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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-04 19:42:05

rasslin is gay

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-04 20:56:27

Been busy? Heheh, anyone see RAW the other day? I just missed the first hour.

By the way, Smackdown vs. RAW looks bitchin, so much better graphics. I'm AT LEAST going to rent it.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-04 21:29:45

LordKooler's Smackdown review
1.Tough enough segment rating:***
A good segment to start off Smackdown. Kurt angle comes out to talk to all the men. Angle says to the Real world's Mike mizanin that MTV sucks. And one of the guys wore a Boston Red sox cap which caused the crowd to boo him because of the 2004 World series, Where the Red sox swept the Cardinals to win their first championship since 1918. Then the guys start doing push-ups and each one gets eliminated exept Chris Nawrocki. Who faces Kurt angle then loses. Then Angle wrestles Daniel Puder and he loses too!
2.Booker T vs Orlando jordan rating:**
This wasn't as good as their match from last week. Jordan and JBL give Booker T a beating at the end.
3.Big show segment rating:***
A good segment. Spike dudley calls out the big show while standing on a table with his brothers Bubba & D'von. Then the Big show comes out and the dudleys give big show the 3D. But when they attempt to put the big show through a table, Big show chokeslams both dudleys through a table causing Spike to run away!
4.Rey Mysterio & RVD vs Mark jindrak & Luther reigns rating:****
A great tag team match. After RVD & Mysterio won, Carlito carribean cool and his assistant Zeus start attacking rey & rvd until Eddie guerrero saves them!
5.Dawn marie vs Miss jackie rating:**1/2
A boring match. Smackdown hasn't had an arm wrestling match since the Mr America vs Vince mcmahon match from 2003. And this was boring. The ladies don't arm wrestle and have a catfight! Then Charlie haas comes out to break up the fight. Then Heidenreich attacks haas!
6.Tough enough preview segment rating:***1/2
A decent segment. Torrie wilson comes out and tells the guys that they will have a sex test next week.
7.Booker T & Josh matthews vs JBL & Orlando jordan rating:***1/2
A decent match to end smackdown. Booker T and Josh matthews won at the end.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-04 21:35:45

At 11/4/04 08:35 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: here is a list of who has been fired/quit this year for WWE:
- Kevin Nash
- Spanky
- Zach Gowen
- Ernest Miller
- Bill Goldberg
- Brock Lesnar
- Farooq
- Terri Runnels
- Stone Cold Steve Austin
- Brian Christopher
- Scott Steiner
- Chavo Guerrero Sr.
- Jacqueline
- Rue DeBona
- Sakoda
- Rikishi
- Sable
- Jamie Noble
- Tom Prichard
- Pat Patterson
- A-Train
- Billy Gunn
- Test
- Gail Kim
- Nidia
- Chuck Palumbo

Why aren't Kanyon & Sean O'haire on that list? They were fired this year too.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-05 03:28:06

HOLY FUCKING HELL! What is Vince McMahon smoking here?! He literally chopped off limbs of the roster! I can understand most of them, but still, axing so many people from their jobs CANNOT be good for business. I can only hope that they are thinking of resupplying the roster with fresh, good people or else I think that it will be NWA vs. WWE, at least at this rate!

Other than that... Yeah, I'm gone.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-05 07:50:29

more news: From www.wrestlezone.com
With this week seeing ten cuts made to the active roster of wrestlers in WWE, many are wondering, as we've mentioned 100 times, if they will be next. Well, we also reported before that two more cuts were planned, so some of those worrying will be doing so for good reason.

Apparently, the cost-cutting won't stop with the talent releases. Rumors are circulating amongst the wrestlers that WWE may stop paying for wrestler surgeries, and there is some talk that with the lightneing of the two seperate rosters in WWE, it's very possible that the brand extension could be coming to an end

two more?? Damn....

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-05 08:07:58

wwe has just released rico more news later today

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-05 08:35:44

hah beat ya to in on that one.

I'm not too thrilled about all these cuts. WWE plans to fire two more soon. Who do you think it will be?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-05 10:57:45

i'd say that with jonny stamboli gone, nunzio is nothing, so he's next. Also garrison cade, he's done nothing recently

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-05 12:59:20

I'm hoping they don't fire Steven Richards...

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-05 15:52:05

At 11/4/04 08:35 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: here is a list of who has been fired/quit this year for WWE:
- Kevin Nash

diesel has went down the drain

- Spanky

a surfer looking dude that streaks what will wwe think of next

- Zach Gowen

hi im a cripple why did brock lesnar throw me down stairs .....
you're in the wwe jackass

- Ernest Miller

go to jail come back to wrestling and for what to get fired

- Bill Goldberg

who's next ........ obviously not u

- Brock Lesnar

here comes the wannabe

- Farooq

damn fired

- Terri Runnels

big bobbs ugly girl

- Stone Cold Steve Austin

what what your fired

- Brian Christopher

grandmaster crackhead

- Scott Steiner

big poppa steroid

- Chavo Guerrero Sr.

classic in dead

- Jacqueline

black girl i hated

- Rue DeBona

seen her on one show

- Sakoda

hated him ching chang chong

- Rikishi

stinkface is on u

- Sable

growwww ur cut

- Jamie Noble

redneck is shotdown in his trailerpark

- Tom Prichard

doctor masterbater

- Pat Patterson

the goone go bye bye

- A-Train

shave ur back chants no more: -

- Billy Gunn


- Test

test is ur test test test test is fired

- gail kim

she won her title in my homecity buffalo but i still think she is a whore


hate her manly ass

Chuck Palumbo

u look soooooooo fired to me nah nah nah nah nah nah nah na na

WTF??? Why did they fire Gail Kim? Nidia and Palumbo I can understand somewhat but kim? Can they all be for finacial reasons? If so what's going on with WWE lately? Who can we expect to be fired next? This sucks!

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-05 16:02:44

actress Kelly Carlson, of Nip/Tuck fame, has signed on to play the female lead in John Cena's "The MarineOne source indicated there may be as many as another 4-5 more cuts to the main roster and possibly even several developmental talents dropped as well. Obviously, the morale of the wrestlers is going to be in the toilet this weekend on the road

USA Pro Wrestling promoter Frank Goodman announced on his local NYC hotline yesterday that he is involved with several shows that will take place in Pennsylvania in 10,000 seat venues that will feature, among other names, Mick Foley, Jerry Lawler, Al Snow, Dusty Rhodes, Dustin Rhodes, Roddy Piper, and Rick & Scott Steiner teaming together for the first time since their WCW breakup. Goodman said that further details would be announced on Friday and the actual venues would be announced Thanksgiving week.

Goldberg has been added to this Monday's Best Damned Sports Show. I believe Terry Funk is no longer scheduled for the show.

As you would probably imagine, morale among many of the WWE wrestlers, which wasn't great to begin with, is even worse now with the plethora of cuts this week. A lot of people are now on edge wondering if they will be the next ones to be let go by the company. One wrestler even told me he's almost afraid to answer his phone now whenever he sees that the call is from the WWE office, thinking that it may be the axe falling. I feel really bad for the WWE workers now. Cost cutting has obviously reached an all time high, while Vince McMahon still makes in excess of $10 million dollars a year. It all comes off of the back of the workers, which is downright sad. Buck and I talked about this subject in-depth today on our Elite No Name Show.

Speaking of times being tight, a few wrestlers have told me that Laurinaitis has recently offered any wrestler who needed it a “cash advance” against future earnings. It’s fair to say that a lot of the workers find it incredible that they are television stars and yet aren’t paid like it. But, the general feeling is that the offer was made more in a way to keep people from complaining about money than it was as a way of actually helping the talent. The nine releases this week clearly hammered that point home.

Due to the recent cuts, a few workers have told me that they expect the political jungle that is the WWE locker room to get even more intense. There is a definite feeling that to complain about anything right now would be a huge mistake and that they would be better served personally to take on the agents’ philosophy of telling the McMahons that everything is great, as evidenced by the above news item. In the wake of the cuts and Pat Patterson leaving after telling Vince McMahon what he thought was wrong with the Raw product, the message has clearly been sent that the McMahons don’t want to hear the truth about what is wrong with the product and that the messenger very well could pay dearly if he or she delivers that missive.

Politically, the best place to be right now is by the side of HHH. Ric Flair and Dave Batista are basically glued to the H’s hip. While some workers have told me they were surprised to see Batista do that, they also understand that the company is totally political now and guys have to be smart about how they carry themselves and whom they are loyal to. It’s just a part of doing business in WWE.

I have been asked if the releases will lead to the brand extension ending. From what I have been able to find out so far, that isn’t the plan. Anything is possible though.

One more note on the talent cuts. They are being done directly from Talent Relations, which means most of the company's employees are finding out people are released when they read it on WWE.com. The process is that Vince McMahon decides, informs Johnny Ace, whose department then informs the workers.

As for Test being let go, a number of WWE sources told me that they weren't surprised because, as one person close to the situation told me, "HHH has been out to get Test for years".

The Tough Enough voting is just like the Diva Search was in that you can vote as many times as you want if you clear your cookies.

There aren't a lot of WWE workers that are very excited to head out on the road this weekend. I should say that they are even less excited than usual. Who could blame them? It was a really bad week to be a WWE wrestler, even one that didn't get the call from the office.

As I was watching Smackdown last night and saw them pushing people to go to WWE.com to vote for Tough Enough entrants, I couldn't help but wonder what the "average" fans would think when they saw the stories of all of the releases. It probably made them wonder what was going on with the company. In that vein, they aren't any different than fans like us who follow it more closely I guess.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-06 13:54:05

At 11/5/04 01:11 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote: They will fire....in my opinion, two of the following


Not yet. They put him in a main event.. A manin freakin event!

Steven Richards

God I hoppe not


That wouldn't make much sense


Would be a damn shame

The Bashams

Where are they anyway? When a tag team dissapears you know one or both are history

Scotty 2 Hotty

Long overdue

Shannon Moore


and possibly Nunzio...but that would suck.

yeah that would

*note* None of the above are big burly and powerful wrestlers.

Rosey hasn't really been doing much either now that I think of it.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-06 15:58:13

WTF How many wrestlers have been cut damn. I can understand test because he is injury. Hopefully most of them are rumors I dont mind seeing mack and jazz leave but gail kim and rico with his gay inneudo style lol. will they go to tna or indy shows

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-06 19:40:29

here are the results of my poll:
Brett Hart
27% (3 votes)
Andre the Giant
0% (0 votes)
Hulk Hogan
18% (2 votes)
Razor Ramon
9% (1 votes)
Ultimate Warrior
18% (2 votes)
0% (0 votes)
Ric Flair
27% (3 votes)

my new poll is on right now go check it out at www.freewebs.com/stesyr92

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-07 02:00:13

Kurt could waste those tough enugh thugs with a blindfolded. did they have to bleep ASS that word isnt censor at 8:00 anywhere.
Lmao Josh matthews is stepping up.
Two tables are setup for the big show but the dudleys gett show stopped. I couldn't see that coming
Good tag team match I would say I like when rey was getting wasted. the faces had to win to make up for angle comment about the cards.
H(j)esus how is it spelled nice attice is there a hurricane in there.
Whata hawt arm wrestling match. I said it b4 I will say it agian Hiedinreich is a crazy nut.

Sd phrase: Josh Matthews: Booker....Let me be your partner

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-07 11:40:36

WWE fired one of their writers this week as well..

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-08 07:53:41

Carlito Cool may be injured. No confirmation yet, but he may have hurt his arm in a match with bob holly.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-08 16:04:23

WWE.com relaunched with a new look today. The navigation of the site is much easier now and the look is much sleeker. The central portion of the site is now set up so fans can see all the major stories and plugs in one section, with news and subsections beneath it. While you used to have to search for the company's calendar and appearances being made by the performers, it's all in one place now. Whoever handled the design did a really nice job.

A number of book signings in California and New Jersey are set for Triple H's bodybuilding book in December, so that project appears to be finally released towards the end of the year. The book will not be an autobiography, but a book devoted to Helmsley's bodybuilding tips.

Just thought you may want to know/report that a perfectly ripped version of the new WWE CD that is due to come out on November 16th is already available with 100% perfect quality on the internet. I stumbled upon it earlier today and it sounds great.

Here is the FINAL LIST for the CD, however being that they fired at least 1 of the wrestlers (Gail Kim) who's theme was on the CD, I don't see why they may not want to delay the CD and change the theme...

1. Evolution - Line in the Sand
2. Carlito Carribean Cool - Cool
3. Theodre Long - Mack Militant
4. Waterproof Blonde - Just Open Your Eyes
5. Heidenreich - Dangerous Politics
6. Diva Search - Real Good Girl
7. Chavo Guerrero - Chavito Ardiente
8. Undertaker - The Darkest Side
9. Eugene - Childs Play
10. Victoria Dont Mess With
11. Shelton Benjamin - No Stoppin
12. Billy Kidman - You Can Run
13. Smackdown - Rise Up
14. Gail Kim - Kinternational Woman
15. John Bradshaw Layfield - Longhorn
16. John Cena - Untouchables

Just a few notes - Evolution Theme Song is just great. No idea what the Waterbroof Blond song is. Maybe something dedicated for a wrestler, however the song isnt really that good anways [Note from Mike Johnson: It's a new song for Christian]. The Heidenreich theme song must be voiced over by Paul Heyman. Undertaker theme song seems like it is from Volume 2, just remixed a bit. The Eugene song included is the new one that he has been using for the past few weeks on Raw. The Billy Kidman theme song is a re-release of the one that was part of Anthology, where you could download an additional song off of the website. Infact, it is the same length as that version. The John Cena rap at the end (which is like how they had Rock do 'Pie' in past years), goes to show that Cena can actually rap (although I am not a big fan of the beat). Sort of a build for the forthcomming Cena CD in January (which I guess will come out when he makes his big return). Overall, the theme songs - as always - are great however not a big fan of the additional songs in here.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-08 19:21:43

In all honesty that cd looks to be kinda sucky...

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-08 19:30:26

Debra Williams, the former Mrs. Steve Austin, is backstage at tonight's Raw taping in Austin, Texas. The word going around the back was that she was looking to see if there was any chance that she could come back to WWE. I believe she has been working in real estate in recent months. According to one source, Williams has had some facial surgery but was still said to look "hot." Unfortunately, the same source noted that Williams' attitude was, "worse than even before when she was with Austin."

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-08 20:49:15

on raw here are some spoilers

-There is expected to be a Highlight Reel segment with Chris Jericho.

- Ric Flair is considered "injured" but will appear at the show.

- Christy Hemme is expected to do some ring announcing work tonight.

- There will be a *LONG* Simon Dean segment involving more plants in the crowd.

- There will be an angle where Snitsky comes out with a doll and confronts Lita; at some point, he punts it into the audience.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-08 20:59:32

No need to fear! Mr. Legend is here! i have to say that the wwe needs to give me back my world heavyweight title instead of letting paul hang on to it! who agrees?

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-08 23:41:58

Well it was face nite on a pre-survior series. I will keep my thoghts short to. LMFAO Gene snitsky and his baby boy punt!!!!! . towards the end hhh trying to get in the ring not once, twice, three maybe four I dont know.
Raw phrase Y2J: THis sexy beast in the striped shirt...I'd like to party with him.

My (partial if SD adds matches) Survior Series predictions.
JBL v. Booker winner JBL fuck I hope booker t wins. Never bet against JBL.
Heidenreich vs. Undertaker Hmm well heidenrich undertaker can lose at ppv expect at wrestlemania He should never lose there.
Team Angle v. Team Eddie I think wwe wants to please the efans so team eddie wins. plus the mystery member is it paul london, akio, funkai...
Team Orton v. Team HHH I dont know I want hhh to win maven running raw naw?
IC title. Shelton Benjamin aint no stopping me now.
Slut match. Trish will knock lita down with her down with her rock hard boobs Huh BOOBS.
In conclusion
Team Eddie
Team HHH

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-09 08:00:38

What a punt. that should be worth a point for sure.

HHH seems to be in a situation where it's a Damned if you do Damned if you don't senario. If his team wins he has two guys gunning for him, if he loses all four will.

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-09 15:53:14

As we mentioned before, WWE is very high on many of the guys that are currently in the Tough Enough competition. It is expected that most, if not all of them, will get developmental deals offered to them after they are cut from the contest. When we reported last week that Test was told that the company could hire six or seven guys for what they pay him, I believe the Tough Enough guys were whom they were referring to. With WWE choosing to have the competition on Smackdown, instead of on its own show, they have ensured that the competitors will all be exposed to a larger audience than if they had only been seen by 1/3 of the people on their own show, thus making them more valuable to the company down the road

Along those lines, I have heard a lot of positive things from many people in the company about Daniel Puder, the man who had Kurt Angle in a keylock on last week’s Smackdown. A lot of people like his look, work ethic and the respectful way he carries himself. He impressed some people with his shoot ability against Angle last week as well.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-10 02:37:24

My god, Vinnie is sure being a bitch these days, huh? I cannot believe these paragraphs. I mean... What a maniac... Oh well.

Anywho, better late than never, RAW just before SS.

Evolution & Bischoff:
RAW started off with Hunter explaining that he was at home last week and how Anti-Evolution took advantage of this and injured Ric. Bischoff comes out, almost gets beaten by Hunter, and threatens Hunter. After explaining once more how the stipulation worked, the first match got under way.

Batista vs. Randy Orton: 4/5
I don't give too many scores above the 3's, but this match deserved it. Hunter was involved in the match, but got thrown out around half the macth. Around 45 minutes of Randy and Batista killing each other was great. Randy won after catching Batista in a pin in the corner.

Tyson Tomko vs. Shelton Benjamin: 3.4/5
Good match. They explained why Tomko had not been around, a knee surgery, and Christian was at ringside. Benjamin came out the winner after he super-kicked Christian and T-boned Tomko. Short but sweet.

Highlight Reel:
Chris Jericho hosted the highlight reel with guests Lita and Trish, and a ref so that it wouldn't turn into a Springer segment. Snitsky came out before they started ripping each other to shreds, with a doll of a baby, taunting Lita. He then kicked it to the audience, and pushed away Jericho, who was comforting Lita. He then got slammed into the pole by Snitsky.

Simon System:
This fucker is really asking for it. He came out this time and poured some of his protein drink thing onto a fat girl who had come on the ring. I hate this guy more with every passing WWE cut.

Triple H vs. Tajiri: N/A
Hunter was supposed to go against Tajiri, but Snitsky came out and kicked Tajiri's ass unconscious. He then confronted Hunter, who was trying to welcome him into the team, but Snitsky instead warned Hunter to look out, because he was coming for the title.

Edge Interview:
Meh, nothing worth mentioning here. Edge was being a little cocksure of himself, saying that he would do something horrible to Benoit, as Benoit had warned Edge last week. Hunter came here, too, but pretty much got the same response as Snitsky: to look out because he was coming for the title.

Triple H bitches:
He pretty much tells Batista about Edge and Snitsky, and goes out the door, leaving the belt. Batista looked at it very temptingly, though.

Chris Benoit vs. Edge: 3.9/5
Almost to the league of the first match, this one was pretty great, in my view. The only bad thing about it was that it ended in a no contest, Batista interfeired when Edge was about to tap out.

Anti-Evolution Conquers:
After the interfeirence, EVERYONE from the SS match came out and started to beat the crap out of each other. In the end, however, it was Randy's team that was left in the ring, maybe signaling that they will be victorious.
That's it from me. Too much shit on my plate right now, gotta go. Hvae a nice day!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-10 08:11:15

SMACKDOWN SPOILERS hahahahhaha............

11-9-04 Velocity and Smackdown Results from Corpus Christi, Texas

This was the first wrestling event to ever be held at the new American Bank Center. Except for a small portion of the upper deck the building was full. It was an OK show overall.

No Dark matches tonight.


Funaki def. Eddie Craven with a tornado DDT.

Hardcore Holly def. Kenzo Suzuki with the Alabama Slam.

Booker T def. Rene Dupree with an ax kick.

The Bashams def. Slam Shady and Russell Simpson These were two locals. Post match Danny and Doug argued all the way to the back.


The Tough Enough contestants entered the ring and Al Snow announced that Nick Mitchell has been eliminated from the competition. Next we jumped into the Torrie Wilson Sex Test. The rules of the test were that each contestant would have to make out with a WWE diva for 15 seconds. Then the Diva would choose which contestant would make the best lover. Of course the Diva picked for this task was Mae Young. The lucky winner was Daniel Puder who then received a lap dance from Mae.

Rey Mysterio walked in on Chavo having a conversation with someone Chavo claimed to be an old friend. Which made most people in the crowd think Chavo Classic because he works indie shots in town on a semi-regular basis.

Rey Mysterio and Chavo def. Kidman and Spike when Rey hits Spike with a top rope splash.

Orlando Jordan meets up with Josh Mathews backstage. He tells Josh that he respects him and then attacks him with 2 hard slaps. After the commercial break, Josh Mathews asks Teddy Long for a match against Orlando Jordan. JBL will be in Jordan's corner and Booker T will be in Mathews' corner.

Josh Mathews def. Orlando Jordan after interference from Booker T.

RVD, Eddie, and Big Show cut a promo concerning who will be the 4th member of their Survivor Series tag team.

Eddie and RVD def. Luther Reigns and Mark Jindrak after a double frogsplash. Carlito Caribbean Cool is on commentary during the match and spits apple at Michael Cole. Post match Eddie names John Cena the 4th member of his Survivor Series team.

Carlito cuts a promo with Teddy Long on John Cena.

Tough Enough voting segment.

JBL vows to leave Smackdown forever if he loses to Booker T this Sunday at Survivor Series.

Paul Heyman comes out and argues with Michael Cole and eventually shoves Cole. Tazz scares Heyman into the ring and out comes Heidenriech. Tazz removes his jacket and starts up the ring steps and out go the lights for the Undertaker. After a short brawl, Taker chokeslams, then tombstones, Heidenriech.

The Big Show def Kurt Angle via DQ when Jindrak and Luther Reigns interfere. Both Survivor Series teams were at ringside for the match. Carlito laied out both Eddie and RVD with the chain, which led to the finish. Kurt Angle, Luther and Jindrak put Show in a submission hold. Finally Show was helped to the back.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-10 08:12:15

World Wrestling Entertainment has released Demond Thompson, who appeared briefly several times in different on-air roles.

Thompson originally appeared as Bruce the Butler in several APA sketches and later as Lamont, the butler for Ernest Miller, during vignettes used to introduce Miller as an in-ring performer for WWE.

Thompson had been signed to a WWE developmental deal in November 2003. He had been working in OVW under the ring name Morris in recent months.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-11-10 08:18:47

Jeremy Borash came out and told us who we would be seeing tonight, including Randy Savage (and I think they also mentioned Roddy Piper). They kept the same rule of not giving the enhancement talent any publicity, so I might have missed their names.

Impact Results:

We see Raven in the back and he is talking to Larry Zbyszko, and he wants another shot at Monty Brown, and that will happen tonight.

Mike Tenay is in the ring to talk about Victory Road. From out of nowhere, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Jeff Jarrett come to the ring. Scott yo-yos for the crowd. They ask Mike when the next pay per view is because they want to party. Mike says that Turning Point is on December 5th. Kevin and Scott say they will be there. Jeff says that he wouldn’t miss it either. Kevin takes the mic and says that he doesn’t have a script so we have no idea what he is going to say. He goes on for a while, and tells us about the last ten years in wrestling, including the Kliq, the move to WCW, up to today. He gives us his standard, we had all the belts, all the power, and made all the money. He talked about guaranteed money and how it was thanks to them. At one point some of the fans in the Pit demanded for there to be wrestling, and Kevin said that they must not have seen him in the ring in the last ten years because he doesn’t really wrestle. They are now known as the Kings of Wrestling.

Match Number One: Simon Hughes, Jason Stanek, and a wrestler with the last name Hayes versus 3 Live Kru. Before the match, Konnan and Brian James did their same pre-match promos. This match took less time than it took for me to type the names of the participants. James got the pin in about 20 seconds after Konnan hit the Jumping Side Kick while Konnan and James held their opponent. After the match, Bobby Roode, Eric Young, and Scott D’Amore attacked 3 Live Kru with hockey sticks. Also after the match, Brian James gave Team Canada the finger, but he was quickly told by Jeremy Borash to stop. The Official ‘Jobber Move Count’ was a whopping ZERO according to Natalie.

We see a video package showing the problems between Kid Kash and Sonjay Dutt as a result of In the Pit with Piper.

Match Number Two: Hector Garza, Psicosis, and LA Park versus Frankie Kazarian, Michael Shane, and Kid Kash (with Dallas and Traci Brooks). Traci and Dallas each had coconuts with them at ringside. Kash, Shane, and Kazarian got the victory when Kash pinned Garza. Garza went up top, but Traci got on the apron and distracted him. This allowed Dallas to give Kash the coconut, and he hit Garza with it.

Match Number Three: Raven versus Monty Brown. Monty Brown defeated Raven. During the match, Brown hit the POUNCE on Raven, but the referee was in the way and he took the obligatory ref bump. From out of nowhere, Abyss entered the ring and he gave Monty a Black Hole Slam. From out of nowhere, Diamond Dallas Page came through the crowd and then he hit Raven with a Diamond Cutter after Raven tried to give Monty Brown the Evenflow. Of course, Raven did not notice the people at the soundstage chanting for Page. After the match, a hooded figure stood with Abyss under the Chute of Heelish Impact.

Shane Douglas is in the back with Petey Williams (alone since the rest of Team Canada was kicked out of the arena).

Match Number Four: Alex Shelley versus Chris Sabin. Sabin with a rana on Shelley, and then he sees Petey Williams on the ramp of Heelish Impact and that allows Shelley to gain an advantage. Shelley with a bulldog. Shelley with a snap mare and a kick to the back. Shelley with a leap frog neckbreaker. Shelley charges at Sabin in the corner, but Sabin moves out of the way. Sabin with a jawbreaker, a modified neckbreaker, and another neckbreaker. Sabin tries for a Cradle Shock, but Shelley escapes the hold and hits a thrust kick and a pump handle face first driver. Shelley charges at Sabin, but he runs into a Sabin boot. Sabin goes up top, and Shelley charges at him so Sabin jumps over Shelley. Shelley goes up to the second turnbuckle for a corkscrew move, but he jumps into a Sabin enziguiri. Sabin hits the Cradle Shock for the three count. After the match, Petey Williams comes to the ring, and Williams tries for the Canadian Destroyer, but Sabin counters with a Cradle Shock.

We go to the parking lot area, and Shane Douglas tries to get a word with Dallas Page. Page leaves, but first he appears to be challenging Raven. .

Match Number Five: A.J. Styles and Jeff Hardy versus The Naturals. Before the match began, they went to a commercial, so The Naturals teased that they would not wrestle tonight, and then they would come in the ring only to leave a few seconds later. At one point A.J. was sitting down in the ring. Douglas and Styles start things off. Douglas with a knee and punches to Styles. After a series of leap frogs, Stevens tags in, but he runs into a Phenomenal Drop Kick. Hardy and Styles with a double elbow on Stevens. Hardy with the jumping leg drop into Stevens while Styles hit the Phenomenal Knee Drop. Hardy with a snap mare and a drop kick to Stevens’ head. Styles with a kick to Stevens followed by a snap mare and drop kick to Stevens’ head. Douglas tags in, but Styles with an arm drag and arm bar. Styles with a forearm. Douglas with a full nelson slam on Styles. Douglas runs Styles’ face along the top rope. Douglas with a bulldog of Styles onto Stevens’ knee. Stevens with a clothesline on Styles. Stevens goes up top and he hits a forearm on Styles. Douglas goes up top, but he jumps into a Styles punch. Hardy tags in and he punches both men. Hardy with a clothesline on Stevens, a Lita Leg Kick STO on Douglas, and the standing baseball slide in the corner on Stevens. Hardy with the Twist of Fate on Douglas, but Stevens pulls Hardy down by his hair. Styles makes the blind tag and he hits the Phenomenal Springboard Forearm on Douglas. Hardy with a back body drop on Stevens right into the Styles Clash for the three count. After the match, Scott and Kevin come out. From out of another nowhere, Jeff Jarrett comes into the ring and hits Hardy and Styles from behind with a chair. Hall gives Styles the Razor’s Outsiders Edge and Nash gives Hardy the Jackknife Powerbomb and the show ends.

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