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The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-28 23:25:43

At 9/28/06 11:02 PM, 23450 wrote: how far are you in these projects anyway? i tend to lose focus in the last 1/4 of my games, animation i ussually finish.

Heh, I'm stuck on the very first scene.

That's pretty bad, huh?

When I make games I have no problem, i actually enjoy making games. I've only made them for fun thus far though :)


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-28 23:27:59

At 9/28/06 11:25 PM, LordTrunks wrote: Heh, I'm stuck on the very first scene.
That's pretty bad, huh?

lol. wow. yes actually it is. i think you just need a betetr idea, something you can really get excited about. or maybe animation just isn;t for ya. as you said, you enjoy making games.

When I make games I have no problem, i actually enjoy making games. I've only made them for fun thus far though :)

i love making games. love it to death. but i always go so far into a project and it just stops dead. i think its because i get near the end and think of all the things i could have made better, then start to think that people will not like it because of those things. thats my big problem.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-28 23:29:57

At 9/28/06 11:27 PM, 23450 wrote: lol. wow. yes actually it is. i think you just need a betetr idea, something you can really get excited about. or maybe animation just isn;t for ya. as you said, you enjoy making games.

Oh, I'm excited, but when I think about all I have to do (I'm using sprites, every single new little area I go into has to be made in photoshop and the different layers exported so it runs better when i tween them fast)

i love making games. love it to death. but i always go so far into a project and it just stops dead. i think its because i get near the end and think of all the things i could have made better, then start to think that people will not like it because of those things. thats my big problem.

I just never get inspiration for games. I just had inspiration, but then I click on the flash forum link and lost all interest in my idea. It's ridiculous.


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-28 23:39:01

At 9/28/06 11:29 PM, LordTrunks wrote:
I just never get inspiration for games. I just had inspiration, but then I click on the flash forum link and lost all interest in my idea. It's ridiculous.

I can often stir up an interest with inspiration and start animating, but often I find myself focusing on certain aspects of an animation, leaving little or no thought or effort on others.

For example, sometimes I spend large apportionments of time drawing detailed artwork that is not suitable for simple animation but is at a point of complexity where frame by frame will not do if I wish to complete before Santa arrives.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-28 23:40:53

At 9/28/06 11:39 PM, Siggy wrote: For example, sometimes I spend large apportionments of time drawing detailed artwork that is not suitable for simple animation but is at a point of complexity where frame by frame will not do if I wish to complete before Santa arrives.

yah, somtimes you gotta think ahead and be realistic sometimes. you think you can make this amazing crazy animation, but when you really get into it, you find out it was alot harder then expected. oh oh wells.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-28 23:45:41

At 9/28/06 11:40 PM, 23450 wrote: yah, somtimes you gotta think ahead and be realistic sometimes. you think you can make this amazing crazy animation, but when you really get into it, you find out it was alot harder then expected. oh oh wells.

That happened with me and my second All Fads Die 5 part; I just wasn't ready to start up the kind of animation I want.

And now I just got inspiration. This thread is great :D


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-28 23:53:26

I'm not sure how chatting in this thread is any different than chatting in any other thread.


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-28 23:54:06

At 9/28/06 11:53 PM, Masterswordman wrote: I'm not sure how chatting in this thread is any different than chatting in any other thread.

because it would be considered spam any where else.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-28 23:56:12

At 9/28/06 11:54 PM, 23450 wrote: because it would be considered spam any where else.

Well yeah but...


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-28 23:57:43

At 9/28/06 11:56 PM, Masterswordman wrote:
At 9/28/06 11:54 PM, 23450 wrote: because it would be considered spam any where else.
Well yeah but...


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-28 23:58:50

At 9/28/06 11:57 PM, 23450 wrote:
At 9/28/06 11:56 PM, Masterswordman wrote:
At 9/28/06 11:54 PM, 23450 wrote: because it would be considered spam any where else.
Well yeah but...


Now go make some 3D.

No more animated sigs. :(

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-28 23:59:54

At 9/28/06 11:54 PM, 23450 wrote:
At 9/28/06 11:53 PM, Masterswordman wrote: I'm not sure how chatting in this thread is any different than chatting in any other thread.
because it would be considered spam any where else.

Exactly. We need a place to take up topics and debates that would normally be considered spam, or would be locked. An example.

Luis formed this thread with that same example.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 00:02:58

Okay, I have a question for people.

I have a few kids that like to talk to me, and when they talk to me, they talk about random crap that prevents me from getting any work done, and when I dont respond within the minute, they start IM'ing me every minute until I respond.

Now, I have had a kid before who went psycho on me when I told him I didn't want to talk to him anymore. He went online, posted crap in my forums, started down voting and down reviewing all my submissions, and basically reaking havoc, to the point he was going to start making anti-jmtb02 tshirts. I dont want to turn these kids into psycho kids, but even when I tell them to slow down and take it easy with IM, they don't remember the next time they log on.

I can't block them, because when I do, they have at least 3 extra screen names to hit me with, and then they ask why I blocked them ("oops, I accidently blocked everyone by accident, my bad").

Any advice for getting rid of some AIM people who are always asking about Flash and whether I have seen the Wii yet, and letting them down easy? I'm sick of them, and they seem to think I am their best friends already. They already noticed I ran away from MSN, now they are tracking me on AIM. I don't want to hurt their feelings, I just want them gone.

Hi there!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 00:05:38

At 9/29/06 12:02 AM, jmtb02 wrote: Okay, I have a question for people.

i for one just all out lie to them. gotta to eat, going to a movie, blah blah blah, gotta go. then i go offline, or go to away status and ignore them as if iw as away.

ive never actually had to do this to someone asking for flash help. i ussually have time to waste. but its how i get rid of people in general.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 00:09:07

At 9/29/06 12:02 AM, jmtb02 wrote: Okay, I have a question for people.

This works for me at times:

Remove the kids from your buddy list.
When they AIM you, accept the message but then say, 'Dude who are you?,' 'Stop talking to me.,' etc.
Then close out the convo box and when they AIM you again, instead of accepting the message like you did the last few times, click warn. They should be warned to 20%.

Most people I do that to stop talking to me.
Silent treatment seems to work too.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 00:11:07

At 9/29/06 12:02 AM, jmtb02 wrote: Any advice for getting rid of some AIM people who are always asking about Flash and whether I have seen the Wii yet, and letting them down easy? I'm sick of them, and they seem to think I am their best friends already. They already noticed I ran away from MSN, now they are tracking me on AIM. I don't want to hurt their feelings, I just want them gone.

I have the exact same problem.

I constantly get IMs from people asking about PHP, asking about Flash, things like that. I'm too nice, and I just can't bring myself to block them...

It mostly comes from Newgrounds. I like giving my screen name because I do get relevant and important IMs, ex. from you.

Meh but it's a good question. I get scared that if I tell people to stop IMing me I'll hurt their feelings. I know you're really nice so it must be hard for you also...

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 00:52:54

At 9/29/06 12:05 AM, 23450 wrote:
At 9/29/06 12:02 AM, jmtb02 wrote: Okay, I have a question for people.
i for one just all out lie to them. gotta to eat, going to a movie, blah blah blah, gotta go. then i go offline, or go to away status and ignore them as if iw as away.

That's what I do, and it doesn't work well because they continue to bother me the next day.

No more animated sigs. :(

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 00:55:00

At 9/29/06 12:52 AM, orb wrote: That's what I do, and it doesn't work well because they continue to bother me the next day.

bah. to bad for you.

and another thing i do with msn is change it so when msn turns on, i start off in offline mode. so i can check to see if there is an anoying person on and not go online. works well sometimes.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 01:02:42

At 9/29/06 12:09 AM, Siggy wrote: Then close out the convo box and when they AIM you again, instead of accepting the message like you did the last few times, click warn. They should be warned to 20%.

Yes, but at the same time, I dont want them to go pyscho on me like I have seen many times before. This will definitely provoke a conversation or three with them.

Hi there!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 01:07:20

At 9/29/06 01:02 AM, jmtb02 wrote: Yes, but at the same time, I dont want them to go pyscho on me like I have seen many times before. This will definitely provoke a conversation or three with them.

The paradox of innocent little annoying kids' behavior.

You might just have to confront them.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 01:18:43

Completely Off Topic
Um, what are your thought of people that use:

NGUserNames Flash:

As an insult for a bad (or correct) review..?
I notice this alot in the [KK] reply's, I think it is so ignorant to say that.. Having nothing at all is better then making another "KK Tom Had XXX hXcore p0rn LOL" sequel or something shit like that.

Also, If someone replys with an abusive comment, can you still mark the review as abusive?

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 01:22:50

At 9/29/06 01:19 AM, Matomic wrote: Ok, how about this: I KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT FLASH!!
At 9/29/06 12:58 AM, Matomic wrote:

Woah, I was totally going to make a post on this. But I'll just post in here. I just lost an entire 3D barge :..( Anyway, my question is:
Is there an autosave fature you can turn on for flash? Like for it to save every 5-10 minutes?

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 02:33:49

At 9/29/06 12:02 AM, jmtb02 wrote: Okay, I have a question for people.

That sounds kinda bad, I'd go with a previous suggestion, pretend to be away alot.

If that fails, remove/block all their accounts and alternate accounts, if it's anything like MSN, you should get a message asking if you want a contact that's just added you, from there you can decline (if it's like MSN).

If all else doesn't work, You may have to resort to a new AIM account, copy down all the contacts that matter and add them on a new account.

I take it this is the problem you hinted out in the FSF thread :o.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 03:04:38

At 9/29/06 12:02 AM, jmtb02 wrote: Okay, I have a question for people.

can't you set yourself into invisible with aim, i used to be able to but for some really gay reason that version of aim is no longer available...oh wait it is, i just installed it but theres a button next to the <insertscreenname>'s buddy list which is of an eye, when you press it your set to invisible and people know your online but they still can contact you.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 03:21:18

At 9/29/06 12:02 AM, jmtb02 wrote: Okay, I have a question for people.

you should make a second AIM address, or get MSN. in msn you can go away and still talk to people.and if you say im busy instead of ignoring them they'll probly lay off

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 03:46:30

At 9/29/06 03:04 AM, skooj-lik-chaah wrote: can't you set yourself into invisible with aim

But doesnt that defeat the purpose of letting everyone else know I am online? Also, the computer I am running right now is running Vista, so I can't use Triton with it, if that's what you're talking about.

At 9/29/06 03:21 AM, ImpotentBoy2 wrote: you should make a second AIM address, or get MSN. in msn you can go away and still talk to people.and if you say im busy instead of ignoring them they'll probly lay off

jmtb03? Lol.

Oh well, I think I am just going to ignore them when they start IM'ing me, until they finally go away, because that way, I am not shutting them down actively, but letting my passive side take over.

Hi there!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 04:05:23

im always signed on aim, like at all times, so most people expect not to get a reply for hours.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 04:28:32

Well, the method that I like to use to get annoying people to stop constantly harrasing me is tell them that I'm masturbating. If they keep disturbing you after they say that, then you have more than enough of a reason to block them and all of there alt's =P

Seriously, it works. I've done it.

========|| WWWWWWWW>[-[Blog] - [Audio] - [Userpage] - [Flash] - [Last.fm]-]<WWWWWWWW ||========

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 04:32:12

At 9/29/06 04:28 AM, Vengeance wrote: Well, the method that I like to use to get annoying people to stop constantly harrasing me is tell them that I'm masturbating. If they keep disturbing you after they say that, then you have more than enough of a reason to block them and all of there alt's =P
Seriously, it works. I've done it.

my god... thats genious

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2006-09-29 04:33:23

At 9/29/06 03:46 AM, jmtb02 wrote:
At 9/29/06 03:04 AM, skooj-lik-chaah wrote: can't you set yourself into invisible with aim
But doesnt that defeat the purpose of letting everyone else know I am online? Also, the computer I am running right now is running Vista, so I can't use Triton with it, if that's what you're talking about.

Well you can tell them that your online but just set to invisible, my friend does it all the time and whenever I wanna talk to him i just see if he's online and if he isn't then aim will have that error message thing come up.