i no i am, all i have is gay rogers sports net, i really wanted to see Aj styles, hey is there a wrestler ont here with blonde curly hair
At 8/20/04 02:56 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote:
That sucks for you...you're really missing out on some good stuff =/
I aint getting it either, we don't get it here in Canada, and it sucks, I really wanna see guys like AJ styles in action, but oh well. :P
Thanks to Ninjar for the sig. -NGSM
OMG i emailed the wwe thing and said that SD was losing fans because they lost so many wrestlers and i sugested that they make a SD thing like the Diva thing and i said that they could call it some different names
WWE wrestler search
tough enough
SmackDown champion
and they chose to do it yay!!!!!!
Since almost everyone is doing a segment, then I guess I have no choice but to hop on board. I better start now before Red takes all the ideas since he has like 3 now. :)
Here is the first ever, in WWE Club history, Krossroad Kaptions. (This will be a weekly thing)
Angle (thinking): I wonder what he's thinking.
Eddie (thinking): Don't look at his bulge, Don't look at his bulge, Don't...Ewwwwwwwwwww!
At 8/20/04 11:47 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote: I KNEW IT!!! EDDIE IS A LATINO FAG!!! OLA MI FAGGETO!!!
lol. I always saw through his "mamacita" character.
it would be good to see Eddie vs. Flair. They both wrestle dirty.
Hey people, I am starting the Active wrestling faction. Its sort of like your club only A) its actually a game, less of just a normal club like this and a roleplay of an actuall wrestling legue and 2) it can be any wrestler, real or not, dead or alive. I just though maybe some of you might want to look at it and maybe join.
At 8/20/04 11:47 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote:
Red's Rant, Angle's Hot or Not, Princes Predictions, Mallrat remembers, Violators's Dejaview, Bibby's TNA review, LordKoolers SD Review....I think that is it.
You forgot Outlaws rant of Doom. Though I can't blame you. i only do it when I'm really pissed at something WWE does. But since I've been part of this club for a while I think it may be time for me to make a segment of my own... I'll get back to ya on that.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 8/21/04 02:04 AM, justrude88 wrote: it would be good to see Eddie vs. Flair. They both wrestle dirty.
Angle went too far with the paint on his lowrider, I mean, pour it on Eddie, but not the lowrider.
It allso makes me happy that Randy Orton got the shit beat out of him.
(notice, im not in the club, just agreeing on some stuff, and such)
[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]
XBL / PSN - Voidist
Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.
At 8/21/04 12:09 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote:
Gasp! We have a Orton hater! Attack gentlemen~! Gargleplax!
Don't get me wrong, he has potential, but he needs to stay away from Evolution.
Well then why not join?
Sure, but I'll be back soon.
[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]
XBL / PSN - Voidist
Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.
What happened to steve Austin.
Brock lestner?
I have others but I must make great haste.
[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]
XBL / PSN - Voidist
Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.
as I said.. it will be n interesting year for football.
So you want to join? ok then, you are # 103! Welcome to the club.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
the WWE will be in the civic center in Ottawa im going by the way can I join I love the WWE
At 8/21/04 11:52 AM, The_Redangleprince wrote:
Believe it or not it's been done...by me. WWE RPG it was called. It didn't work out though, but it was an entertaining thought.
I remember, I joined. But I actually thought of rules and such, sence it mainly failed sence either everyone was wondering how to get it or the idiots who do the entire post in one match. Also, its more like a seperate wrestling legue sence we have different people who have certain jobs like in real life, and sence this one is for any wrestlers, dead or alive.
At 8/20/04 11:47 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote:At 8/20/04 11:39 PM, Krossroads wrote: Since almost everyone is doing a segment, then I guess I have no choice but to hop on board. I better start now before Red takes all the ideas since he has like 3 now. :)Red's Rant, Angle's Hot or Not, Princes Predictions, Mallrat remembers, Violators's Dejaview, Bibby's TNA review, LordKoolers SD Review....I think that is it.
I will jump on the bandwagon and do isc phrase of the day the first ed. will come after I see sd ::sigh:: at midnight. but my biological clock is set right. it could be funny, annoying or stupid phrase one will never know. Now we need a raw review way way back rook did it then -rv- but they faded away so I guess who ever wants to review it can.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
K....this may seem a bit odd. I posted on here back in April asking if I could join. But with college and a summer job...I was kinda of away from NG entirely since then. But yeah...I'm back. Just thought I'd post this.
At 8/21/04 11:55 AM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: (notice, im not in the club, just agreeing on some stuff, and such)
Actually I don't think I have officially entered the club either but I am a regular on here. :)
At 8/21/04 02:09 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: as I said.. it will be n interesting year for football.
So you want to join? ok then, you are # 103! Welcome to the club.
Awsome! E and 3 kinda rhyme don't they.
With Orton and all, he was acting all cocky and shit to HHH and throwing his weight around, plus, he beat Benoit twice in a row, now that's just wrong. I mean Im happy and all he is the youngest ever to recive that title, but I still wished Benoit was the winner.
[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]
XBL / PSN - Voidist
Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.
my sd thoughts. I haved done one in while (noted not a red rant ripoff look many pages back that will settle nonexistent arguements.)
>Now its general spike to dicator spike lol. shades of evolution with the low blow to scotty. then cena got waste that was funny, I feel we are going to have a face alliance vs the dudleyz.
>chavo and noble as tag team champs they might get the title shot at no mercy just like the man beast and the japanese buzzsaw will gain the world tag team title at unforgiven. the dropkicks it that match made a LOUD Smack
>Eddie gracefully admits kurt is the better wrestler, then he attacks kurt for no good reason. So that mean eddie is the better wrestle and will beat kurt next rematch.
>of course cena wins didnt doubt that.
>Rofl kenzo flips out and starts scoopslaming rvd. akio should jion forces with suzki, is he still a heel havent watch velocity in a while to known.
>big show and heidinrich (h/e its spelled) return to smackdown holla holla holla.
>OMG angle wreck the lowrider quick eddie wash it off dont just stand there.
Now for the phrase of the day eddie: whoopdeedingdong.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
There's no holding me back
I'm not driven by fear, I'm just driven by anger
And you're under attack
Just climbing up slowly, I'm the one and only
YES! After a VERY long hiatus, I, Kraidle Effect, is back in the Internet!
The story of my absence involves love, betrayal, wrestling, and a broken ass-crack. Very exciting indeed!
But whatever, I came here to speak my mind of what the hell has been going on with WWE, so here I go.
1. WrestleMania kinda sucked, except for the main events. At least that's what I think.
2. Randy Orton has the title, and was kicked the $@#* out of Evolution. Good thing? Absolutely. Triple H will destroy Evolution from the inside, which is an upgrade. I think he should stay with Ric as his manager and Batista going solo. Good times could come.
3. I really want to see NWA. I don't have PPV. Any suggestions?
4. SmackDown! has always sucked, IMO. I don't know why, but I dislike that show. And they moved Jackie, RVD and Booker T over there. DAMN YOU!
5. Eddie a fag... damn, it was bad enough being latin with the guy from "Rico Suave" and now this pops up. Latin slandering must be stopped! And I actually placed a bid on that picture with the title thing. Too bad I didn't get it.
6. I used to be in a few RPG wrestling feds. They usually don't last long, but I was entertained while I was Nicholas Kurijo. But nah.
I think that's it for now. If you found it long, offensive, racist or otherwise... tough. I had to type something.
At 8/22/04 08:22 AM, Kraidle_Effect wrote:
2. Randy Orton has the title, and was kicked the $@#* out of Evolution. Good thing? Absolutely. Triple H will destroy Evolution from the inside, which is an upgrade. I think he should stay with Ric as his manager and Batista going solo. Good times could come.
Even though I've been going for Benoit all the way, what happend to Orton was terrible, I mean, he didn't stand a chance with HHH, and not to mention Batista, Flairs not much of a chalange. I think that they are all jealous of Orton having the title at sucha young age. But hey, the winds of change, Evoulution isn't the solution.
3. I really want to see NWA. I don't have PPV. Any suggestions?
Get a buddy of your to record to on tape when they watch it.
4. SmackDown! has always sucked, IMO. I don't know why, but I dislike that show. And they moved Jackie, RVD and Booker T over there. DAMN YOU!
I know BigShow is coming back, will he be on RAW or SmackDown!?
5. Eddie a fag... damn, it was bad enough being latin with the guy from "Rico Suave" and now this pops up. Latin slandering must be stopped! And I actually placed a bid on that picture with the title thing. Too bad I didn't get it.
Deface Eddie, but not the LowRider. Yea he stole Kuts's metals and sold them on e-bay, but, wait, i does kinda even its self out.
6. I used to be in a few RPG wrestling feds. They usually don't last long, but I was entertained while I was Nicholas Kurijo. But nah.
I think that's it for now. If you found it long, offensive, racist or otherwise... tough. I had to type something.
Don't bleep your self, it's not healthy.
Have a good day!
[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]
XBL / PSN - Voidist
Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.
Oh shit! Time for everyones most random segment!
Move of the day!
For thursday...
Amgle slam
He may not have won, but he destroyed eddie's car! HHAHAHAHA! Fucker!
For friday
Canadian Destroyer
I didn't get Impact here in PHilly. But, ya know what, he is the X division champ, bitches!
And, the Move of the week!
A shoker! We have been talking about Bret so much, I did this! Shawn, you are fucked on November 5th! HAHAHAHAHA!
I will be away til friday, but will be here for the Moves of Raw and SD!
My way, or fuck off! Fuck teh Faces! Hazza Fo' Heels!
whoo we had a few new guys to add to da list and I did a check.. Krossroads you didn't officially join so I added you in. here they are.
Krossroads # 104
ucantcme # 105
Steve_the_Scorpion # 106
and for those who returned.. welcome back!
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
I wonder why Edge didn't continue his goal on detroying Evolution.
(It would have been a Sting vs. NWO rip-off if you ask me.)
At 8/22/04 08:31 AM, Master_Inuyasha wrote:At 8/22/04 08:22 AM, Kraidle_Effect wrote:2. Randy Orton has the title, and was kicked the $@#* out of Evolution. Good thing? Absolutely. Triple H will destroy Evolution from the inside, which is an upgrade. I think he should stay with Ric as his manager and Batista going solo. Good times could come.
It would be nice if evolution got a new member like a y2j heel.
3. I really want to see NWA. I don't have PPV. Any suggestions?Get a buddy of your to record to on tape when they watch it.
just watch tna impact fridays its not nwa but who cares
I know BigShow is coming back, will he be on RAW or SmackDown!?
TL rolled the promo last SD and big show is staying on SD holla holla holla do ya feel me playa.
Deface Eddie, but not the LowRider. Yea he stole Kuts's metals and sold them on e-bay, but, wait, i does kinda even its self out.
e-bay no, wwe auction .com yes but it was ridiclously high bids
Don't bleep your self, it's not healthy.
I think that's it for now. If you found it long, offensive, racist or otherwise... tough. I had to type something.
SUCK IT! douchebags
Yes this is not a censord club we can handle swears.
there was that hard
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
At 8/22/04 05:18 PM, justrude88 wrote: I wonder why Edge didn't continue his goal on detroying Evolution.
(It would have been a Sting vs. NWO rip-off if you ask me.)
I think he forgot. I did until you brought it up. Or maybe he thought the same thing and said "Fuck it. I ain't gonna rip off Sting.".
I didn't bleep myself, BTW. I just saw a D-X shirt and decided to put it in my post. But it's good to know you can swear.
Every now & then I will post what the WWE needs to do in order to become more successful & appealing.
We all know that the WWE is getting worse & worse and eventually it will be total crap. The great days of the (I foget which era its was called) era with Hart, Michaels, Sid, Diesel, Doink, Lawler, & more & the era of Raw is War with Stone Cold, The Rock, DX, etc., are long gone. PPVs are just getting worse & worse, and there are very few generation leading superstars nowadays. (example: Stone Cold, Rock, Triple H, Bret Hart, Michaels).
But with a few adjustments, the WWE will be back on track to be just as good as it used to be.
1. WWE needs to combine both rosters & do both shows with everyone
The roster split was a good idea at the time, & it was great & exciting while it lasted. Even with the draft it has become sour once again. . The problem is there are too many matches between the same people which weakens the interest of the viewers & there arn't enough tag teams for each show so now they have to combine random people (Chavo & Jamie).
Each show has an unbalanced roster.
While Raw has all the big name guys, Smackdown! gets the crusierweights and a FEW top names (Big Show, Angle, Eddie, Taker). Raw really has the better storylines, believe it or not. While Smackdown has storylines that seem like they were threw together in about an hour.
Thats it for now.
aw, what the hell. i always watch RAW, so i might as well join. can i be Kane?
At 8/23/04 01:17 AM, The_Redangleprince wrote: I disagree.
The roster split was made so that every superstar would get a chance.
Put all the rosters back together on 1 show with all the belts except delete teh Smackdown tag team belt & I'm sure almost everybody will have plenty of time on TV. They didn't do this "chance" thing for wrestlers back in the early 90s & everything was perfect, but now it sucks. hmmmm......
If they put them back together, many talented guys will fall to waste and ruin.
I doubt it. But if guys like Orlando Jordan, Paul London, Kidman, among many others fall to ruin, you won't see me upset. Infact, I'll be thanking god since they wont ever have any impact on the WWE anyways.