At 9/12/09 08:33 PM, The-Super-Flash-Bros wrote:
At 9/12/09 07:54 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote:
I've seen that making a swf thing done before but I'd suggest just concentrate on the fp10 stuff. If anything it'll be motive to switch. (and pixel bender could be used for sound effect filters too, like "underwater" or other effects that could be useful).
Flash would be awesome with a rich sound manipulation API on top of it's low level stuff.
Oh don't worry, I'm all over the FP10! How do you think I'm previewing the sounds in the app?
Agreed. Sound in Flash is still pretty minimal. The new sound API is a huge step forward, and as you say, you can use pb for intense audio processing tasks, but there's a lot that cold make it more usable for everyone.
Dear god its a public conversation between glaiel and tom >__< and the reg lounge is going to the bottom of page 2 so i might have to change the topic, sorry you two :(
Before i continue, im just curious. Hey tom, how come Dim never posts around? Is he done from the flash scene or just doesn't care? (i haven't browsed your website in a while so im a little out of the loop :P)
Inspiration: Not your typical "I have none" question but rather, what inspired you to get involved with flash? most likely years ago, cept for zyphonee probably :P
I'm just curious as to how everyone originally saw flash movies, and what movies factored in the decision to post on the forums saying "hey how do i do this?"
Personally, when i first found NG, it wasn't like "oh baby! i want to do this" but more or less "Haha these stick fights are sweet, i gotta find more!" I even found lots of homestar stuff during this time but wasn't really like "Hahaaaa! I wanna make that!"
I think there was 2 big things though, one was actually Superflashbro's decline of videogame series, which i think i found out about the program flash at school around the same time, another was the work of legendary frog, which had the same impact of inspiration that decline gave me, and since it was all tweens, once i learned tweens it was basically "Hey yeah! I can make something like this"
(Actually, if you look at the art style for KingdomHeartsChronicles, you can tell that i pretty much memorized SFB's tutorials in the making of those, thanks again for the tutorials you two)
Yikes this turned into storytime didn't it :P Ok, who's next?