At 10/3/03 04:44 PM, shadowmoses_sol wrote:
just a few questions for everyone.......
1) when do you think the attitude era ended? was there a specific moment? or was it something else?
I really couldn't say. Maybe the break up of D-X?
2) how would you define the current era? what would it be called?
The McMahon era. An age when Vince tries to run his own company into the ground before giving it to Shane or (in a slim chance) Triple H. (hey, if trip marries steph, isn't he a viable candidate?)
3) are you sad the kurt angle will possibly retire after wrestlemania 20? How badly do you think it will hurt the company and how will smackdown recover?
That sucks. The product will undoubtedly suffer greatly if Kurt is gone. He's one of the few who can make both a great face and a great heel. For Smackdown to recover, I'd say they'd need to push Cena, Guerrero, Edge, Hardy and Dragon. Angle will definately leave a huge vacuum. He's THE best on either brand.
PS goldberg sucks and Y2J rules......
Goldberg would be better suited as a heel. He still might suck, but not to as great a degree, as he comes off as "heelish"
Y2J is definitely RAW's best talent.