At 9/17/05 03:31 AM, Stephan_M wrote:
-Goldbeg was week and couldn't play a part to make himself great if he wanted to past the WCW. He had ONE persona, and couldn't adapt.
That one persona made him and WCW a lot of money, Vince just wouldn't push said persona because there's no way he'd let a WCW guy do that to his locker room, so knowing that, I don't understand why Vince put out the money for Goldberg, it's an investment that didn't pan out because Vince could not use him effectively.
-Eric Bischoff is a pawn and always was a pawn from Ted Turner, and he's still a pawn in the WWE.
Let me say right now, I HATE Eric Bischoff, I hate the man on a personal level, and for his professional ethics, but with that said, what you said is just ignorant. Bischoff is the ONLY guy that ever made WCW any money, he was not just another Turner pawn minding the money losing WCW store (that's what the people after him, and most of the people before him were for). Granted, Bischoff caused his own downfall, there's no denying that, when his well of good ideas ran dry, it ran as dry as the sahara, but when the man was on, he was most definitely on. He didn't beat Vince's ass for 82 weeks by pure luck.
-Sounds like tough and good business to me... sorry.
If you're competing? Sure, but the thing is, the territorial promoters never competed, everyone was on a handshake deal not to, and the NWA insured you didn't. I can understand both sides of that arguement though, Vince had a vision, and he pushed for it, and really? The regional guys hurt themselves, and if they had realized what Vince was doing earlier, and really gotten their shit together, they probably could have stopped him. So I'll concede the point there that that probably isn't the greatest example of "Vince the dick" as much as it's "Vince the cut throat" and whether or not it was a dickheaded move is a matter of debate and interpretation.
-Ultimate Warrior was an arrogant f***,(as some of the 80's fans remember) as were alot of the other wrestlers in the days of the 80's (Andre, Hogan, etc..) just some of them lived to make up for their sinfull ways and make up excusess. Blame it on Steroids and 80's hair metal.
Ok, so because the guy was a jerk, that gives Vince the right to make a DVD that should more aptly be titled "My Revenge on The Ultimate Warrior"? I think it's immature, and Vince should just grow up and move on, I think he could make much more money, and endgender more fan goodwill, if he'd do this project with Warrior's cooperation, or at least give the man a chance to respond to the charges against him. Just slamming him for the sake of slamming him is totally wrong and unethical.
-If you owned a business, wouldn't you want to promote the people you had the most confidence in to promote your business, to make your business the most money? Silly question.
I would, you're right, it's a silly question to ask. But Vince's problem is that he insists on pushing a lot of people who have proven they CAN'T make him money (JBL) I can understand the theory that those that owe you the most loyalty are the guys you can build around, but Vince is in the position where he is the untouchable master of wrestling at a national level (though TNA will be challenging that at some point should they manage to maximize their oppurtunities), there's no reason to push guys who can't draw, JBL is somebody who can fill out a mid-card spot nicely I feel, but the man isn't built to be a headliner, the box office proves it, and the audience apathy proved it, yet this is the sort guy Vince chooses to push over and over. When you're losing money, you're making a bad business decision, no matter how loyal the guy, if he can't make you money, you can't make him the flag bearer of your business.
Well, not much thought was put behind your argument, look at all the angles (slams) and think from all the views before you present your evidence.
I'd say the same thing to you, since I just invalidated almost all your arguements as easily as you thought you invalidated mine.