At 7/22/04 11:56 AM, mallrat867 wrote: X-pac was in the Nwo when he ripped kanes mask off, was'nt he?
I don't remember. Could be. But X is back! Yea! My all-Time favorite character is coming back to the WWE. We have 2 situations:
1) He can go to Raw and start a feud with a heel while being a face, then just bolt into heel by cheating and letting his partner slip during a Tag Match. Then he joins Evoloution.
2) He can go to SD, become a face for a bit, then go heel and take the Cruiserweight title. BOOYA!
I say become a face for a while because the fans always love someone when they return. He can do that for one SD and the week in it. Then come out a week later and inmsult everyone to get his heel rating back. No matter what it is a good day in the WWE! :D