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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-24 16:37:53

Just took a look at the website.

Tomorrow night, Batista, Benoit, and Mysterio are facing Eddie, JBL, and Jordan in a 3 on 3 tag team match. I look forward to this greatly.

An interesting article on the sight spoke of Randy Orton signing a copy of the Undertaker's History DVD and starting a charity for the "Undertaker Retirement Fund." Taker's gotta be pissed.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-24 17:07:02

At 8/23/05 08:44 PM, DuMa_RyoHahn wrote: besides randy orton doing his thing on SD, who else thinks SD will suck uber ass

Yea...JBLsucks donkey's ass. He is not a good wrestler, he is not a good entertainer. He even eats up his own promises by losing again and again to Batista. Besides he got almost all the tittle shots which made the matches boring as hell. SD! really needs to start the Orton, Batista feud now to bring the fans back. By the way, Undertaker is not doing his business as well. :(

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-24 20:47:45

At 8/20/05 02:02 AM, Mast3rMind wrote:
At 8/20/05 12:04 AM, Dookie_ wrote: I've got a question here. Does anybody else hate Hogan as much as I do?
Why? Is there anything I missed. A long while ago I used to hate the Rock for some reason, me and my friends would sit in the basement and wonder, what sold out more, The Rock, or The Scorpion King, and then I realized that it wasn't a big deal. Hogan as a wrestler is so-so in my opinion, but when you watch Mr. Nanny and watch him wrestle after you watch that movie, you can't help but to laugh.

It's not the fact that Hogan sold out, it's because he is a horrible wrestler, yet, most people worship the ground he walks on. The man literaly has 3 moves. Punch, Big Boot, Leg Drop. He needs to be carried through every match, just like how Michaels carried him at Summerslam. Shawn Michaels should have came out victorious this past Sunday. Another reason why I hate the orange goblin is because he is so selfish. He refuses to job to anybody, except for The Rock and Taker. He refuses to put any opponent over him in a match. He thinks he is some kind of god who should win all the time.

My dislike for Hogan grew even more after I read this article. This is proof enough about how much Hogan is so greedy.

For those who haven't read this headline:

For many fans, the quality of effort Shawn Michaels put into his match with Hulk Hogan likely gave the impression that he was thrilled to have the opportunity to work such a match. In reality, however, negotiations with Hulk Hogan brought the RAW superstar to a point of disgust.

Because Hulk Hogan's contract called for creative control, Shawn Michaels was powerless in trying to propose anything other than a clean victory for The Hulkster. Michaels, thinking he was skilled enough in backstage politics to go head-to-head with Hogan, ignored the advice from friends that he should work out a finish prior to agreeing to the match. That failure to take friendly advice would come back to haunt Michaels, as there was no way Hogan was going to accept anything other than a win with the legdrop. Vince McMahon eventually made it clear to HBK that the match was to be done Hogan's way.

While Michaels' late suggestion for a DQ finish was not considered, the idea of running a rematch at Unforgiven was. Thinking it would give each of the wrestlers the opportunity to get a victory, Michaels gladly signed off on the idea. Hogan, however, was not interested in doing the job. Hogan's idea was to win the initial Summerslam match, and then win a steel cage rematch by crawling out the door seconds before HBK climbed out from over the top of the cage. Michaels was certainly not interested in doing the job twice, so they went back to the original plan for a single match.

Michaels' sarcastic promo this week on RAW was his way of venting frustration related to the match. The interview saw Michaels mockingly suggest that Hogan's in-ring ability was just too superior to be touched.

CREDIT: Lordsofpain.net

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-25 01:11:10

I've never seen Bret Hart wrestle. Sad I quit watching it when WWF was getting good when I was little. Anyone know where I can watch his entrance video? The full one?

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-25 01:39:08

At 8/25/05 01:11 AM, AnzRage wrote: I've never seen Bret Hart wrestle. Sad I quit watching it when WWF was getting good when I was little. Anyone know where I can watch his entrance video? The full one?

I'm not sure...honest to god I think Bret was getting out of the company around the time they were springing for things like video and such. Right now working through the first disc of the Taker DVD, and I have to say I'm really enjoying it, I think they made great choices in match selection, however I would have liked a complete copy of the title win over Sid (but I have that on tape anyway) and certainly his debut at the 90 Survivor Series (which I do not have on tape). Still it was worth the 21 dollar purchase price at Wal-Mart, good stuff so far, there's just some stuff I would have liked them to have done differently.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-25 03:23:37

At 8/25/05 01:39 AM, aviewaskewed wrote:
At 8/25/05 01:11 AM, AnzRage wrote: I've never seen Bret Hart wrestle. Sad I quit watching it when WWF was getting good when I was little. Anyone know where I can watch his entrance video? The full one?
I'm not sure...honest to god I think Bret was getting out of the company around the time they were springing for things like video and such. Right now working through the first disc of the Taker DVD, and I have to say I'm really enjoying it, I think they made great choices in match selection, however I would have liked a complete copy of the title win over Sid (but I have that on tape anyway) and certainly his debut at the 90 Survivor Series (which I do not have on tape). Still it was worth the 21 dollar purchase price at Wal-Mart, good stuff so far, there's just some stuff I would have liked them to have done differently.

I got my for $17.00 at Best Buy at it was worth it. Last night i just finished watching all 3 discs and most matches were great. I still remember some of the matches that the DVD had like the infamous Mankind vs. Undertaker in Hell in a Cell @ King of the Ring '98. Some i didn't even watch like some matches of the first disc. I can't wait for the Bert Hart DVD to come out. I hope it is 3 discs likt the Undertaker version. Does anyone know when it is coming out?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-25 03:51:32

I'm gonna get the Bret Hart dvd to see what he's all about.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-25 11:39:09

I thought Raw sucked. And knowing SD, that will suck too. Bischoff fired his lap dog and got a new one beat the hell out of Cena. Course, next week should be better. HBK enters the Masterlock challenge. Well, only time will tell. Stevens, out.

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-25 11:57:42

At 8/25/05 11:39 AM, StevensA wrote: Stevens, out.

stop saying that, it is gay. anyway We all know SD will suck. the only remotely intresting part will be orton coming out, talking shit, and telling batista he is the next person to get the RKO. But as we know the WWE they might do the HHH angle with JBL and keep on giving him title shots till he takes a break as well. is it a shock that the WWE sucks ass? and what is with the kids coming here and saying "Oh SD was so cool" damn young ones and their music

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-25 13:23:01

here is something.. it's also a bit of a spoiler so those who want to be surprised, skip this part:

The new WWE character who debuted at the SmackDown! tapings as a "representative" of the UPN Network was played by current WWE developmental talent Brian Black.

Black was signed to a WWE deal this past March and has been working with Deep South Wrestling.

This sounds like the ECW angel they had with RVD.

and for you X-pac fans... all two of you:

Discussion about Sean Waltman has come up recently in the TNA lockerroom, as the wrestler is currently performing without a contract. No longer with Chyna, Waltman currently resides near his mother in Florida.

Many believe that Waltman recently stepped up his in-ring performances as a way of proving to WWE that he's still capable of working at a high-level. While the more likely situation is that Waltman is trying to secure himself a solid position come time for TNA's Spike TV debut, both scenarios would confirm that Waltman's feeling great pressure to deliver.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-25 17:16:02

HHAHHHAHA man I just keep watching that video where Shawn tricks the fands of Canada that Bret is gonna come into the ring. Haha just look at the fans go wild when the entrance music plays. God that was so funny.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-25 18:49:52

yeah, SD is soon. which means it is time to be bored out of my mind. folks watch if you think I am bad now, wait till after SD when I rant my ass off about how it sucked

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-25 20:15:18

U Shouldnt Be # 1 I Made My Room In To WWE I Painted 23 O My Favorite WWE Wrestlers On My Wall!!!!!!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-25 20:21:51

WHAT DID I SAY PEOPLE? like HHH they are gonna overuse JBL to the point where he takes a break like HHH, and for those of you who don;t know (avie may know this) that whole guy from the network thing. that was done in ECW. before it was know as SPIKE it was know as TNN: the Nashvill network. they had on ECW their and they had this thing where they had a "Guy from teh network" who tried to tone down the violence on ECW. so let's see it is the first 20 minutes of the show and I am already pissed. oh just wait to the end. I am gonan go off

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-25 21:20:27

thats what I said....

so far the best match was the booker/christian vs. mexicools match.

I didn't know that benoit beat or in less than a minute. Great way to push your stars. That just makes him look extremly bad, and it's sad that they didn't give them time to work on the PPV.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-25 22:06:01

LordKooler's smackdown review
1.Randy Orton vs Hardcore Holly
A good match to start off Smackdown. Randy's father "Cowboy" Bob orton introduces his son. "Cowboy" Bob helped his son defeat the Undertaker at Summerslam. He also interfered in the Randy orton vs Undertaker match at Wrestlemania 21. But randy didn't win that match. That's because of Undertaker's undefeated streak at Wrestlemania. Randy orton defeated Hardcore holly at the end with the RKO and with help from his father.
2.Peep show
In this week's edition of the Peep show, Christian's guests are Booker T & Sharmell. When Booker T was talking about what kind of man he is, The Mexicools interfered and attacked Christian, Sharmell, and Booker T. A tag team match between Booker T & Christian against the Mexicools was announced for later tonight.
3.Johnny Nitro vs Heidenreich
Johnny Nitro's first singles match since his match against Eugene last year on RAW. Which saw him lose to eugene and causing Eric Bischoff to fire him from RAW. Only to return the next year on Smackdown as a member of the new tag team MNM. Heidenreich won by DQ after Joey Mercury attacked Heidenreich with a steel chair. Then Nitro & Mercury assault both Heidenreich & Animal.
4.Booker T & Christian vs The Mexicools
This match was made after the mexicools assulted Christian & Booker T during the peep show. The Mexicools won at the end.
5.Theodore long's announcement
Theodore long comes out for his big announcement. His announcement is a lingerie pillow fight with Smackdown's newest divas, 2004 RAW diva search winner Christy hemme & Stacy keibler. Smackdown traded torrie wilson & candice michelle to RAW to get hemme & keibler. But then the newest Smackdown wrestler comes out as a network executive from UPN and says that the match is cancelled because he feels the match would be offensive to Smackdown viewers. I forget that new wrestler's name.
6.Ken Kennedy vs Funaki
Ken kennedy made his debut on Velocity 2 weeks ago as ken anderson with a victory against Funaki. Then the next week, He changed his name to ken kennedy and defeated a jobber on Velocity. In those matches, He did his own ring announcing instead of tony chimmel. He did the same in his smackdown debut against funaki. The same man he wrestled in his first match. Kennedy won at the end.
7.Batista & Rey mysterio & Chris benoit vs JBL & Eddie guerrero & Orlando jordan
Batista's team won at the end after Batista gave orlando jordan the Batista bomb.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-25 23:59:45

I'm watching Smack Down right now at this moment on my little portable 2.5x2.5 tv.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-26 00:14:51

Could someone tell me what happened to Test? Last thing I remember of him, was that he had an injured knee that came from an inccident with Shane Mcmahon. (I think) I didn't keep up to date with him after that, where is he now?

Thanks to Ninjar for the sig. -NGSM

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-26 00:25:42

At 8/26/05 12:14 AM, ref wrote: Could someone tell me what happened to Test? Last thing I remember of him, was that he had an injured knee that came from an inccident with Shane Mcmahon. (I think) I didn't keep up to date with him after that, where is he now?

I don't know, all I remember is after that Canadian faction that was going on, on Raw a long time ago, things just fell apart, especially after the fight for Stacy which made him and Scott Steiner useless afterwards since there was basically nothing left for either of them.

Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-26 00:49:02

No more JBL, Batista feud, please. JBL sucks and he gets all the chances. I really hope that he can leave for a while when he loses again in two weeks. It is the time to start the Randy Orton, Batista feud.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-26 00:56:01

At 8/26/05 12:14 AM, ref wrote: Could someone tell me what happened to Test? Last thing I remember of him, was that he had an injured knee that came from an inccident with Shane Mcmahon. (I think) I didn't keep up to date with him after that, where is he now?

He was released, bout a year ago I think.

Didn't really pay a huge amount of attention to SD! though I was happy to see some wrestling on the show, and what seems to be them wising up about Jillian Hall.

Boy, Vince may hate Paul E., but loves to steal his ideas "I'm from the Network" indeed.

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-26 03:38:02

At 8/25/05 10:06 PM, LordKooler wrote: LordKooler's smackdown review
1.Randy Orton vs Hardcore Holly

Yeah a very good match. Hardcore was impressive during this match. Again he lost with the help of his dad's distraction.

2.Peep show

Haha but I don't get it didn't Booker T try to save his wife? Someone was holding his leg back.

3.Johnny Nitro vs Heidenreich

Eh The "New LOD" sucks. I don't even consider them the LOD. Heidenreich looks skinny to me. He's got that flat ass chest. Well it was funny watching Animal getting kicked from a guy in mid air.

4.Booker T & Christian vs The Mexicools

I didn't pay attention to this. So has the Mexicools been winning every match since the deduit? I remember Christian walking out of the match. Haha and his wife screaming.

5.Theodore long's announcement

That was quite lame canceling the match. Although it still would of been time wasting.

6.Ken Kennedy vs Funaki

Haha funny being his own ring announcer. Funaki always gets beat up lately, and they love to make fun of asians.

7.Batista & Rey mysterio & Chris benoit vs JBL & Eddie guerrero & Orlando jordan
Batista's team won at the end after Batista gave orlando jordan the Batista bomb.

Man I hate the face vs heel thing. I wanna see face vs face or heel vs heel. Batista is so lame, not even a real wrestler. Brock was more entertaining.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-26 06:40:30

Who the hell's name is the "UPN" guy with Teddy Long? Plus the match that he made for the first Friday Night SD! is fucking stupid! JBL had his chance to bemoce World Heavyweight Champion but he lost both matches to Batista. JBl, get back to the end of the line to have a chance to fight the champion again, we need a Undertaker vs. Bastista or Orton vs. Bastista not JB"Fucking"L vs. Bastista 4!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-26 08:46:04

ok, all of SD sucked ass. none of it was cool, none of it was entertaining. it was all crap. now of those of you to dumb to understand why they are moving SD. it is not cause it is "time for a change" it's cause they have low ratings on thrusdays so they are moving it on friday cause thier is no good tv on friday. like I told you they are gonna overuse JBL. either one of two things will happen, JBL will win and face orton, or JBL will get "hurt" and be out of action and batista will face orton. and they need to stop with the orton's dad thing. that is just like HHH with flair, HHH can't win unless flair does something to distract the ref, which makes them look weak. andfor you young kids out their that say "oh SD was so cool, BOOOOOOO JBLTHE ANIMAL IS UBER" please shut up, SD was not cool, it sucked ass. your 2 young to understand that this is all rehashed bullshit

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-26 12:47:26

C’Mon DuMa_RyoHahn sure SmackDown sucks but you don’t' have to complain about it every week. You are discouraging the still existing fans. Without the fans there will be no Smack Down! I'm not just talking about the fans from the BBS. All the fans at the tapings must be idiots then.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-26 13:02:46

At 8/26/05 12:47 PM, AnzRage wrote: C’Mon DuMa_RyoHahn sure SmackDown sucks but you don’t' have to complain about it every week. You are discouraging the still existing fans. Without the fans there will be no Smack Down! I'm not just talking about the fans from the BBS. All the fans at the tapings must be idiots then.

they sure are. I mean the only reason they go their is cause most of the crowd is young kids who, to them this is frssh new shit. to old school fans like me and Avie we ahve the right to say it sucks and to say that it is gay. look it is not like I am some hard core fan. I am just a guy who knows when things suck. back in the late 80's early 90's it was intresting. now it is balls

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-26 14:20:22

DuMa, I have seen you complaining for weeks. You really don't have to watch SD! if you don't like it.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-26 14:27:38

hey rasslin fans. Can anyone reccomend a good update website. . . like a where are they now kinda thing or what happened to them. . .

thanks. . . .


HAPPY EASTERHappy EASTERhappy easter

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-26 15:02:19

At 8/26/05 02:20 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: DuMa, I have seen you complaining for weeks. You really don't have to watch SD! if you don't like it.

nah I have to, makes me feel better to put down that shit.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2005-08-26 15:03:17

straight from the lions mouth.. so to speak:

From Jericho's official website:

"I eventually had my first match on Oct 2, 1990 in Ponoka, Alberta?.and on August 22, 2005 in Hampton, Virginia, I had my last match. For now. Yes it's true. After months of speculation and rumors and numerous decoys and red herrings being thrown about, the official news from the boss man (me) is that I am leaving the WWE." Jericho noted that after wrestling for 15 years, he was mentally burnt out and that he is a "goal oriented person who thrives on a challenge and I'm not challenged by wrestling at this point in time," noting that he has accomplished everything he ever wanted to do in the business.

Take that as what you want but guys like jericho don't stay away from the ring too long. wrestling is in their blood.

SD's main problem has been that since it's on upn it has been the tamer of the two shows. Making sure that it's not as graphic as Raw has always crippled it. Once their contract with UPN runs out and they move it to another network, we can only hope it goes to a cable one so that it can step up. Thing is we don't know if the usa network will take all of the WWE programing. No telling where shows like SD, Velocity and Heat will show up. And you can't just get rid of SD. The roster if far too full to have it be combined again. They have a hard enough time fitting what they have in 3 hours with the split roster, so there would be no way they could do it with everybody on one show.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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