Why do you b!tches have to spoil everything? Here in Australia we don't get Raw until Friday, and Smackdown on Saturday.
Why do you b!tches have to spoil everything? Here in Australia we don't get Raw until Friday, and Smackdown on Saturday.
At 8/16/04 11:33 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote: Wow! I love that! An unexpected,
When they just kept huging & Raw didn't go off air I knew something was going to happen. And right when Triple H's expression changed when he said "You're the man" was when I Knew Orton was in trouble. Shade of Nation of Domination. Except its kind of the reverse of NoD. Since Rock was the young guy & turned on the Leader, for Evolution its the Leader turning on the young guy.
Move of The Day!
It should have been the Pedigree.
And, as promised here is a caption pic for you guys to dub on. Have fun:
Not much to work with unless you do the obvious sex idea. But heres mine.
Ref: Val, he won't let go until you admit that you're a jobber?
I like this one the alot better though -
Ref: I know this is the wrong time to ask Val, but did Kaentai really cut off your penis?
At 8/16/04 11:59 PM, Tralfaz wrote: Why do you b!tches have to spoil everything? Here in Australia we don't get Raw until Friday, and Smackdown on Saturday.
Sorry if I spoiled anything for you, I didn't know. Next time I guess don't come here until you see it.
At 8/17/04 12:00 AM, Krossroads wrote:At 8/16/04 11:33 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote: Move of The Day!It should have been the Pedigree.
Don't tell me how to do my segments bitch! lol
And, as promised here is a caption pic for you guys to dub on. Have fun:Not much to work with unless you do the obvious sex idea. But heres mine.
Ref: Val, he won't let go until you admit that you're a jobber?
I like this one the alot better though -
Ref: I know this is the wrong time to ask Val, but did Kaentai really cut off your penis?
lol. Obviously not. Althought that was just wrong. I still forget why the fuck they did it. Oh well.
Here is my caption for my pic.
Batista: Almost there!!!
Val: Come one, yea! Give me all ya got! I can take it!!!
*crack, crack, crack*
Val: Ohh, man. Thanks Batista, you should hae been a Chiropractor.
Batista: Thanks Val, you have a towel? I got my sticky....sweat all over your back.
Val: Here.
I love that.
At 8/17/04 01:49 AM, Dobio wrote: YES! Evolution is dead!
I'm soooo happy. Let's just hope that we get a stable feud going on here....
Well Orton is out but the other three are still Evolution. So its not dead........yet.
I also want amy to win! I'm betting Triple H is gonna let Chris Benoit join or atleast Kane! heh that would be awesome if Kane joined!
At 8/17/04 02:17 AM, Dobio wrote: Pul-lease. Orton was the epitome of Evolution. Without him, there is no group. Unless he's replaced....
You are Stu-upid if that's what you really think.
At 8/17/04 03:43 AM, Dobio wrote: The point is, three is not four, and Evolution, like it or not, loses affectiveness with the loss of Orton. Although, it was a very predictable re-hash story line.
Actually I do remember them. Look at above post & you will see i talk about them. Its the exact opposite though. Rock took over NoD. Randy Orton got beating out of Evolution. Theres a difference, & plus, When Rock led Nation of Domination it lasted for a while before it died.
Of course it loses something when a member leaves but that doesnt mean the group is dead.
It was only predictible because you probably heard the rumors.
You just don't like me ever since I corrected you. I think thats why you keep acting this way towards me. lol Grow up.
damn what an ending that was! I was very impressed the way they did it. I can't wait for thir matches to begin. Randy vs. Batista, or Flair and then HHH.
I wonder if they will get a repleacement for him in evolution.. Who should it be if they do?
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
damn, I was pissed when Evolution took Ortan out, I dont think he will get replaced for a while, imagined HBK joined them? that'd be crazy.
Thanks to Ninjar for the sig. -NGSM
At 8/17/04 04:37 AM, Dobio wrote: Funny how you saved that pic, I completely forgot about that entire incident.
It was too funny, I had to save it.
*smirks* I'm not here to settle any sort of personal vendetta,
I'm just messing around with you.
At 8/17/04 12:08 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote: He has about as much wrestling ability as Stone Cold. RAWR! I PUNCH YOU! YOU FALL DOWN!
That's not true at all. Stone Cold was trained very well. He does technical & yes, a hard knocks style wreslting. It was just his character, but Stone Cold does have skills.
Because you know what will happen. "Does anyone object to this marriage?""I object!" "What?!" Kane! I challenge you! All or nothing at Unforgiven!" *bewildered face and slobber"You are on!"
The story line is supposed to last the entire length of the pregnancy, so 9 months.
Tracy is hot, but we know she won't win because of her chest or lack thereof.
I definately agree with you there. I vote for Tracie each time. We need variety on Raw, not another Blonde or Brunette. She probably won't win because her chest but hey, look at Stacy, Tracie is like the black Stacy but with cool hair.
Nice Job Red. Yea, this is the Demise of Evoloution. But, I feel something bad is going to happen as a result:
Orton, next week, gets pissed off, goes face, for a while, then at the next PPV fights Triple H. Triple H wins, now here is were it can cut off or go on. If orton stays face, Evoloution will split right away. If He returns to Heel, the Splitwill be postponed. But I know it is coming.
Angle should be the champ! That is all...
My buddy's are going to Unforgiven, I want to go so bad. It's only a 2 hour drive from my house.
Orton vs. HHH could be a very good match.
At 8/17/04 01:03 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote: Nice Job Red. Yea, this is the Demise of Evoloution. But, I feel something bad is going to happen as a result:
Orton, next week, gets pissed off, goes face, for a while, then at the next PPV fights Triple H. Triple H wins, now here is were it can cut off or go on. If orton stays face, Evoloution will split right away. If He returns to Heel, the Splitwill be postponed. But I know it is coming.
Orton is going to play the face in their feud. As you heard on Raw, he is almost a face, until he started making fun of the 24 year old men which was funny. But him as well as Batista have become fan favorites. The Canadians while some still chearing, alot were booing Edge.
Rock recieved another lead role:
The Rock will be part of a movie called “Far Cry”, which is scheduled for a 2006 release. Rock has the lead role, Jack Carver. Here’s the plot summary. “An adaptation of the first-person-shooter video game where Jack Carver, a retired ocean patrol cop who now transports people and cargo to various islands, goes through hell when his boat blows up off the coast of an uncharted Micronesian island. His goal is to simply survive and to rescue a female reporter who had tagged along on the trip but was kidnapped by mercenaries who protect a laboratory hidden somewhere on the island.”
yea for that raw diva contest is amy the one way at the end always and was she the one that carmillia voted for??????
anyways i dont see randy ortin being champ to long i mean he doesnt really look like a heavyweight kinda guy just like JBL being the wwe champion it just wont last long
here is a pic of HHH punching randy this wasnt the punch i was talking about im talking about the one when he has him in a head lock by the turnbuckle and he isnt even hitting him u can clearly see it he is just going shabam shabam! look at batista though he looks sad it would of been kool if he picked up flair gave him a power bomb then did it to HHH then carried ortin out of there that would of been nuts
At 8/17/04 01:30 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote:At 8/17/04 01:00 PM, Krossroads wrote:Stone Cold had the wrestling skills of a druken half-crazed weasle. I'm surprised he even figured out a neck-braker. Name one decent move he ever used BESIDES the Lou Thesz Press.
He used many moves. Can't think of any right now because its been along time since he wrestled. When I do I'll post it here, but I know (yet I forgot who) that he was trained by one of the greats. Maybe Ted Debiase, I don't think it was him though.
That cannot be true, please, somebody tell me that isn't true.
Its true. Or at least thats what I read on Prowrestling.com
And believe me, there hasn't been a decent female wrestler since Chyna. With the possible exception of Gail Kim, but they let her go to shit to so *shrug*
Chyna was just huge. Trish is a great wrestler as is Victoria & Molly Holly.
Alright, after watching a clip of the Bret Hart .Vs. Stone Cold match I got on my computer.
Stone Cold used the Boston Crab, a great Suplex, Russian Leg Sleep, A type of head scissors & pulling the arm back as well, among other things.
At 8/17/04 02:53 PM, Dobio wrote: Million Dollar Champion = Stone Cold. That was back in the day, when Austin wasn't 3:16. Within that year though, I think he left Teddy and went on to win the King of the Ring, beating Jake Roberts. Hence the 3:16 bit.
Ahhh, the beginning of the 3:16 era. How I miss it. When he first came to WWE he was The Ringmaster. Then changed to SCTA.
Also, I have to continue to help my buddy Austin out. Lets go to the tapes. This time Im checking out Austin .Vs. Micheals WM. Arm bar, the atomic drop, sleeper hold, reverse figure four. Ok, I'm done with this.
I hate to be part or the "in" crowd here but in the hight of the attitude ara I was a big stone cold fan. His fued with Vince was great. Near teh end of his career he was annoying, although the "What?!" bit was funny.
I always find myself rooting for the heels Though I stopped likeing cena cause all his matches are the same.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
I have read that WWE has bought out Scott Steiner's contract and he is now completely done with the company.
WWE had plans to bring him back but those were scrapped due to injuries among other things.
As of now, Scott Steiner is finished with WWE.
ohhhh that was joy well yeah i hope either joy or amy wins that contest
YEs kurt angle has been one of my fav wrestlers ever since i first started watching back when he still had hair, actually i started watching the week before backlash where hogan beat HHH for the undisputed title which means kurt angle was just about to lose his hair, hey do u all remember his wig lol, i cant find a pic of im wearing the wig but meh
remmeber this Summer slam 2001 where kurt angle got steve austin in the ankle lock
well it looks like we finally agree on sumthing
ok i have a new segment i am going to be doing, every raw and smackdown i will find a picture from the past that reminds me of something that happened that night. I call it
Reds Dejaview but if there is nothing that reminds me of anything i wll still try to find a pic from the past that is kool ok :)
Since a couple of people mentioned Hogan I thought I would say that Brooke his very HOT! Anyone else seen her on Vh1?
Randy Orton after Raw: “What’s done is done,” Orton said. “They left me laying in a bloody mess, and now someone’s gotta pay. It’s always gonna be three on one, so I don’t know exactly what I want to do right now. I have to sit back, collect my thoughts, and absorb what happened. I have a lot of thinking to do right now.”
At 8/17/04 04:46 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote:At 8/17/04 04:38 PM, Red_Violator wrote: well it looks like we finally agree on sumthingYes. Let's celebrate by buying you an english dictionary =P
lol yea that would be nice, i know who to spell im just to lazy to think so meh
yea i have seen brooke hogan here is a pic and dam she is fine
hey prince did u ever watch last comic standing cause there was a guy that would do that lets move ont hing then thank you it was funny
oh about that thing about shelton not being around its because he has been injured duh but he is expected to return soon
At 8/17/04 05:19 PM, The_Redangleprince wrote:At 8/17/04 05:14 PM, Red_Violator wrote: hey prince did u ever watch last comic standing cause there was a guy that would do that lets move ont hing then thank you it was funnyThat's actuall what I was refering to. His name was Jay London.
O god! That troll looking guy? He was terrible the night I saw him a few weeks ago. He just said different things about himself. Like "I dont take baths" etc...
i new his name way jay london and i had a bet from the begening that joh heffron would win and i was right..... dont worry sir youll never see me again
i c so u already new about his injury.... im just gonne move over here
HBKS return will be awsome...dont worry sir its almost over
thank you