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Anime Club

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Response to Anime Club Oct 15, 2005

At 10/15/05 07:43 PM, Fumetsu316 wrote: Well, that's not really the reason I like it, though. I like it for the humor, strange plots, and sci fi action. I'll still look into Dual, though, some time.

I know, I was just giving you the basic plotline of it, that and it does remind me of Gundam, just a little but though. Right now I'm looking into two of my favorite animes from the past that has an extra part to it, those two being Bubblegum Crisis 2040, and Blue Seed.

Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.

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Response to Anime Club Oct 15, 2005

What do you all think of that new Toonami original series IGPX that will be coming out soon? It was made by the people from Ghost in the Shell. In doesn't look too shabby.

Member of the Anime Club

I only drink the blood my enemies... and occasionally a Strawberry YooHoo .

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Response to Anime Club Oct 15, 2005

personally i think it looks like gundam crossed with speed racer... but both those are good shoes so i guess we'll have to wait and see...

Response to Anime Club Oct 15, 2005

Who would you BE from an anime?

Not what your representation is here (your favorite), who would you want to BE?

I would be Naruto, simply because of the sexy jutsu.

*looks at stares* ...what?

Response to Anime Club Oct 16, 2005

At 10/15/05 10:38 PM, JONJONAUG wrote: Who would you BE from an anime?

Not what your representation is here (your favorite), who would you want to BE?

I would be Naruto, simply because of the sexy jutsu.

actually i really would be Roy Mustang...i can be smug sometimes and even emotionless and i carry out orders without pondering(unless it is my parents or friends) and i snap my fingers in people's faces to annoy then i am also at points very diff. from him but mostly like him if not i'd be Tsume cause i am very wolf like...quiet likes to be in a group but mostly likes to be alone when with strangers but i also am very violent and angry when threatened.....

Response to Anime Club Oct 16, 2005

At 10/15/05 12:44 PM, BigFan7 wrote: You guys are never going to believe this....

Oh Boy....

I've never heard of Negima, what's it about?

Response to Anime Club Oct 16, 2005

At 10/16/05 12:16 AM, Vash-The-Stampede wrote: I've never heard of Negima, what's it about?

It's Ken Akamatsu's third manga that has to do with a a kid wizard that comes from England to be an English teacher in Japan in an all girls classroom. A lot of the basic Akamatsu style, nudity, humor, and the love issue. Most of the characters you see are allmost like like mirror images of the people you see from Love Hina, but it doesn't deter from the story all that much. It's a really good manga.

Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club Oct 16, 2005

It's Ken Akamatsu's third manga that has to do with a a kid wizard that comes from England to be an English teacher in Japan in an all girls classroom. A lot of the basic Akamatsu style, nudity, humor, and the love issue.

cool...sounds intresting but is it hentai or manga?

Response to Anime Club Oct 16, 2005

At 10/16/05 12:32 AM, Videogamemaster64 wrote: cool...sounds intresting but is it hentai or manga?

It's just manga, haven't you ever read or watched Love Hina before?

Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club Oct 16, 2005

At 10/16/05 12:55 AM, Mast3rMind wrote:
At 10/16/05 12:32 AM, Videogamemaster64 wrote: cool...sounds intresting but is it hentai or manga?
It's just manga, haven't you ever read or watched Love Hina before?

sadly no (except that love hina sim date thing here on NG) i'm intrested though

Response to Anime Club Oct 16, 2005

At 10/15/05 10:38 PM, JONJONAUG wrote: Who would you BE from an anime?

Not what your representation is here (your favorite), who would you want to BE?

I would be Naruto, simply because of the sexy jutsu.

*looks at stares* ...what?

I would be the Tsubasa version of Li Syaoran. Altough he was Sakura's main competitor in capturing the Clow Cards in Cardcaptor Sakura, The Tsubasa version of Syaoran is the main character who is on a quest to find the memories of Clow Country princess Sakura in different worlds along with Kurogane, Mokona, and Seresu country ruler Fai. Wouldn't it be fun to travel different worlds to find Sakura's memories and battling Bad Guys in each world you visit?

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club Oct 16, 2005

It's getting closer to Ohayocon , and I still don't have a cosplay outfit picked out. Can anyone tell me the names of male anime characters that are between 5'11" and 6'1" with brown hair and blue eyes? Rick Hunter from Robotech is 5'9" and I don't know the height of Parn from Record of Lodoss War, but both have outfits that I couldn't possibly recreate.

Jack of all trades, Master of none

Head Scientist of NG Mafia

& proud member of Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club Oct 16, 2005

At 10/15/05 10:38 PM, JONJONAUG wrote: Who would you BE from an anime?

Not what your representation is here (your favorite), who would you want to BE?

Unicron, as eating planets would be badass.

Response to Anime Club Oct 16, 2005

At 10/16/05 12:55 AM, Mast3rMind wrote:
At 10/16/05 12:32 AM, Videogamemaster64 wrote: cool...sounds intresting but is it hentai or manga?
It's just manga, haven't you ever read or watched Love Hina before?

well what channel and time is it on and what day i'd watch it

Response to Anime Club Oct 16, 2005

Hey guys, I'm not part of your club, but I have a question to ask...
I saw this AMV of a Korn song called "Dead Bodies everywhere" and in one scene. It had this girl in a white robe tied to a cross or something. There is this young guy grinning at her, and then all of the sudden all these wires bind her and she's cut to pieces. Would anybody happen to know what anime this is from?

I'm sorry I can't get a screenshot, I tried and the program isn't working. I'm hoping somebody might have seen the amv I'm talking about...

So can anyone help me?

Response to Anime Club Oct 16, 2005

At 10/16/05 04:00 PM, Videogamemaster64 wrote:
At 10/16/05 12:55 AM, Mast3rMind wrote:
At 10/16/05 12:32 AM, Videogamemaster64 wrote:
It's just manga, haven't you ever read or watched Love Hina before?
well what channel and time is it on and what day i'd watch it

or is it just manga?

Response to Anime Club Oct 16, 2005

inuyasha rocks!!!!

Anime Club

Response to Anime Club Oct 16, 2005

At 10/16/05 08:48 PM, shadowthehedgehog12 wrote: inuyasha rocks!!!!

Thanks for pointing that out, Captain Obvious. Now please never spam here again.

Jack of all trades, Master of none

Head Scientist of NG Mafia

& proud member of Anime Club

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club Oct 16, 2005

At 10/16/05 08:41 PM, Videogamemaster64 wrote: or is it just manga?

It's a manga and anime, you'll have to buy both. Well, actually you wouldn't have to, but I prefer the manga better, it's more in depth.

Still original, creative & innovative, most known unknown.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club Oct 16, 2005

At 10/16/05 09:10 PM, Mast3rMind wrote:
At 10/16/05 08:41 PM, Videogamemaster64 wrote: or is it just manga?
It's a manga and anime, you'll have to buy both. Well, actually you wouldn't have to, but I prefer the manga better, it's more in depth.


Response to Anime Club Oct 16, 2005

ill definatly join but besides me does anyone else like the inuyasha or yuyu or full metal alchamist anime

Response to Anime Club Oct 16, 2005

its sad what toonami did......i remember when they actualy had good anime on all the time like the old DBZ rownin wariors and other old great stuff. but now they put this pice of crap miguzi garbage on and CN blows now.The network is run by retarts they got rid of jhony brovo, cow and chiken, good dexter episodes, magus XLR, and all other gerat old shows(thank god they brought som of these back). The network is digging its own grave by putting all this new crap on it!!! The only thing good anymore is adult swim and naruto(but naruto sucks in english id rather watch in jap.) They beter get some GOOD new stuff because theyv been goin downhill since i was 6.....

Response to Anime Club Oct 16, 2005

Well. I am all over this. Er.. how do I sign up?

Response to Anime Club Oct 17, 2005

At 10/16/05 12:32 AM, Videogamemaster64 wrote: cool...sounds intresting but is it hentai or manga?

... What the ****?

Your post did not make sense. What he mentioned states clearly that it is a Japanese Comic (Manga).
Whether it contains adult material or not is another question.

(What is wrong with your question? Simple. What you just asked is roughly translated to this:

"Is it an adult material or is it a comic?"

See the problem?)

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Anime Club Oct 17, 2005

Anime Convention in Las Vegas. Yep my town filled with casinos, Strip clubs and bars is going to host a anime convention. If any one wants any more info on it go to www.animevegas.com . And is any one planning on attending it? I mite go if I have the time.

Founder of the Xbox 360 Club.XBL Gamer tag-Poowheat

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club Oct 17, 2005

At 10/17/05 03:52 AM, SinFilledHeart wrote: Anime Convention in Las Vegas. Yep my town filled with casinos, Strip clubs and bars is going to host a anime convention. If any one wants any more info on it go to www.animevegas.com . And is any one planning on attending it? I mite go if I have the time.

That's one of the few monets I wish I'd live in the US.......

Response to Anime Club Oct 17, 2005

At 10/16/05 04:09 PM, Sword_master000 wrote:
So can anyone help me?

Does anyone know what I'm talking about?!?

Response to Anime Club Oct 17, 2005

At 10/11/05 04:58 PM, Fumetsu316 wrote: I like that show. I never got to see the last episodes, but I saw it from the beginning until it got close to the end. The monsters mouths look like deformed vaginas, though.

HAHA! Yeah they do, but they are still pretty cool looking.

What?! Futurama is hilarious! ....oh well, so you don't like it. The only show on Adult Swim that's come out so far that I hate is Tom Goes to the Mayor. I think most of the other shows are awesome and a few of them are okay.

Nah, I've followed it since it premiered on Fox. I've seen the entire series about 10 times already, same with Family Guy so they don't appeal to me much. The only times I actually watch AS is from 12:30am Mon-Wed, 1:00am Thurs and all of AS on Sat. I don't like T.G.T.T.M. either, nor do I like Squidbillies or 12 oz Mouse. Home Movies is sub-par and ATHF and Sea Lab went down the drain after a while. Robot Chicken is pretty good, and did you know that Tom Root, one of the editors for the magazine Anime Insider is a producer for R.C.? Harvey is okay but is stale now.

At 10/11/05 10:01 PM, Guyver_III wrote:


Well, from what I've heard, Greed's death in the anime is rather lame...being impaled on Ed's little armknife thing or something along those lines. If that's actually how it does go, and the people who told me it went like that were right, I'll definitly stick with the manga death. Much better in my eyes, how he's completely overwhelmed by Bradley, who also uses the fight to reveal he's a homunculus. And then when he's dumped in the acid vat, he leaves the other homunculus with his last words, something along the lines of "See you all in hell, I'll be waiting below". Ah well, guess I'll just have to see for myself how they do his death in the anime. It'll have to be incredible to top his death in the manga, though, at least for me.

Yes, that is how it happens. He claps his hands together and with his left hand touches Greeds chest. Then he takes his sword arm and rams him through. If you go to www.fullmetalalchemist.com you can find gifs of him being killed. I want to read the manga, I plan on that. And I ment 'Gran' not Bran, keys are together.

So it turns out that Bradley[Pride]was actually Envy, caught me off guard. It's a shame how Wrath was created but now I get to see Sir Alphonse in battle with him all serious and such. I do look forward to seeing how Wrath fights as well.


I plan on getting my truck painted the same colour of his armour and having the anchoring seal he has and on the hood of my truck and Izumis' crest on the side of it somewhere. Gray with rivets and such, well, kind hard to explain really though, I guess I'd have to take a picture of it to show you what I would have it look like.

At 10/15/05 10:02 PM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote: What do you all think of that new Toonami original series IGPX that will be coming out soon? It was made by the people from Ghost in the Shell. In doesn't look too shabby.

Glad someone got to it but I would like to go a bit more in-depth about IGPX. Originally is was made like Teen Titans is made, no oversea hands involved. This new one is different though, I'd have to check further into it to see if it is a true anime or just another mirror.

At 10/16/05 04:09 PM, Sword_master000 wrote: So can anyone help me?

I do belive that is from the movie 'X/1999' [I do belive that is the title, if not look up just 'X'] It's a good movie, forget the plot though. I deals with the Earth Dragon and the Sky/Space Dragon, or some other dragon like that.


Okay, now I can say what I think of Naruto now.

They need to loose the voice for Naruto and have him stop saying 'belive it' every 3rd line. It's irritating the crap out of me, annoying to say the least. The rest of the voices are okay, Sasukes could be better instead of Robin from the Teen Titans doing his voice. The rest of it is okay from what I've seen except for some of the translations and what-not but not every company gets them totaly right.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to Anime Club Oct 17, 2005

At 10/17/05 12:31 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: Spoilers and such.


Gah. The manga death is much better, from the sound of it.


Response to Anime Club Oct 17, 2005

At 10/15/05 10:02 PM, Dr_HyakuNinGiri wrote: What do you all think of that new Toonami original series IGPX that will be coming out soon? It was made by the people from Ghost in the Shell. In doesn't look too shabby.

I just saw an ad for it in my new issue of PSM. It looks pretty cool, but I doubt I'll see the entire series. I'm bad at catching shows that are on Friday - Sunday nights. I really wish Toonami would go back to the old weekday prime time schedule. I hate Miguzi.

At 10/16/05 09:57 PM, bman5987410 wrote: does anyone else like the inuyasha or yuyu or full metal alchamist anime

FMA: hell yes
Yu Yu Hakusho: yes
Inuyasha: not really

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

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