sorry for the double post:
anyone know where I can buy a anime OST I've wanted one for the longest time.
I want to get the Ghost in a shell: stand alone complex OST and I have no idea where I can get it.
sorry for the double post:
anyone know where I can buy a anime OST I've wanted one for the longest time.
I want to get the Ghost in a shell: stand alone complex OST and I have no idea where I can get it.
At 8/21/06 12:18 AM, coycoy wrote:At 8/21/06 12:04 AM, LLStarks wrote: Hey guys. Let's play a game.nope. i have got teary eyed, but i never actually "cryed"
Have you ever cried while watching an anime?
Twice... Only twice.
Elfen Lied (Gory schoolhouse scene involving puppy)
Chrono Crusade (Ending)
Same goes for me, I didn't burst out crying...
Chrono Crusade: Shed a tear or two...
Elfen Lied: Teary eyed and had to look away for a few seconds the first time around.
At 8/21/06 01:27 AM, Pozzum wrote: sorry for the double post:
anyone know where I can buy a anime OST I've wanted one for the longest time.
I want to get the Ghost in a shell: stand alone complex OST and I have no idea where I can get it.
I don't know what an OST is.
But I found this on google?
I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.
At 8/21/06 01:27 AM, Pozzum wrote: sorry for the double post:
anyone know where I can buy a anime OST I've wanted one for the longest time.
I want to get the Ghost in a shell: stand alone complex OST and I have no idea where I can get it.
Pure and simple... If you want OST without the wait, this site is your friend.
At 8/20/06 11:00 PM, LLStarks wrote: Coycoy, word of advice... Hentai sells. Try it.
hmmmmm.... yes........ i might just try that some time.
(a little sango and kagome hentai does sound pretty hot.)
At 8/21/06 12:04 AM, LLStarks wrote: Hey guys. Let's play a game.
Have you ever cried while watching an anime?
Twice... Only twice.
Elfen Lied (Gory schoolhouse scene involving puppy)
Chrono Crusade (Ending)
1. Fruits Basket (don't fucking laugh). The episode where Tohru leaves the sohmas, but come back, and the very last episode. I couldn't get past the intro where she relives her first encounters (I just stopped there, and refused to watch any more. The theme song (both eng and jap) always makes be cry. It brings memories, and fears.
2. Evangelion. Well to be precise The End of Evangelion. At the very last part, when Shinji straddles Asuka, and strangles her. Then, she raises her arm, and caresses his face. She then ends with "Pity".
There are others, but I don't remember.
Oh! Um..Dave. I was wondering if you could make me one of those sigs, but instead of Champloo, maybe some Evangelion content, and in blue instead of red? You don't have to, and I'll understand. But If you do, thank you in advance.
At 8/21/06 01:43 AM, coycoy wrote: (a little sango and kagome hentai does sound pretty hot.)
Mmmm, I'd love to see that...get crackin'!!!!
At 8/21/06 01:43 AM, coycoy wrote:At 8/20/06 11:00 PM, LLStarks wrote: Coycoy, word of advice... Hentai sells. Try it.hmmmmm.... yes........ i might just try that some time.
(a little sango and kagome hentai does sound pretty hot.)
coycoy, I recently sent you a PM about this. Can you draw a picture of Shihouin Yoruichi from Bleach in her human form posing with Kagome? I'm asking you this because,
I recently watched episode 41 of Bleach where Yoruichi shows Ichigo her true form. Human form Yoruichi & Kagome both have Satsuki Yukino as their seiyuu. The look on Ichigo's face when he saw human yoruichi naked was priceless. I laughed during that scene.
Since this club is the most successful non-flash oriented club on Newgrounds, I tend to reminisce on our past every once in a while...
The "other" anime club on NG: Akihabara Dennou Gumi
Back in 2004, the NG BBS was home to 2 large and powerful anime clubs... The Akihabara Dennou Gumi (Akihabara Cyber Team) or ADG for short, and the NG Anime Club (us). The ADG was run by a member named, Vash the Stampede his following treated anime on much more hardcore level than we had ever wished to achieve. The ADG and its members had held great animosity towards this club. While our club officially held no ill-will towards the ADG, we found ourselves frequently retaliating to forum and thread raids. I regretably was the commander on some of those "missions", I have no remorse for my actions, they were justified.
Well, the ADG died a quick and horrible death as soon as it was absorbed by the Blam Club and migrated away from the NG BBS... THE END!
At 8/21/06 04:42 AM, LLStarks wrote: Since this club is the most successful non-flash oriented club on Newgrounds, I tend to reminisce on our past every once in a while...
The "other" anime club on NG: Akihabara Dennou Gumi
hmm thats really really stupid. were random people from other states , countries, etc. talking about something we like to watch and yet because there was another club people felt the need to insult each other to make them feel good, yep thats stupidty at it's greatest right there
by the way a friend told me about this anime called baki the grappler, has anyone seen it?
oh gendo are you going as tetsuo before he goes insane( biker outfit: light blue hooded sweater, black gloves, jeans, brown boots, and googles) or tetsuo after he goes insane (white sleeveless shirt, faded black pants. light faded brown boots, red cloth cape)
oh one more thing for those of us who have time warner cable use to be know as adelphia or any other service that has on demand, you may have noticed that now we get adultswim on demand now. just thought 'di post about it for those who didn't know.
At 8/19/06 01:00 PM, -Fumetsu- wrote:At 8/19/06 02:52 AM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: During all this time that you are renting you could be saving up to buy 'said anime product'.Yeah, seriously. Just buy the damn thing. Why the hell are you renting it?
Because buying it costs 12-15 times as much.
I get out films for 2 dollars each, DVDs cost 20-30 dollars.
I don't have much money.
Good enough reason?
Kuro - Puting the 'Kur' back in 'inkurable disease.'
At 8/20/06 08:40 PM, coycoy wrote: so, your a friend of dude1548's huh?..... yes i remember him. he posted in my "i draw zelda characters anime style" thread. so are you two actual friends, or did you just meet on the internet? i just recently found this thread, so my first post isnt to far back in this thread. oh yeah, thanks for the compliment! :D
i know him personaly i live not to far from him hes a nice guy and hes the reason y i posted here cuz if he never met u i wouldent be here:P
At 8/20/06 02:40 AM, Undeadsoldier wrote: nice job, I'm currently watching shin-chan on adultswim, its funny as hell, I believe I have a new favorite comedy anime.
My sentiments exactly. The jokes in that show had me laughing for around six hours. By the way, I remember seeing a clip of Crayon Shin Chan (The uncensored Japanese version) at Ohayocon Six, so I've been looking forward to this since January.
At 8/21/06 12:04 AM, LLStarks wrote: Have you ever cried while watching an anime?
Not that I can remember, but I did take about three to five episodes of Robotech to cope with the loss of Ben Dixon. They didn't even let him finish his last meal!
At 8/21/06 12:04 AM, LLStarks wrote: Hey guys. Let's play a game.
Have you ever cried while watching an anime?
Twice... Only twice.
Elfen Lied (Gory schoolhouse scene involving puppy)
Chrono Crusade (Ending)
i cried a lot for Elfen Lied because it's always blood and killing.
At 8/21/06 10:20 AM, MP5_9mm wrote:Hey guys. Let's play a game.
Have you ever cried while watching an anime?
Well truth is I think I cried atlest once in almost ever anime show I could find. I even cried for Love Love, because my eyes burned from it. acually there are key points in making people cry for me. One anything involving love is always popular. Two bishonen. Thats right those people. When they are depressed it make it like they are women and makes me wanna cry. Like Ouran or Fruit basket. 3 death. When Trigun had the whole dieing dream from the past made me use atlest 3 tissue boxes. If any anime show has these 3 things I have to cry once. And if they are all together I am going to flood the world. I belive what makes anime different is the way they want you to be inside of the story. Make you feel what they feel. Anime is a very scary thing sometimes. I wish I was in an anime show ever second.
well, i start school tommorow, so i wont be able to do anymore pics right now...... when i get all settled down with school and i have extra free time, i will try to do these requests..... i will talk to you soon!
At 8/21/06 11:27 AM, coycoy wrote: well, i start school tommorow, so i wont be able to do anymore pics right now...... when i get all settled down with school and i have extra free time, i will try to do these requests..... i will talk to you soon!
O well. When you do get time, you should try creating a webcomic. That is a good way to show off your drawing skillz. And school suck ass. You should trying some art of Ouran high school.
At 8/21/06 11:27 AM, coycoy wrote: well, i start school tommorow, so i wont be able to do anymore pics right now...... when i get all settled down with school and i have extra free time, i will try to do these requests..... i will talk to you soon!
to bad i start school next week.
a while back, people asked what the first anime we saw was and i said "Outlaw Star"....but i lied. My frst anime ever(even though i didnt like it) was "Kiki's delivery service", i believe it was called.
At 8/21/06 12:04 AM, LLStarks wrote: Have you ever cried while watching an anime?
At 8/21/06 07:48 AM, -Kuro- wrote: Good enough reason?
no, because instead of renting it you can just save up for the show. It seems you've already seen it and like it, judging by your sig, so why bother squandering money on a rental when you can wait a little while and buy it? (rhetorical question, BTW -_-) You're bound to want to watch it again. Renting is useful for seeing a movie really cheap once if you've never seen it and you're not sure you'd like it. If you already like it and would like to see it again, it makes more sense to gather the money to buy it.
At 8/21/06 06:52 AM, Undeadsoldier wrote: oh gendo are you going as tetsuo before he goes insane( biker outfit: light blue hooded sweater, black gloves, jeans, brown boots, and googles) or tetsuo after he goes insane (white sleeveless shirt, faded black pants. light faded brown boots, red cloth cape)
Likely insane Tetsuo, I'd be more convincing as the psionic nutcase instead of the sidekick-esque biker-type. Plus, goggles never fit me...
At 8/21/06 12:04 AM, LLStarks wrote: Have you ever cried while watching an anime?
No. Because I have that thing called a penis. Don't worry. One day you'll be able to afford the operation and you'll get one too. Last time I cried was when I got high on robitussin, had a bad trip, and started hallucinating some old childhood nightmares.
There was also a ley line that was right behind my friends back that I could never reach for some reason.
At 8/21/06 09:27 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote:No. Because I have that thing called a penis. Don't worry. One day you'll be able to afford the operation and you'll get one too. Last time I cried was when I got high on robitussin, had a bad trip, and started hallucinating some old childhood nightmares.At 8/21/06 12:04 AM, LLStarks wrote: Have you ever cried while watching an anime?
There was also a ley line that was right behind my friends back that I could never reach for some reason.
I have a penis, you have penises.
If you want to pull a Phoenix Wright and states your "OBJECTION!", go right ahead.
At 8/22/06 05:27 AM, LLStarks wrote:At 8/21/06 09:27 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote:I have a penis, you have penises.At 8/21/06 12:04 AM, LLStarks wrote:
If you want to pull a Phoenix Wright and states your "OBJECTION!", go right ahead.
hun? thats preety random right ther buuddy
I'd put something witty here, but that would be pointless and unoriginal.
I watched Tenjou was ok, but they could have done a lot more with it. Watching until the last episode was more of a pain, but it sucks quitting an anime a few episodes in, plus some of the first fights were cool. I also watched Sorcerer Hunters (Bakuretsu Hunters) was ok...but many of the episodes were the same thing and it wasn't nearly as funny as other fantasy adventures like Those Who Hunt Elves.
I'm almost finished with Fate-Stay Night. It is pretty good...I read up on Wikipedia about the visual novel version's 3 storylines and how the anime is mostly Fate, with some Unlimited Blade Works and Heaven's Feel mixed in. The anime isn't as dark as those luckily...
I'm looking for some new anime shows. I want to find one with cat girls. So if anyone knows, could you post the name?
i just found some episodes of beyblade, cardcaptors, and medabots. aaah...those bring back some memories.
inuyasha is not gay! its one of the best animes i have ever seen....... not the best anime, but its still good! :D
Hey can I join in? Does anyone like One Piece? I love that anime my favorite! my thread was locked cause I made a OnePiece crew and some reason it got locked dont know why though day is bad anyway can I join in?
I'm the only pretty boy on NewGrounds!
At 8/22/06 06:31 PM, DarkDragonVX wrote: Hey can I join in? Does anyone like One Piece? I love that anime my favorite! my thread was locked cause I made a OnePiece crew and some reason it got locked dont know why though day is bad anyway can I join in?
Post your top ten favourite anime and pick a character that isn't on this list. The character has to be the same gender as you.