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Anime Club

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Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 15:54:39

At 3/21/04 03:21 PM, RavenGage wrote:
At 3/21/04 02:07 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: next time, get an account before posting, and actually post where you're supposed to sign up, or I'll IP ban you.
Are u talking about NG or Tink's Anime Club Forums?

Tinks. Of course its tinks, I'm not a mod on these forums.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 17:10:54

At 3/21/04 03:54 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: Tinks. Of course its tinks, I'm not a mod on these forums.

lol, yeah. I should go there more often. I got an account an I'm barely using it :(

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 17:19:54

At 3/21/04 05:10 PM, RavenGage wrote:
At 3/21/04 03:54 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: Tinks. Of course its tinks, I'm not a mod on these forums.
lol, yeah. I should go there more often. I got an account an I'm barely using it :(

If you leave it alone for too long it'll get deleted

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 19:23:40

It gets deleted over time?! I didn't know that :/. Well um, I go there often enough so it's like, not deletable. Wonko is it like a 3 month time limit like most emailing places? ^_^ And by the way I bought Love Hina DVDs 1-4 of 6. O_O IF it is as good as tink said then there um, I won't be online much, kay? At least not for a cople days maybe.

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 19:28:13

At 3/20/04 10:22 AM, ShiroX wrote: Yay for me! I just got Tenchi in love and Tenchi Forever on Dvd! I guess I'll be wipe from the face of this club once again... Oh well.
So, what new around here?

O_O... Shiro, welcome to Tenchi... Tenchi Forever doesn't have the same antics as the series does but overall it's good I guess. Anyhoo, um, as far as what has been going on: 1) I have started going out and collecting anime every weekend, 2) Samurai is back, 3) Tink is sick, 4) YOU are back xD. ::Brushes off her uniform and prances off to watch a flash or two before watching her new anime.::

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 20:54:58

At 3/21/04 07:23 PM, Aasha wrote: It gets deleted over time?! I didn't know that :/. Well um, I go there often enough so it's like, not deletable.

It's not an auto delete, but if an account is abandoned for too long tink wil usually just delete it.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 21:07:20

Oh okies. Well I dun think I have to worry about anything then :3

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 21:14:56

At 3/21/04 09:07 PM, Aasha wrote: Oh okies. Well I dun think I have to worry about anything then :3

Don't forget, I know tinks password, and if she has to go away for a while, I run the club.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 21:21:46

Okies... i know. But I don't have any reason to be kicked out so um...no reason to worry ^_^. ::Mihoshi sips on some lemonade and lays back.:: I can relaxe now and sunbath and stuff ^.^

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 21:24:00

At 3/21/04 09:21 PM, Aasha wrote: Okies... i know. But I don't have any reason to be kicked out so um...no reason to worry ^_^. ::Mihoshi sips on some lemonade and lays back.:: I can relaxe now and sunbath and stuff ^.^

ok, it's "sunbathe" and if I saw that your account on the forums hadn't been used for too long, I'd talk to tink about deleting it.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 21:27:50

...Hmph... -_-* Surprised you missed I spelled relax wrong... Well Dun worry Wonko I won't go too long without posting ^_^. At least not without a reason (besides my being super-lazy)!

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 21:39:10

At 3/21/04 09:36 PM, _Darkmoon_ wrote: Bah major gameing going on with me . Wont be posting much..

Yay! oh wait… I mean, thats too bad.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 21:39:15

Can I join this club?
I love anime and mangas.

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 21:40:11

OH! by the way. i looked into Tenchi Muyo GXP a bit and it looks like it ISN'T a season to Tenchi Muyo. I didn't even see the other girls mentioned at all cept for some new character that joins the Galaxy police. from the summury (yes I know it's spelled wrong...don't eat me Wonko >.>?) I see that it's about a girl that was living on earth and then one day she finds out first hand there's another world around her with the GP and space and stuff. Well it says she becomes a memer of the GP. I really hope Mihoshi and Kiyone are in it at the least. Actually I want all the old characters in it too. I mea that's like...it's what the series got so popular over after all...if they drop all the characters then they might as well just make a new seires right? Okies I'm betting the other characters show up then...but I haven't seen it yet so I guess I have no idea...okies next week I'm gonna have to get that...only 5 episodes so yeah okies I'll get that ^_^!

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 21:41:30

At 3/21/04 09:39 PM, KineticMonkey wrote: Can I join this club?
I love anime and mangas.

List your 5 favorite anime and choose a character to represent you.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 21:41:41

At 3/21/04 09:39 PM, KineticMonkey wrote: Can I join this club?
I love anime and mangas.

Hiya :D! Post your 5 favorite animes and give me a character that you'd like to be please! ^_^

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 21:57:22

At 3/21/04 09:41 PM, Aasha wrote:
At 3/21/04 09:39 PM, KineticMonkey wrote: Can I join this club?
I love anime and mangas.
Hiya :D! Post your 5 favorite animes and give me a character that you'd like to be please! ^_^

Beat ya too it :P

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 21:59:49

Ba~rely :P. I woulda been faster but it wouldn't let me double post so NYAH~!

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 22:05:08

Five favorite animes:

Cowboy Bebop

Can I be Vash?

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 22:11:37

At 3/21/04 10:05 PM, KineticMonkey wrote: Five favorite animes:

Cowboy Bebop

Can I be Vash?

Vash be taken.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 22:13:39

At 3/21/04 09:59 PM, Aasha wrote: Ba~rely :P. I woulda been faster but it wouldn't let me double post so NYAH~!

I still beat you too it.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 22:19:07

How about Wolfwood?

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 22:21:35

At 3/21/04 10:19 PM, KineticMonkey wrote: How about Wolfwood?

I think he's free… I dunno. The memberslist wont load for me. Click the word Club in my sig, and check for yourself. If wolfwood isn't on that list he's yours.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 22:28:16

Hmm. i remember someone being Woodwolf actually. I think tink said it a long time ago to someone else that he was already taken too.

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 22:29:16

How does it operate? Outside BBS or Newgrounds BBS?

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 22:29:54

Oh...um...nevermind... I checked the list and um...i guess I spoke too soon. >.> I uh, sorta um...ahem... ::Continues sipping her lenomade.::

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 22:33:16

At 3/21/04 10:29 PM, OtakuBrett wrote: How does it operate? Outside BBS or Newgrounds BBS?

^_^ Hiya...for the most part choosing to be in the club will (like Wonko put it) only deside where the majority of your posts are. But besides that... We roleplay a bit sometimes too... talk about things...complain about Wonko (::Sticks out her tongue at Wonko::)...ya know...things like that.

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 22:37:04

The link isn't working for me. So, am I Wolfwood?

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 22:41:26

YES! :D No one by that character is ta~ke~n~ :D! So like if you wanna then you can actually be him but um....um...well yeah...that's it...... ... .. . .. I'm in a babling mood >.>;;;any topics???

Response to Anime Club 2004-03-21 23:04:23

Okies um...i thinkies i'll just go somewhere and play a game online or off or whereever but somewhere. There's Gunbound...Yeah.OH wait I haven't watched Love Hina yet...Aw...er....okies i think I'll uh....OKIES! GB now...Love hina when my friend is awake and then I can crank it reaaally loud...i wonder if it's any good? I hope it is since Tink hunded me so much to get it xD lol:: Okies...yeah...okies then Love hina later GB now. Okies um, I'll see you later all like maybe later today before Love hina or tomorrow I dunno I'll know soon or later and um.... uh I'm talking alot..sorry hushing now xD