodore Long match at Survivor Series.
6.Mr. Kennedy vs Scotty 2 Hotty
I haven't seen Scotty 2 Hotty wrestle on Smackdown for a while. Mr. Kennedy won with the Green Bay Plunge, Lambeau Leap, or Kenton Bomb. I can't remember the name of his finisher.
7.Batista & Eddie Guerrero vs MNM
At first I thought that Eddie & Batista would be the new tag team champions. But MNM won at the end. What's your favourite tag team with Joey Mercury? Christian York & Joey Matthews? or MNM?
A great show top to bottom last night, made all the more apparent by how bad SD! was tonight.
I agree that advertising flaw by TNA is inexcusable, I realize it's a small staff, but that just can't be allowed to happen ever. You can't give away finishes to your main event matches that way. While I'm not pleased Jarrett has the belt again, it could lead to a feud with Raven again, and the bout itself was very good.
Got the Best of Raven in TNA today, will have a review up when I finish probably later tonight or tommorow.
OHMYGOD. How fucking called it. a few pages ago I said that in the begining of this whole SD vs RAW war that it would end at survivor series with a matchand sure enough I was right. on eric was on sd saying that his brand would face SD in a classic 5 eliminationmatch at SS. GOD DAMN I AM GOOD. I mean people like I said in the past I am the one who can see this shit a mile away and I was right on the fucking money. see people and we know who will win. and taht is SD. why? cause once again sd sucks ass so they need ratings so the wwe is letting them beat raw so that more people will tune in. see folks when you want the future of that shitty company told to you. you come to Ryo. cause I have all the answers. and I dare anyone of you to say that I didn't predict it cause I can bring up the post that I said it in too.
Hey, I called that diva costume contest a week before it happened, but good call on SS. Wonder who will be in it..
I saw that best of Raven DVD the other day. I know it has only the stuff he did in TNA. i think I saw one of the matches featured: Raven vs. AJ Styles in a ladder match. I look forward to the review to see if it's worth buying.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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Ok, Here are my 10 picks for the SD! vs RAW on the Suvivor Series:
RAW: HBK, Edge, Masters, HHH and Carlito
SD! Undertaker, (if he returns in action) Randy Orton, Mr. Kennedy, Rey and Benoit. In case Undertaker does not show up, JBL is my sixth choice.
SD! will probably win because Carlito is the soft bone for RAW.
Champion vs Champion: Batista will destory wigger Cena, we all know what happened in the Royal Rumble this year.
Booker T vs Flair: It is a hard call, but I would say Ric Flair wins. RAW needs some victories.
Tag team: Kane and Big Show are unstoppable. Enough said.
Bichoff vs Long: I don't mcare about this one. But my feeling tells me that Bischoff will win.
SD! was actually little good that it was live at the Staples Center (home of WrestleMania 21) but everything else kind of little good also that the only good match that is Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio vs JBL and Christian. Well Christian is gone now so i hope that he comes to TNA.
wasn't TNA supposed to be on tonight? All I got was the ultimate fighter thing..
oh well. Time to check out to see if there are new matches for velocity and heat.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
According the newest Power 25 Rankings for WWE superstars. wigger Cena is on top. I wonder why they are so many idiots in the world. >:(
POWER 25 isn't based on in-ring grace, it merely boils down to wins/losses. It's also affected by weekly performances, it isn't just ranking their entire careers. Given that, thought I prefer Batista over Cena, having Cena as #1 isn't really a stretch, especially since Batista and Eddie barely lost against MNM. Unless Cena gets involved with something big real soon (he's actually been losing the show's attention it seems) then his ranking will sink by next week.
Going to try and be formulaic about this, since I also got Hardcore Homecoming, and Cactus Jack: The Early years, yesterday too. Had a fuck up at the store in my favor, and a reward certificate, so I got three for the price of one. Ain't I great? Ok, onto the review:
Disclaimer: I am a Raven mark, totally, utterly, completely. I love his style, love his character, love to hear him talk whether it's a work or a shoot. I am a huge huge fan of Scott Levy, I make no apologies for it, but I think it's important you understand that I am not just a fan of wrestling, or of TNA, but also a huge fan of the man profiled here, so if you think that makes it impossible to be objective, I won't waste your time asking you to read this review.
Still with me? Ok, here we go
Title: The Best of Raven: Nevermore
Company producing the DVD: TNA Entertainment
Disc number: 2
Approximate run time: 4 hours
Contents: Disc 1
Raven's TNA Debut
Raven vs. Sandman in a Clock Work Orange House of Fun match
Raven vs AJ Styles Hardcore Ladder Match
Raven vs. Jeff Jarrett NWA Title match
Raven vs. Shane Douglas Hair Vs. Hair Match
Raven vs. Vampiro, Gallows of Retribution (a.k.a Dream Blood) match
Raven vs. Father James Mitchell, last man standing match
Raven vs. Abyss
Disc 2
Raven vs. A.J. Styles vs. Ron Killings vs. Abyss
Raven vs. Ron Killings vs. AJ Styles vs. Chris Harris
Raven vs. Sonjay Dutt
Raven vs. Sabu (1st time ever)
Bonus bouts with commentary by Raven and Terry Taylor:
Raven vs. Chris Harris
Raven vs. A.J. Styles NWA title match
Plusses: This DVD perfectly shocases Raven's brutal style, and demented genius. It makes him come across as a main event level performer as it features matches between him and some of the top guys in the company. It also does a damn good job of telling the story of Raven's time in TNA, and showcases the demented genius that has made his character so popular.
Minuses: Where's his NWA title win? I see just about every NWA title shot he's had represented, but not the one he won. Not even clips? That was the biggest win of his career (sorry fellow ECW fans, as important as winning that heavyweight belt was, becoming NWA champion in a company that is up and coming is a bit bigger deal)! The other problem with this DVD is that Raven's objective coming in to TNA was the NWA title, he was then sidetracked with battles with Jim Mitchell's New Church, but there is no segway between, we just jump from Raven's loss to Jarrett, into the fight with Douglas, some clips to help us explain how Raven got from point A to B would have been very nice here.
Overall: An absolute must for any Raven fan. There are flaws, but all in all? This DVD shines, and proves TNA understands the Raven character, and shows that TNA are the first promotion since ECW to really allow him to be himself, and reach his full potential. At 24.95 for 4 hours of high quality violence, how can you afford NOT to pick this one up?
Avie's Rating: 3 and a half out of 4 bodyslams.
damn, sweet dael. I'd like to hear how that cactus jack one is like.
How much did you pay for the raven dvd? If I can, I'd like to pick it up where I saw it last.
That does sound strange that they wouldn't feature his title win. Maybe the dvd was in final production around the time he won the title. Unless some of the matches features happened after his title win. I honestly don't know about that.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 11/6/05 02:18 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: How much did you pay for the raven dvd? If I can, I'd like to pick it up where I saw it last.
That does sound strange that they wouldn't feature his title win. Maybe the dvd was in final production around the time he won the title. Unless some of the matches features happened after his title win. I honestly don't know about that.
It retailed for 24.95 where I got it, but I got like 10 bucks off of it since I had a certificate for that store.