here is something interesting, it says Akio is from Holywood California, whaddup wit dat? (sorry for the gangsta slang)
here is something interesting, it says Akio is from Holywood California, whaddup wit dat? (sorry for the gangsta slang)
At 5/31/04 01:03 AM, Mojimbo wrote: here is something interesting, it says Akio is from Holywood California, whaddup wit dat? (sorry for the gangsta slang)
And in this one it says he's from south korea.
rather odd..hey isn't that where gail kim is from?
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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Anyways! I believe I have a bit of news! It is said that the Mordecai/Taker thing will most definetly happen(cannot reveal my source!) Mordecai will be thrown to the proverbial lions, but since is guy is too powerful They said it will just be a great match! When will it happen, I don't know!
I heard of this to, and alot of other things, it said on this site that the mordecai/undertaker fued will for sure happen. Ok my hockey leage finished last week, we won the championship btw so i should be able to watch raw no problem, so there will be a review tonight
Smackdown last week was crap really for the first time ever while watching wwe i got bored of it and turned it over
SD Preminitions
Eddie either signs his health away or interfieres in a match with JBL
Mordecai's victem revield and a match at ppv will be scedueled
Taker will either get interfierence from the dudley in his match with booker t or he will beat booker and then attack dudleys
Chavos will have a match
Rico and Haas will have a match title or non
Some announcement will be made
ALso kan has a deep bruise on his thigh, he might not apper tonight
My sorce has told me that it will be eddie vs JBL at the GREAT AMERICAN BASH in a bull rope match w/e the hell that is, and John cena will face Booker T for the US title and Undertaker will face the dudlys in a hanpicap match, that is all... for now
At 5/31/04 06:45 PM, Red_Violator wrote: My sorce has told me that it will be eddie vs JBL at the GREAT AMERICAN BASH in a bull rope match w/e the hell that is, and John cena will face Booker T for the US title and Undertaker will face the dudlys in a hanpicap match, that is all... for now
Other matches rumored for the Great american bash will be Rob Van Dam vs Rene Dupree in a flag match, Rey Mysterio will face Mark Jindrak, Kenzo Suzuki will debut, and Rico & Charlie Haas
will face Chavo guerrero & Chavo classic for the WWE tag team
ouch..randy and benjamin "bonked"
new tag champs...I actually didn't see this least not that team.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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Raw in quebec for memorial day what did quebec do for americans vetrans nothingm, nice timing. la restinance only won cuz its there hometown I give them until bad blood.
yes my previous post said kane would beat up eugene. When coach setup eugene J.R.-thats not funny. no its hilarious.
keep that loser jazz on heat ohhh victoria with teh splits.
lots of bret signs too bad hbk wasnt there.
Ok orton and shelton match start out slow until the head crashed. then batista was eject did you hear the naw naw hey hey good bye chants. yes like I said shelton vs. orton at bad blood. was the king just a little bias toward orton ha! Ok hopefully sheltons finisher isnt powerslam.
HHH segment ok hiac is a match that ends careers. hbk hhh feud will end yeah sure. just go on top of the cage, and hhh will get sweet chin of the cell. then hhh can make his movies.
matt and lita facts nice? yeah matt won on raw was that his 2nd or 3rd.
highlight reel with trish I have to say was somewhat good. Spot on impression of JR trish. tomcko learn how to use big boot hell test could give you pionters.
Eugene in main event ok eugene wreck kane and beniots thunder as kurt would say. but next week eugene and beniot vs. kane and surpise partner.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
sting at amercan bash. his oppent some jobber or billy gun or scotty. jbls bull match looks interesting 2004 nwo who could that be.
whats that match where the oppents are tied together on a long rope and have to touch the four ring posts to win.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
At 6/1/04 01:41 AM, Iscrulz wrote: sting at amercan bash. his oppent some jobber or billy gun or scotty. jbls bull match looks interesting 2004 nwo who could that be.
whats that match where the oppents are tied together on a long rope and have to touch the four ring posts to win.
yep his opponent will be a jobber 2004 NWO lol that will work
when you say that match it reminds me of that one where the opponents are tied together so they cant run away
the sting rumor so far is true...He wanted to work less days and vince finally said ok... so it is a good possibility to see sting on WWE tv sometime soon
this bull match is just like a rope match...they are tied together with rope (Usually by the wrist) and they can use the rope...the rules vary from match to match though..
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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also a bret hart dvd scheduled for march 2005
yeah maybe sting will face that kenzo suziki guy or w/e his name is.
Hey what happened to the rant?? O well!
I knew they would win the tag titles! Hometown advantage always is a blessing!
YAY!! Eugene got the s*** kicked out of him by kane! WHY DIDN'T KANE WIN?!!? He may have thrown the ref but he never used the chair! That SPED did! O well, damn benoit! LEAVE EUGENE TO FACE HIS OWN BATTLES! I hope Kane wins at bad Blood!
I have a feeling...I have a feeling that Smackdown will actually be great! I have it correct I believe! Here it is, my SD solution:
Taker has a match, no Paul Bearer, Booker looses...via DQ when Mordecai comes out and attacks Taker! He will do that Crucifixtion Thing and will start to worship that cross, then Taker will sit up and a feud will be on!!
taker cant sit ip withoiut the ern its a magical ern and paul heymen has it, it owuld be koll if paul bear came out and kiked the shit out of heymen, i knew they would win the titles 2, and i think kane will win, i was right that he would win the royal and i hope i will be right about this.
A few points I just have to address:
some of you will highly diseagree with me on this one but I think the coach as improved a great deal. He has gotten much better on the mic, and has improved his overall character..he's good at being an asshole.
i say the hhh/hitc promo...and it's true, he has been very dominant in that match, has he ever lost one? i don't know!
seeing regal on tv again is great, i can't wait till he uses "the power of the punch" again
A-train has ben off tv...test has been off tv...lets just hope vince dosn't make that connection and revive T&A....
speaking of old teams...anyone remember x-factor? What was that song they used?
the best way to revive SD? feature the damn cruiserweight division like you did before!
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
yes seeing regal was just great i just wish he would wrestle again, and yes coach is doing very well an dnow unfortunatly they way they are hyping the HITC to be with HHH going in as undefeated in the HITC, but i still think HHH will win because i have heard the HBK wished to take some time off
HITC has always been a brutal match so a little hype is a good thing!
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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hbk won the first hitc, not taker.
yeah I can see hhh with the belt around that time.
Scott Stiener appears to be fired from WWE.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
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it looks like christian will be out for a few more weeks, but WWE has said to be very happy with him and feel that they can buid all sorts of storylines with him.
in some non-wrestling news...I turn 21 this month.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 6/1/04 10:33 PM, Outlaw88 wrote: A few points I just have to address:
speaking of old teams...anyone remember x-factor? What was that song they used?
the best way to revive SD? feature the damn cruiserweight division like you did before!
You are talking to a Gimmick master here:
X-Factor used a song by Uncle Kracker, don't care/know what its title was, and their entrance color was pink, the members were X-Pac, Justin Credible, and Prince Albert(Before A-Train thing)
I don't know about you, but you just made a great I dea...through symbolistic hint! The only way to revieve SD is with cruiseweights...AKA...Justin Credible and X-Pac! They are some of the greatest...also if Jeff Hardy Re-Signs with SD instead of raw, we would be back in SD business...we also need 2 people more back: Heyman back on storyines and anyone other than Angle as a GM, I think we need a new one...maybe...Shane McMahon, that how ya spell it? Owell!
Eugene - Created by CAW is RAW
Help pics
1. Skin 1 (-93, 3) (1)
2. Face 22, 23 (-21, 25) (0, -12) (-98)
Head (7, 5)
Eyebrow (15, -3)
Eyes (-15, -20) (0) (-3)
Nose (1, -16) (2, -7)
Cheek (20)
Mouth (3, -13) (8)
Jaw (-40, -37) (12)
3. Eyes 14 (-52, -16) (0)
4. Eyebrows 150 (-88, -5) (-2)
5. Lips 32 (-95, 10) (0)
6. Hair 2 (-76, -23) (4) (100)
7. Underwear 1-1 (22, -26) (94)
8. Facial hair 1 (-87, -33) (24) (4)
9. Facial hair 25 (-91, 10) (-9) (-31)
10. Facial hair 83 (-94, -4) (0) (15)
11. Design-Face-Letter-Sign “(“ - 2nd smallest- See help pics for placement (100, -60) (-14) (-100)
12. Design-Face-Letter-Sign “(“ - 2nd smallest- See help pics for placement (100, -60) (-14) (-100)
13. Long Hemline 11-1-1 (100, 9) (14) (100) (-10)
14. Long Hemline 10-1-1 (6, 28) (-100) (100) (-10)
15. Upper Body Accessories 17 (100, -18) (39) (100)
16. Design-Simple 149-Body-2nd biggest size-don’t rotate- See help pics for placement (-94, 89) (-39) (84)
17. Design-Simple 149-Body-2nd biggest size-don’t rotate- See help pics for placement (100, 41) (0) (59)
18. Shoes both 1-1-1 (12, 53) (-100) (30)
19. Knee pads only right 1-1-1 (100, 9) (0) (100)
20. Knee pads only left 5-9 (100, 58) (-2) (100)
21. Wristband-only right 1-1 (100, 0) (39) (100) (100)
22. Wristband-only left-1-1 (100, 100) (-100) (100) (56)
23. Wristband-only right 1-1 (12, 9) (-100) (100) (72)
24. Design-Simple 153-Right arm-rotate once-2nd biggest place centered on right hand wristband (like pics) (100, 53) (24) (100)
25. Design-WWE 29-body-don’t rotate-smallest size-See help pics for placement (-100, -26) (0) (-11)
26. Design-Simple 1-Face-smallest size-rotate twice-See pics for placement (-67, -24) (-28) (13)
27. Design-Simple 145-right arm-rotate once- Colour: skin colour, place just so it covers a bit of the red part of the sleeve.
28-32. Now we are going to write Eugene on the back of Eugenes jacket. Place like in pics. Every letter is smallest size except the E which is 2nd smallest size. The letters we use are (in order) e, u, b, e, m It looks just like EUGENE When done. For E and U use Alphabet 7/16, don’t rotate u, but rotate E to times so it looks like a 3. for b, e and m use 8/16 Alphabet. Rotate B and e two times, don’t rotate M. Done! (23, -100) (0) (43)
33. Final Piece! This is a Design-Simple 153- right leg- biggest size rotate once. This is the reddish pinkish part that goes over Eugenes Left kneepad. (100, 58) (0) (-20)
Body Morphing: (0,0)
Head (-18, -27) (-2)
Neck (48, 52) (-55)
Chest (43, -6) (-54)
Shoulder (-56, 46) (-15)
Abdomen (53, -20) (-20)
Arms (20, 5) (-52)
Forearms (-19, -11)
Hands (15, -23) (-71)
Waist (-8, 4)
Thigh (18, 10)
Legs (-4, 1) (-66)
Feet (-16, 7) (-32)
Height: 6’ 3’’
Eugene Dinsmore's Movelist - Created by Too Sweet Touch
Ready Moves
D + X: Dropkick 4
D + L/R + X: Toe Kick 1
L + X: Snap Jab
U + L/R + X: Enzuigiri 2
U + X: Clothesline 3
R + X: Back Chop 2
D + O: Armbar 4
L + O: Headlock & Punch 2
U + O: Jumping Armbreaker
R + O: Armbar 7
D + O: Northern Light Suplex 2
L + O: Aeroplane Spine
U + O: German Suplex 9
L + O: German Suplex 3
D + O: Powerbomb 15
L + O: Backbreaker 1
U + O: Falling Neckbreaker
R + O: Gutbuster 2
D + O: Leg Trip 2
L + O: Elbow Strike
U + O: DDT 20
R + O: Clothesline 26
Grapple Attack
First: Elbow Strike
Second: Elbow Strike
Third: Elbow Strike
Back Attack
D + O: Back Suplex 4
L + O: Backbreaker 7
U + O: Dragon Sleeper 1
R + O: German Suplex 4
D + O: German Suplex Pin 2
L + O: Back Suplex 8
U + O: German Suplex 5
R + O: Russian Leg Sweep 2
Edge of the Cell
(F)O: It Thrust Down
(F)D-pad + O: It Thrust Down
(B)O: It Thrust Down
(B)D-pad + O: It Thrust Down
X: Angry Stomp
U/D + X: Elbow Drop 1
L/R + X: Elbow Drop 2
(U)D + O: Pin Fall
(U)L + O: Cross Armbreaker 2
(U)U + O: Abdominal Stretch 2
(U)R + O: Cross Armbreaker 3
(L)D + O: Pin Fall
(L)L + O: Sharpshooter 1
(L)U + O: Leg Lock 8
(L)R + O: STF
X: Turnbuckle Clothesline
D-pad + X: Turnbuckle Clothesline
(U)X: Knee Attack 1
D + O: Mudhole Stomping 2
L + O: Big Back Chop 1
U + O: Superplex
R + O: Big Back Chop 1
(U)D-pad + O: Pushes Turnbuckle
Back Attack
D + O: Super Back Suplex
L + O: Shoulder Strike
U + O: Super Back Suplex
R + O: Hanging in Reverse
Rope Opponent
Rope Down
O: Throw to the Rope
Rebound Attack
T + X: Clothesline 13
T + X: Dropkick to Knee 4
T + X: Vaulting Body Press 2
Jump Down Over
S + X: Dive Through Ropes
L + X: Missile Dropkick
R + X: Double Axe Handle 3
X: Elbow Drop 3
D + X: Diving Headbutt 1
U + X: Diving Headbutt 1
X: Extreme Forearm Smash
D-pad + X: Cross Body 1
O: Neckbreaker 1
D-pad + O: Sunset Flip Pin 1
Back Attack
O: German Suplex 8
(gy)O: School Boy Pin 2
Squatting Attack
T + X: Elbow Drop 11
D-pad: Dropkick to knee 4
O: Back Drop 4
U/D + O: Flapjack 3
L/R + O: Whirl Backbreaker
Double Team
O: Double Suplex 2
D + O: Dropkick and Rolling Clutch
L + O: Double Suplex 1
U + O: Double Clothesline
R + O: Double Dropkick
D + O: Backbreaker and Leg Drop
L + O: Mudhole Stomping 1
U + O: Powerbomb 1
R + O: Body Splash and Whip
L1: The Regal Stretch
D-pad + L1: The People's Elbow /Atomic Leg Drop 2
Double Axe Handle 3
Aeroplane Spine
German Suplex Pin 2
Weapon Special
D-pad + L1: DDT
Combination Moves
(1st)X: Elbow Smash 1
(2nd)X: Elbow Smash 1
(3rd)X: Dropkick 4
At 6/2/04 06:36 PM, Bibby_Ney wrote:
You are talking to a Gimmick master here:
X-Factor used a song by Uncle Kracker, don't care/know what its title was, and their entrance color was pink, the members were X-Pac, Justin Credible, and Prince Albert(Before A-Train thing)
thanks I didn't remember what the song was, though I did know who was in it...they had a cool double move, X-pac and credible both doing a was the x-mark or something right?
I don't know about you, but you just made a great I dea...through symbolistic hint! The only way to revieve SD is with cruiseweights...AKA...Justin Credible and X-Pac! They are some of the greatest...also if Jeff Hardy Re-Signs with SD
that would be great but if jeff were to return you can bet it will be to raw.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
At 6/2/04 07:32 PM, MYSONJASONB wrote: Eugene - Created by CAW is RAW
wow... Someone actually made a CAW of Eugene?!?! Yipes.
scary huh?
NWA is going to debut a six sided ring...i'd like to see that
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
sometime this month last I heard..not sure when it will be on.
Founder of the "Weird" Al club & Strong Badia. TMBG Club! MLP! Sig by: Ryan
Click the sig... YouTube My Let's Play Channel Game Sharks
OK you all know who Ulitma dragon is right. The Guy That Comes Out with the fire and acts like a dragon. Next time he is on look at him. Compare him to tygeria THe japense guy. Something is going on I think or not