Yay, I started an argument on a forum!
@P: It was funkily going a longer alternate route to the same node because of int or whatever. Through the node to the right then to the middle one is shorter than to the left then middle, but it would show the left path as shorter occasionally. It's fixed now.
@fix: I looked into collab diff, but (maybe) I'll add something like a personality to the chasers. Like an old lady mishears your location and wanders off in a different direction instead of heading toward you. Or people hear a rumor of where you're at and head there, while you run somewhere else.
And as far as visible: I have it set so that one node can only check the nodes that it can "see." Like the green one can only "see" the one to its left and right and, therefore, only checks those two.
@Sand: Read the last two lines of ^^^. I can't have every node be able to "see" the blue dot all the time.