At 9/20/09 08:05 PM, Magical-Zorse wrote:At 9/20/09 07:53 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: here's your prize: boobies! (.Y.)That prize disappoints me.
trust me, boobs disappoint everyone :(
So here's your REAL prize!
At 9/20/09 08:05 PM, Magical-Zorse wrote:At 9/20/09 07:53 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: here's your prize: boobies! (.Y.)That prize disappoints me.
trust me, boobs disappoint everyone :(
So here's your REAL prize!
At 9/20/09 07:53 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote: Ya pretty much, so tiles will only show the border when there's no tile next to it
here's your prize: boobies! (.Y.)
I was gonna guess what you twittered (Tweeted?) a while ago.
"@SFBTom it doesn't look that bad when I format it :PAll it does it generate a number 1-16 based on the tile's neighbors"
I just found my list of goals for 09 on my computer
12 animations and a game, I'm so on track for that...
At 9/21/09 03:11 AM, NextToNothing wrote: I just found my list of goals for 09 on my computer
12 animations and a game, I'm so on track for that...
What are you doing here then? Get crackin'
I have to make a 10 minute animation. What's the name of the art style used in Portal?
Also, sup :D
At 9/21/09 05:06 AM, Penboy wrote: I have to make a 10 minute animation. What's the name of the art style used in Portal?
Also, sup :D
That picture wasn't the best example, because, well it's sticks. Derp.
When you play the game, there's like a 2D animation of how to play Portal, "Now you're thinking with Portals", it's sort of a construction-site sign style. But what's it called. :F
I'm at Flash On The /Beach in Brighton, and the Adobe guys just showed Closure (the flash version) as a demo of what pixelbender can do in their big keynote speech. NG branding and all!
At 9/19/09 12:33 AM, Luis wrote: lmao I just burned some toast and it had a little sad face on the side that burned
Whys there a dick in the top right corner?
At 9/21/09 06:31 AM, The-Super-Flash-Bros wrote: I'm at Flash On The /Beach in Brighton, and the Adobe guys just showed Closure (the flash version) as a demo of what pixelbender can do in their big keynote speech. NG branding and all!
That's actually pretty awesome!
At 9/21/09 07:35 AM, Rustygames wrote:At 9/19/09 12:33 AM, Luis wrote: lmao I just burned some toast and it had a little sad face on the side that burnedWhys there a dick in the top right corner?
That looks more like a Picasso rendition of a broken fingernail.
At 9/21/09 06:31 AM, The-Super-Flash-Bros wrote: I'm at Flash On The /Beach in Brighton, and the Adobe guys just showed Closure (the flash version) as a demo of what pixelbender can do in their big keynote speech. NG branding and all!
Good exposure for glaiel. Was he there too, did they even tell him?
At 9/21/09 12:26 PM, Keith wrote: I will look into the different shakes. The reason behind my need to gain weight is because next year I'm finally applying for college for police foundations so I'm going to need to be more fit and physical. I'm 6 ft and 150 now so to be 6ft 200 and with some muscle will definitely help.
This is the only site I know about that could probably help you, link. It has a ton of information on there, and the guy that runs it is obviously ridiculously fit, so it's a trustable source.
At 9/21/09 06:31 AM, The-Super-Flash-Bros wrote: I'm at Flash On The /Beach in Brighton, and the Adobe guys just showed Closure (the flash version) as a demo of what pixelbender can do in their big keynote speech. NG branding and all!
Heh that's cool, they did that at the flash gaming summit too.
Welcome back hashbrown and Rustygames!
Now we just need authorblues and inglor and we'll have a full set.
Hey guys,
Over the summer I seem have gotten the run around in working on a flash project and wanted to know if there's anything I could do. Any advice would be great guys.
Basically what happened is I worked for an animator who had a contract with a sponsor to be paid when the game was completed. I said I would program it for x amount of the sponsorship and everything went great. I would stay in contact with the sponsor often to show updates etc.
Game went live and the money was set to the animator (due to me not being in contract with the sponsor directly the money had to be sent to him then from him to me) Game went live a good couple months ago and still no pay for me. Excuses involving paypal freezing ect were given then finally the animator admitted that he had spent all the money already.
So technically since I was never in contract with the sponsor it's not their fault but the animator's and since he never paid me I'd assume now he's using my code without permission.
Is there anything I can do?
Thanks guys, this has been a real downer for me this past month and I'm just trying to finish my last year at college without dept and this stress.
Jesus, that's a low thing to do... If you're talking about the person I think you're talking about, I can't say I'm surprised. He has a bit of a reputation. Anyway, if you've never officially agreed on some sort of deal with him I don't think there's much you can do legally. Not that you would want to do as it most likely isn't worth the bother financially and otherwise. I'm sure there are regs who know a lot more on this subject than I do however. Some public pressure might help.
I don't expect to be able to get paid, i'm more so looking to if I had at least make sure he get's screwed over at least. Since technically he's using code now that he doesn't have permission to use I can request the sponsor to take it down from their website. And hopefully have them force him to refund them.
But I don't know, I'm trying to just ignore it and work on projects with my more trusted animators but this has really taken its toll and I want to make sure I don't overlook anything I could have done.
At 9/21/09 03:19 PM, Zuggz wrote: Hey guys
There's probably enough of an informal contract for you to be legally able to get the money. I think there are laws covering people in your situation, there's no formal contract, but you without a doubt had an agreement that you would get x percent of the money. You invested time and work in the project because of that agreement. If you have records of your emails with the sponsor and/or with the animator that would be good. Do you know his name and where he lives and information like that?
I think you could legally get the money, but like xeptic said there are probably regs that know more about it than me.
That sucks Zuggz :( Was it this game? I've always had something against the guy who did the art for that, I'm pretty sure it's this guy's new account and he have a bit of a history of ripping people off...
Here in Sweden an oral agreement is as binding as any, even though it's often hard to prove exactly what have been said. If you have chat logs or something saved you might be able to take this further, but I have no idea what country's laws this would fall under seeing how he's British and you Canadian. Threatening with legal actions is sometimes enough, but the way I think of this guy I doubt he will fall for it, there's a risk you will actually have to go through with these actions if you ever want to see your money.
Anyhow, you should also speak to the sponsor about this (even though I see no other branding on the game than the artist's site?). Like you said he can not be held responsible in any way, but he should be aware of what kind of a douche he's making deals with in case of future sponsorships.
I have his name (hopefully legal name)
but the sponsor sent the money via check to his address so they would have his address since they refuse to use paypal. (thank god, i guess)
I never delete emails so i have everything from me and the sponsor, I don't have the msn convos between me and the animator anymore, but i do have the emails of the "haha guess what, you're not getting paid" and the back and forth of that admitting that he did owe me X, and that he plans on not paying me because he can.
At 9/21/09 03:39 PM, knugen wrote: That sucks Zuggz :(
No, the game isn't on Newgrounds. It can easily be found google searching Greyhound racing tycoon.
Or searching the source,
At 9/21/09 03:44 PM, Zuggz wrote: No, the game isn't on Newgrounds. It can easily be found google searching Greyhound racing tycoon.
Or searching the source,
But that's the same guy who you made the other game with correct? Does he still live with his parents or anything? It may sound silly, but if that's the case you could contact them....
Otherwise I think you should absolutely contact addictinggames and get a dialog going about the situation. It would be best if you could talk to someone that had a better idea of the situation from a legal point of view. Maybe you could contact the guys at, even if they aren't legal experts they still have a lot of connections with sites, including addictinggames, and a lot of experience. Maybe they could help you out.
At 9/21/09 03:19 PM, Zuggz wrote: Is there anything I can do?
Luckily I've never been in that position. Well I've "not gotten paid" before but that's because I'm pretty sure the other guy never actually was able to get money for the game anyway.
Which sponsor was it? Depending on that, you can probably complain to the sponsor about it, ruin the animator's chances of making any more money off of a sponsor, and probably get some compensation from the sponsor for your work.
Trust me the sponsor will take it seriously.
At 9/21/09 03:59 PM, Coaly wrote: But that's the same guy who you made the other game with correct? Does he still live with his parents or anything? It may sound silly, but if that's the case you could contact them....
This, and
Maybe you could contact the guys at, even if they aren't legal experts they still have a lot of connections with sites, including addictinggames, and a lot of experience. Maybe they could help you out.
this are both very good ideas. I would contact CE one last time before you start negotiating with Addicting Games or call his house though. Tell him what you're going to, put some pressure on him. I don't know what I would do in your shoes. At least we can make sure he never screws someone over the way he did with you.
Added Details
Yes the person is cartoon-electra or as far as I know (steven binks) nickname Ste
How true his name is questionable since he seems to change usernames a lot.
The contract was for 6000 USD I was promised 2000, got none.
This was the second game I've work with and the first I was promised 400, but was never given that either since it wasn't sponsored. (little amount since I didn't code it from scratch, I was just finishing what someone else started)
I'd be completely happy with just 1000 since I need that to pay off the depts that have piled up while waiting to be paid.. I would just get a job but my schooling calls for 40-50 some odd hours a week. plus homework.
I hope no one falls for this trap ever.
At 9/21/09 03:31 PM, Zuggz wrote: I don't expect to be able to get paid, i'm more so looking to if I had at least make sure he get's screwed over at least. Since technically he's using code now that he doesn't have permission to use I can request the sponsor to take it down from their website. And hopefully have them force him to refund them.
Bollocks to that - you'll feel worse about things if you just try to screw him over at any cost. Just try and get your money in, and maybe put his name out so other coders are forwarned.
What do the sponsors say about all of this? Obviously they're under no obligations to you, but it's in their interests as sponsors and indeed decent human beings to help you out given the situation.
At 9/21/09 04:25 PM, Paranoia wrote: Bollocks to that - you'll feel worse about things if you just try to screw him over at any cost.
Oh I didn't mean it like that at all. I just don't see this working out to me getting paid. But I want him to at least have to refund the sponsors due to basically stolen code. Of course I'd rather just get what I'm promised and let this all fade away. Or at least pay off what I owe.
Anyways, thanks for the advice everyone. I'm slowly thinking up a way to bring this all up to the sponsor formally. I can't called his parents since he lives alone. But I'll def look into the gamelicense site and contacting the sponsor.
At 9/21/09 04:10 PM, Zuggz wrote: Added Details
Yes the person is cartoon-electra or as far as I know (steven binks) nickname Ste
How true his name is questionable since he seems to change usernames a lot.
Allow me to give some background insight on who you're dealing with:
Thanks to DreamworX in this really old thread, Cartoon-Electra appears to be in fact abtoons. In the link above, the traced sports car that C-E uses as proof of drawing ability is coincidentally the same one that abtoons used one year prior. I wasn't around to see him in all of his glory, but I'm sure that regs from '06 knew who he was.
Abtoons is the foul-mouthed guy who made an ass out of himself taking a public .fla roulette game, and then getting pissy over people who called him out. [1] [2] [3]
All I can say is, if you can hit abtoons/C-E, HIT HIM HARD. ;D
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Newgrounds Photoshop Headquarters || Don't use MS Paint! Use Aviary!
At 9/21/09 03:39 PM, knugen wrote: That sucks Zuggz :( Was it this game? I've always had something against the guy who did the art for that, I'm pretty sure it's this guy's new account and he have a bit of a history of ripping people off...
See, DreamworX beats me to posting things -- every time. :P
postcount +=1;
Newgrounds Photoshop Headquarters || Don't use MS Paint! Use Aviary!
Wow, what a cunt! Dont suppose you used mochi version control? That could be a useful tool :)
Was it this game? Cos on there the author is "SnubbyLand & AddictingGames"... Or am I just confusing matters? :P