wow.... i ahvent posted here for awhile but i am back oh wait im going camping tomarrow :P
well anyway i jjsut wanted to say i think eugene should burn in hell HHH should of won that but w/e
wow.... i ahvent posted here for awhile but i am back oh wait im going camping tomarrow :P
well anyway i jjsut wanted to say i think eugene should burn in hell HHH should of won that but w/e
You guys here of brock lesnar signing a contract with the minnosota vikings?
At 7/29/04 05:44 PM, -Diablo- wrote: You guys here of brock lesnar signing a contract with the minnosota vikings?
yeah that swas along time ago
I'm happy he made it.. No really, I am! Let him play some football for a while, it might be very interesting.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 7/29/04 05:52 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: I'm happy he made it.. No really, I am! Let him play some football for a while, it might be very interesting.
I just want brock to destroy someone like Warren Sapp. He betrayed the Bucs and I believe if Lesnar is going to play that he make a fuckin impact. like cripple a player that is very importaint. Like Donavan McNabb. That is just an example of what I mean, I don't want him to get McNabb tho. Maybe Curtis Martin or Jason Taylor.
At 7/29/04 06:40 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote:At 7/29/04 05:52 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: I'm happy he made it.. No really, I am! Let him play some football for a while, it might be very interesting.I just want brock to destroy someone like Warren Sapp.
Maybe he will F-5 someone. =O
I know who the New GM is! I figured it out! It fits together. Shane...won't be it cause he is a RAW guy and lost to Kane and now is doing storylines I guess. Stphanie can't be it because of that whole Vince and I Quit thing. Paul can't do it because he would be using a wormhole to get away from RAW via that Draft thing. Then who you ask? Who? I know who. A man that was aqired uring a time of change in the WWE for SD. He is a very Influential individual and used to control a lot of action in the WWE! The person is...well, if you want to know read Below, if not look away:
TRL is the Initals of the new GM. Put 2 and 2 together and check WWE .com to find out who it is!
Bibby, I cant figure that out! JUST TELL ME!!!! *drool*
Just when you thought Smackdown couldnt get any stupider, it does, why theodore long? Why?
At 7/29/04 08:18 PM, -Diablo- wrote: Just when you thought Smackdown couldnt get any stupider, it does, why theodore long? Why?
I dunno, he isen't popular enough to get it, but its funny anyway.
Thanks to Ninjar for the sig. -NGSM
LordKooler's Smackdown! review
1.U.S Title segment rating:***
A good segment to start off Smackdown. Booker T comes out and asks whoever the new general manager of Smackdown is to name him the new united states champion. But then Kenzo suzuki comes out and Booker T says, "Not some Sushi bar worker from the Tokyo Inn." Kenzo speaks in Japanese and Hiroko says, "Kenzo Suzuki will be the new U.S Champion!"
Then Billy gunn, Charlie haas, Luther reigns and John cena come out and Cena raps about all of the people wanting the U.S title. Then all the people in the ring start fighting. But Vince mcmahon stops the fight by naming Theodore long the new Smackdown GM.
Teddy long announces an 8 man battle royal for the United states championship.
2.Rey Mysterio vs Spike dudley rating:***
Even though it was short, It was a good match. When Spike dudley was on RAW, He was on Sunday Night Heat jobbing to the big guys. But now that he's on Smackdown, He got a big push.
Spike won the Cruiserweight title at the end thanks to Buuba & Dvon.
3.Billy Kidman & Paul london vs Dudley boys rating:****
A great tag team match. London & Kidman retained their titles at the end thanks to Rey Mysterio.
4.Eddie guerrero segment rating:***
A funny segment. Eddie guererro comes out and his lowrider has tons of stuff inside. Eddie said that he stole those items from former GM Kurt angle's office. Then he says that he wants to auction all of the items exept for Kurt's gold medal off
But Kurt angle comes out says that he will take something that belongs to eddie. Then when angle goes into Eddie's lowrider, It sprays out white stuff on Kurt angle's face!
5.8 man elimination match for the U.S title rating:****
A great match to end Smackdown. Booker t won at the end to become the new U.S champion!
theadore long why why why would they do that, they should of brought back stephanie, jeez smackdown gies threw GMs so fast eric owns
when i was watching the US title match did anyone see that FU john cena gave to luther reins i mean how the hell could that hurt
Yea, Cena Just placed the fucker on the Mat! Stupid Cena. Make it a little more believeable. But Booker is now the US Champ! Now-Can-You-Dig-That...SUCKAAAAAAAA!!!!
Also, I think we should have had the return of a great person. Like Shane, Steph, or Mick. But no. We Get Teddy Long. Damn. Well, I hope we have a falling through and get someone to be the New GM of SD. But, in my opinion, the SHows should re-combine. It would be a sight!
Speaking of the 2 shows, I think at Survivor Series they should have Every title on the line then have the last match be this:
A full locker room brawl. Here is how it works.
It will start like a regular 10 man tag match: except 5 are from RAW, 5 are from SD. They send, at random pick out of a hat or something, their 5 men for each show out. But, when one is eliminated a new person from that show will replace him. and this will go untill both locker rooms empty out. Just a thought. Would be very odd.
that actually sounds pretty kool thats a good idea, and yeah come on cena i mean Jeez the is just a modified power slam
Thank you Violator! You agree! Yay! I really think cena should get a new move. Like a fireman's carry elbow drop. He picks him up like an FU, but only on one shoulder like it will be a flapjack, like on the SD VG: Flapjack #4 or 5. Then hold him and do sort of like a back Body drop, but still gripping him. Then when he is to drop on his back, place your elbow on his sternum. Blam! The New FU!
well you have just found the new FU congrates.. stupid gay FU, i new booker was gonna win... that JBL thing was gay
At 7/29/04 07:58 PM, -MainEvent- wrote: Bibby, I cant figure that out! JUST TELL ME!!!! *drool*
I think Bibby is hinting to this person but I'm not 100% sure. Im 99.9% sure :):
My bad. I missed this page :).
Dont you just love mugshots:)
At 7/29/04 10:19 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote: It will start like a regular 10 man tag match: except 5 are from RAW, 5 are from SD. They send, at random pick out of a hat or something, their 5 men for each show out. But, when one is eliminated a new person from that show will replace him. and this will go untill both locker rooms empty out. Just a thought. Would be very odd.
Raw would win easily. Smackdown! would lose all their crusierweights in the first
lol. Sean sure got himself in some shit! lol. That is a real good mugshot he took tho. He looks like a criminal, am I wrong?
yeah Haire is surely in deep shit, and krossroads is right Raw wouls easily win especially with batista
At 7/30/04 01:07 AM, Red_Violator wrote: yeah Haire is surely in deep shit, and krossroads is right Raw wouls easily win especially with batista
Speaking of Batista, did you see that SummerSlam Commercial with him?! It was fuckin hilarious. He breakdances in a gymnastic Olympic floor set. Twas Funny as fuck!
Krossroads! Someone voted for hogan! Booker and hogan are out! Leaving The Macho man and Bret heart! Go bret!
yeah I saw that commercial, it was so friggin funny!
So Theadore Long is teh new GM.. Well I have to admit I was surprised to see him of all people to become the GM... With him back he's going to re-hire big show to the SD side.. Remember he quit/got fired in the storylines to go and have surgery done.. He should be back soon.
Spike has done it.. Now no matter what happens in his career, he can say he won a singles title in the WWE.
Is it wrong to miss Rico? He did liven up things. Has anyone checked WWE .com to see if they really are selling kurts GM things?
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
im sorry i havent been around for a LOOOOOOOOOOOONG time but, im back!
why did they make teddy long the gm? when i was watching smackdown, I was PRAYING TO GOD that it would be none other than Shane 'O' mac
and i leave you with this drawing i drew of eddie guerrero
hey thats pretty good.. You should make that a sign for a live show. If you can go to one anyway.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
Impact Review, from Me to you! If ya didn't see the show, this is where you go! BooYah!
1st Match: Lex Lovett vs Jeff Jarret
I think we know what happens here. Lex puts up a fight untill Jeff nails him in the ribs, Taunts the crowd, and delivers the move known as "The Stroke"(A reverse russian leg sweep face Crusher). Jeff wins!
2nd Match: Kid Kash w/ Dallas vs Mike Batts
Kid Kash and Batts go at it for a while. Batts gets in a Emerald Fusion move in( sort of like a Snowplow but the foe is reversed). But Kid Kash Kame Back and hit some move which is a double underhook Piledriver. Sweet. Kid Kash wins!
3rd Match: Raven vs Some Guy
The name says it all. Raven got in the Raven effect DDT a minute into the match. He wins. Sabu came out and assaulted Raven. They will square off on wendsday.
4th Match: Team Canada vs Laurnoff and Clark
This was a great match. Back and forth action. A little interference by D'emore. Then Clark hit the 680 or 620 move off the top( A flipping Swanton Bomb). But the Canadians came back. One of them did the flipping Piledriver known as "The Canadian Destroyer". Team Canada wins. D'emore whiped them with Leather Straps after the match was over.
5th Match: Romeo vs Jeff Hardy
Hardy's Impact in ring debut. A one sided match. Jeff, after 1 minute, Hit his version of the Twist of Fate and then the Swanton Bomb. Jeff wins.
Segement 6 points of impact: Monty brown
The "Alpha Male" just runs his mouth this whole time. Pretty embarrasing. Not worth talking about.
Final Match: Co-X division Champs Shane and Kazarian vs Triple X
A super match. They went blow for blow. At one point everyone was knocked down by other opponent's Kicks. Then The fallen angel Chris Daniels was taken out. The Girl w/ Shane and Kazarian distracted the ref. They were going to use the title belt on Primetime Eilix skipper's head untill AJ Styles came out and assaulted them. Then Kid Kash assaulted AJ. Then Team Canada assaulted Triple X w/ Shane and Kazarian. Then AMW came out and saved Triple X. Yay!
That is my review and I--am--outta--Here!
P.S: since I do the impact review, I am changing my wrestling alias from Batista to Jeff Jarret, unless anyone has a problem with it. And I think you won't, SlapNuts!
At 7/30/04 10:01 AM, Outlaw88 wrote: Is it wrong to miss Rico? He did liven up things. Has anyone checked WWE .com to see if they really are selling kurts GM things?
Yes they are. Go to and you'll see that Kurt angle's GM stuff is there.
Hey, don't just skip over my review with no acknoledgement! Read it! It took a long time!
At 7/30/04 04:10 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: hey thats pretty good.. You should make that a sign for a live show. If you can go to one anyway.
i could have went to the one at the hampton beach casino ballroom, but my dad wouldent buy any tickets, and i cant use my money cuz he said if i use my money for those tickets he'd snap my fingers , one by one
thast a great review, I'm sad Iissed it.. I wanted to see Jeff Hardy, and Raven in action.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks