At 1/26/04 07:20 PM, RavenGage wrote:
Rebel seems to be on a campaign to get all the old members back. His last 2 stories have included old members coming back.
Well, I only put characters in that have stopped posting completely. And I'm making part 4 of that story soon. :) As a matter of fact, I think I'm going to save all the stories I make now, and put them on my site... For reference, that is.
At 1/27/04 10:51 AM, Rebel40000 wrote: Well, I only put characters in that have stopped posting completely. And I'm making part 4 of that story soon. :) As a matter of fact, I think I'm going to save all the stories I make now, and put them on my site... For reference, that is.
That'd be a good idea. Or get ALL ur stories in one post. lol, I think u'll set a world record for longest post :)
Well, I could do that, but there has to be some sort of boundry to how much you can post. Maybe I'll ask someone who knows...?
At 1/27/04 10:48 AM, Rebel40000 wrote: I think the neck is a bit lighter there...
And the left eye.
*grabs dick*
At 1/27/04 11:12 AM, daftguy wrote:At 1/27/04 10:48 AM, Rebel40000 wrote: I think the neck is a bit lighter there...And the left eye.
Ah yes. How did I miss that one? lol
At 1/27/04 03:58 AM, Alkador wrote: This is a girl I just did...her ponytail is unfinished...
Personally I think it looks cool the way it is =)
How about mine?This is my first time drawing on Flash MX. I got lazy so there you go.....
*grabs dick*
At 1/27/04 12:41 PM, daftguy wrote: How about mine?This is my first time drawing on Flash MX. I got lazy so there you go.....
Oops! sorry. Here another one. Again, the laziness remains as the factor.
*grabs dick*
Those are both pretty good Daft. I like the first one best.
They are both good. I could do better with pencil, paper, and india ink, but not on the computer.
How is this? (It sucks becuase it was when I first started.)
Hey Raven, here is your Sig Pic, sorry no Illidan, couldn't find a decent picture of him, so... I added a gif of the Night Elf Tree Tower and the Night Elf symbolic emblem. I hope you enjoy. I couldn't have done it alone, I got help to set it up in Image Ready from vice_virtu.
At 1/27/04 07:33 PM, Herbie_da_wyrm wrote: How is this? (It sucks becuase it was when I first started.)
It's a bit light but still pretty good. back when I watched DBZ Vegeta was my second favorite. (My favorite Vegeta moment is back in the begining when Little Gohan said Nappa smelled like toenails and Vegeta laughed at him xD). My main favorite is Trunks from the cell saga...but after Cell I stopped watching. I never watched Buu.
And Raven if you don't like this one, I can revamp it... Add a better background, sharpen the emblem. I just didn't think it would turn out too great because I wasn't too familiar with Image Ready.
At 1/27/04 08:00 PM, Herbie_da_wyrm wrote: This is my best. Tell me how bad it sucks.
Its better than anything I can draw. Its decent.
W00t! 200 posts
At 1/27/04 08:00 PM, Herbie_da_wyrm wrote: This is my best. Tell me how bad it sucks.
Oh!! She's so cute though! You should put that in the club forums! ^_^ What is her name?
At 1/27/04 08:09 PM, Aasha wrote: Oh!! She's so cute though! You should put that in the club forums! ^_^ What is her name?
I don't know, how about Miko? This only took 2 1/2 hours to do.
At 1/27/04 08:11 PM, Herbie_da_wyrm wrote: I don't know, how about Miko? This only took 2 1/2 hours to do.
U should use it in a flash project or something. It's great
Samurai - thx, as for the revamping, can u get rid of the tree and have the NE emblem on both sides. And if ur up to it, u could add some more to the background, maybe have a leaves/trees as background, or stars in a dark night.
Are you telling me you don't like this?? If you are, honestly find someone else to do it for you because this doesn't take seconds, it takes hours. This one in particular took about 2 1/2.
Thats really good man. You should make people pay you for making sigs (besides me of course)
At 1/27/04 10:32 PM, TheDarkSamurai wrote: Are you telling me you don't like this?? If you are, honestly find someone else to do it for you because this doesn't take seconds, it takes hours. This one in particular took about 2 1/2.
DAMN! That one is awsome. I wouldn't turn down a sig like that.
*grabs dick*
At 1/27/04 10:32 PM, TheDarkSamurai wrote: Are you telling me you don't like this?? If you are, honestly find someone else to do it for you because this doesn't take seconds, it takes hours. This one in particular took about 2 1/2.
Now THAT is awsome. And sorry for complaining, but this is MUCH different from what u posted at first. The improvement is obvieous to anyone with eyes. Thx.
I'm the type that takes forever to draw too, so don't're not alone. Aaaanyhoo...
That only took 10 minutes? Wow. I'd have taken at least 20 to 25 on that. That is a nice style you used to make the eyes...hope you don't mind if I copy you ^_^?