I think you should try Google a few times, but I did found some Hellsing sites with pictures, but sadly most of them are shut down. =(
Governor of the Anime Club

I think you should try Google a few times, but I did found some Hellsing sites with pictures, but sadly most of them are shut down. =(
Governor of the Anime Club
At 3/9/04 02:36 PM, Big_Red_Alucard wrote: I think you should try Google a few times, but I did found some Hellsing sites with pictures, but sadly most of them are shut down. =(
you mean for the manga scans right?..if you are then ya I looked all over..they dont have any..that really pisses me off....I mean they do it for other manga..
At 3/9/04 02:38 PM, skull_basher wrote: you mean for the manga scans right?..if you are then ya I looked all over..they dont have any..that really pisses me off....I mean they do it for other manga..
When you put it that way, I think I saw one with a whole bunch of manga scans but I think I did found it something on a search site.
Governor of the Anime Club
At 3/9/04 02:44 PM, skull_basher wrote: WERE!?..please tell me! I need it!!!..PLEASE!!!!
If you assist;
Plus, there's more for the rest of the character as well. =D
Governor of the Anime Club
cool..what do you mean assist?
but IIll look at that now.
At 3/9/04 03:09 PM, skull_basher wrote: cool..what do you mean assist?
but IIll look at that now.
He meant insist. Sometimes you just kinda gotta figure out what he's saying. Sometimes I'm not sure if he himself knows what he's saying. :P
Hello! *the tree Darkmoon is sitting in shatters.* Oooops. Got to stop doing that. *whole forest lights up with black fire* damn. I did it again. Bad Aurin. I won't do it again! I promise! *the black fire dissapears* Ok. All better. *picks up cell phone. Presses buttons. Whispers. Hangs up.*
*waits a few min.*
*A portal opens. Kurama steps out.*
*He walks over, plants a seed in the ground where the tree was. Turns around. Exits through portal. It closes. A new tree sprouts out of the ground where the old one was*
Yay! I fixed it!
*Lord Sesshomaru walks in*
Sorry, guys. Gotta go!
*walks out with Sesshomaru*
At 3/9/04 04:14 PM, Tink13 wrote:At 3/9/04 03:09 PM, skull_basher wrote: cool..what do you mean assist?He meant insist. Sometimes you just kinda gotta figure out what he's saying. Sometimes I'm not sure if he himself knows what he's saying. :P
but IIll look at that now.
Yeah, but it's not what you meant to say, it's to say what you mean... or something like that. >.< I have Trigun #1, and I'm probably gonna get #2 and Trigun Maximum #1 when Maximum comes out. (May 19) I don't think the manga is better than the series, I think they both equally kick ass. :) Yay, action, comedy, science fiction, and western gunslinger action!
Has anyone seen the Final Fantasy XI commercial? It looks so freakin' cool. *Drool*
*looks around.* Good. She's gone.....
*Unzips her backpack. Takes the jewel.*
*big cloud of miasma appears. when it clears, Naraku is gone*
At 3/9/04 01:29 PM, Tink13 wrote: Well it doesn't seem that they are gonna have #3 for a while since there is no relese date for it. However, it says that there is one called "Trigun Maximum Volume 1 TPB: The Hero Returns" coming out May 19. Sorry that is the best that I can do. :(
Well actually, in the back of Trigun #1 it explains that after Trigun #2 Trigun Maximum will take over, so that means no Trigun #3. But Trigun Maximum #1 could be considered #3 of the series alltogether. :)
At 3/9/04 07:48 PM, LordJmes wrote: *looks around.* Good. She's gone.....
*Unzips her backpack. Takes the jewel.*
*big cloud of miasma appears. when it clears, Naraku is gone*
Ok this club, while we do RP, we normally involve EVERYONE in the RP, nut just two people, and we normally RP on our forums. Try to actually TALK about anime while posting here.
Well, I'm back!
Hey, what's he doing online..... He's supposed to be doing homework............
Well, I've gotten my little problems under controll.
Ok. So, how does the rank system here work?
RPing. We need to. Soon. I'm going crazy from lack of fun.
At 3/9/04 07:51 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: Ok this club, while we do RP, we normally involve EVERYONE in the RP, nut just two people, and we normally RP on our forums. Try to actually TALK about anime while posting here.
It's no big deal if they RP here. Kinda interesting to read sometimes. I actually miss the days that Miroku and everyone used to RP here quite a bit.
At 3/9/04 07:53 PM, LadyAurin wrote: Well, I'm back!
Hey, what's he doing online..... He's supposed to be doing homework............
Well, I've gotten my little problems under controll.
Ok. So, how does the rank system here work?
RPing. We need to. Soon. I'm going crazy from lack of fun.
We don't do ranks here, all you need to know that Tink is the leader. Go non-dictator-ish leader! On our forums there are a few mods though. Myself (MangaMegaMan), Wonko-the-Sane (Vicious) mr.trivia (Shippou) and _DarkMoon_ (Ranma-Kun).
At 3/9/04 07:53 PM, LadyAurin wrote: Well, I'm back!
Hey, what's he doing online..... He's supposed to be doing homework............
Well, I've gotten my little problems under controll.
Ok. So, how does the rank system here work?
RPing. We need to. Soon. I'm going crazy from lack of fun.
WE DON'T HAVE A RANK SYSTEM you've been told that before. goddamnit, learn to fucking pay attention. as for the RP, its usually an agreed upon Battle Royale betwen EVERYONE
At 3/9/04 07:53 PM, LadyAurin wrote: Well, I'm back!
Hey, what's he doing online..... He's supposed to be doing homework............
Well, I've gotten my little problems under controll.
Ok. So, how does the rank system here work?
RPing. We need to. Soon. I'm going crazy from lack of fun.
We don't exactally have a rank system. You just RP as the character that you are. For example, since you are Kagome, You would RP as Kagome and only use her attacks.
At 3/9/04 07:55 PM, ProtoBassX wrote: We don't do ranks here, all you need to know that Tink is the leader. Go non-dictator-ish leader! On our forums there are a few mods though. Myself (MangaMegaMan), Wonko-the-Sane (Vicious) mr.trivia (Shippou) and _DarkMoon_ (Ranma-Kun).
And Wonko is second in comand here. So if I cannot be here for some reason, Wonko is leader.
At 3/9/04 08:00 PM, Tink13 wrote:
And Wonko is second in comand here. So if I cannot be here for some reason, Wonko is leader.
| 0\/\/|\|z j00 4|_|_ |31+c|-|3z
At 3/9/04 08:02 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: | 0\/\/|\|z j00 4|_|_ |31+c|-|3z
For those who can't decipher that, it says: "I owns you all bitches". Glad to be of help.
At 3/9/04 08:05 PM, ProtoBassX wrote:At 3/9/04 08:02 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: | 0\/\/|\|z j00 4|_|_ |31+c|-|3zFor those who can't decipher that, it says: "I owns you all bitches". Glad to be of help.
Are you back in the realm of broadband? or still stuck among the lepers.... I mean dial-up users? cuz you normally only post on weekends
...wow it looks like everyone ignored me... lol i guess i cant blame you heh heh ummm in short i wanted to sign up, i no i alredy said that NUT it wasnt me.. it was my little brother, i havnt been online in a couple weeks n my little brother took over my accounts .. well i kicked his ass and now I want to join... my animes are:
1. Cowboy Bebop (anime , never read the manga yet)
2. Samurai Deeper Kyo (manga)
3. Trigun ( anime BUT the mangas MUCH better)
4. Naruto (manga)
5. Inuyasha (anime, never read manga, but planning on it)
and uhh i would like Demon Eyes Kyo from Samuai Deeper to represent me
i dont really no wut my brothers been doing, probably pissin YOU guys off but i apologize for wutever he did and i changed all my passwords so i dont think ill b a pain in the ass amymore...
At 3/9/04 08:01 PM, TheDarkSamurai wrote: That's no fucking fun!
Nice even hundred you got there Seiken. :P
If you're refering to the way we RP it is to prevent people from acting god-like in RP. Unless of course they have a god-like character.
At 3/9/04 08:22 PM, Tink13 wrote:At 3/9/04 08:01 PM, TheDarkSamurai wrote: That's no fucking fun!Nice even hundred you got there Seiken. :P
If you're refering to the way we RP it is to prevent people from acting god-like in RP. Unless of course they have a god-like character.
But what about shape-shifters? Couldn't they turn into god-like characters?
At 3/9/04 08:13 PM, PyroWolf174 wrote: Some stuff...
Yea I think we all heard you the first time.
and to Trivia, Every character has some sort of weakness.
*pours cold water on Ranma*
At 3/9/04 08:12 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: Are you back in the realm of broadband? or still stuck among the lepers.... I mean dial-up users? cuz you normally only post on weekends
I'm still stuck among the lepers sadly to say. It's just that my dad is working at the church (A voting spot) for the Democratic primaries. Today's super Tuesday. :) (10 states of the United States vote for who will represent the democrats in 2004 election) So no one needs the phone line. >.> <.< Ha, I'm very very sneaky. :)
Sorry if I was going a bit crazy there. Lack of sleep. Damn Socrates and science fair. Who fucking care that Socrates thought that all knowledge comes from within? Well, I'm all caught up with my schoolwork, and I've kicked my little brother's ass (a few times) so I should be getting back to normal soon.
Do you think I should change charecters? I don't really know if I can do Kagome anymore. Are Helba, Subaru, Tzuzaka, or Aura from .hack//sign taken?
By the way, I would never want to change if you let me be the hanyou Kagome from Ookami-chan's fanfiction:
Turnabout is Fair Play
She's not a new charecter, just Kagome changing a little bit......
I'm starting to hear things. I need more fun. Havn't had fun since the trivia-off between Tink and me. Must RP. Please.
At 3/9/04 08:37 PM, LadyAurin wrote:
Whats her name from the fanfic is not an official anime character, so you can't be her, anyone else, look on the memberslist. if you want to RP ask to start one, or go join our forums and join in the pre-existing one.