oddworth / 1030 / 9 / insert my level here
I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-Kiri Rock. I need scissors! 61!
At 10/6/06 08:03 AM, ramagi wrote: Actually you should figure it out for NOV 15th, If gets realeased on time that is.
I already figured it out for that date :)
Thats my birthday o_O My little bros is on the 30th. He will be turning 14 and I will be changing 18.
Name / Experience / Current Level / New Level
homeless-kitten/ 2,080/?
At 10/8/06 05:16 AM, Black-Flame wrote: I worked it out and it looks like you'll be around 25 to my calculations.
Ah, OK, thanks - even better. :)
At 10/8/06 06:17 AM, alexsmolik wrote: I'll just be SAD in a way, to have missed quite a lot of levels... :]
Can't wait for the feature.
Yeah, definitely somewhat sad... but what can you do? :) At least *you* will be a cool high level. ;)
At 10/6/06 07:30 AM, Acerbic wrote: If thats how it works why is Tom actually changing it to 60 and not 30?
Because that's not how it's going to work. I don't know entirely why he decided to make these calculations.
Yeah, I'm thinking I'm back.
Huh? I don't udnerstand... can somebody do me please?
At 10/8/06 07:15 AM, Casualty wrote: Add me:
Casualty / 5880 / 13 / 20
So I would be the same as you? But in about 2-3 weeks Ill be leveling up.
Go for it. If it helps I'll be level 10 in 4 days
AustinR / 1520 / 9 / ?
Edli / 3000 / 11 / 14
Awesome, i'm almost to the nunchucks!
Half-Life 2: Orange Box - October 9th
I'll have 3000 in several days, so I'd be level 20.
Sweet! Now I can get to the badass equipment quicker.
unban russianspy22
If I get 2000 exp ill be a little 12, sweet. I always wanted that icon.
Everything I see is just a image of my thoughts "Always looking for a better day..."
X-0-r3dmpti0n-0-X/ 120/ 3/ new level?
At 10/6/06 07:36 AM, madknt wrote: If you are level 9 or lower, Do not bother to post.
there is no point, chances are you will not change or be lvl 10.
i will be level 10 by the update
do me
Imacow/1830(will be on update day)/10/?
Please do mine as I am too lazy to do it myself.
60 levels? WoW reference...
At 10/8/06 08:26 PM, SuperBowserBro wrote: Please do mine as I am too lazy to do it myself.
60 levels? WoW reference...
you still lvl nine.
you need at least 1000 exp. to get 10 lvl 10
i just saw another post by madknt and it says that on the update i will be one day away from level 12, witch means i will not of completly skipped one level =]
Calculate me Madknt and it might just result in an earlier appearence in my story lol.
Yes, I e-barter.
60 levels. NG BBS the new Gaia or expanded same old same old. You decide.
I wonder what level that would put me at. If you want to calculate me, go for it.
On November 15th (scheluded release...but cmon, its gona be delayed)
Pimplediddy / 1210 / 9 / ?