You love to take risks just for fan approval! The rush and excitement from the crowd is all that matters to you!
You love to take risks just for fan approval! The rush and excitement from the crowd is all that matters to you!
I'll make something clear now.
Yes, I am a Charismatic Icon!
No, I don't suck at wrestling like Hulk Hogan!
<center>My wrestler persona is...<br>
<img src="http://nodq.com/vault/wrestlerpersona/icon.gif"><br>
I am idolized by wrestling fans everywhere! I have a huge ego, yet my mere presence excites a crowd!<br><br>
What wrestler persona are YOU?</center>
Well, I have nothing else to do, so I'll type a few things I've found around the Net:
For all the fans of the SmackDown! games, I have big news regarding the roster. Get ready.
For starters, The Rock has been made as a legend (the 90s Rock, with sideburns and all) and now Mankind has been also added to the roster. But I think that the biggest addition to the roster is the Executor of Excellence. You read right, Bret Hart is in the new SmackDown! game.
What? THAT isn't enough to excite you? Okay... Remember Create-A-PPV from No Mercy? It's back too. Create-A-Belt? You bet. But one of the biggest innovations? Online. Damn right, online play! Hell Yeah!
If somebody wants to, the news and roster for the game are in ign.com. I'll be going now, bye!
You would think that the WWE would be able to come up with a better name, or even use Halloween Havoc which is probably my favorite WCW PPV name.
(The only way I could fit the entire poster was to turn it sideways)
I ended up getting extreme brawler.
That does kinda look like funaki...
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
hey you never told us who won that cage match you had going.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
I have no idea what it means, but this is me.
it means you can wow the crowd just by showing up. yor matches can suck and no one would care.... just like hogan
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
holy shit the rock is making another movie!
where have you been? Yeah he has a few he's going to do.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
hey, that site has a wrestling league thats played out on a video game... its pretty good... so i was wondering if i could be like uhh, the CAW (the league on the site) reveiwer or something?
if i can im gonna come back tomarrow with the results of their mega-event(yup, its thier version of ppv's!!), End of an Era!!
LordKooler's Smackdown! review
1.Eddie guerrero segment rating:***1/2
A decent segment to start off Smackdown. Eddie talks about what Kurt angle did to his car last week. But Luther reigns comes out and talks about different kinds of fights. Then Eddie goes to the parking lot to destroy Kurt angle's car. But theodore long comes out and calls security to escort Eddie out of the building.
2.RVD vs Kenzo Suzuki rating:***1/2
A decent match. After RVD won, Rene dupree and Kenzo attacked RVD.
3.Chavo guerrero vs Billy kidman rating:***
A good match. Michael Cole calling this match "Classic chavo guerrero" reminded me of Chavo classic. Kidman won at the end.
4.John Cena vs Booker T rating:***
Match 2 of the Best of 5 series for the U.S title was good. After Booker T tied up the series, Michael cole said that Match 3 will take place at a Smackdown house show in Australia.
5.Heidenreich's debut rating:**
Heidenreich's Smackdown debut wasn't that impressive. At least he won't talk about "Little Johnny." Heidenreich started attacking Josh matthews because he was mad about Josh matthews calling him "hype."
6.Kurt angle vs Rey mysterio rating:****
It was a great match. It was just like their Summerslam 2002 match but it didn't end with Rey tapping out, Kurt angle won by pinfall.
7.Undertaker vs Orlando jordan rating:***
A good match to end Smackdown. Undertaker won by DQ but didn't win the WWE title.
At 8/26/04 08:59 PM, -JADEWIZ- wrote: if i can im gonna come back tomarrow with the results of their mega-event(yup, its thier version of ppv's!!), End of an Era!!
What? I missed some thing.
oh well my results where glorified jobber.
Ha I such a loser duhrr
Hey outlaw, kraidle effect or however the fuck its spelled will review raw, I would do it but I tend to forget what happens ok was this too late or not, fuck its hot.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
You can just call me Kraidle. The effect thing is just there by undisclosed reasons.
Don't worry, everyone. I'll do the reviews for RAW so that you can remember the show for more than 5 minutes after it's ended. It applies to me, too. So expect Kraidle's RAW Review next week, at around 12:00am NG Time.
I took the persona test again, and this is what I got.
i have noticed something about wwe, there have always been certain wrestlers that you can count on to make a good match no matter who their opponent is, EX: Benoit, HHH, Angle, Guerro, The Rock, Mysterio etc etc etc
At 8/27/04 01:15 AM, Iscrulz wrote:At 8/26/04 08:59 PM, -JADEWIZ- wrote: if i can im gonna come back tomarrow with the results of their mega-event(yup, its thier version of ppv's!!), End of an Era!!What? I missed some thing.
look at the last post on the page before this
SD was decent.. heh my friend was drinking so we made a game for some od the matches. Main;y the Booker T/Cena match
Any leg move by booker-1 drink
If Booker looks at his gloves-2 drinks
Spinaroony-3 drinks
If Cena does 5 knuckle-2 drinks
When he pumps-1 drink
FU- 2 drinks
any cena thats not a suplex or a punch- 3 drinks
and so on.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Chavo got knocked out cold after the shooting star press. He was taken to a local hospital. He has been released from it though so hopefully he is just fine.
WWE is inforcing a dress code on wrestlers. They have to wear suit-type attire when traveling and arriving to the arenas. Many are protesting against this code and a few have already been fined.
Stone Cold is in talks with Vince on a return. No word yet on how it went.
X-pac was backstage on Raw... He may also return.
TNA is dropping their wensday night PPV and hopes to repleace it for a Sunday one.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 8/27/04 09:33 AM, Outlaw88 wrote:
so uhh outlaw... can i be like a reviewer for the league on nodq.com?
sure.. why the hell not? Just make sure you give lots of shameless plugs for us!
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Iscrulz impact thoughts
>well the tie breaker was a close match tween triple x member and amw member. they block and counter there moves time runs out. Omg it dusty rhodes he cant be here.
>FIne 6 man tag. sonjay dutt looks to be a rising crusier weight. but red was demolished with the clothesline. fuck yeah dutt hits the mexican strech buster and a flip and twisting splash. Petey William will defeat sonjay next ppv no doubt.
> team canda wastes a face tag team with the impressive candian destroyer. the match started out a confrentian between damore and dusty rhodes oh bionic elbows and choking oh no.
>Teh monster abyss won no problem over sonny but when sonny stomped on goldilocks fingers that was funny. isnt there an alex wright from wcw. I know you wont respond so fuck nit.
>what a jobber match jarret waste frankie guy we just wait until he hit the stroke.
> what a cool main event jeff hardy wins with his patented swanton then all hell breaks lose. karzian and I forgot his name attack hardy. then the alpha comes in a beats up on hardy cuz he is mad he didnt get any tv time. aj style tries to help out hardy but after that kid kash and dallas kick and stomp styles then the truth comes and helps out styles and hardy somewhat , off the air
Impact phrase of the day Don West(frantically): Oh he just turned him inside out. {when red was clotheslined.)
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
Gawd Dayum! I am back! Time for my move for SD and Impact
The SD move was
The Tombstone!
Hey, twas sweet! It would have been the angle slam if he got it on rey. Taker screwed again! Fuck!
And the impact move of the day is.
The stroke!
It almost always will be! Jeff will lose to this very move in about, 2 more weeks or so! Jeff Jarret = God!
Well, now the move of the week is an upset!
It wasn't used, but fuck Randy came out on top! But, seriously, give Hunter the Belt and Go back to Evoloution! Fcker!
Well, I will start up normaly on Monday with the Move of the day!
And now, a monthly segment!
Move of August! Oh shit!
The move of August is...
The RKO!
He won the title, that is all the proof I need...not!
The real move of august is The angle Slam/ Angle lock!
Fuck you all! Kurt is 3-0 in singles comp and has not been pinned in any matches yet since his return! It's True! It's Dayum True! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Almostforgot! I got hardcore legend as the Persona of my guy! YEAH!
Give Triple H the title back? Randy go back to Evolution? HELL NO!
I like how things are going in RAW right now for Evolution. Randy Orton is doing well for himself, despite his inexperience. He's been making good matches since the start of the year, and I just don't see an neccesity in him dropping the title... yet. I just hope that when he changes his theme song, it isn't anything generic or crappy.
As for Triple H, goddamn it. The sunbitch should stop going after the World Heavyweight Title and do something else. I don't know what he CAN do, since he has already done everything else. Maybe he should botch a sex change and go for the women's title...
If anything, someone should give the title to Y2J. Come on, this guy is the posterboy for the word "underrated". It's been too long since he had a IC or World title. And as he said: "The initials of the next World Champion are not HHH, it's Y2J."
Bottom line: Randy is all right, Triple H should cool it for now, and Jericho should become the 1st contender at LEAST.
In another note, I got slammed in thumbtacks. Peace.
RAW was the best, I missed the first hour though, but I caught the rest.
I have a new found respect for Randy Orton, I respect him the most now, spitting in HHH face was the best, then clocking him with the belt, GREAT! I was soo pissed when HHH demanded the title from Orton, Orton was the best thing that happend to HHH life (besides Stephanie McMan*spelling*) And the wedding from Hell was so beautiful, Kane was going to be normal, but then Trish Stratus came out acting like a bitch agean, she need to just go back to being a Canadian model. Besides Lita could have hurt her self, shame on you Trish, shame on you.
SmackDown! was awsome too. With Kurt tricking (what we thought) Eddie in to smashing Teddys car, and the best part, Eddie got kicked out of the stadium, Kurt go chewed out for smashing Teddys car, and Luther Reings(spelling)had to clean up the mess. The best was the Champion ship match between Orlando Jordan and The Undertaker, JBL and OJ coming in there, taking down to the general manager like they were the best things since sliced bread. Undertaker deserves that title. Damn JBL and his tampering with the match, pulling the ref out of the ring. If I was the ref I would have continued the count, but JBL got his, oh did he get his.
[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]
XBL / PSN - Voidist
Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.
At 8/27/04 07:39 AM, -JADEWIZ- wrote:At 8/27/04 01:15 AM, Iscrulz wrote:look at the last post on the page before thisAt 8/26/04 08:59 PM, -JADEWIZ- wrote: if i can im gonna come back tomarrow with the results of their mega-event(yup, its thier version of ppv's!!), End of an Era!!What? I missed some thing.
Ok I watched one of those matches the wwe vs comicbook super heros in a tournament.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
At 8/28/04 01:30 AM, Iscrulz wrote: Ok I watched one of those matches the wwe vs comicbook super heros in a tournament.
that would be bound for glory 1 or 2...
OK... heres what happened leading up to End of an Era
At bound for glory 2, wade needham (one of the commentaters) got bobby spade (the other one) on the phone, he couldent be there to commentate becuase he got "terminated" by the terminator at Bound for glory 2. anyways, wade needham was about to fire bobby spade over thee phone and all he could get out was "YOUR F" because thats when bobby spade announced that he had bought 50% of nodq from aaron rift (the owner) and bobby spade hung up right after he said that.. after bobby spade hung up wade needham was in shock, he didint belive bobby spade, so he said after the next match (sting vs. mike myers) hed get aaron rift on the phone, and that he did. aaron said that bobby HAD bought 50% of nodq, but aaron said he had an idea the idea was to have a draft lottery 2 weeks from that time to split nodq into 2 leagues, nodq pacific run by wade, and nodq eastern run by wade, bobby and wade agreed, so..it would happen in 2 weeks
bfg2 ended with these results
Mr clean beat ric flair, to become the NEW dirtiest player in the game.
mike myers beats sting after a clone of mike myers interfered.
Eugene beats leatherface after a sc stunner, a rock bottom, the peoples elbow, and the worm.
Jason vorhees beats ganondorf with the crystal lake slam to retain his nodq caw title
the lottery went like this, each owner draws 6 people, if you get a champion, the title goes to your league the champions at the time were
Jason vorhees- caw champ
Beavis and butt-head- tag team caw title
soon ill give you results of the lottery and EOAE
Beavis and butthead
Jason vorhees
Mike myers
bruce lee
Freddy krueger
The Terminator
mr clean
( i messed up, it was 7 each )
during the draft they announced that at EOAE, they would have a harbor from hell match between freddy and jason. the only way to win is to climb to the top of the boat, climb the pole, and grab the title, but, they only had 15 minutes to get the belt, so if noone got it in 15 minutes, the belt would stay with jason, and if freddy got the belt, the title would go to nodq eastern, and if jason got it or time ran out, the belt would go to nodq pacific. they also announced sting vs mike myers in a cage match
Spider man and link beat mr clean and batman when spiderman got a schoolboy rollup on bat man, after the match, mr clean set up a ladder on the ramp, and superplexed batman off the ladder , over the ramp, and onto the cement down near were jr and king usually commentate.
Sting beat mike myers after a sting clone came in to help sting beat up the mike myers clone, after the match, noone knew who won, it could have been the sting clone that climbed out of the cage
Freddy beat jason when freddy got chokeslammed 70 feet down into the boat and jason climbed up the pole, but wen jason got halfway up the pole, lightning hit him. with 30 seconds to go, freddy amazingly got up, and climbed the pole to grab the belt with 1 second left on the clock
i wont have anymore nodq news until sept. 19 wen their leagues have their debut