At 1/11/18 08:19 PM, MSGhero wrote: I spent my day at work doing some work but also learning that OpenFL is on its way to plug n play swfs. That’s not the actual goal, more of a side effect: js and typescript users can now use OpenFL as a library and can embed swfs as assets. Pretty much AS3 for js. But with a bit more bytecode work, it’s possible to also get the code out of the swf. With the AS3 to Haxe conversion library and all of that, maybe just maybe that could be a swf -> native js pipeline.
I kinda want to play around with that idea, but I also don’t want to deal with bytecode.
A swf -> native js pipeline was the holy grail 5 or so years ago when Flash was falling apart and HTML5 was taking over. The industry I'm in has (and still does) spend literally millions porting old Flash content to HTML5.
The swf to js thing has been tried so many times and it has never worked. If you did get it working perfectly (which would take a long time) then you'd have made millions back then :)