Yay for big posts. (Which I am under the impression that no one ever pays attention to them... >_> <_<)
First off... I'm listening to Naruto season 1's soundtrack. It's always in my head during school, so when I get home after swimming practice, I get to listen to it. To me it feels like relieving myself... like after taking a long piss. It's awesome-ly awesome.
Second off... to answer some questions.
btw, does anyone know any good online anime stores? <-- -AU-
I myself don't go to anywhere else other than EBay. They have everything, or mostly everything.
Since I'm beginning to wonder if Wonko's no different or worser than Kouga himself. <--- Gaignun_jr
Just... shut up. Seriously. And stop RP cheating. Actually I was more pissed of than Wonko was/is. It's an RP, not a damn "GODMODE-DEATHMATCH!!!". Seriously. And stop being such an ass. Seriously.
I'd like to take a club survey. <--- Kouga-Kun
For me it'd be a comedy action, which I will get into more detail later on.
I'm gonna step down from my position for a while. <-- Wonko-the-sane
Don't step down. Most of the ones that get mad at you are n00bs that don't appreciate/don't know how much hard work you do for this place. Which might I say, it is a lot. We love you Wonko for everything you do here. ... <_< >_> I said that out loud didn't I? I know I speak for the entire club (Yes, I'm declaring this without your permission Anime Club.) that we want you to stay as 2nd in Command.
Now that that's over...
Third off... Oh eM Gee. I swam 3,000 meters today at practice. 60 crunches. 5 laps around the park and sadly 1 push up. I'm pooped. At least I have a nice tan now. Tomorow I'm going to school with my hair orange, yay for school spirit. This way I'll get a "fast pass" that allows me to leave from World History honors to lunch 5 minutes earlier.
I went to the library and guess what I found? Manga! The only manga I recognized was Ranma (they had volume 1, 16, 17, 18, and 19) and Astro Boy (Which I checked out from the library and I'm done reading the first volume. What a funny manga. XD) They also had mangas (which I didn't recognize) that were romances, and a manga by the creator of Astro Boy named "Phoenix".
I also checked out this comedy manga, named Kodoka or (can't remember) Kodosha: Sana's story. It's a comedy following Sana, a child TV/Movie star who is in the 6th grade. However, she can't learn in the 6th grade due to bullies that never allow the class to have a quiet moment. The "gang" of bullies is lead by Hayama (reminded me of Sasuke from Naruto), a quiet realistic guy who pretty much hates a lot of things. It's a comedy that cracked me up during 1st period. I recomend it. Gotta go now. Past my computer cufew . Bye.