At 8/11/06 12:01 AM, Dark_orchestra wrote:At 8/10/06 11:53 PM, Shift7089 wrote:
Hey man, like i said....not possible. They dont have the rights......
Ah. This reminds me of my term essay I did last year on Violent video games. In my work I stated and emphacised on the First Amendment (freedom of speech) and how it was unconstitional to ban it. The same applies to anime because it is the expression of the Author's thoughts and expressions. Therefore ban=unconstitional.
you know...
if anime girls were real... i would fuck them and jizz all over them...
go anime...
At 8/10/06 11:53 PM, Shift7089 wrote:
Btw. To all Neon Genesis Eva fans, There's this new manga I'm reading. It's called Neon Genesis Evangelion: Angelic Days. I recommend it to all as it is a very humorous omake (did i use that term right?) to the original storyline. It is also recommended that you have enough knowedge of the Eva Series.
Summary: In this alternate retelling of Neon Genesis Evangelion everything is different. Shinji and Asuka have grown up together as childhood friends, Rei is the new kid at school, Misato is their teacher, NERV is just beginning to assemble teenagers for their experiments, and the second impact never happened. The story proceeds as a romance rather than an action series, with love triangles a-plenty.
Wasn't part of that idea in eiter the last or second to last episodes of eva? kind of a premotion of a new series with the same character modles with same voiceactors playing different parts. Phenoix kind of thing isn't it? Looks the same sounds the same but is a copleatly different thing.
Also I have yet to see the OVA (is it an OVA? I don't know) "End of Evangelion" is it any good?
Sorry for the double post (havn't posted in a bit).
With the whole ban of anime thing, if the US got into a (forget the political name) Ban on all Japanise (that sp does not look right) wouldn't the amount of anime that is accesible lower, there will still a large amount of anime out there, but it might not be as main stream as it is.
For some reason the mention of the Japanise made me think about how much I hate Iorn Chef america compared to the origianal. Almost everything made in america sucks.
At 8/11/06 12:44 AM, Pozzum wrote:At 8/10/06 11:53 PM, Shift7089 wrote:Also I have yet to see the OVA (is it an OVA? I don't know) "End of Evangelion" is it any good?
It is basically a movie re-version of the last 2 episodes. Instead of that supid "human instrumentality" stuff that left a lot of things hanging; it has a military attack on NERV, evangelion fights, some really wierd shit, and lots of violence. Rei is naked practically through the whole movie too.
At 8/11/06 12:16 AM, Illegal-Product wrote: you know...
if anime girls were real... i would fuck them and jizz all over them...
go anime...
Okay 1 that is very wrong... and 2 cmn man, everyone? Even the old women? Okay naru and sakura is okay, but that old lady from the curry of life in naruto? Please say "I would fuck them that are ABOVE 18" and whatever age you want. (you sick fwk)
At 8/11/06 01:02 AM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote:
Rei is naked practically through the whole movie too.
And THAT'S the important thing, right?
Seriously, though...
While I've never seen End of Evangelion, I know how it goes. Basically, with the last Angel destroyed, Ikari puts his plan into motion, and SEELE commands the now-fully functional Eva Units 5-13 to attack Nerv HQ. While Asuka, who recovers in her Eva 02 at the bottom of the ocean and takes out most of the Evas by herself, is still in her catatonic state, Ikari leads Rei to get her to merge with Lilith and the piece of Adam they had at the beginning. She refuses to complete Instrumentality how he wants, and becomes Lilith, beginning Third Impact as people around the world begin to liquefy. Shinji, who has snapped out of his self-loathing by now enough to help fight Evas 5-13, is the only one to resist Third Impact, the unification of all human minds into a single consciousness (We're led to believe that Asuka is dead by this point, since the automated Evas tore hers apart after it ran out of power). Shinji talks with Rei a while, and the end result is that the world is remade how he truly wants. We are taken to a scene on a very freaky-looking version of Earth (it looks more like Mars, from what I've seen), and Shinji meets up with the SOMEHOW ALIVE Asuka, the only other person alive. We are then left with the impression, as the series ends, that this is what Shinji really wanted.
Or I could be 100% wrong, ya never know.
The last two episodes are the only reason I decided to whatch the whole show. I had seen about 20-25 episodes and I had goten bored (before it was on [AS]) then I saw it every once in awhile and saw that they were censoring some stuff (Bulls***) with a really annoying tone. I then sawparts of the last three and wondered how in the world they had goten to where they had.
Probably my favorite episode is third to last or the last episode.
At 8/11/06 01:24 AM, psykolord wrote:At 8/11/06 01:02 AM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote:Rei is naked practically through the whole movie too.And THAT'S the important thing, right?
Seriously, though...
, and Shinji meets up with the SOMEHOW ALIVE Asuka, the only other person alive. We are then left with the impression, as the series ends, that this is what Shinji really wanted.
Or I could be 100% wrong, ya never know.
The reason all humanity joined into one was because there AT fields, which seperate all people were removed. Shinji at first wanted this because when there were different people, they could get hurt and hurt eachother (like him and his father), but then he sort of realized this wasn't right and its better to be seperate. (Him and Rei merged vs him laying his head on her lap). Then Shinji and Asuka become like the new Adam and Eve to start humanity over . (some also believe that everyone returned, you just didnt see them at that spot or just that they were the first back). When Asuka is being attacked, she comes out of her catatonic state and gets back to her normal "im gonna win, im the best" state and attacks the other evas. Shinji never fights them though.
At 8/11/06 01:21 AM, mirokuneo14 wrote:At 8/11/06 12:16 AM, Illegal-Product wrote: you know...Okay 1 that is very wrong... and 2 cmn man, everyone? Even the old women? Okay naru and sakura is okay, but that old lady from the curry of life in naruto? Please say "I would fuck them that are ABOVE 18" and whatever age you want. (you sick fwk)
if anime girls were real... i would fuck them and jizz all over them...
go anime...
you know what.... ill let u be my manager... you know to manahe them hoes...;p
jk dude i dunno but anime chiks got huge fine ass tits and ass... shit...
At 8/11/06 01:21 AM, mirokuneo14 wrote:At 8/11/06 12:16 AM, Illegal-Product wrote: you know...
if anime girls were real... i would fuck them and jizz all over them...
go anime...
that is just sick! you pervert
At 8/11/06 07:31 AM, MP5_9mm wrote:At 8/11/06 01:21 AM, mirokuneo14 wrote:that is just sick! you pervertAt 8/11/06 12:16 AM, Illegal-Product wrote: you know...
if anime girls were real... i would fuck them and jizz all over them...
go anime...
1) You need to quit your bitching, or go away.
2) This is not a hentai club.
At 8/11/06 08:17 AM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote:At 8/11/06 07:31 AM, MP5_9mm wrote:1) You need to quit your bitching, or go away.
2) This is not a hentai club.
Lol i thought this was the ANIME club not the hentai club.
Oh wells.
Have fun fapping
It IS the anime club.
btw, Does anyone know the manga "Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Iron Maiden 2nd"?
At 8/11/06 09:19 AM, AUb wrote: It IS the anime club.
btw, Does anyone know the manga "Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Iron Maiden 2nd"?
No, I only watch the anime type of Neon Genesis.
At 8/11/06 08:44 AM, MP5_9mm wrote:At 8/11/06 08:17 AM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: 2) This is not a hentai club.
Lol i thought this was the ANIME club not the hentai club.
Oh wells.
Pay closer attention.
At 8/11/06 12:16 AM, Illegal-Product wrote: you know...
if anime girls were real... i would fuck them and jizz all over them...
go anime...
Fuck you pervert.
So you would screw.....Su from love hina? PEDOPHILE!!!!!
At 8/11/06 12:57 PM, Dark_orchestra wrote:Fuck you pervert.At 8/11/06 12:16 AM, Illegal-Product wrote: you know...
if anime girls were real... i would fuck them and jizz all over them...
go anime...
So you would screw.....Su from love hina? PEDOPHILE!!!!!
Oh snap pedophile. I mean really how can you even think of doing that if she was real?
At 8/11/06 12:44 AM, Pozzum wrote:At 8/10/06 11:53 PM, Shift7089 wrote:
Wasn't part of that idea in eiter the last or second to last episodes of eva? kind of a premotion of a new series with the same character modles with same voiceactors playing different parts. Phenoix kind of thing isn't it? Looks the same sounds the same but is a copleatly different thing.
Also I have yet to see the OVA (is it an OVA? I don't know) "End of Evangelion" is it any good?
Yeah. It was basically a remake. There's a noticible difference in everyones personality (especially Rei). It mixes a whole lot of romance into the series, and well.....I'm not gonna speak anymore. Don't want to add any spoilers by accident
At 8/11/06 01:35 AM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote:At 8/11/06 01:24 AM, psykolord wrote:At 8/11/06 01:02 AM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote:Rei is naked practically through the whole movie too.And THAT'S the important thing, right?
Seriously, though...
, and Shinji meets up with the SOMEHOW ALIVE Asuka, the only other person alive. We are then left with the impression, as the series ends, that this is what Shinji really wanted.
The reason all humanity joined into one was because there AT fields, which seperate all people were removed. Shinji at first wanted this because when there were different people, they could get hurt and hurt eachother (like him and his father),
Or I could be 100% wrong, ya never know.
Just like in the Episode "Hedgehog's Dilemna". People are just like hedgehogs. The closer they get to one another, the ability to inflict pain to one another increases.
When Asuka is being attacked, she comes out of her catatonic state and gets back to her normal "im gonna win, im the best" state and attacks the other evas. Shinji never fights them though.
Well it was that time that Asuka realized the importance and protection of the AT field. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Asuka's mother's soul reside in her Eva? She began to feel invincible, knowing that her mother was "protecting" her via the AT field. My knowledge might be a little rusty, I saw it like a year ago.
For teh Evangelion conversation, I thought this was extremely useeful and helpful.
At 8/11/06 05:40 PM, ProtoBassX wrote: For teh Evangelion conversation, I thought this was extremely useeful and helpful.
There's this more detailed explanation of the terms of the series. ***SPOILER LINK***
Red Cross Book
At 8/6/06 09:22 PM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote: You need to list your 10 favorite animes along with the character to represent you before you are accepted.
Uhhh... What if I don't have 10 favorite anme shows?
At 8/11/06 09:53 PM, RyanKajito wrote:At 8/6/06 09:22 PM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote: You need to list your 10 favorite animes along with the character to represent you before you are accepted.Uhhh... What if I don't have 10 favorite anme shows?
If you haven't seen 10 animes...then i guess you'll have to wait to join until you do.
Help! I usually watch anime on Youtube, but I was watching Chokotto sister (someone posted about the show) And I was up to episode 3 but I can't find any more. Can someone tell me another way to find the anime shows for free, because I want to watch the series. Subs only.
I've seen about 4 to 5 bad animes in a row could someone please give me a refreshing anime. Something different there is a list of anime I've seen on page 209 of this thread. I think puting all anime that looks fairly good and puting them in a random order is usually a bad idea if you want to see something good, that is how I saw 4 or 5 bad anime in a row.
At 8/11/06 11:23 PM, seth_brown wrote:At 8/11/06 10:07 PM, Illegal-Product wrote: whats a PEDOPHILEgo away. Now.
A pedophile is an adult that likes kids. For example Micheal Jackson. And this is an anime club! If you want to know a word go to www.dictionary.com.
i have some new anime drawings i drew uploaded to deviantart now.... if anyone wants to check them out.
the link to it is right above my sig. :P