Okay, for once, I finished a Slayers series at a decent hour. Now, time for a review!
Subject: Slayers Try!
Before I say anything else, I'd like to say that I'm utterly PISSED at one specific point in the ending. I was hoping for Zelgadis and Amelia to wind up together, but NOOOOO. Of course, if you look at Zel's water bottle at the end, you see AMelia's bracelet on it, so maybe they won't stay apart....
Second off, I was really excited when Valgaav and Xelloss started fighting. After all, Xelloss killed thousands of dragons, and Valgaav, being an Ancient Dragon, had the power of thousands of Golden Dragons. Shame that Valgaav so utterly outclassed him.
Speaking of Xelloss, I was pleasantly surprised to see just how evil that jackass could be. Of course, he's a Monster, so I shouldn't be THAT surprised, but still.
I was glad that the ending DIDN'T rely on the DragonSlave. Sorry, but it's gotten to the point that, if Lina'd used GigaSlave on Dark Star, it would have seemed like Mommy coming down to spank widdle Dark Star for trying to end existence.
AND WHERE THE HELL DOES VALGAAV GET HIS FACTS? It WASN'T LINA who killed Gaav, it was HellMaster Phibrizzo. Plus, she/Lord of NightMares took Phibrizzo out in Next, so shouldn't Valgaav be thanking her or something?
Meh, enough with that bit
Now onto the Xelloss-Filia relationship!
It seemed really strange to me in the last episode when Xelloss and Filia were talking, and after Filia remarked that she wasn't going to "lower herself to speaking with a monster," Xelloss just laughed and said "Now, THAT'S the dragon I love!" It's obviously sarcasm, cause I don't really think Monsters can feel love. I mean, if positive emotions hurt them, then if he fell in love, he'd slowly be eaten away.
And I REALLY want to see the worlds of the other two Dark Lords. I wanna figure out who the hell they are.
Anyways, enough with that bit also.
I think Zelgadis was a lot more tolerant of Xelloss this series than in Next. I mean, it just seems out of character. I thought he'd be helping Filia out in pissing Xelloss off. SPeaking of pissing Xelloss off, I think Filia's the only one who's managed to get him REALLY angry. I thought he was going to rip her head off on more than one occasion.
And if no one picked up on the developing relationship between Gourry and Lina in Next (particularly at the end), Try gives absolute proof that they're closer than they were before. Remember, the original reason Lina decided to keep traveling with Gourry was because she wanted the Sword of Light, but at the end of Try, he gives the sword to the Overworlder, and in the credits, it shows that Gourry and Lina are still traveling together. Now, if they weren't closer than before, Lina woulda ditched Gourry, since he doesn't have the sword of light anymore for her to try and get.
And I'm REALLY upset that Sylphiel didn't show up this series. She gave probably the best line in Slayers Next ("I'll use violence, money, sex appeal!" [Lina]"You'll use money and WHAT on Phibrizzo?!"), and from how they all ran off together at the end of Slayers Next, I woulda thought that Sylphiel would have been traveling with at least one of the group. Maybe she ditched cause she realized she didn't have a chance with Gourry. I guess I'll never know.
And WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SECOND PIECE OF DARK STAR? After the portal opened, I thought it was going to merge with the half that was already in Lina's world, but it seems she destroyed that half before they could merge. So what happened to the remaining half? Did it just die because it couldn't live with half of its body annihilated? Or did it actually recombine when I wasn't looking?
Overall, I give the series a 9.75/10. It could be better in palces, but overall, I liked it. Now all I need to see are the OVAs and movies and I'll have seen all the Slayers stuff! :D