Let us recap today's matches and happenings, shall we:
Orton and Rock: Well, ok segment, lots of trash talk by the rock. I noticed 3 things that are similar between them.
1)Both 3rd generation superstars
2)Both loudmothed GQ ass holes
3) Both refer to themselves in the third person...weird...
Raw Diva search: Coach has all the fun...
Lita/matt/kane triangle: Hey, where is my raw? I didn't want to see Jerry Springer! Damnit! HAHAHHA, It is kanes baby! Lita Fucked kane! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!! Sorry...
Tag Match: Now that was a tag match...right RedAngleKing! Orton in trouble with Jericho...Batista Fucks him up! Edge alone Spear... Batista again! Man, I think Batista and Orton, even w/out eveolotion would have been good friends! They are just waaaaaaayy to compatable of guys...
Regal's Demise: Regal is like "Bloody hell bishoff!" Bishoff is like "You have a match!" I am like "Heeeeeeerrrreeee's KANE!" Kane is like "I fucked lita!"
Eugene vs Triple H! There is a GOD! H was being out wrestled for some weir reason and then he beat him down! Flair was friggin loosing it...but in the end...Eugene still has his Unbeaten streak technically Hunter has his shot...Eugene got the Pedigree...The champ nailed Eugene...Triple H is reigning supreme!
Good day today...I give it a ****1/2! Why you ask? EUGENE GOT THE PEDIGREE!