At 2/11/17 10:09 PM, slugrail wrote: Nice! Was your degree related to your hobby (game development?) or something totally different? I do remember you posting about making an RPG game w/ an element of randomness a few years ago if I'm not mistaken, I'm guessing it's that? Be sure to tell us when the demo does hit, haven't played any good Flash games (actually any at all) since 2008!
Yeah I'm in the same boat WRT to job hunting, looking for an internship this sem but most are unpaid. I think I'm better off just not doing an internship since I doubt I'll ever be able to find one in my current field (economics) and instead going on exchange. I'm still torn between the two: work experience or actually being able to travel for the first time in my life. How did you find doing your masters?
Nah, I'm in mechanical engineering. I have no time to work on my game though ughhh.
My masters has been a roller coaster of doing nothing and doing all things. It'll be worth it in the end, but it's a struggle because the foundation of research I'm building off of is bad. There's a hard problem that people literally ignore that I'm tackling, and it's just weird that only one other person has even mentioned it, much less dealt with it.