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The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-10-30 17:49:55

At 10/30/12 04:39 PM, I-smel wrote: Speaking of Luis' tennis game, I roughed out a tennis RPG a couple weeks ago. You can see me asking on his news post if he's gonna have crazy fireball swings n shit.

You need to make this, looks absolutely brilliant.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-10-31 22:22:40

My experiences on Newgrounds have been immensely helpful for writing college app essays. Has anyone else found the same thing to be true?

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-10-31 22:26:04

At 10/31/12 10:22 PM, Archawn wrote: My experiences on Newgrounds have been immensely helpful for writing college app essays. Has anyone else found the same thing to be true?

as long as you don't get your experience from the General Forum, yeah xD

Programming stuffs (tutorials and extras)

PM me (instead of MintPaw) if you're confuzzled.

thank Skaren for the sig :P

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-01 00:38:24

At 10/31/12 10:22 PM, Archawn wrote: My experiences on Newgrounds have been immensely helpful for writing college app essays. Has anyone else found the same thing to be true?

I got into college before I joined =S

At my high school, we were required to do 100 volunteer hours of service somewhere, and I did some tutoring during the summer at school but before the 100 hours req started. And I liked it so I did it again. Having 200 hours of tutoring on a resume looks pretty damn good. Literally EVERY person I talked to at our college fair brought it up.

And I found some research to do next semester (for credit and pay :D). He liked my CS minor, so I'm prolly gonna start with some 3D modeling and simulations. Not sure how OOP fits into that, but still cool.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-01 17:08:44

At 10/31/12 10:22 PM, Archawn wrote: My experiences on Newgrounds have been immensely helpful for writing college app essays. Has anyone else found the same thing to be true?

"Dear Prestigious University, my dream is to go to your university for college, because lol your library is shaped like a cock."

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-02 19:00:16

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-02 19:03:41

At 11/2/12 07:00 PM, 4urentertainment wrote: YOU JELLY?


use NAPE, problem solved.
(good job, though O.o)

Programming stuffs (tutorials and extras)

PM me (instead of MintPaw) if you're confuzzled.

thank Skaren for the sig :P

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-02 21:55:41

I am mad jelly of this jelly.

Can't really think of a good gameplay use for it though, mostly just "put it on characters to make them look gross".

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-03 00:32:48

At 11/2/12 09:55 PM, I-smel wrote: I am mad jelly of this jelly.

Can't really think of a good gameplay use for it though, mostly just "put it on characters to make them look gross".

I'd put that jelly on bread with peanut butter to make a sandwich

Or should I say Toast?

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-03 01:22:54

At 11/3/12 12:32 AM, MSGhero wrote:
Or should I say Toast?

PB&J... Toast? That sounds a little weird.

Programming stuffs (tutorials and extras)

PM me (instead of MintPaw) if you're confuzzled.

thank Skaren for the sig :P

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-03 01:50:10

My next blog post on Newgrounds is #100 and I've bin waiting for some cool milestone to happen so I can write about it, but for the passed couple months it's kinda just bin business as usual.

I wanna plug my twitter but THAT CAN'T BE NUMBER ONE HUNDRED BY ITSELF!! :I

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-03 07:31:36

Now that you're all thoroughly impressed, it's time to confess.


I just used box2d and applied a force on every segment perpendicular to its angle so they're all always pushing outwards.

It's also not very stable. I also wanted it so that jellies could merge together if they were pushed onto each other.

I wanted to do this in Joe, so I decided to prototype it in flash before implementing it in the engine, then I realized that was silly because people prototype their stuff in something like Lua, which I'm using for the engine, before doing it in C++. The flash version ended up taking longer due to there being weird behavior in box2d.

As for game ideas, come on, it's jelly, LOOK AT HOW MUCH FUN IT IS.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-03 18:49:57

Well you've certainly implemented it in a convincing way, I think in the end the users of your game care more about how it looks than they care about the exact implementation. Of course you don't want your implementation to be taxing too much on the CPU.

As for actionscript silly for prototyping? Man in actionscript you can make something visual and interactive like you never can in most other languages. Just displaying an animation would require complex spritesheet crap in C++. Prototyping is about finding out if something works with crappy throw-away code and if you can do it faster in actionscript you should.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-04 01:53:42

At 11/3/12 07:31 AM, 4urentertainment wrote: It's also not very stable. I also wanted it so that jellies could merge together if they were pushed onto each other.

why aren't you able to do so?

Programming stuffs (tutorials and extras)

PM me (instead of MintPaw) if you're confuzzled.

thank Skaren for the sig :P

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-04 09:40:11

At 11/3/12 06:49 PM, Sandremss128 wrote: As for actionscript silly for prototyping? Man in actionscript you can make something visual and interactive like you never can in most other languages. Just displaying an animation would require complex spritesheet crap in C++. Prototyping is about finding out if something works with crappy throw-away code and if you can do it faster in actionscript you should.

Yes yes, you're completely right on that accord. What I'm saying is like, Actionscript, Lua, Python etc.. are all languages people use to protoype stuff before implementing them in something like C++ or C#. And I just found it silly cuz it took me 1 hour to do it in Lua and 5 hours in flash. Even though I had already gotten it to work I really just wanted to try it in flash.

But I think the main reason I had little trouble in Lua is because the Love framework I'm using has box2d tightly integrated into it.

At 11/4/12 01:53 AM, egg82 wrote:
At 11/3/12 07:31 AM, 4urentertainment wrote: It's also not very stable. I also wanted it so that jellies could merge together if they were pushed onto each other.
why aren't you able to do so?

I should rephrase, I haven't figured out how to do that yet. I'm thinking I may have to do some more trickery like when two jelly's are pushed against each other hard enough I remove them, place one big jelly, and try to place the in the same place. Or simply just add joints where the jelly's touched.

Actually the more I program, and read about other programmers, the more I realize how this trickery is an integral part of the job. Sandremss, as you pointed out, it's usually never about how you did it, but about whether the end result is good enough.

Also similarly, I've started to realize that solving a problem usually doesn't suffice. Like when I first learned programming, my main question was always "How can I solve this problem?", but now it's more like "what's the most efficient way to solve this problem?" because no one will care if you made an awesome lighting system if it makes the game barely playable due to lag.

And I think this is actually something general to engineering than specifically programming. It doesn't matter if you figure out how to get clean water to Africa, or if you manage to create the smallest and most powerful processor in the world, if it costs millions of dollars to implement that water project or produce that processor.

It sounds kind of cheesy but, you could say engineering is like parkour of the mind. Like how parkour is all about getting from point A to point B inthe fastest and most efficient way, so too is engineering about solving problems in the fastest and most efficient way.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-04 11:00:11

At 11/4/12 09:40 AM, 4urentertainment wrote: I should rephrase, I haven't figured out how to do that yet. I'm thinking I may have to do some more trickery like when two jelly's are pushed against each other hard enough I remove them, place one big jelly, and try to place the in the same place. Or simply just add joints where the jelly's touched.

or the easiest solution (my opinion) - remove one jelly and increase the size of the second.

Programming stuffs (tutorials and extras)

PM me (instead of MintPaw) if you're confuzzled.

thank Skaren for the sig :P

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-04 12:30:48

At 11/4/12 09:40 AM, 4urentertainment wrote: engineering is like parkour of the mind.

I'm using this quote.

Inb4 copyright infringement.

I haven't done anything since the Bot...I might start looking into smoke physics now. It'll make more sense next year when I take thermo and fluids, but maybe I could put it into code still.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-04 14:57:42

At 11/4/12 10:29 AM, PSvils wrote: btw, has anyone here programmed with D? D is a pretty rad language, it's like C++, but more modern (at least that's how I like to think of it :) ). Starting to learn SDL2 and OpenGL using D, though sadly because my graphics card sucks balls, I'm starting to learn good ol' OpenGL2.x instead of 3.x stuff :( Oh well! :D


D sounds pretty awesome P. :D

Also the whole issue that some functions may not work on specific graphics cards, and that some implementations may fail on certain systems and configurations is a really scary thought. It makes you really appreciate the simplicity of programming a flash game and how frikking easy it is to put something on screen.

At 11/4/12 11:00 AM, egg82 wrote: or the easiest solution (my opinion) - remove one jelly and increase the size of the second.

Increasing the size may not be that easy. Because the way I assemble this thing is I loop through and place the particles in a circle, and then place joints where they are now. So increasing the number of particles means I have to dissemble and re-assemble it.

I could post the source if you wanna take a crack at it. Although you might be more interested in the Lua source, because it's simpler and the algorithm is more readable (cuz I did a lot of ugly rushed hacks in the flash one).

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-04 18:16:09

At 10/27/12 04:09 AM, 4urentertainment wrote: Because due to the tiny amount of people that take it, Further Maths around here is seen as this impossibly difficult holy subject that is reserved only for math deities.

I took Further Maths a few years ago if I can help at all. My view of it is if GCSE Maths was a piece of piss for you, then you'll be able to tackle A-Level Maths in a year, and then Further Maths is certainly doable. I don't know how it is for you, but for me back then, due to the way some modules' points could be allocated to either the Maths or Further Maths certification, I didn't even have to do that well at the harder modules to get a B in Further Maths.
On the other hand, even though I didn't select my own modules, I had amazing teachers, so I can't say for sure how difficult it is in differing circumstances.

Not sure how useful my opinion is for you, but if you've got any questions I can answer, let me know!

Doomsday-One, working on stuff better than preloaders. Marginally.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-04 20:46:43

so I got bored today and decided to turn objects into strings and back for the hell of it.

it's very basic (hell, it doesn't even have recursion) - but it gets the job done.

var myObject:Object = new Object(); myObject.test = "testing"; var str:String = (Base64.encode(LZW.compress(ObjectUtils.stringObj(myObject)))); var obj:Object = ObjectUtils.objectString(LZW.decompress(Base64.decode(str))); trace(obj.test);

I even made my own LZW for it :P

all-in-all, I feel pretty accomplished.

Programming stuffs (tutorials and extras)

PM me (instead of MintPaw) if you're confuzzled.

thank Skaren for the sig :P

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-05 10:16:54

At 11/5/12 03:09 AM, PSvils wrote: You have heard of JSON, no?

yepp, but I didn't feel like parsing JSON. It just seems like more of a pain than is necessary.

Programming stuffs (tutorials and extras)

PM me (instead of MintPaw) if you're confuzzled.

thank Skaren for the sig :P

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-05 11:56:05

At 11/5/12 11:49 AM, PSvils wrote: ??
My point was that you don't need to manually convert object > string > object, there are plenty of as3 JSON libraries out there for that, not to mention that the functionality is built in and stuff.

actually, I did look at a class for turning an object into a string. It worked for just about anything you put into it, and even had recursion, but it didn't have anything for turning that string back into an object :(
it used xml.

Programming stuffs (tutorials and extras)

PM me (instead of MintPaw) if you're confuzzled.

thank Skaren for the sig :P

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-06 19:40:20

I wish AS3 had function overloading :( For this smoke thing, I have to have a function that handles a 2D Vector of numbers and another of Points (for pressure and scalars/for velocity and vectors). The only convenient alternative would be to have the x's and y's in separate arrays, but that's kinda messy, and I'd have to pass both in at times and not at other times.

I also have a headache.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-06 19:57:05

At 11/6/12 07:40 PM, MSGhero wrote: I wish AS3 had function overloading :( For this smoke thing, I have to have a function that handles a 2D Vector of numbers and another of Points (for pressure and scalars/for velocity and vectors). The only convenient alternative would be to have the x's and y's in separate arrays, but that's kinda messy, and I'd have to pass both in at times and not at other times.

AS4's coming out with operator overloading. AS4 will pretty much be AS3 with more cool stuff.

I also have a headache.

Take some Aspirin and play a game or watch a movie. That's what I do :P

Programming stuffs (tutorials and extras)

PM me (instead of MintPaw) if you're confuzzled.

thank Skaren for the sig :P

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-06 22:17:11

At 11/6/12 07:57 PM, egg82 wrote: Take some Aspirin and play a game or watch a movie. That's what I do :P

Or just stop coding lol. That worked :P

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-07 12:53:19

Never mind about the smoke stuff...I'll code something I actually understand now. The physics is still interesting, though. Head start for next semester!

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-07 15:19:08

Oh Jesus Christ, AS4

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-07 17:29:21

At 11/7/12 03:19 PM, I-smel wrote: Oh Jesus Christ, AS4

AS4 where, link?

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-07 17:37:00

At 11/7/12 05:29 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: AS4 where, link?

http://www.rivellomultimediaconsulting.com/actionscript-4-re vealed/?doing_wp_cron=1352327754

They announced AS Next a while ago, which I assume will be AS4 (mentioned refactoring of code base and stuff)

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2012-11-09 19:00:16

At 11/7/12 05:37 PM, MSGhero wrote:
At 11/7/12 05:29 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: AS4 where, link?
http://www.rivellomultimediaconsulting.com/actionscript-4-re vealed/?doing_wp_cron=1352327754

They announced AS Next a while ago, which I assume will be AS4 (mentioned refactoring of code base and stuff)

Ok, so all the cool features are in the "wishlist" there, not actually confirmed as part of the language.