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The Wrestling (WWE) Club

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Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-25 14:14:39

At 6/25/04 02:11 PM, -Krossroads- wrote: They just threw this match in like the Dawn Marie Torrie Wilson match at Unforgiven because they have no one better to fight.

Sry not Unforgiven, it was Judgment Day.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-25 14:15:40

At 6/25/04 02:12 PM, j00bie wrote: i used to like the WWE.
but i stopped watching when their "story" went way downhill
something about Kane having sex with a dead person.

thats when i stopped.

That was hilarious! When HHH put on the kane mask & pretended to be him. lol, that was great.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-25 15:05:46


Has goT tO be the bEst Of The rest.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-25 16:34:21

Impact unofficial crappy review. yeh

Omg who is the nwa champ. tune in this wednesdays ppv.

6 man x-division match. Chris Sabin I see him wrestle in the indy michigan show. The X division with all the high flying moves wow. the 718 by amazinf read cough 619. he desreved the double superplex. Primetime wins with a p.o.d. (randy orton overdrive on hctp)

Johnny fairplay returns nxt week hell yeah!

Monty brown v. Irish Pat Kenney,
this match was slow. not much a few punches here arm drags. monty brown hits power of the ponce( what a crappy move just a diving shoulder tackle.) and wins

Team Canada v. Americans most wanted. A ok start. amw was in control. commerical noooo. ok we know the ppv is on weds already. ok now the x-div promo hey hey petey's candian crusher was on but it looked sloppy still a kick ass move. back to action now TC is in control. Holy crap a four man superplex (me easily amused). The naturals come in a nd chair shot amw and petey gets the pinfall

Jeff Jarrett segement. he desreves the title I think. Larry zabisko(not even spelled close just on pronucation.) comes out and says wait for nxt wed to find out. Arrgh say jeff. Pow larry gets hit with the guatir. 3 live kru comes out and attackes jj but jj mercanaries level the playing field.

Jeff Hardy on Impact I hope wwe will put him on sunday night heat.

Abyss and dallas v. D Lo and the phemonal Aj Styles. Its starts out with dlo and aj in control. ubitl goldylocks grabs dlos leg... yes aj gets in high flying action hooray!! Dallas has Aj in a reverse razors edge(mordecai finisher) dlo stops its...oh no chokeslam by dallas nope counted by aj into a rollup and wins. Kid kash and monty brown come out and beat up aj and dlo. it ends there.

no catchphrase I am a face ranter well not a ranter just a storyteller type. me dont rant Oogh mad now.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-25 17:03:09

At 6/25/04 04:46 PM, The_Redangleking wrote:
At 6/25/04 04:34 PM, Iscrulz wrote: I'm trying to be cool, like the Redangleking!

I was, me sorry


I knew that already hahahah

OMFG! I P0WN3D J0O S0 B@d, L0L3RZ!! I iZ D Sh1ZiCK!!!!

OWTF LIEK JO0 P0\/\/|\|3|) /\/\3|-| B|_| 11(|23p M1n3 1337 5k1lLz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111onewon |2|_|13 Jo_0

enough joking around. That was a great review Iscrulz. You hereby dub thee, the official IMPACT! Reviewing type person! yea!

Takes the uh review but I cant see it every friday, dang. I dont get it at me college so my back up reviewer can be joo, bibbyney(or whatever your name will be) or we just wont have a impact review *tear*

Now all you need is a catchphrase....

Hmm I dont know one now. me no good @ english, hence my catchphrase will need some time.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-25 17:22:16

At 6/25/04 02:15 PM, -Krossroads- wrote:
At 6/25/04 02:12 PM, j00bie wrote: i used to like the WWE.
but i stopped watching when their "story" went way downhill
something about Kane having sex with a dead person.
That was hilarious! When HHH put on the kane mask & pretended to be him. lol, that was great.

i never knew, the stupidity of it all forced me to.... stop watching it.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-25 20:42:13

I know what you mean j00bie! I used to say - yo it's the only non rerun on TV, but now I realize is IS a rerun even though it technically not - it's the same thing all the time

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-25 21:31:16

At 6/25/04 02:27 PM, The_Redangleking wrote: There's a reason they send out Chavo. One, he's the best cruiserweight they've got. Two, all the other cruiserweights are fancy pant babyfaces that are destined to the life of a jobber.

I realize he's the best but the point I was trying to make is I am tired of him. Get someone else to fight. Like Sakoda or one of those guys.

Not the only good looking match but definitely the most appealing. too bad I'm not going to see it...

lol I didnt even know it was this Sunday.

True, but Smackdown has been on the rebound as of late. I predict that in two months, SD will retain it's former glory

hmmm. Thats your opinion so I am not trying to bash you but I dont think your right about Smackdown! Unless they can get back Brock, gets some trades from Raw, have Kurt & Big Show come back, & some new guys in two months they're gonna get worse & worse. Smackdown! is bringing in the lowest buyrates for their pay per views.

I liked the Brand extension but I think they need to merge back. Its getting boring on both shows & hopefully the merge would bring back the "Raw Is War period" feeling to the fans.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-25 22:12:23

haha, check out this article from wrestlingexposed.com another Diva is released! talk about bad luck for Divas. sorry if this is old news.

-- Along with the breaking news from a few minutes ago that WWE is not to extend the contract of Afterburn front-lady Rue, comes the information that another of the WWE’s longest serving Divas, Jacqueline, will be leaving the company.

-- After the departure of Terri Runnels earlier this year, the release of Jacqueline comes at a particularly puzzling time after her very recent and short stint as WWE Cruiserweight Champion, including a Pay Per View appearance against Chavo Jr. No information is currently available on whether or not the release was mutual or otherwise.

Thanks to Ninjar for the sig. -NGSM

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-25 23:28:30

At 6/25/04 10:12 PM, ref wrote: haha, check out this article from wrestlingexposed.com another Diva is released! talk about bad luck for Divas. sorry if this is old news.

-- Along with the breaking news from a few minutes ago that WWE is not to extend the contract of Afterburn front-lady Rue, comes the information that another of the WWE’s longest serving Divas, Jacqueline, will be leaving the company.

-- After the departure of Terri Runnels earlier this year, the release of Jacqueline comes at a particularly puzzling time after her very recent and short stint as WWE Cruiserweight Champion, including a Pay Per View appearance against Chavo Jr. No information is currently available on whether or not the release was mutual or otherwise.

I knew that Jacqueline left. I read about it on Steve's world of wrestling. Speaking of wrestlers being fired, Scott steiner's bio was taken off the RAW website. I wonder, Did steiner's contract run out? Or did he get fired?

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-26 21:49:36

Ok I am predicting one of the worst buyrates in WWE history for the Great American Bash (Its a shame but thats the truth).

I dont even watch Smackdown! any more but I know the WWE so well that I think I can still predict it:

WWE Title Texas Bull Rope Match:
Eddie Guerrero

US Title:
John Cena will not walk out champion!!! I guarentee it!
I pick Rene Dupree.

Dudley Boyz win, Im not sure who will win this but I believe the Dudleys will win because the Deadman will let them beat him.

Cruiserweight Title:
Rey Mysterio

Torrie Vs Sable
Who cares? I pick Sable cause Torrie always wins. (Dont let me down Sable)

Mordecai wins, Holly sucks.

Kenzo Suzuki wins, Billy you used to be cool (Used to be my favorite wrestler actually until he came back as a gay tag team. I liked Mr. Ass & Bad Ass Billy Gunn of DX) but your not anymore so leave.

Also I have a WWE section on my site, theres not much there so if you have any suggestions on how to make it better then I would love to here them.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-27 02:16:35

At 6/26/04 09:49 PM, -Krossroads- wrote:
Also I have a WWE section on my site, theres not much there so if you have any suggestions on how to make it better then I would love to here them.

Yeah I check your site out but I am to pissed off. I was recently watching SD and the cena undertaker match was going in full swing. After the commerical break undertaker gets thrown into the stairs... Fuck Fuck godamn you fucking piece of shit television station. they turn on a worthless infomerical slim in 6. and apologize for the techincal diffuculties. Why couldnt this happen when the main event was eddie vs. some jobber. but nice attire jackie. common things about luther and lesnar both weigh 295 have the same haircut. have the closely to an exant wrestling stlyle. I think tomcko and luther should switch places thats another story.

Continued GAB predictions
rey vs. Chavo easy choice The 619.

Sable v. torrie that was the shortest storyline ever hey torrie I dont like you dress you look a fatso. oh yeah at least I aint I slut bitch. thats it so I pick torrie to win.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-27 13:02:16

someone said earlier said that all other cruiserweights were baby face jobbers....i disagree.....jamie noble was a good heel and he is just as talented as chavo....i hope chavo wins the title and rey disapears for awhile it will give some other deserving cruiserweights a chance at the title.....Scotty2Hotty, Akoda, Kidman, Noble......

where the hell has Rikishi been latley he kinda just disapeared after he lost the tag titles....

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-27 15:14:46

There's one more match added to the Great American Bash card,
Charlie Haas vs Luther Reigns.

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-27 15:57:05

OMFG! I am back! Well, I missed impact because of my trip...but luckly the rant told me nothing about it because I don't care! Good rhyme Red! It not only gave your GAB prediction but it dissed cena! Sa-Weet!

P.S: Red, the opposite of the 619 is the 978! 619=San Deigo 978=Massachusetts! HA!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-27 16:57:21

At 6/27/04 01:02 PM, -78- wrote: i hope chavo wins the title and rey disapears for awhile it will give some other deserving cruiserweights a chance at the title.....Scotty2Hotty, Akoda, Kidman, Noble......

There is no point in giving the title to Chavo when Rey just won it last week. The title doesnt mean shit anyways I mean in the past month in old fart named Chavo Classic & Jacquline won the title.

where the hell has Rikishi been latley he kinda just disapeared after he lost the tag titles....

Suffered An Ankle Injury In June Of 2004

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-27 17:02:57

WARNING! WARNING! MAJOR SPOILER!: http://www.prowrestling.com/news.php?id=11200/articles/news


Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-27 17:41:29

At 6/27/04 05:02 PM, -Krossroads- wrote: WARNING! WARNING! MAJOR SPOILER!: http://www.prowrestling.com/news.php?id=11200/articles/news


Holy Shit! They are gonna kill Paul! Sweet! I hope taker goes heel... he is a better heel than a face! So, they kill off Paul...if he goes heel, Eddie wins, if he goes face(NOOOOOOO!) then Bradshaw wins! Then! WOOOOOO! New step! Eddie will lose the title...taker will go face(Bleh) Bradshaw will lose to taker...Taker will face mordecai! Fuck, it is briliant! Am I right people? Plus, eddie will face mordecai and lose at the next ppv of SD after losing the belt! HAHAHAHA! I am a Heel God! Well, the Jesus of heel fans at least...Red is the God of heel fans!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-28 00:13:57

A good GAB cena and rey are still the champs. Jbl is wwe champion I knew he would win. The other matches kenzo and moredcai would have be worthwhile but the rest, just fillers. Good taker is turning heel. farwell to paul bearer and did he have a well gull stone surgery thats why this dudley taker storyline line happened.

So if redangleking and bibbeyney are heel fans. Who here are the face fans.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-28 00:18:58

Fuck Face Fans! Heels rule! As I said before, JBL wins the wwe title, Eddie will face Mordecai while JBL faces Taker at the next PPV! Then, when taker wins, Mordecai and Taker will square off for the title! Briliant, is it not? Please answer to this before you continue posting!

Damn! Cena wins? Why not Rene Dupree, Huh? Or better yet, Booker T! Or worse yet, but better than that discrase cena, RVD? Damn! O well! Damn, Rey wins too! That is too much face action, glad taker is bad and the wwe title is back with a heel! SD is getting better!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-28 00:35:40

At 6/26/04 09:49 PM, -Krossroads- wrote: I dont even watch Smackdown! any more but I know the WWE so well that I think I can still predict it:
WWE Title Texas Bull Rope Match:
Eddie Guerrero

Well the respect for the WWE title went down when Eddie won it but it has sunk to a new low now that Bradshaw has it. Its a disgrace to the title.

US Title:
John Cena will not walk out champion!!! I guarentee it!
I pick Rene Dupree.

Son of a bitch. I like Cena but damn, lose the freakin belt. Cena wins

Dudley Boyz win, Im not sure who will win this but I believe the Dudleys will win because the Deadman will let them beat him.

Undertaker wins.

Cruiserweight Title:
Rey Mysterio

Rey wins of course

Torrie Vs Sable
Who cares? I pick Sable cause Torrie always wins. (Dont let me down Sable)

Hell ya! I knew it.

Mordecai wins
Kenzo Suzuki wins

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-28 00:41:00

At 6/28/04 12:35 AM, -Krossroads- wrote: His predictions!

Well, I have to say if you listened to my Taker post a few posts back you would know that JBL would win as well as taker and Mordecai! You will see the Taker Modecai thing unravel within the next two SD PPVs!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-28 00:51:57

At 6/25/04 05:03 PM, Iscrulz wrote:
At 6/25/04 04:46 PM, The_Redangleking wrote:
Takes the uh review but I cant see it every friday, dang. I dont get it at me college so my back up reviewer can be joo, bibbyney(or whatever your name will be) or we just wont have a impact review *tear*

Now all you need is a catchphrase....
Hmm I dont know one now. me no good @ english, hence my catchphrase will need some time.

Well, thanks but my name will no change...or will it?? Well, I think we need all reviews to be from the heel point of veiw! It makes everything more debatable! Also, if you want a catchphrase, here is one, it is a play on your name!

You may think different, but I think Iscrulz! (This Rules)

This is pronounced as ishbecause you said you can't say english well! HA! A play on things!

I have my catchphrase tho:

You know what to do now, too bad I don't care!

HA! I will review Impact...if I watch it! But so will you Red! The Heels rule all!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-28 01:22:08

At 6/28/04 12:41 AM, Bibby_Ney wrote:
At 6/28/04 12:35 AM, -Krossroads- wrote: His predictions!
Well, I have to say if you listened to my Taker post a few posts back you would know that JBL would win as well as taker and Mordecai! You will see the Taker Modecai thing unravel within the next two SD PPVs!

lol, I posted that spoiler link before you. I had already made predictions earlier & Im not gonna change them cuase that would be lieing & cheating.

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-28 11:29:59

At 6/28/04 12:51 AM, Bibby_Ney wrote:
HA! I will review Impact...if I watch it! But so will you Red! The Heels rule all!

Ok I anoint thee the official Impact review but just not yet. You are a backup if I miss it. or fuck I dont care.

the taker mordecai is a good idea but they dont need to fight over the title. at ss eddie will fight mordecai. WWE will go to a new low when a jbl cena feud starts and cena wins the title at No mercy.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-28 14:25:07

You should die for saying that! There is a link a few posts up, go to it and see that they expect Taker to go for the title! That is why I said what I said! This will happen, I gurantee it!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-28 14:27:05

YO! Sup Y'all we gonna let your us champ in the club!?!?!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-28 14:50:19

At 6/28/04 02:25 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote: You should die for saying that! There is a link a few posts up, go to it and see that they expect Taker to go for the title! That is why I said what I said! This will happen, I gurantee it!

wtf are u talking about? I posted that link. IT WAS ME! you dumbshit./

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-28 15:04:08

At 6/28/04 02:50 PM, -Krossroads- wrote: wtf are u talking about? I posted that link. IT WAS ME! you dumbshit./

I KNOW THAT! I was just telling Iscrulz to look at the thing! I am not claiming that I posted it! I am claiming that the mordecai/taker thing will happen! Your little sight said nothing along the lines that I said around here! And don't call me dumbshit, Fuck Nut!

Response to The Wrestling (WWE) Club 2004-06-28 15:28:38

well I'm back. Did anyone mssi me? I saw red dissed my saying the era of the year long title reign was over (which it is!)

I practically just got back..I didn't even see who won last night. Did anyone see the PPV? How was it?

Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan

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