At 3/6/04 10:45 PM, skull_basher wrote:
At 3/6/04 10:37 PM, spideybl wrote:
At 3/6/04 09:35 PM, PyroWolf174 wrote:
omfg *****is he taken or do** I** have to find someone else...been havin soo many spellin problems lately....if he is about ShiroKiro from Samurai Deeper(im not even sure if thqat his real name, i read the manga a few weeks ago...its sumthin like that..i kan find out later..)
Kaneda isn't taken. You can pick him.
kaneda?? why kaneda?? why not tetsuo??? hes the cool one with those awsome psychic powers wich were inhanced by dem drugs....tetsuo is much cooler!!!!!!
oh and about that manga....who was akira??..I dont understand..they dont really explian....
ok 1. In the beginning of the movy you see the whole city BLOW at the end, with Tetsuo... BUT that was Akira, Akira was just the FIRST ÜBER powerful pshykik guy to be konsumed by his power.... and the stupid civialians thought he was a god.. i havnt read the manga but if you wach the anime it explains all that if you pay attention
2. i chose Kaneda bekuz hes kooler than Tetsuo, testuo may have power but his ass got blown up.. AND hes kinda a pussy.. n kanedas kool...and he has that KIKASS bike..
OK so now that i have my character, kan someone make me a sig with Kaneda in it???i dont no how to make sigs, and if i did i wud probably suk at it lol...