Actually, from what I read, Bibby, you can't put all of the stats in 10, depending on the build of the guy you make. Example, he will not have 10's on strength if he is someone like, say... Rey. But anywho...
Emerging from Puerto Rico (like I can go somewhere else) is...
Women's Championship: 2.4/5
Stacy vs. Trish:
Meh, RAW from England starts off with this Meh Match. Sure, we all love Stacy's underwear, but damn, she can't wrestle for shit. Trish wins, and some divas enter the ring. The faces clear out the heels. Nothing special here, folks.
World Tag Championship I & II: 2.9/5
La Resistance vs. Regal & Eugene
What the crap happened here? This was a pretty sloppy match, thanks to Eugene. I placed the I and II up there because it was ordered to restart. First pinfall went to Regal and Eugene, and briefly won the titles. But Eric ordered the match to restart, and the deciding pinfall went to La Resistance. Oh yeah, the crowd was pissed.
La Resistance segment:
Eric is pissed off at La Resistance because he had to help them, so he makes the match for TT: La Resistance vs. the 2 Contenders that did not get elected for the World Heavyweight Championship.
Evolution segment:
That room seems to travel with them everywhere, huh? Anywho, HHH bitches to Evolution that they don't have him covered, and Batista and Flair convince him that, yeah they do.
Snitsky Interview:
Argh... Gene Redneck comments how Kane threatened his life and that he could not stay subtle to Kane's abuse. He's also fine with the WOC match.
Kane rampage:
This was SUPPOSED to be a match with Hurricane & Rosey vs. Venis & Richards, but nope. Kane goes... well, Kane on them, especially Venis, denting a chair on his back numerous times. Nothing too special.
Randy & Ric segment:
I was pissed off at this point with England's crappy image quality, so the only part I remember I saw was when Randy was saying that he felt sorry that Ric was the shadow of the man he used to be. I'll just assume that they mutually pissed each other off.
Chris Jericho vs. Rhyno: N/A
I liked this match, actually. It was going pretty well for itself... TOO well. The CLB and Goat Boy attacked Y2J and Rhyno, so the match was a no contest. However, Coach came out and made this match instead...
Tag Match: 3.2/5
CLB & Goat Boy vs. Y2J & Rhyno:
Good match, good match. Makes up for the fact that the previous one was cut short. After awesome use of the Gore and Lionsault, Y2J and Rhyno win. However, Chris attacks Christian and locks the Walls, but Batista comes down, breaks the hold and bombs Jericho to hell. Cool.
Contenders' segment:
Benoit and HBK talk about how they are going to prove that they deserve the title shot at TT more than the other. Edge butts into the conversation, just to say the same thing, and to make the point he made last week.
TT Update:
Updates on TT and it's matches. If you want to know WHAT they are go to Taboo Tuesday's website to look for yourself. I was too busy with other channels here.
Tag Match: 3.6/
HBK, Benoit & Edge vs Evolution:
Well, we get a decent tag match for a main event. Pretty good match, there weren't too many signature moves from the wrestlers, but the contenders putting figure 4's on Evolution kicked ass. Edge got the pin on HHH after HBK kicked the shit out of him.
Contenders' OTHER segment:
They start arguing over who should the fans vote on for the TT thing. The egos collide until Edge puts a stop to things. He speared BOTH HBK and Benoit, leaving them on the ground. Hazza for heels, indeed.
This particular RAW was pretty sloppy. I liked the set, it was awesome, but the crappy image and bad matches didn't make me enjoy the match. And thus, I now leave you with this review!