At 7/21/13 09:38 AM, Innermike wrote:
At 7/21/13 08:06 AM, Rustygames wrote:
At 7/20/13 12:09 PM, Innermike wrote:
Anyone ever got a job out of just hanging around places? It seems like a parsec-long-shot but it's better than nothing.
No that's not gonna work ;)
At least I'll meet some new peeps right? I figured talking to people would be helpful at least in absorbing some experience.
Which companies have you sent a CV to?
I think any sort of full thing is off limits right now so I'm eyeing up this seemingly gettable internship here and this one too.
This thing is looking sparse though :(
Please teach me o wise one.
Looks like the interships you picked are normal frontend work after all. You should get experience making something with HTML/JS for your portfolio instead of only games.
For that you will need a backend, so you should learn that too. Learn to build PHP sites, and maybe Rails, so you don't get overwhelmed when you're asked to fix something on the website at work. Otherwise you could only design and not implement.
I've had job offers at meetups, it happens fairly often.
Pick a meetup with beer & slides. Peeps that come with presentations talk about things like app ideas, experience with their business' growth or new social initiatives. That way it's interesting to watch and talk to people even if you don't get no deets. You will though.
I go to this one the most Think the closest equivalent in London is
At 7/23/13 01:48 PM, Innermike wrote:
At 7/23/13 09:36 AM, egg82 wrote:
C# is amazing for game development (ever heard of the XNA framework? Terraria, anyone?)
Easy, wouldn't say amazing, especially if we're talking cross-platform.
ESPECIALLY if we're talking cross-platform
Thanks to the efforts of the Mono team ( C# actually is a good choice for cross-platform app development. Unity too supports every OS, phone type and console ( and is the best game engine option by technical merit. XNA has been discontinued for some years, funny to see someone bring it up.
At 7/23/13 06:00 AM, FlyingColours wrote:
I wanted to make a PHP site for me an my friends to play Mafia/Werewolf online, but then I remembered what you said on multiple occasions about PHP, so I figured ASP.NET with C# would be a better choice.
PHP is a good choice for web page experiments. ASP.NET is not.
Do you want to make your own online game?
When you start with PHP you need to pick a framework (use CakePHP) and follow its conventions. It will give you helpers for accessing the database and printing output, it's easier to understand than ASP. If you want a more fun to use language for it, get Rails, it's similar. You can host both on Heroku for free.
Alternatively you can use static hosting and build everything in Javascript. Firebase has a database service that tells your app when data changes in real-time.