At 10/11/05 04:58 PM, Fumetsu316 wrote:
I like that show. I never got to see the last episodes, but I saw it from the beginning until it got close to the end. The monsters mouths look like deformed vaginas, though.
HAHA! Yeah they do, but they are still pretty cool looking.
What?! Futurama is hilarious! ....oh well, so you don't like it. The only show on Adult Swim that's come out so far that I hate is Tom Goes to the Mayor. I think most of the other shows are awesome and a few of them are okay.
Nah, I've followed it since it premiered on Fox. I've seen the entire series about 10 times already, same with Family Guy so they don't appeal to me much. The only times I actually watch AS is from 12:30am Mon-Wed, 1:00am Thurs and all of AS on Sat. I don't like T.G.T.T.M. either, nor do I like Squidbillies or 12 oz Mouse. Home Movies is sub-par and ATHF and Sea Lab went down the drain after a while. Robot Chicken is pretty good, and did you know that Tom Root, one of the editors for the magazine Anime Insider is a producer for R.C.? Harvey is okay but is stale now.
At 10/11/05 10:01 PM, Guyver_III wrote:
Well, from what I've heard, Greed's death in the anime is rather lame...being impaled on Ed's little armknife thing or something along those lines. If that's actually how it does go, and the people who told me it went like that were right, I'll definitly stick with the manga death. Much better in my eyes, how he's completely overwhelmed by Bradley, who also uses the fight to reveal he's a homunculus. And then when he's dumped in the acid vat, he leaves the other homunculus with his last words, something along the lines of "See you all in hell, I'll be waiting below". Ah well, guess I'll just have to see for myself how they do his death in the anime. It'll have to be incredible to top his death in the manga, though, at least for me.
Yes, that is how it happens. He claps his hands together and with his left hand touches Greeds chest. Then he takes his sword arm and rams him through. If you go to you can find gifs of him being killed. I want to read the manga, I plan on that. And I ment 'Gran' not Bran, keys are together.
So it turns out that Bradley[Pride]was actually Envy, caught me off guard. It's a shame how Wrath was created but now I get to see Sir Alphonse in battle with him all serious and such. I do look forward to seeing how Wrath fights as well.
I plan on getting my truck painted the same colour of his armour and having the anchoring seal he has and on the hood of my truck and Izumis' crest on the side of it somewhere. Gray with rivets and such, well, kind hard to explain really though, I guess I'd have to take a picture of it to show you what I would have it look like.
At 10/15/05 10:02 PM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote:
What do you all think of that new Toonami original series IGPX that will be coming out soon? It was made by the people from Ghost in the Shell. In doesn't look too shabby.
Glad someone got to it but I would like to go a bit more in-depth about IGPX. Originally is was made like Teen Titans is made, no oversea hands involved. This new one is different though, I'd have to check further into it to see if it is a true anime or just another mirror.
At 10/16/05 04:09 PM, Sword_master000 wrote:
So can anyone help me?
I do belive that is from the movie 'X/1999' [I do belive that is the title, if not look up just 'X'] It's a good movie, forget the plot though. I deals with the Earth Dragon and the Sky/Space Dragon, or some other dragon like that.
Okay, now I can say what I think of Naruto now.
They need to loose the voice for Naruto and have him stop saying 'belive it' every 3rd line. It's irritating the crap out of me, annoying to say the least. The rest of the voices are okay, Sasukes could be better instead of Robin from the Teen Titans doing his voice. The rest of it is okay from what I've seen except for some of the translations and what-not but not every company gets them totaly right.