Hi there!

Hi there!
At 5/2/08 03:02 PM, jmtb02 wrote: Oh Dear
Microsoft has released something odd.
Eek, did anyone else feel the strange sensation of the hard work and effort of hundreds of serious developers being simultaneously crushed?
At 5/2/08 03:02 PM, jmtb02 wrote: Microsoft has released something odd.
They're all trying to come up with something that gets rid of any use for a coder. Just trying to make our lives torture, and are slowly getting there, but I hope it happens no time soon.
...and this is my fag...
On a completely different note, are any UK guys currently watching HIGNFY? Brian Blessed is such a ledge :P
At 5/2/08 04:00 PM, El-Presidente wrote:At 5/2/08 03:02 PM, jmtb02 wrote: Microsoft has released something odd.They're all trying to come up with something that gets rid of any use for a coder. Just trying to make our lives torture, and are slowly getting there, but I hope it happens no time soon.
I dont necessarily see that as a bad thing... the games you can make on popfly are very mundane and enough to satify someone too lazy to invest the time in learning to create anything innovative or even engaging. The way i see it, they are mopping up the developers who've been spoiled by creating cookie cutter lame games. Guess youll just have to push yourself now! the torture of having a challenge! Lets be honest theres some laaaaazy ass developers out there making money off of shit games.
Their days are numbered they are expendible now and always were. They ruin the scene.
At 5/2/08 04:48 PM, Luis wrote: I dont necessarily ...
Yeah, that's what I mean by it. It's not like it's really screwing everyone, but some of those people that make quick games. I'm thinking about making one a bit closer to jmtb02's type now, but I'm not exactly sure right now. After that though, I'm going to go closer to big things like Multiplayer Online, etc.
...and this is my fag...
At 5/2/08 04:48 PM, Luis wrote: I dont necessarily see that as a bad thing... the games you can make on popfly are very mundane and enough to satify someone too lazy to invest the time in learning to create anything innovative or even engaging. The way i see it, they are mopping up the developers who've been spoiled by creating cookie cutter lame games. Guess youll just have to push yourself now! the torture of having a challenge! Lets be honest theres some laaaaazy ass developers out there making money off of shit games.
Their days are numbered they are expendible now and always were. They ruin the scene.
You sound like an evil genius :P The alternative is, their shite developments become much, much faster and more financially viable and open to more and more lazy people, thus flooding the whole scene in an innundation of greyness and drowning any remaining developers who put their hearts into things.
Anyway, new topic:
Random game idea #1204
I'll just throw this idea out to see what anyone thinks of it:
Game without the first three quarters
Luis' and BoM's Pico game gave me this idea. The last quater or so of a game is usually the best, so why not cut out the first bit?
I was thinking of like having a fake menu with a broken 'New Game' button so the user would have to click 'Continue', with cutscenes and stuff set out to give the illusion that the user is just diving back into a previous save file. The only problem is that some viewers might get confused and think that it's a bug that they can't start a new game, so you'd probably need some disclaimer.
Still, it'd the a good way of throwing the user straight into some intense action without having to convey a bulky plot or learning curve. I was thinking that the 'save file' could commence right after a penultimate boss battle:
Main character: Wow, I can't believe I made it out of there alive!
Helper guy: Good job! You managed to beat #AMUSING_NAME!
Main character: All those colours... That was the single most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I could hardly bring myself to raise my gun!
Helper guy: Well, get over it. You're unlikely to see anything of that intensity again.
Main character: Yeah, you're right. I'll go on...
At 5/2/08 05:28 PM, El-Presidente wrote: big things like Multiplayer Online, etc.
Meh. You know, flash multiplayer online games never catch on as well as some large single-player games. The big thing about them is that casual gamers just dont care about playing online or whatnot.
Lately I've started to realize very few people even care if there are highscores in a game, as long as it is fun and keeps you playing, you don't need to see how well you fair against others (this discludes puzzle games).
That's why I haven't put in highscore tables for the last few of my games, it's a waste and doesn't even urge the player to play again. Otherwise, when a player wants to win against himself or win challenges within the game, then they feel they have a purpose.
Not to say multiplayer is bad, but just to give you a view of where casual flash gaming is leading. Thankfully, no one will even want to play the games made by popfly, as far as I can tell you use preset engines that have been done TONS of times YEARS ago. Boring.
Now I'm off to continue coding. Bai.
Random Game Idea #957
Make a game totally of bosses. All you are able to do is fight the last boss of every level and there are no average badguys that you fight constantly.
...and this is my fag...
At 5/2/08 06:13 PM, El-Presidente wrote: Make a game totally of bosses.
Hi there!
At 5/2/08 05:35 PM, Paranoia wrote: You sound like an evil genius :P The alternative is, their shite developments become much, much faster and more financially viable and open to more and more lazy people, thus flooding the whole scene in an innundation of greyness and drowning any remaining developers who put their hearts into things.
Well then anybody that actually tries and does something different and good should have a game that stands out even more. The only thing that would worry me is that the dime-a-dozen Breakout clones would get more recognition and plays than a genuinely unique and good game, most likely. As for your 3/4 skipped idea, it sounds cool. As for the first 3/4 of games sucking, well, it depends on the game I guess. Sometimes the build-up of story and other elements are what make the end so good and enjoyable, unless it's something like the end of Half-Life 2. That was awesome fun.
As for only bosses in a game, how was Shadows of the Colossus? I'm assuming the idea would work since that was apparently a good game. I don't know though, I don't think the rest of the gameplay has to be bad. Bosses are always fun, but if the core gameplay itself is fun, the trip there should be enjoyable too.
At 5/2/08 06:50 PM, jmtb02 wrote: Already BoMToon'd.
Yeah that occurred to me after I made it. Well, I'll come up with another one at some point.
Good luck to all the contestants...I hope that you have fun winning or losing :P. By the way, Boss Bash is actually nominated. And I'm glad Nate Milburn is on the panel for games.
Sweet job guys...especially you I.R. and Luis. I'm glad that I was at least mentioned in the post.
...and this is my fag...
I'm a boss addict...I can't believe boss bash was nominated for a tankie!
At 5/2/08 07:13 PM, BoMToons wrote: I'm a boss addict...I can't believe boss bash was nominated for a tankie!
Congratz man :) I can't believe that picofun.fla won a place in the contest lol
At 5/2/08 07:13 PM, BoMToons wrote: I'm a boss addict...I can't believe boss bash was nominated for a tankie!
Congrats on getting on the panel jmtb02!
Anyone else getting weird weather? Right now its almost summer and we just got like 3 feet of snow. Me and my brother literally made a 10 ft. snowboard ramp
anyone else getting weird weather?
At 5/2/08 08:10 PM, Luis wrote:
Bosses are fun. I like it when they go BANG and splatter to lil' bits... just like the possum I hit with a hammer today. >:3
Microsoft Popfly
I have no interest in it whatsoever. I'll stick with flash and the usual. I can't see it making much of an impact anyway. We'll no it's a problem when their's a "Popfly" forum on NG. :P
I like it. I like it a lot.
Many good games and movies. Very pleasent line-up and interesting panel of judges.
Congrats to all our reg peeps who got in a panel. ^^
Now who do I wanna bribe? >:}
At 5/2/08 09:32 PM, NG-Unit wrote: Congrats on getting on the panel jmtb02!
Anyone else getting weird weather? Right now its almost summer and we just got like 3 feet of snow. Me and my brother literally made a 10 ft. snowboard ramp
anyone else getting weird weather?
Yeah but weather in Southern Cali is always crazy. On monday is about 90+ degrees (F). But the next was like was like 60 and kinda cloudy. The weather changes completely day to day..i hate it.
At 5/2/08 09:44 PM, atomic-noodle wrote: Yeah but weather in Southern Cali is always crazy. On monday is about 90+ degrees (F). But the next was like was like 60 and kinda cloudy. The weather changes completely day to day..i hate it.
You don't often hear people complaining about the weather in So. Cal!
At 5/2/08 06:50 PM, jmtb02 wrote: Already BoMToon'd.
That's my new favourite verb.
Tank Trophies
I'm excited for them. I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see who wins even though it's still a while away. any guesses on winners?
At 5/2/08 10:04 PM, MrMacro wrote: any guesses on winners?
Animations : Rtil's masterpiece / the Stranger Forest / Composer. I really want one of the last two to win.
Games : Not even a hard guess as to what it'll be. I'm going to say Sonny / NG Rumble / Last Stand. I'm hoping for Sonny to snag the prize.
Now these guesses are just what I think deserve it, and by no effect am I saying the others don't deserve to be up there. I actually love 95% of those submissions very much.
Good luck guys.
For movies: Project Freetown, Waterlollies or Blockhead Ghostmas
For games: Newgrounds rumble or Sonny
I don't know if these will win or not but I imagine they have a good chance and congratulations to anybody who made the list.
Movies: Metropolis Circuit.
Games: NG Rumble.
These'll probably win anyway because they were very popular. I still like em nonetheless.
I'm not a regular here, but am I still allowed to post :P
At 5/3/08 01:37 AM, ShirtTurtle wrote: Games yes: Trick-o-treat adventure
Games no: Sonny
You just made bom's day so much...
At 5/3/08 02:00 AM, mechanixnut wrote: I'm not a regular here, but am I still allowed to post :P
Well if you weren't, it wouldn't matter if you asked, and if you were, you may as well just post something pertinent.
Massive new game finished!
Ya ever get into a slump where ya just get distracted by other things, so that you have no time for flash anymore? I haven't even touched flash in what seems like forever, and I think it will be hard to comeback.
At 5/3/08 04:56 AM, Paranoia wrote: Massive new game finished!
I'm not even pretending to disguise this plug
At 5/3/08 08:51 AM, Cheektoghetto wrote: Slump
Ya ever get into a slump where ya just get distracted by other things, so that you have no time for flash anymore? I haven't even touched flash in what seems like forever, and I think it will be hard to comeback.
Yes...right now...not that many people would care if I produced my crap or not :P
At 5/3/08 08:51 AM, Cheektoghetto wrote: Slump
I was in a slump and surprisingly what got me out of it was me and friends left a bunch of funny/joke messages on the NG Office Voice Mail.
Also, it really sucks when ALL your friends are E-tards and they don't respect your decision of NOT being one. >:(
Dang am I happy with NG lately. I'm not sure why, but their's just this wonderful atmosphere with it lately. It makes me feel like I'm running as hard as I can through a lovely meadow and the suns shining intensely. Ya know what? I think we're in a good groove right now. ^^
At 5/3/08 10:26 AM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: Dang am I happy with NG lately. I'm not sure why, but their's just this wonderful atmosphere with it lately. It makes me feel like I'm running as hard as I can through a lovely meadow and the suns shining intensely. Ya know what? I think we're in a good groove right now. ^^
I thought that too, no angry 13 year olds, we've defiantly learned to spell, we've learned that we have to make our own flash props, we can appropriately named our threads and actually make them good threads, and soo much more
All of those examples are from the flash forum, I don't wanna know whats in general
Haha, I'm just playin, it has been a little better than usual. We got an awesome new mod, there aren't AS MANY nooby threads. I've become a regular in the flash forum :D.
So it is good, but it could be better...but still, I'm liking how it is now