I would like to know one little thing. Why are you people discounting the possibility of Booker T actually, dare I say it, BEATING Cena? I mean come on, if Cena can't drop the title, and Booker T's a damn good worker... Add 1 and 1, people. And I know the WWE can do it. The went and counted all the way to 21. And, hey, they like rehashing and copying, why not Wrestlemania 19, when Booker T beat The Rock right out of nowhere for the spot in that Royale? No one expected that...
Quite frankly, I'm feeling a little undecesive for Batista's situation. At one, I want Batista to move. SmackDown! doesn't need any talent from RAW, they just need to use their current talent effectively, but Batista may be useful for doing just that. Then, I want him to stay with RAW, because I WANT Booker to win. He deserves it, damn it. The man is a great worker, and a short US and IC reign just isn't what he is capable of. He is capable of handling the pressure of WWE Champion. And damn it, I want to see Evolution die already. They killed it with Randy's exile and short WHC reign.
Anything else I want to add... Oh yeah. Read. My. Posts. Not one of you ever does, do you?
Later, mortals.