At 10/5/07 01:14 PM, BritishMoose wrote:
Good luck. I'm sure you'll win custody of luis.
Sadly, I lost custody, they found my stash of marijuana and cuban cigars in my boxers. Fuck.
Alright, back from court and here was the outcome:
RE: Court
I just recently went to court for charges known as "committing to light a fire." The whole situation is totally blown out of purportion and the law is pretty fucked up. I'll give a brief summary on what exactly went down that day.
It was August 1st, 2007, and a few friends and I were messing around and wanted to get rid of some things. Stupidity hit us, and we thought, "Let's burn the belongings we don't want." Obviously, that was the stupidest thing to do rather than throwing something away. The thing is, we just burnt old letters and that's it.
What was on the police report was further from questioning. They stated that we were willing burning things in the backyard on purpose with grass clippings and wood. Almost causing danger to buildings/property around the scene.
Something like that. The first thing they didn't conclude was that the notes that were caught on fire were contained within a wheel barrel. Furthermore, there were NO grass or WOOD clippings what-so-ever. Which is a false information. And they didn't even include the real evidence.
So, back to court. I arrive and all my friends are there. There were two other friends involved. My friend Cameron, and my friend Lauren. We sat there waiting as we got called one by one, but one person didn't get called -- Cameron. In the beginning, he didn't even recieve a paper to even show up, he recieved a paper saying his family were the "victims" of the situation. And just because his house was where we started this at, He didn't get charged for it? Uhm, that's not right.
So you're saying, I could set fire to some stuff near my house, and just because my mom lives there I don't have to be charged? No, that's not right. He's mom wasn't even the one that pressed the charges, the fire chief did.
They gave us an option to take this to a further jury and court since the accusations and what we were pleading guilty for was obviously blown out of purportion and far too extreme.
"Third Degree - Arson."
- DNA Print
- Probation
- Fines.
I believe more is included within the situation, but I didn't admit to the crime or accusations. I thought I could just go, Admit to what I've done, and just pay and be over with. I admit to setting fire to some notes, but I don't admit to being an arsonist, and I don't admit to what I'm proven guilty for. I think the accusations are far to extreme for my first offense, ever. I could see if I was burning down houses, but all I did was burn some paper. That's not arson. Nothing near it.
Another thing I don't understand is why my friend wasn't even charged. He was a co-defendant, he was involved. He helped make the fire, he helped with the whole situation, he should be charged as any one of us. Just because his mom knows the fire chief and police department doesn't mean he should be charged than any less than us. Correct? That's favorism and disorderly conduct from the police. That's just not lawful. Everyone should be charged.
So now I'm on trial, I have court date for October 26th at 1:30pm. I'm going to go up at the Police station and question them later on tonight. The cop who wrote up the police report is going to be questioned. He better have a good reason why the other juvenile delinquent wasn't charged.