At 11/19/06 04:00 PM, Gendo wrote: With one swift tug, I pull this old (and very expensive) gem out. Better still, the disc was marked down to a mere $6.88, I nearly had a fucking heart attack.
Hahaha! Oh WOW! I should go to the Wal-Mart in the next town soon then.
At 11/19/06 06:43 PM, Kronik-The-Hedgehog wrote: Can anyone reccomend some Manga. I haven't read much for a while.
Love Hina! Haha, just kidding, I know you dislike the series. Like Nucksta said and I'll do what I can. Although I shall recommend 'Hikaru No GO!' because I view it as one of the best out there. [IMO]
At 11/19/06 09:27 PM, nestman12 wrote: I would recommend Death Note and psycic academy! best 2 i ever read. New death note in January!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't really know much about the Death Note series but I'm pretty sure there are some members in here who haven't read it all yet. Next time please label anything like that as a spoiler so people won't get the series 'spoiled' for them. I'm going to quote the club rules for you and recommend you read them.
"6. If you post a spoiler, make sure it is well known that you are doing so. A spoiler warning should look something like this:
**SPOILER WARNING FOR (insert anime here)***
(Insert spoiler here)
This goes for any anime, manga, movie, or video game."
I'm not doing this to be a dick but only for the protection of the other users. Like the time BigFan gave away everything for Gundam Seed without labeling anything as a spoiler, giving away key points in the series, deaths, identities and so on. It's really bad for a member who is following a series and reads something that should've been labeled as a spoiler. Like the whole Harry Potter and the 6th book thing, or the time I told a friend of mine to not tell me the ending to the Love Hina manga for I hadn't caught up with all of it but she told me anyways.
Oh yeah, you can also use the colon key " : " too better hide a spoiler. Say if I was to give a spoiler or so I would go about it like
*****************SPOILERS FOR SOMETHING***************************
I would do it like this, that way you can't easily read the spoiler and you just sorta cruise over it. Your eyes are drawn towards light/bright things, dark font such as quoted or quote styled text is darker, less chance of reading a spoiler even if they are labeled good.
*********************END SPOILERS FOR SOMETHING**********************
I've been listening to the G Gundam OSTs quite a bit here recently. The song 'Trust You Forever' is fantastic. Much of the vocal songs remind me of the very first OST I purchased which was 'Slayers Try: Treasury Vox' which remains to this day one of my favorite OSTs. Just the nostalgia of this track is almost enough to bring a tear to my eyes.
[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]
XBL / PSN - Voidist
Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.